

Êxodo 6



1 Então disse o Senhor a Moisés: Agora verás o que hei de fazer a Faraó; pois por uma poderosa mão os deixará ir, sim, por uma poderosa mão os lançará de sua terra.

2 Falou mais Deus a Moisés, e disse-lhe: Eu sou Jeová.

3 Apareci a Abraão, a Isaque e a Jacó, como o Deus Todo-Poderoso; mas pelo meu nome Jeová, não lhes fui conhecido.

4 Estabeleci o meu pacto com eles para lhes dar a terra de Canaã, a terra de suas peregrinações, na qual foram peregrinos.

5 Ademais, tenho ouvido o gemer dos filhos de Israel, aos quais os egípcios vêm escravizando; e lembrei-me do meu pacto.

6 Portanto dize aos filhos de Israel: Eu sou Jeová; eu vos tirarei de debaixo das cargas dos egípcios, livrar-vos-ei da sua servidão, e vos resgatarei com braço estendido e com grandes juízos.

7 Eu vos tomarei por meu povo e serei vosso Deus; e vós sabereis que eu sou Jeová vosso Deus, que vos tiro de debaixo das cargas dos egípcios.

8 Eu vos introduzirei na terra que jurei dar a Abraão, a Isaque e a Jacó; e vo-la darei por herança. Eu sou Jeová.

9 Assim falou Moisés aos filhos de Israel, mas eles não lhe deram ouvidos, por causa da angústia de espírito e da dura servidão.

10 Falou mais o Senhor a Moisés, dizendo:

11 Vai, fala a Faraó, rei do Egito, que deixe sair os filhos de Israel da sua terra.

12 Moisés, porém, respondeu perante o Senhor, dizendo: Eis que os filhos de Israel não me têm ouvido: como, pois, me ouvirá Faraó a mim, que sou incircunciso de lábios?

13 Todavia o Senhor falou a Moisés e a Arão, e deu-lhes mandamento para os filhos de Israel, e para Faraó, rei do Egito, a fim de tirarem os filhos de Israel da terra do Egito..

14 Estes são os cabeças das casas de seus pais: Os filhos de Rúben o primogênito de Israel: Hanoque e Palu, Hezrom e Carmi; estas são as famílias de Rúben.

15 E os filhos de Simeão: Jemuel, Jamim, Oade, Jaquim, Zoar e Saul, filho de uma cananéia; estas são as famílias de Simeão.

16 E estes são os nomes dos filhos de Levi, segundo as suas gerações: Gérson, Coate e Merári; e os anos da vida de Levi foram cento e trinta e sete anos.

17 Os filhos de Gérson: Líbni e Simei, segundo as suas famílias.

18 Os filhos de Coate: Anrão, Izar, Hebrom e Uziel; e os anos da vida de Coate foram cento e trinta e três anos.

19 Os filhos de Merári: Mali e Musi; estas são as famílias de Levi, segundo as suas gerações.

20 Ora, Anrão tomou por mulher a Joquebede, sua tia; e ela lhe deu Arão e Moisés; e os anos da vida de Anrão foram cento e trinta e sete anos.

21 Os filhos de Izar: Corá, Nofegue e Zicri.

22 Os filhos de Uziel: Misael, Elzafã e Sitri.

23 Arão tomou por mulher a Eliseba, filha de Aminadabe, irmã de Nasom; e ela lhe deu Nadabe, Abiú, Eleazar e Itamar.

24 Os filhos de Corá: Assir, Elcana e Abiasafe; estas são as famílias dos coraítas.

25 Eleazar, filho de Arão, tomou por mulher uma das filhas de Putiel; e ela lhe deu Finéias; estes são os chefes das casa, paternas dos levitas, segundo as suas famílias.

26 Estes são Arão e Moisés, aos quais o Senhor disse: Tirai os filhos de Israel da terra do Egito, segundo os seus exércitos.

27 Foram eles os que falaram a Faraó, rei do Egito, a fim de tirarem do Egito os filhos de Israel; este Moisés e este Arão.

28 No dia em que o Senhor falou a Moisés na terra do Egito,

29 disse o Senhor a Moisés: Eu sou Jeová; dize a Faraó, rei do Egito, tudo quanto eu te digo.

30 Respondeu Moisés perante o Senhor: Eis que eu sou incircunciso de lábios; como, pois, me ouvirá Faraó;





Représentation d'Abraham, by Joseph Villiet

Abraham (or Abram, as he was named in the beginning of his story) was the ancestor of all the Children of Israel, through his son Isaac, and of the Arabs, through his son Ishmael.

Abraham represents the Divine good or love. His story foreshadows the life of Jesus, and our spiritual lives, too.

His life can be usefully seen as being divided into three periods. The first period includes the unknown early years from his birth in Ur, and his later move to Haran with his father Terah. The second section starts with Abram's being called by Jehovah to go to Canaan. It includes the adventures he had there, and continues until the events of the 17th chapter of Genesis where he is said to be 99 years old, rich, and powerful - but without a son by his wife Sarai. Once again the Lord appears to him, promises that his progeny will become a great nation, institutes the rite of circumcision, and changes his name to Abraham, adding the "ah" sound from Jehovah. The third and last period of his life sees the birth of Isaac, the death of Sarah (whose name was also changed), and the finding of a wife for Isaac from among Abraham's relatives back in Mesopotamia. Abraham is said to be 175 years old when he dies, as recorded in the 25th chapter of Genesis.

What we are here interested in is the deep representation of Abraham because he prophesies or foreshadows the inmost part of Jesus' life after He is born to Mary centuries after the man Abraham lived on the earth. Abraham represents the Divine good or love. The internal sense of the Word tells us that God himself provided the life into an ovum within Mary, so she could provide a natural body and a natural heredity from the Jewish religion, while the soul of Jesus was kept as a direct possessor of divine life. During Jesus' early life, probably up to adolescence, Jesus lived out those representative actions of Abraham in the innermost parts of his mind and spirit. Abraham as he pastured his sheep and ran his large household had no idea at all that this was true, and early in Jesus' life He didn't realize it either. There must have been perceptions as Jesus grew up, witness his visit to the temple when He was 12, but not a complete understanding until He was fully grown. And further, it isn't only Abraham. When Abraham dies, the representation attaches to Isaac, who represents the rational level of the mind, and then to both Jacob and Esau who represent the natural mind as to truth and good in the mind respectively. And then the trials of the twelve tribes, the kings, and all the sayings of the prophets become that same representation. So Jesus could say to the two disciples that He met on the road to Emmaus, "O fools and slow of heart... and beginning at Moses and all the Prophets He expounded to them in all the scriptures all the things concerning Himself." (The following references are chronologic as Abraham gets older, and are in biblical sequence.) And furthermore, the progress of mental and spiritual life in each one of us is a dim and finite image of that represented by Abraham's life if, that is, we are trying to follow the Lord's laws and precepts to love one another. We too have within us a journey to the land of Canaan, a hardworking sojourn in Egypt, a struggle in the wilderness, and a Saul, a David, and an Ahab. We have our home-grown Amalekites and Philistines. The whole of the Old Testament is a picture of how our spiritual life works.

In Genesis 20:7, Abraham signifies celestial truth, or doctrine from a celestial origin. (Arcana Coelestia 2533)

In Genesis 12:4, As ABRAHAM he represents the Lord as to His Human and Divine Essence; as ABRAM he represents the Lord as to His human essence only. (Arcana Coelestia 1426)

In Genesis 17:5, The name was changed by adding the letter H, so that the Divine Human could he represented, for H is the only letter which involves the Divine: it means I AM, or BEING. (Arcana Coelestia 1416[2])

(Odkazy: Genesis 17, 25)