

Бытие 30



1 Когда Рахиль увидјла, что она не рождаетъ дјтей Іакову, поревновала Рахиль сестрј своей, и сказала Іакову: дай мнј дјтей; а если не такъ, то я умру.

2 Іаковъ осердился на Рахиль, и сказалъ: неужели я вмјсто Бога, который не далъ тебј плода чрева?

3 Но она сказала: вотъ служанка моя Валла; войди къ ней; пусть она родитъ у меня на колјнахъ, тогда и я буду имјть дјтей отъ нея.

4 И такъ она дала ему Валлу, служанку свою, въ жену, и вошелъ къ ней Іаковъ.

5 Валла зачала, и родила Іакову сына.

6 При семъ Рахиль сказала: Богъ явилъ мнј судъ и услышалъ гласъ мой, и далъ мнј сына, и посему нарекла ему имя: Данъ.

7 Зачала и опять Валла, служанка Рахилина, и родила Іакову другаго сына.

8 Тутъ Рахиль сказала: борьбою Божественною боролась я съ сестрою моею, и превозмогла; посему нарекла ему имя: Нефѕалимъ.

9 Лія видя, что перестала рождать, взявъ служанку свою Зелфу, дала ее Іакову въ жену.

10 И Зелфа служанка Ліина родила Іакову сына.

11 При семъ Лія сказала: пришло счастіе; и нарекла ему имя: Гадъ.

12 Зелфа, служанка Ліина родила и другаго сына Іакову.

13 Тогда Лія сказала: это блаженство для меня! ибо блаженною будутъ называть меня женщины. И нарекла ему имя: Асиръ.

14 Однажды, во время жатвы пшеницы, Рувимъ вышелъ въ поле, и нашелъ мандрагоры, и принесъ ихъ Ліи, матери своей. Тогда Рахиль сказала Ліи: дай мнј мандрагоровъ сына твоего.

15 Но Лія сказала ей: неужели мало тебј, что ты завладјла мужемъ моимъ, ты домогаешься и мандрагоровъ сына моего? Рахиль отвјчала: хорошо, пусть, онъ спитъ съ тобою эту ночь, за мандрагоры сына твоего.

16 Итакъ вечеромъ, когда Іаковъ пришелъ съ поля, Лія вышла ему на встрјчу, и сказала: войди ко мнј; ибо я купила тебя за мандрагоры сына моего. Посему онъ и спалъ съ нею въ ту ночь.

17 И услышалъ Богъ Лію, и она зачала, и родила Іакову пятаго сына.

18 И сказала Лія: Богъ далъ мнј возмездіе мое, тогда, какъ я уже служанку мою отдала мужу моему. И нарекла имя ему Иссахаръ.

19 И еще зачала Лія, и родила Іакову шестаго сына.

20 Тогда сказала Лія: Богъ далъ мнј прекрасный даръ; теперь будетъ жить со мною мужъ мой; ибо я родила ему шесть сыновъ. И нарекла ему имя: Завулонъ.

21 Потомъ родила дочь и нарекла ей имя: Дина.

22 И помянулъ Богъ Рахиль, и услышалъ ее Богъ, и отверзъ утробу ея.

23 Она зачала и родила сына, и сказала: избавилъ меня Богъ отъ нареканія.

24 И нарекла ему имя: Іосифъ, сказавъ: Іегова дастъ мнј и другаго сына.

25 Послј того, какъ Рахиль родила Іосифа, Іаковъ сказалъ Лавану: отпусти меня, я пойду въ свое мјсто и въ свою землю;

26 отдай женъ моихъ и дјтей моихъ, за которыхъ я работалъ тебј, и я пойду; ибо ты знаешь работу мою, сколько я работалъ тебј.

27 Но Лаванъ сказалъ ему: о! еслибы я обрјлъ благодать предъ очами твоими! Я примјчаю, что за тебя Іегова благословилъ меня.

28 И сказалъ: назначь самъ себј награду отъ меня, и я дамъ тебј.

29 На сіе Іаковъ сказалъ ему: ты знаешь, сколько я работалъ тебј, и сколько сдјлалось у тебя скота при мнј.

30 Мало было у тебя до меня, а стало много; Іегова благословилъ тебя по приходј моемъ; когда же я буду работать и для своего дома?

31 Лаванъ сказалъ: что дать тебј? Іаковъ отвјтствовалъ: не давай мнј ничего; если только сдјлаешь мнј, что я скажу, то я опять буду пасти и стеречь овецъ твоихъ.

32 Я пройду сегодня по всему стаду овецъ твоихъ, и отдјлю изъ нихъ всякій скотъ съ крапинами и съ пятнами, всякую скотину черную изъ овецъ, также съ пятнами и съ крапинами изъ козъ. Послј сего такой скотъ пусть будетъ наградою мнј.

33 Такимъ образомъ справедливость моя сама собою будетъ говорить за меня въ слјдующее время предъ лицемъ твоимъ, когда придешь посмотрјть награду мою. Все, что у меня изъ козъ не будетъ съ крапинами, и изъ овецъ не будетъ черное, пусть считается за краденое.

34 На сіе Лаванъ сказалъ: хорошо, пусть будетъ по твоему слову.

35 И отдјлилъ въ тотъ день козловъ пестрыхъ, и съ крапинами, и всјхъ козъ съ крапинами и съ пятнами, всјхъ, на которыхъ было нјсколько бјлаго, и всјхъ черныхъ овецъ, и отдалъ на руки сыновьямъ своимъ;

36 и назначилъ разстояніе между собою и между Іаковомъ на три дня пути. Іаковъ же пасъ остальный мелкій скотъ Лавановъ.

37 Тогда Іаковъ взялъ свјжихъ прутьевъ стираксовыхъ, миндальныхъ и яворовыхъ, и вырјзалъ на нихъ бјлыя полосы, снявъ кору до бјлизны, которая на тјхъ прутьяхъ;

38 и положилъ прутья, которые онъ испестрилъ, передъ скотомъ въ водопойныхъ корытахъ, куда скотъ приходилъ пить, и гдј приходя пить, зачиналъ.

39 И зачиналъ скотъ у прутьевъ, и рождался скотъ пестрый, и съ крапинами, и съ пятнами.

40 Такихъ агнцевъ Іаковъ отдјлялъ, и ставилъ скотъ лицемъ къ пестрому и всему черному скоту Лаванову; но свои стада держалъ особо, и не ставилъ ихъ вмјстј со скотомъ Лавана.

41 Каждый разъ, когда зачиналъ скотъ крјпкій, Іаковъ полагалъ прутья въ корытахъ передъ глазами скота, чтобы онъ зачиналъ у прутьевъ.

42 А когда скотъ былъ слабъ, тогда онъ не клалъ. И доставался слабый скотъ Лавану, а крјпкій Іакову.

43 И сдјлался онъ весьма, весьма богатъ; такъ что у него было множество мелкаго скота, и рабыни, и рабы, и верблюды, и ослы.


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Apocalypse Explained # 447

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447. Verse 8. Of the tribe of Zebulun twelve thousand sealed, signifies the conjunction with the Lord of those who are in the third heaven. This is evident from the representation and consequent signification of "Zebulun" and the tribe named from him, as meaning the conjunction with the Lord of those who are in the third heaven; because "Zebulun" in the Hebrew means cohabitation, and cohabitation signifies in the spiritual sense conjunction, such as exists with those who love each other. Here "Zebulun" signifies the conjunction with the Lord of those who are in the third heaven, because the nine preceding tribes signify all those who are in the heavens and who come into the heavens; and there are three heavens, the inmost, the middle, and the lowest, and no one comes into heaven except those whom the Lord conjoins to Himself; therefore the three tribes last mentioned signify conjunction with the Lord, "the tribe of Zebulun" the conjunction with the Lord of those who are in the third heaven, "the tribe of Joseph" the conjunction with the Lord of those who are in the second heaven, and "the tribe of Benjamin" the conjunction with the Lord of those who are in the lowest heaven.

[2] "Zebulun" signifies in the highest sense the union of the Divine Itself and the Divine Human in the Lord, in the internal sense the Lord's conjunction with heaven and the church; and in particular, the conjunction of good and truth therein, for by this conjunction the conjunction with the Lord of those who are in the three heavens and in the church is effected; for with such the Lord flows in with the good of love and charity, and conjoins that good to the truths that are with them, and thereby conjoins man and angel to Himself. This is what is signified by "cohabitation," which is the meaning of "Zebulun." That this is the meaning of "Zebulun" can be seen in the Arcana Coelestia 3960, 3961), where the words of Leah his mother when he was born are explained, which are as follows:

And Leah conceived, and bare a sixth son to Jacob. And Leah said, God hath endowed me with a good dowry; this time will my husband cohabit with me, because I have borne him six sons; and she called his name Zebulun (Genesis 30:19, 20).

[3] From this signification of "Zebulun" what is signified by him in the following passages can be seen. As in the prophecy of Israel respecting his sons:

Zebulun shall dwell at the haven of the seas; and he shall dwell at a haven of ships; and his side shall be unto Zidon (Genesis 49:13).

Here "Zebulun" signifies the conjunction of good and truth, which is called the heavenly marriage; "to dwell at a haven of the sea" signifies the conjunction of things spiritual with natural truths, "seas" meaning knowledges (scientifica), which are natural truths; "to dwell at a haven of ships" signifies the spiritual conjunction with doctrinals from the Word, "ships" meaning doctrinals and knowledges of all kinds; "his side shall be unto Zidon" signifies extension to the knowledges of good and truth from the celestial kingdom. (For further explanation of this see Arcana Coelestia 6382-6386.)

[4] The like is meant in the prophecy of Moses respecting the sons of Israel:

Of Zebulun he said, Be glad, Zebulun; in thy going out, and Issachar in thy tents. They shall call the peoples unto the mountain; there they shall sacrifice sacrifices of righteousness; for they shall suck the abundance of the seas, and the hidden things of the secret things of the sand (Deuteronomy 33:18, 19).

Here, too, "Zebulun" signifies the marriage of good and truth, as may be seen in the preceding article n. 445, where the prophecy is explained. So again in the prophecy of Deborah and Barak in the book of Judges:

Out of Machir shall come down lawgivers, and out of Zebulun they that draw the staff of the scribe. Zebulun was a people that devoted the soul to death, and Naphtali upon the heights of the field. The kings came, they fought, then fought the kings of Canaan in Taanach by the waters of Megiddo; they took no gain of silver. They fought from heaven; the stars from their courses fought with Sisera (Judges 5:14, 18-20).

This prophecy treats of the combat of truth from good against falsity from evil; "the king of Canaan" who reigned in Hazor, and "Sisera" the captain of his army who fought against Barak and Deborah, signify the falsity of evil, and "Barak and Deborah" the truth of good; and as "the tribes of Naphtali and Zebulun" signify combat from truth that is from good, "the tribe of Naphtali" combat, and "the tribe of Zebulun" the conjunction of good and truth, therefore these two tribes only, and not the other tribes, were taken to fight (See Judges 4:6). That this was what this combat signified can be seen from the prophecy uttered by Barak and Deborah, which treats in the spiritual sense of the victory of truth from good over falsity from evil, and of the purification and reformation of the church. So here "Out of Machir shall come down lawgivers" signifies that the truths of good shall flow forth from the good of life, for "Machir" has a like signification as "Manasseh," because Machir was the son of Manasseh (Genesis 50:23; Joshua 13:31); and "lawgivers" signify those who are in the truths of good, and in an abstract sense the truths of good; "and out of Zebulun they that draw the staff of the scribe" signifies intelligence from the conjunction of truth and good, "Zebulun" signifying here, as above, the conjunction of truth and good, and the "staff of the scribe" intelligence. "Zebulun was a people that devoted the soul to death, and Naphtali upon the heights of the field," signifies combat in the natural man by means of truths from the spiritual man and from its influx and conjunction, "the heights of the field" signifying the interior things that are of the spiritual man, from which the natural man combats; "the kings came, they fought, then fought the kings of Canaan" signifies the falsities of evil against which is combat; "in Taanach by the waters of Megiddo" signifies those falsities and of what quality they are; "they took no gain of silver" signifies that they took and carried away nothing of truth from good, "silver" meaning truth from good; "they fought from heaven, the stars from their courses fought with Sisera" signifies combat by means of the knowledges of truth and good, which are from the Lord through heaven, "stars" meaning such knowledges, and "courses" truths.

[5] Again, "Zebulun and Naphtali" signify the conjunction of truth and good through combat against falsities and evils, and consequent reformation. In Matthew:

Jesus leaving Nazareth, came and dwelt in Capernaum, which is by the sea, in the borders of Zebulun and Naphtali; that it might be fulfilled which was spoken through Isaiah the prophet, saying, The land of Zebulun and the land of Naphtali, by the way of the sea, beyond Jordan, Galilee of the nations; the people sitting in darkness saw a great light; and to those sitting in the region and shadow of death to them did light spring up. From that time Jesus began to preach, and to say, Repent ye, for the kingdom of the heavens hath come nigh (Matthew 4:13-17; Isaiah 9:1, 2).

In Isaiah this was evidently said respecting the Lord, for it is said "that it might be fulfilled which was spoken through the prophet;" therefore "the land of Zebulun and the land of Naphtali, and Galilee of the nations," signify the establishment of the church with the Gentiles that are in the good of life and that receive truths and are thus in the conjunction of good and truth, and in combat against evils and falsities. That this means the establishment of the church and the reformation of such nations is evident also from its being said "beyond Jordan, Galilee of the nations," and also "the people sitting in darkness saw a great light, and to those sitting in the region and shadow of death did light spring up."

[6] "Zebulun and Naphtali" signify in the highest sense the union of the Divine Itself and the Lord's Divine Human by means of temptations admitted into Himself, and victories gained by His own power; as in David, Psalms 68:27-29 (which may be seen explained above, n. 439. Because of this signification of "Zebulun":

The tribe of Judah, together with the tribe of Issachar and the tribe of Zebulun, pitched to the east about the tent of meeting (Numbers 2:3-10);

for the encampments of the sons of Israel about the tent of meeting represent and thence signify the arrangements of the angelic societies in heaven; and to the east in heaven are those who are in conjunction with the Lord through love to Him; for "the tribe of Judah" represented love to the Lord, and "the tribe of Zebulun" conjunction with Him.

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Thanks to the Swedenborg Foundation for their permission to use this translation.