

Исход 32



1 Между тјмъ народъ, видя, что Моисей долго не сходитъ съ горы, собрался къ Аарону, и говорилъ ему: встань и сдјлай намъ бога, который бы шелъ передъ нами: ибо съ Моисеемъ, съ этимъ человјкомъ, который вывелъ насъ изъ земли Египетской, не знаемъ, что сдјлалось.

2 Ааронъ сказалъ имъ: выдерните золотыя серьги, которыя въ ушахъ вашихъ женъ, вашихъ сыновъ и вашихъ дочерей, и принесите ко мнј.

3 Весь народъ выдернулъ золотыя серьги, которыя были въ ушахъ ихъ, и принесли къ Аарону.

4 Онъ взялъ у нихъ изъ рукъ и, сдјлавъ изъ нихъ литаго тельца, обдјлалъ его рјзцемъ; и сказали они: Израиль! вотъ Богъ твой, который вывелъ тебя изъ земли Египетской.

5 Видя сіе, Ааронъ поставилъ передъ нимъ жертвенникъ; и провозгласилъ Ааронъ, говоря: завтра праздникъ Іеговј.

6 На другой день встали рано, принесли всесожженія, и привели жертвы благодарственныя: потомъ народъ сјлъ јсть и пить, а послј всталъ играть.

7 Тогда Іегова сказалъ Моисею: поди, сойди: ибо развратился народъ твой, который ты вывелъ изъ земли Египетской;

8 скоро уклонились они съ пути, который Я предписалъ имъ; они сдјлали себј литаго тельца, и поклоняются ему, и приносятъ ему жертвы и говорятъ: Израиль! вотъ богъ твой, который вывелъ тебя изъ земли Египетской.

9 И сказалъ Іегова Моисею: Я вижу народъ сей, и вотъ, это жестоковыйный народъ.

10 Итакъ не препятствуй Мнј, и воспламенится гнјвъ Мой на нихъ, и истреблю ихъ и содјлаю тебя великимъ народомъ.

11 Но Моисей сталъ умолять Іегову, Бога своего, и сказалъ: почто, Іегова, воспламеняться гнјву Твоему на народъ Твой, который Ты вывелъ изъ земли Египетской силою великою и рукою крјпкою?

12 На что допускать, чтобъ Египтяне говорили: на погибель Онъ вывелъ ихъ, чтобы убить ихъ въ горахъ, и истребить ихъ съ лица земли? Отврати пламенный гнјвъ Твой, и отмјни погубленіе народа Твоего.

13 Вспомни Авраама, Исаака и Израиля, рабовъ Твоихъ, которымъ клялся Ты Собою, и говорилъ имъ: умножу сјмя ваше, подобно звјздамъ небеснымъ, и всю землю сію, о которой Я сказалъ, дамъ сјмени вашему, чтобы наслјдовали на вјки.

14 И отмјнилъ Іегова зло, о которомъ сказалъ было, что наведетъ его на народъ Свой.

15 И обратился Моисей, и сошелъ съ горы, и двј скрижали откровенія въ рукј его, скрижали, на которыхъ было написано съ објихъ сторонъ, и на той и на другой сторонј написано было.

16 Скрижали сіи были дјло Божіе, и письмена, начертанныя на сихъ скрижаляхъ, были письмена Божіи.

17 И услышалъ Іисусъ голосъ народа шумящаго, и сказалъ Моисею: военный крикъ въ станј.

18 Но Моисей отвјчалъ: это не крикъ восклицающихъ: побјда! и не крикъ вопіющихъ: погибель! Я слышу голосъ поющихъ.

19 Когда же приближился Моисей къ стану, и увидјлъ тельца и пляски: тогда онъ воспламенился гнјвомъ, и бросилъ изъ рукъ своихъ скрижали, и разбилъ ихъ подъ горою.

20 Потомъ взялъ тельца, котораго они сдјлали, и сжегъ въ огнј, и стеръ въ пыль, и разсыпалъ по водј, и заставилъ сыновъ Израилевыхъ пить.

21 И сказалъ Моисей Аарону: что сдјлалъ тебј народъ сей, что ты ввелъ его въ такой великій грјхъ?

22 Но Ааронъ отвјчалъ: да не возгарается гнјвъ господина моего; ты знаешь этотъ народъ, какъ онъ золъ.

23 Они сказали мнј: сдјлай намъ бога, который бы шелъ передъ нами: ибо съ Моисеемъ, съ симъ человјкомъ, который вывелъ насъ изъ земли Египетской, не знаемъ, что сдјлалось.

24 На сіе я сказалъ имъ: у кого есть золото, снимите съ себя; они отдали мнј, и я бросилъ его въ огонь, и вышелъ этотъ телецъ.

25 Моисей видјлъ, какъ народъ былъ разстроенъ, потому что Ааронъ допустилъ его до разстройства, къ посрамленію предъ врагами ихъ.

26 И сталъ Моисей въ воротахъ стана и сказалъ: кто за Іегову, ко мнј! и собрались къ нему всј сыны Левіины.

27 Онъ сказалъ имъ: такъ говоритъ Іегова, Богъ Израилевъ: возложите каждый свой мечъ на бедро свое, пройдите по стану отъ воротъ до воротъ и обратно, и убивайте каждый брата своего, и каждый ближняго своего.

28 И сдјлали сыны Левіины по слову Моисея: и пало въ тотъ день изъ народа около трехъ тысячъ человјкъ.

29 Ибо сказалъ Моисей: сегодня посвятите руки ваши Іеговј, налагая ихъ каждый на сына своего и брата своего; сіе принесетъ вамъ сегодня благословеніе.

30 На другой день Моисей сказалъ народу: вы сдјлали великій грјхъ; и такъ я взойду къ Іеговј, не заглажу ли грјха вашего.

31 И возвратился Моисей къ Іеговј, и сказалъ: ахъ! согрјшилъ народъ сей, согрјшилъ тяжко, они сдјлали себј золотаго бога.

32 И нынј простишь ли грјхъ ихъ? а если нјтъ, то изгладь меня изъ книги Твоей, въ которую Ты вписалъ.

33 Іегова сказалъ Моисею: того, кто согрјшилъ, изглажу изъ книги Моей.

34 Итакъ иди, веди народъ сей, куда Я сказалъ тебј; се, Ангелъ Мой пойдетъ предъ тобою: но въ день посјщенія Моего Я посјщу ихъ за грјхъ ихъ.

35 И поразилъ Іегова народъ за то, что сдјлали тельца, котораго сдјлалъ Ааронъ.


Ze Swedenborgových děl


Arcana Coelestia # 10400

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10400. 'For this Moses, that man who caused us to come up out of the land of Egypt, we do not know what has become of him' means a total unawareness of what other Divine Truth exists in the Word that raises a person from an external to an internal level and makes him an embodiment of the Church. This is clear from the representation of 'Moses' as the Word, thus Divine Truth, dealt with in the places referred to in 9372, so that an attitude of mind that doubts and denies the existence of any Divine Truth other than that which presents itself in the sense of the letter is meant by 'this Moses, that man, we do not know what has become of him' (the word 'man' is used here because in the Word 'man' means truth, see 3134, 3309, 3459, 7716, 9007); and from the meaning of 'causing the children of Israel to go up out of the land of Egypt' as a raising from the natural or external man to the internal or spiritual man, so that the person may be made an embodiment of the Church. For 'the land of Egypt' means the natural or external level of the Church, 'causing to come up' raising, and 'the children of Israel' the Church.

'The land of Egypt' means the natural or external level of the Church, see in the places referred to in 9391.

'Causing to come up' means raising from an external to an internal level, 3084, 4539, 4969, 5406, 5817, 6007, and so from the natural man to the spiritual man.

'The children of Israel' means the Church, see in the places referred to in 9340.

[2] From all this it is evident that 'this Moses, that man who caused us to come up out of the land of Egypt, we do not know what has become of him' means a total unawareness of what Divine Truth exists in the Word to raise a person from an external to an internal level and to make him an embodiment of the Church other than that which presents itself in the sense of the letter. This also is what all who are restricted to external things devoid of anything internal think and say; and all are restricted to external things devoid of anything internal who are ruled by self-love and love of the world. With these people the internal man is closed and only the external man lies open; and what is seen by the external man without the internal when they read the Word is seen in thick darkness. This is so because in spiritual things natural illumination without light from heaven is complete darkness; and the light from heaven enters and illuminates the external man by way of the internal. This explains why so many heresies have arisen, why some call the Word a book of heresies, why people do not know at all that something internal is present within the Word, and why those who think that something is present there do not know exactly where. Such people are meant in Revelation 12 by the dragon which used its tail to draw from heaven a third part of the stars and cast them down to the earth, as will in the Lord's Divine mercy be shown elsewhere 1 .

[3] Let those who wish contemplate whether anyone at the present day has any other idea than that the actual Divine Truth of the Word resides in its literal sense. But let them also consider whether anyone can know the Divine Truths of the Word contained in that sense except with the aid of teachings drawn from that sense, and that if a person does not possess such teachings to serve as a lamp he is carried off into errors, in whatever direction the obscurity of his understanding and the delight of his will lead and take him. The teachings that must serve as a lamp are those that the internal sense provides, so that they constitute the actual internal sense. This sense is to some extent open to every person who, though he may not know what the internal sense is, has his external subject to his internal, that is, has his internal man lying open. For heaven, which is in possession of the internal sense of the Word, flows into that person when he reads the Word, brings him light, gives him discernment, and in this way teaches him. Indeed, if you are willing to believe it, a person's internal man is of itself in possession of the internal sense of the Word since the internal man constitutes heaven in the smallest form it takes, and when that internal man lies open the person is consequently present with angels in heaven, and therefore also possesses discernment similar to theirs. This becomes additionally clear from the consideration that the interior concepts within a person's understanding are not like his natural ones, though they are in agreement with these. What they are like however a person does not know as long as he lives in the body; but when he enters the next life he knows them automatically because they have been implanted within him, and by means of them he lives instantly in company with angels. From this it is evident that the person in whom the internal level lies open is in possession of the internal sense of the Word, though he does not know he is, and as a consequence has enlightenment when he reads the Word. But this depends on how much light he can receive by means of the cognitions or knowledge residing with him. Who exactly those people are however, see 9025, 9382, 9409, 9410, 9424, 9430, 10105, 10324.

Poznámky pod čarou:

1. This proposal was not fulfilled in Arcana Caelestia but in works written at a later time.

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Thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.