

Исход 34



1 Потомъ Іегова сказалъ Моисею: вытеши себј двј скрижали каменныя, подобныя прежнимъ; и напиши на сихъ скрижаляхъ слова, какія были на прежнихъ скрижаляхъ, которыя ты разбилъ.

2 Итакъ будь готовъ завтра; и взойди завтра на гору Синай и предстань Мнј тамъ на вершинј горы.

3 Но никто другой не долженъ восходить съ тобою; и даже никто не долженъ показываться на всей горј; даже скотъ, мелкій и крупный, не долженъ пастись близъ горы сей.

4 Моисей вытесалъ двј скрижали каменныя, подобныя прежнимъ, и, вставъ рано поутру, взошелъ на гору Синай, какъ повелјлъ ему Іегова; и взялъ въ руки свои двј скрижали каменныя.

5 И сошелъ Іегова въ облакј, и остановился тамъ близъ его, и провозгласилъ имя Іеговы.

6 И прошелъ Іегова предъ лицемъ его, и провозгласилъ: Іегова, Іегова! Богъ человјколюбивый и милосердый, медленный на гнјвъ, великій въ милости и истинј,

7 сохраняющій милостъ въ тысячи родовъ, прощающій беззаконіе и преступленіе и грјхъ, но не оставляющій безъ наказанія, наказывающій беззаконіе отцевъ въ сынахъ и въ сынахъ сыновъ, до третьяго и до четвертаго рода.

8 Моисей тотчасъ палъ на землю и поклонился,

9 и сказалъ: если я обрјлъ благоволеніе въ очахъ Твоихъ, Іегова, то да пойдетъ Іегова посреди насъ: ибо народъ сей жестоковыенъ; прости беззаконія наши и грјхи наши, и сдјлай насъ наслјдіемъ Твоимъ.

10 И былъ отвјтъ: се, Я заключаю завјтъ: предъ всјмъ народомъ твоимъ содјлаю чудеса, каковыхъ не было по всей землј, и ни у какихъ народовъ; и увидитъ весь народъ, среди коего ты находишься, дјло Іеговы; ибо страшно будетъ то, что Я сдјлаю для тебя.

11 Сохрани то, что повелјваю тебј нынј: вотъ Я изгоняю отъ лица твоего Аморреевъ, и Хананеевъ, и Хеттеевъ, и Ферезеевъ, и Хиввеевъ, и Іевусеевъ;

12 смотри, не вступай въ союзъ съ жителями той земли, въ которую ты войдешь; чтобъ они не сдјлались сјтію среди васъ.

13 Но жертвенники ихъ разрушьте, и столпы ихъ сокрушите, и священшля рощи ихъ вырубите.

14 Ибо не долженъ ты поклоняться богу иному, кромј Іеговы; имя Его ревнитель; Онъ Богъ ревнитель.

15 Не вступай въ союзъ съ жителями той земли, чтобы, когда они будутъ блудно ходить вслјдъ боговъ своихъ и будутъ приносить жертвы богамъ своимъ, не пригласили тебя, и ты не вкусилъ бы жертвы ихъ.

16 И не бери изъ дочерей ихъ женъ сынамъ своимъ; дабы дочери ихъ, блудно ходя во слјдъ боговъ своихъ, не ввели и сыновъ твоихъ въ блуженіе въ слјдъ боговъ своихъ.

17 Не дјлай себј боговъ литыхъ.

18 Праздникъ опрјсноковъ соблюдай, семь дней јшь прјсный хлјбъ, какъ Я повелјлъ тебј, въ назначенное время мјсяца Авива: поелику въ мјсяцј Авивј вышелъ ты изъ Египта.

19 Все разверзающее ложесна - Мнј: и изъ всего скота твоего, изъ воловъ и овецъ, первородное мужескаго пола.

20 Первородное изъ ословъ выкупи овцею, если же не выкупишь, то убей его. Всјхъ первенцевъ изъ сыновъ твоихъ выкупай. Пусть не являются предъ лице Мое съ пустыми руками.

21 Шесть дней работай, а въ седьмый день покойся; покойся и въ самое время посјва и жатвы.

22 И праздникъ седьмицъ совершай при началј жатвы пшеницы, и праздникъ собиранія плодовъ въ концј года.

23 Три раза въ году долженъ являться весь мужескій полъ предъ лице Господа Іеговы, Бога Израилева.

24 Ибо Я прогоню народы отъ лица твоего, и распространю предјлы твои, и никто не пожелаетъ земли твоей, когда будешь являться предъ лице Іеговы, Бога твоего, три раза въ году.

25 Не изливай крови жертвы Моей на квасное, и жертва праздника Пасхи не должна переночевать до утра.

26 Самые первые плоды земли твоей приноси въ домъ Іеговы, Бога твоего. Не вари козленка въ молокј матери его.

27 И сказалъ Іегова Моисею: напиши себј слова сіи, поелику въ сихъ словахъ Я заключаю завјтъ съ тобою и съ Израилемъ.

28 И пробылъ тамъ Моисей съ Іеговою сорокъ дней и сорокъ ночей, хлјба не јлъ и воды не пилъ; и написалъ на скрижаляхъ слова завјта, десять словъ.

29 Когда сходилъ Моисей съ горы Синая, и двј скрижали откровенія были въ рукј у Моисея, при сошествіи его съ горы: тогда Моисей не зналъ, что лице его издавало лучи отъ того, что Богъ говорилъ съ нимъ.

30 И воззрјли Ааронъ и всј сыны Израилевы на Моисея; и се, лучи издаетъ лице его; и боялись подойти къ нему.

31 И призвалъ ихъ Моисей, и пришли къ нему Ааронъ и всј начальники общества, и разговаривалъ Моисей съ ними.

32 Послј сего приближилисъ всј сыны Израилевы, и онъ заповјдалъ имъ все, что говорилъ ему Іегова на горј Синај.

33 По окончаніи же разговора съ ними, Моисей положилъ на лице свое покрывало.

34 Когда же приходилъ Моисей предъ лице Іеговы, чтобы говорить съ Нимъ, тогда снималъ покрывало, доколј не отходилъ отъ Него. Отходя же пересказывалъ сынамъ Израилевымъ все, что заповјдано было.

35 Поелику же сыны Израилевы видјли, что лице Моисея издаетъ лучи, то Моисей опять полагалъ покрывало на лице свое, пока не нужно было идти говорить съ Нимъ.


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Arcana Coelestia # 10684

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10684. Verses 28-end And he was there with Jehovah forty days and forty nights; he did not eat bread and he did not drink water. And he wrote on the tablets the words of the covenant, the ten words. And so it was, when Moses came down from Mount Sinai (and the two tablets of the Testimony were in Moses' hand when he came down from the mountain), that Moses did not know that the skin of his face gleamed while he talked to Him. And Aaron and all the children of Israel saw Moses, and behold, the skin of his face gleamed; and they were afraid to approach him. And Moses called to them, and Aaron and all the princes in the assembly turned back to him, and Moses talked to them. And afterwards all the children of Israel approached, and he commanded them all the things that Jehovah had told him on Mount Sinai. And Moses finished talking to them, and he put a veil over his face. And whenever Moses went in before Jehovah to talk to Him he took the veil off until he was going to come out; and he came out and told the children of Israel what had been commanded. And the children of Israel saw Moses' face, that the skin of Moses' face was gleaming, and Moses drew the veil back over his face, until he went in to talk to Him.

'And he was with Jehovah forty days and forty nights' means temptations before the Church, worship, and the Word exist on an internal level. 'He did not eat bread and he did not drink water' means during which the good of love and the truth of faith do not become a person's own. 'And he wrote on the tablets the words of the covenant' means the Word, through which heaven is joined to a person. 'The ten words' means all God's truths within it. 'And so it was, when Moses came down from Mount Sinai' means the flow of what is inward into the outward form that the Word, the Church, and worship take. 'And the two tablets of the Testimony were in Moses' hand' means a representative sign of the Word. 'That Moses did not know that the skin of his face gleamed while he talked to Him' means the inward level or aspect of the Word within the outward, shining forth without any perception of it by the outward. 'And Aaron and all the children of Israel saw Moses' means what is discerned by those whose interest lies in things of the Church, worship, and the Word on an outward level devoid of those on the inward level. 'And behold, the skin of his face gleamed' means that what is inward shines forth through what is outward. 'And they were afraid to approach him' means that they could not bear an outward form of the Church, worship, and the Word such as this. 'And Moses called to them' means the approach of that nation to the outward form. 'And Aaron and all the princes in the assembly turned back to him' means the chief ones among those who, although their interest lay in things on an outward level devoid of those on an inward level, would nevertheless represent those on an inward level. 'And Moses talked to them' means instruction. 'And afterwards all the children of Israel approached' means all who, although their interest lay in things on an outward level devoid of what was inward, would nevertheless represent those things on an inward level. 'And he commanded them all the things that Jehovah had told him on Mount Sinai' means a decree relating to the primary truths revealed from heaven that were to be represented. 'And Moses finished talking to them' means after the instructions regarding the primary truths which were to be represented in outward forms had been delivered. 'And he put a veil over his face' means that the inward form which the Church, worship, and the Word take was not visible to the Israelite nation, only the outward without the inward. 'And whenever Moses went in before Jehovah to talk to Him' means the state of what was outward when what was inward from the Lord flowed into it and it received instructions. 'He took the veil off until he was going to come out' means a state of enlightenment then. 'And he came out and told the children of Israel what had been commanded' means communicating to those whose interest lies in things on an outward level devoid of what is inward, regarding instructions which he had received through what was inward. 'And the children of Israel saw Moses' face, that the skin of Moses' face was gleaming' means that the Israelite nation did, it is true, acknowledge the presence in the Word of something inward, but that they had no wish to know the nature of it. 'And Moses drew the veil back over his face' means that therefore inward things were closed off from them. 'Until he went in to talk to Him' means even though they were receiving instructions.

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Thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.