

ကမ္ဘာ ဦး 47



1 ထိုစကားအတိုင်း ယောသပ်သည် ဖါရောမင်း ထံသို့သွား၍၊ ကျွန်တော်အဘနှင့်အစ်ကိုတို့သည် သိုးနွား၊ ဥစ္စရှိသမျှကို ဆောင်လျက် ခါနာန်ပြည်ကရောက်လာ၍၊ ဂေါရှင်ပြည်၌ရှိကြပါသည်ဟု လျှောက်သဖြင့်၊

2 အစ်ကိုစုထဲက ရွေး၍ ငါးယောက်တို့ကို အထံ တော်သို့သွင်းလေ၏။

3 ဖာရောမင်းကလည်း၊ သင်တို့သည် အဘယ်သို့ လုပ်ဆောင်လေ့ရှိကြသနည်းဟုမေးလျှင်၊ သူတို့က၊ ကိုယ်တော် ကျွန်တို့သည် ဘိုးဘေးနှင့်တကွ သိုးထိန်း ဖြစ်ကြပါ၏ဟူ၍၎င်း၊

4 ခါနာန်ပြည်၌ အလွန်အစာခေါင်းပါး၍ သိုးနွား ကျက်စားရာမရှိသောကြောင့်၊ ကိုယ်တော်ကျွန်တို့သည် ပြည်တော်၌ တည်းခိုခြင်းငှါ လာကြပါ၏။ သို့ဖြစ်၍ ကိုယ်တော်ကျွန်တို့သည် ဂေါရှင်ပြည်နေရမည် အကြောင်း အခွင့်ပေးတော်မူပါဟူ၍၎င်း လျှောက်ကြ၏။

5 ဖါရောမင်းကလည်း၊ သင်၏အဘနှင့်အစ်ကို တို့သည် သင့်ထံသို့ ရောက်လာကြသည်ဖြစ်၍၊

6 အဲဂုတ္တပြည်သည် သင့်ရှေ့မှာ ရှိ၏။ သင်၏ အဘနှင့် သင်၏အစ်ကိုတို့ကို အကောင်းဆုံးသော အရပ် ဂေါရှင်ပြည်နေရာချလော့။ သူတို့တွင် အစွမ်းသတ္တိ ရှိသောသူအချို့တို့ကို တွေ့လျှင် ငါ၏သိုးနွားအုပ်အရာ၌ ခန့်ထားလော့ဟု ယောသပ်အား မိန့်တော်မူ၏။

7 ယောသပ်သည် အဘယာကုပ်ကို သွင်း၍ ဖါရောမင်းရှေ့မှာ ထားသဖြင့်၊ ယာကုပ်သည် ဖါရောမင်း ကို ကောင်းကြီးပေး၏။

8 ဖါရောမင်းက၊ သင်သည် အသက်အဘယ်မျှ လောက်ရှိပြီနည်းဟု ယာကုပ်အား မေးလျှင်၊

9 ကျွန်တော်သည် ဧည့်သည်အာဂန္တုဖြစ်၍ လွန် သော အသက်သည် အနှစ်တရာသုံးဆယ်ရှိပါပြီ။ ကျွန်တော်အသက်ရှင်သော နှစ်ပေါင်းနည်း၍ဆိုးပါ၏။ ဧည့်သည် အာဂန္တုဖြစ်သော ဘိုးဘေးတို့၏ အသက်တန်း ကို မမှီပါဟု လျှောက်ဆိုပြီးလျှင်၊

10 ဖါရောမင်းကို ကောင်းကြီးပေး၍ အထံတော်က ထွက်သွားလေ၏။

11 ဖါရောမင်းအမိန့်တော်ရှိသည့်အတိုင်း၊ ယောသပ် သည် အဘနှင့် အစ်ကိုတို့ကို နေရာချ၍ အဲဂုတ္တုပြည်၌ကောင်းဆုံးသောအရပ် ရာမသကမြေကိုအပိုင်ပေး၏။

12 အဘနှင့် အစ်ကိုများ၊ အဘ၏အိမ်သားရှိသမျှ တို့ကို အနည်းအများအလိုက် ကျွေးမွေး၏။

13 အလွန်အစာခေါင်းပါး၍ တပြည်လုံးစားစရာ မရှိသောကြောင့်၊ အဲဂုတ္တုပြည်နှင့် ခါနာန်ပြည်သည် အားလျော့လေ၏။

14 ပြည်သားဝယ်သော စပါးအဘိုး၊ အဲဂုတ္တုပြည်ခါနာန်ပြည်၌ တွေ့သမျှသော ငွေကိုယောသပ်စုသိမ်း၍ နန်းတော်သို့ သွင်းထားလေ၏။

15 အဲဂုတ္တုပြည်ခါနာန်ပြည်ငွေကုန်သောအခါ၊ အဲဂုတ္တုလူအပေါင်းတို့သည် ယောသပ်ထံသို့လာ၍ စား စရာဘို့ ပေးသနားတော်မူပါ။ ကျွန်တော်တို့သည် ငွေကုန်သော်လည်း ရှေ့တော်၌ အဘယ်ကြောင့် သေရပါအံ့နည်းဟု လျှောက်ကြသော်၊

16 ယောသပ်က၊ ငွေကုန်လျှင် တိရစ္ဆာန်များကို ပေးကြ။ တိရစ္ဆာန်အတွက် စပါးကိုပေးမည်ဟုဆိုသည် အတိုင်း၊

17 သူတို့သည် တိရစ္ဆာန်တို့ကိုယူခဲ့၍၊ ယောသပ် သည် မြင်းသိုးနွားမြည်းတို့အတွက် စပါးကိုပေးသဖြင့် ထိုနှစ်တွင် တိရစ္ဆာန်ရှိသမျှတို့အတွက် ပြည်သားများကို ကျွေးမွေး၏။

18 ထိုနှစ်ကုန်ပြီးမှ ဒုတိယနှစ်တွင်လာကြလျှင်၊ ကျွန်တော်တို့ ငွေကုန်ကြောင်းကို သခင်ရှေ့မှာ မထိမ်ဝှက်ပါ။ ကျွန်တော်တို့ တိရစ္ဆာန်များကိုလည်း သခင် ရပါပြီ။ သခင်ရှေ့မှာ ကျွန်တော်တို့ကိုယ်နှင့် မြေမှတပါး အဘယ်အရာမျှ မကျန်ပါ။

19 ရှေ့တော်၌ အဘယ်ကြောင့်သေ၍ ပြည်တော် ပျက်ရပါအံ့နည်း။ အစာကို ပေးကျွန်တော်တို့နှင့် ကျွန်တော်တို့မြေကို ဝယ်ပါ။ ကျွန်တော်တို့သည် မြေနှင့် တကွ ဖါရောဘုရင်၏ ကျွန်ခံပါမည်။ ကျွန်တော်တို့သည် မသေ၊ အသက်ရှင်စေခြင်းငှါ၎င်း၊ ပြည်တော်သည် လူမဆိတ်ညံစေခြင်းငှါ၎င်း၊ မျိုးစေ့ကို ပေးပါဟု လျှောက်ကြ သော်၊

20 ယောသပ်သည် အဲဂုတ္တုမြေရှိသမျှကို ဖါရော မင်းမဘို့ဝယ်လေ၏။ အစာခေါင်းပါး၍ အဲဂုတ္တုလူတို့သည် မတတ်နိုင်သောကြောင့်၊ အသီးအသီးပိုင်သော မြေအကွက်တို့ကို ရောင်းကြသဖြင့် မြေသည် ဘဏ္ဍာတော် ဖြစ်လေ၏။

21 လူတို့ကိုကား၊ အဲဂုတ္တုပြည် တစွန်းမှသည် တစွန်းတိုင်အောင် မြို့တို့သို့ပြောင်းစေ၏။

22 ယဇ်ပုရောဟိတ်တို့ ပိုင်သောမြေကိုကားမဝယ်။ သူတို့သည် ဖါရောမင်းကျွေးမွေးသည်အတိုင်း ကျွေးမွေး သော အစာကိုစားရကြ၏။ ထိုကြောင့် မိမိတို့မြေကို မရောင်းရကြ။

23 ယောသပ်ကလည်း၊ သင်တို့နှင့် သင်တို့မြေကို ဖါရောမင်းဘို့ ယနေ့ငါဝယ်ပြီ။ မျိုးစေ့ကို ယူ၍ လယ်လုပ်ကြလော့။

24 အသီးအနှံကိုရသောအခါ၊ ငါးဘို့တွင်တဘို့ကို ဖါရောမင်းအား ဆက်ရကြမည်။ လေးဘို့ကိုကား သင်တို့ ယူ၍ နောက်တဖန်မျိုးစေ့ကို ကြဲကြလော့။ သင်တို့စား၍ အိမ်သားများ၊ သူငယ်များတို့ကို ကျွေးကြလော့ဟု ပြည်သားတို့အား ဆို၏။

25 သူတို့ကလည်း၊ ကိုယ်တော်သည် ကျွန်တော်တို့ အသက်ကို ကယ်ပါပြီ။ သနားသော စိတ်နှင့်ကြည့်ရှုတော် မူပါ။ ကျွန်တော်တို့သည် ဖာရောဘုရင်၏ကျွန်ခံရပါမည် ဟု လျှောက်ကြ၏။

26 ထိုကြောင့် ဖါရောမင်းမပိုင်သော ယဇ်ပုရော ဟိတ်တို့ မြေကိုထား၍၊ ဖါရောမင်းသည် ငါးဘို့တွင် တဘို့ကိုပိုင်တော်မူစေဟု ယနေ့တိုင်အောင် အဲဂုတ္တုပြည်၌တည်သော ဓမ္မသတ်ကို ယောသပ်စီရင်၍ ထား သတည်း။

27 ဣသရေလ သားတို့သည်၊ အဲဂုတ္တုပြည် ဂေါရှင် အရပ်၌နေသဖြင့်၊ ဥစ္စာရတတ်၍ တိုးပွါးများပြားကြ၏။

28 ယာကုပ်သည် အဲဂုတ္တုပြည်၌ ဆယ်ခုနစ်နှစ် အသက်ရှင်၍ အသက်နှစ်ပေါင်း တရာလေးဆယ်ခုနစ် နှစ်ရှိသတည်း။

29 ဣသရေလသည် သေရသောအချိန်နီးသော်၊ သားယောသပ်ကို ခေါ်၍ ငါ့ကိုသနားလျှင် သင်၏ လက်ကို ငါ့ပေါင်အောက်၌ ထားပါလော့။ ကရုဏာသစ္စာ နှင့်အညီ ငါ၌ပြုပါ။ အဲဂုတ္တုပြည်၌ ငါ့ကိုမသင်္ဂြိုဟ်ပါနှင့်။

30 ငါသည်ဘိုးဘေးနှင့်အတူ အိပ်ချင်ပါ၏။ အဲဂုတ္တု ပြည်မှ ငါ့ကို ဆောင်သွား၍ သူတို့သင်္ချိုင်း၌ သင်္ဂြိုဟ် ရမည်ဟုဆို၏။ ယောသပ်ကလည်း၊ အဘဆိုသည် အတိုင်း အကျွန်ုပ်ပြုပါမည်ဟု ဝန်ခံလေ၏။

31 ငါ့အားကျိန်ဆိုခြင်းကို ပြုပါဟု ဆိုပြန်လျှင်၊ ကျိန်ဆိုခြင်းကို ပြု၏။ ဣသရေလသည်လည်း ခုတင် ခေါင်းရင်းပေါ်မှာ ကိုးကွယ်လေ၏။




Exploring the Meaning of Genesis 47

Napsal(a) Helen Kennedy

This chapter continues the "Joseph story" and his family has come to Egypt to escape the famine in Canaan. Joseph is thrilled to have them with him, especially his father, Jacob. He gives them land in Goshen, the best part of Egypt. Pharaoh welcomes them, too, asking Joseph’s brothers about their work, and talking with Jacob, too.

In verses 1-6, Pharaoh corresponds here to external, scientific knowledge, while Joseph includes also the inner enlightenment that flows from the deepest things (Secrets of Heaven 6062). Without this influx our natural level does not have any life, for it is totally devoid of life on its own. Life comes to us directly from the Lord, and this chapter gives a glimpse of how the Lord creates life in us (Secrets of Heaven 6063).

When Joseph brings five of his brothers to meet Pharaoh, this means that some truths, meant by “five,” flowing from heaven reached into the natural part of us where factual things (Pharaoh) reside.

Pharaoh asks about their occupation, and they tell him that they are shepherds, as were their fathers. Here the natural part of us becomes aware of new things flowing in from the spiritual depths. It wonders what good these new insights will lead to. Since shepherds tend sheep that are innocently led, it follows that Joseph’s brothers represent truths that lead to innocence. In all innocence there is good from the Lord.

The brothers talking with Pharaoh means the perception the natural was having is continuing. Truth and knowledge sustain the human soul just as food does the body, but famine represents a severe lack of it. When we are regenerating or being made spiritual, we have a desire for knowledge and wisdom, and when we don’t find it, we are desolate, listless, and famished. Goshen is the best land in Egypt; living in it symbolizes that a person who is being regenerated has access to the types of natural knowledges that begin our heavenly instruction.

Pharaoh's generosity illustrates how the natural part of us starts perceiving some deeper things. Jacob’s father and brothers being permitted to dwell in “the best of the land” shows how delighted our external mind is in receiving insights from spiritual things. Any “competent men” or “energetic men” (the latter used in a different translation) signifies that the outermost part of us is perceiving the most powerful or important truths, letting them be first or foremost among known facts. An example could be the instruction in Deuteronomy 6:4 to “Love the Lord with all our heart, all our soul and all our strength.”

In verse 7, Joseph brings Jacob to meet Pharaoh, "and Jacob blessed Pharaoh." This shows the sequence in our spiritual growth: our inmost spirit (Joseph) flows into intermediate truths (Jacob) which become present in the outermost part of us (Pharaoh).

Pharaoh asks Jacob his age, which shows a continuing interest on the part of our outer selves to learn about spiritual things. (Secrets of Heaven 6093).

In verse 9, we read this:

"And Jacob said to Pharaoh, “The days of the years of my pilgrimage are one hundred and thirty years; few and evil have been the days of the years of my life, and they have not attained to the days of the years of the life of my fathers in the days of their pilgrimage.”

A pilgrimage is a journey for a spiritual end. Jacob’s has been full of temptations, producing inner feelings of anxiety and distress, which is why Jacob says his days have been “few and evil.” The natural person is particularly subjected to temptations when it is starting to receive the things of spiritual life. Evils of life and falsities of doctrine reside only in the outer or external part of us (Secrets of Heaven 6097).

Jacob’s blessing of Pharaoh, in verse 10, shows a heartfelt desire on the part of spiritual things to join natural ones. This will result in fruitfulness of life if we actually live according to inner dictates. The actuality of it has yet to be effected; so far there has only been an introduction to it. That Jacob “went out from Pharaoh” shows there still is some separation.

In verse 10 Joseph settles his father and brothers in the best land—an image of all the good and true things we receive from the innermost or celestial (Joseph) as it flows into the natural part of us. Then a true “church” can exist, a “church” being the place inside us where the things of the Lord are known (Secrets of Heaven 10761). That the natural acquiesces to this conjunction is shown by Pharaoh having commanded for Joseph’s family to be settled in the best land.

Joseph's providing for his father and brothers in verse 12 again shows the flow of good from the inmost or deepest level into the middle or spiritual level, and then into the outermost or natural levels of a person.

“According to their families.” Families, especially children, signify innocence, or a willingness to be led—here to receive this spiritual influx.

“No bread in the land” in verse 13 symbolizes what happens to us when we don't receive this inflowing spiritual good from an inner connection with the Lord. Even knowledges of spiritual things (represented by “Egypt" and “Canaan”) get desperate.

In verse 14 Joseph gathers up all the money found in Egypt and Canaan. This represents that all the factual knowledge of the Church that had truth in it, represented here by the money, was now being subordinated to the innermost or deepest part of ourselves, the part closest to the Lord and His leading. The knowledge was no longer going to be spurious or falsified because of being subject to our own evil loves and self-serving "truths," or things in our outer self only.

When the money failed in the land in verse 15, all the Egyptians came to Joseph and said, “Give us bread, for why should we die in your presence?” This happens when our life is so devastated that we no longer know anything, or have any truth, that leads to good. Even what we thought were our knowledges of truth and good have failed. This is because they came from ourselves and therefore were not life-giving. All of our being needs to turn toward the deepest of inner things, represented by Joseph.

In verse 16, Joseph says, “Give your livestock, and I will give you bread for your livestock, if the money is gone.” This sounds sort of harsh but, again, we need to look at the inner meaning. Giving livestock for bread shows that truths need to be filled in with good. In other words, it is no longer good enough to know truths for their own sake; they must serve good or have good within them. That can only be done by living according to them. We can't just know things. And we can’t do good from ourselves.

The following verses 17-27 deal with the actual joining together of spiritual with natural things. In verse 17 the Egyptians bring their livestock to Joseph and exchange them for bread. We bring the lesser things in our lives under the direction or control of our inmost spiritual selves. “Horses” represent things of our understanding; “flocks,” inner truths that contain good; “herds,” more external truths; and “donkeys,” things of our outermost self that serve inner things. Joseph's feeding the people corresponds to how our outer self is sustained and given life by an inflow from inner things.

In verses 18 and 19, things are getting much more serious. “When that year ended” means that a new state is beginning and the previous one has ended. “We will not hide from my lord” shows that our outermost self is now fully aware that it can only be helped by an inflow from deepest or inmost things. Nothing being left “but our bodies and our lands” shows the utter desolation of our outer self, completely lacking any knowledge of good, or the true things that lead to good. This desolation comes from trying to live in the outer or bodily self without any influx from the inner or spiritual parts of ourselves (Secrets of Heaven 6108).

“Why should we die” shows how our outer self gets more and more desperate. It realizes that it can’t be helped by anything external. Its desperation is becoming great, so great that it is willing to give up its autonomy and totally submit, becoming a servant to inward things.

The people are asking for seed. This is a sign that there can now be an inflow of charitable good and truth, because our outer self has become humbled and is willing to give up thinking it does things entirely on its own. It stops blocking the Lord's influx, fighting it, or twisting it into falsities. With help from "Joseph" or inner things, we no longer have to fear the damnation which is close at hand. “That the land may not be desolate” shows that now our minds can be cultivated with true things of the church, the “church” being the place inside a person where things from the Lord are known (Secrets of Heaven 10761).

In verse 20 “Joseph bought all the land of Egypt for Pharoah” directly corresponds to how the inmost part of us now governs the entire natural mind, this because it is conjoined with the Lord. In other words we're no longer struggling on our own because of our self-centeredness. An example can be seen in a person who is destroying his or her life with an addiction, but who gets a realization of how bad things are, and slowly stops drinking or doing the drug, eventually getting away from it entirely, and becoming healed.

Joseph, in verse 21, moves the people into the cities, throughout Egypt. Cities correspond to doctrines which are organized sets of truths. Moving people into cities corresponds to the way that our inmost mind is now directing our thoughts into areas where there are knowledges that hold truths within them.

Joseph doesn't buy the priests' land (verse 22). Here Pharaoh’s priests represent the capacity to receive good that exists only from the inner levels flowing outward, not from anything that exists externally of itself (Secrets of Heaven 6148). “The priests having rations from Pharaoh all along” shows how important these capacities are. “Therefore they did not sell their lands” shows that those parts of us never did things on their own without inner guidance.

Joseph looks kindly on the people and quickly gives them seed (verse 23). This parallels how our inmost spiritual self is excited at being joined with outermost natural things. It quickly flows out with truths through which spiritual things can grow. The excitement here is parallel to the excitement Joseph felt when he first saw that his brothers came to Egypt to buy grain (Genesis 43).

In verse 24, there's an interesting division of the yield of the seed: “And it shall come to pass in the harvest that you shall give one-fifth to Pharaoh. Four-fifths shall be your own, as seed for the field and for your food, for those of your households, and as food for your little ones.”

As things of good and truth start to grow, the natural or outer part of us needs to constantly acknowledge that its good comes from somewhere other than itself. Giving one-fifth to Pharoah accomplishes that. Tithing, or giving a percentage of one’s salary to the church, is reminiscent of this. The people were able to keep four-fifths of the produce as their own, showing that there will still be lots of things we think and feel where it seems like they originate from ourselves. In the reality of spiritual life, though, they actually are coming from the Lord. The difference is that we do them “as of ourself” or “as if” they originate from us. “Your little ones” shows that when it is done this way, the person will be innocent or without fault.

In verses 25 and 26, the people are grateful. “You have saved our lives; let us find favor in the sight of my lord, and we will be Pharaoh’s servants.” Our outer self starts with pride, self-centeredness, and some delusions that lead to a disconnectedness from the Lord's love and wisdom. But now, after hardship, temptation, and spiritual famine, we've made the decision to allow the Lord to flow into our minds, and to be governed by real love and wisdom. And now, finally, our outer self is grateful. To “find favor in the sight of my lord” shows a willingness to be led in this way.

We need to give consent in order for spiritual things to flow in; they will not be forced on us. When we give consent, we're on the road to having our whole life be nourished. The parallel to Joseph’s law is that we need to always respond to the prompting of inner leading. “To this day” means forever. “That Pharaoh should have one-fifth” shows that the Lord just wants us to acknowledge Him. He still wants us to have freedom, and the feeling that we do things on our own is signified by the four-fifths the people keep. For the sake of our spiritual life, at the same time we need to remember the Lord and recognize that our life comes from Him.

The Children of Israel thrive in Goshen (verse 27). Spiritual good is present with the person now. “Israel” means spiritual good, different from “Jacob,” which means natural truth. “In the country of Goshen”—the spiritual good is in the middle or best part of the natural. That Joseph’s family “grew and multiplied exceedingly” shows that goods and truths are being formed and shared with the natural, and the outermost part of us is responding to them (Secrets of Heaven 6172).

From verse 28 on, the focus is on Jacob and his impending death. Swedenborg says that Jacob living one hundred and forty-seven years is not easy to explain. The “numbers contain the entire state of reality represented by ‘Jacob’ and its essential nature” (Secrets of Heaven 6175). As for one hundred and forty-seven, it probably has something to do with “forty” meaning “temptations” (as seen in the story of Noah), and “seven” meaning “completeness."

Israel calls Joseph to his side (verse 29). As Israel dies, deeper things are present, because ‘Joseph’ represents inmost things. “Now if I have found favor in your sight” shows the desire on the part of our outer self for inner things to predominate. “Please put your hand under my thigh.” This was a way of expressing a sacred bond, the “hand” having to do with power in outer things and the “thigh” with things of heavenly married love. (Think of the sacred bond which is made at weddings.) That we are reaching a state of humility is shown in Israel’s request for Joseph to “deal kindly and truly with me.” Not wanting to be buried in Egypt indicates the desire to dwell in things of the spirit, i.e., heaven, and not be left only in knowledges of them, which are in our outermost self (Secrets of Heaven 6181).

Jacob's lying with his fathers represents our desire, when opening to inner things, to live the type of spiritual life that the earliest people on earth had. They lived in spiritual innocence. Carrying Jacob “out of Egypt” corresponds to being carried out of knowledges only. (See Secrets of Heaven 6183).

Swearing a vow is a sacred thing, an unchangeable agreement to do something (verse 31). The “head of the bed” is the part that is higher up when compared to the rest of the bed and “bowing oneself” indicates humility. This shows that natural truth meant by “Jacob” was raised to “spiritual good” meant by “Israel” (Secrets of Heaven 6188). The intention of the Lord in all this has been to join with us by flowing in and giving us the capacities to live according to heavenly truths. Knowledge is not enough; understanding is not enough; only living according to spiritual things will do.

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Arcana Coelestia # 2788

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2788. That 'on the third day' means that which has been completed, and the beginning of sanctification, is clear from the meaning of 'the third day'. 'Day' in the Word means state, 23, 487, 488, 493, 893, as also does 'year', and as in general do all periods of time - an hour, day, week, month, year, or age; also morning, midday, evening, and night; and spring, summer, autumn, and winter. And when 'the third' is added to any of these the end of that state, and at the same time the beginning of the next, are meant. Here, the subject being the sanctification of the Lord which was effected by means of temptations, 'the third day' means that which has been completed and at the same time the beginning of sanctification, as also follows from what has been said previously to this. The reason for this meaning is that when He had fulfilled everything the Lord was to rise again on the third day, for the things that were done by the Lord while He lived in the world, that is, the things that were yet to be done by Him, were embodied within the representatives of the Church as though they had already been done. This was as it is with the internal sense of the Word, for with God that which is yet to come to pass and that which already is are one and the same; indeed to Him the whole of eternity is here and now.

[2] This is why the number three was representative not only in the Ancient Church and in the Jewish but also among various gentile nations; see what has been stated about this number in 720, 901, 1825. That such was the origin of the meaning of 'three' is clear in Hosea,

We will return to Jehovah, for He has wounded and will heal us; He has stricken and will bind us up; He will revive us after two days, on the third day He will raise us up that we may live before Him. Hosea 6:1-2.

Here 'the third day' stands for the coming of the Lord and His resurrection. The same is clear from Jonah, in that he was in the stomach of the fish three days and three nights, Jonah 1:17, to which the Lord refers in Matthew as follows,

As Jonah was in the belly of the whale three days and three nights, so will the Son of Man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth. Matthew 12:40.

[3] It should be realized that in the internal sense of the Word 'three days' and 'the third day' have the same meaning, as also do 'three' and 'third' in the following places: In John,

Jesus said to the Jews, Destroy this temple and in three days I will raise it up. He was speaking of the temple of His body. John 2:19-21; Matthew 26:61; Mark 14:58; 15:29.

It is a well known fact that the Lord rose again on the third day.

[4] For the same reason the Lord also distinguished three periods in His life: in Luke,

Go and tell that fox, Behold, I cast out demons and perform cures today and tomorrow, but on the third day I reach completion. Luke 13:32.

Also, the Lord underwent the final temptation, which was that of the Cross, at the third hour of the day, Mark 15:25. Three hours later, that is, at the sixth hour, darkness fell over the whole land, 1 Luke 23:44. And three hours after that, at the ninth hour, the end came, Mark 15:33-34, 37. But in the morning of the third day He rose again, Mark 16:1-4; Luke 24:7. See also Matthew 16:21; 17:22-23; 20:18-19; Mark 8:31; 9:31; 10:33-34; Luke 18:33; 24:46. From all this, and especially from the Lord's resurrection on the third day, the number three was representative and possessed a spiritual meaning. This fact becomes clear from the following places in the Word:

When Jehovah came down upon Mount Sinai He told Moses that he was to sanctify the people today and tomorrow and they were to wash their garments and be ready on the third day, for on the third day Jehovah would come down. Exodus 19:10-11, 15-16.

When they travelled from the mountain of Jehovah on a three days' journey, the Ark of Jehovah travelled before them on the three days' journey to search out rest for them. Numbers 10:33.

There was thick darkness for three days in all the land of Egypt, and nobody could see his brother for three days, but the children of Israel had light. Exodus 10:22-23.

[5] The flesh of a sacrifice made as a vow-offering or as a freewill-offering was to be eaten on the first and the second day; nothing was to be kept until the third day but was to be burned, because it was an abomination. So too with the flesh of a sacrifice made as a 'eucharistic' offering; if this was eaten on the third day the one offering the sacrifice would not be accepted and that soul would bear his iniquity. Leviticus 7:16-18; 19:6-7.

Anyone who touched a dead body was to purify himself on the third day, and on the seventh day he would be clean. If he did not do so that soul would be cut off from Israel. And one that was clean was to sprinkle water over the unclean person on the third day and on the seventh day. Numbers 19:12-13, 19.

Those who had killed someone in battle and had touched one who had been slain were to purify themselves on the third day and on the seventh day. Numbers 31:19.

[6] When they came into the land of Canaan the fruit of a tree was to be uncircumcised for three years and not eaten. Leviticus 19:23.

At the end of three years they were to bring every tenth part of their produce in that year and deposit it within their gates so that the Levite, the sojourner, the orphan, and the widow might eat. Deuteronomy 14:28-29; 26:12.

Three times a year they were to keep a feast to Jehovah. And three times a year every male person was to appear before the face of the Lord Jehovah. Exodus 23:14, 17; Deuteronomy 16:16.

Joshua told the people that in three days they would be crossing the Jordan and inheriting the land. Joshua 1:11; 3:2.

Jehovah called to Samuel three times and the third time he answered Him. 1 Samuel 3:8.

[7] When Saul wished to kill David, David hid in the field until the third evening. Jonathan told David, I will sound out my father on the third day from now. Jonathan said that he would shoot three arrows to the side of the stone. And David fell face to the ground, before Jonathan and bowed down three times.12, 19, 20, 35, 36, 41.

David was to choose one of these three things - either seven years of famine in the land, or his own flight before his enemies for three months, or pestilence in the land for three days. 2 Samuel 24:12-13.

[8] There was a famine in the days of David for three years, year after year. 2 Samuel 21:1.

Elijah stretched himself over the dead boy three times and revived him. 1 Kings 17:21.

When he had built the altar to Jehovah, Elijah told them to pour water over the burnt offering and over the wood three times. 1 Kings 18:34.

Fire consumed the captains of fifty sent on two occasions to Elijah, but not the one sent on the third occasion. 2 Kings 1:13-14.

It was a sign to King Hezekiah that they were to eat in that year what had grown of itself, and in the second year further growth from the same; but in the third year they were to sow, reap, plant vineyards, and eat the fruit of these. 2 Kings 19:29.

[9] Daniel went into his house and had the windows open in his [upper] chamber towards Jerusalem, where three times a day he gave thanks on his knees and prayed. Daniel 6:10, 13.

Daniel was mourning for three whole weeks, not eating pleasant bread, nor drinking wine, nor anointing himself, until the three whole weeks were completed. Daniel 10:2-3.

Isaiah went naked and barefoot three years as a sign and a portent against Egypt and against Cush. Isaiah 20:3.

Out of the Lampstand went three branches on either side, and three almond-shaped cups on each branch. Exodus 25:32-33.

In the Urim and Thummim there were three precious stones in each row. Exodus 28:17-20.

[10] In the New Temple there were to be three chambers on this side of the gate and three on that, and all three were to measure the same. And the breadth of the gate to the vestibule of the house was to be three cubits this way and three cubits that. Ezekiel 40:10, 21, 48.

In the New Jerusalem there were to be three gates to the north, three to the east, three to the south, and three to the west. Ezekiel 48:31-34; Revelation 21:13.

The same may be seen in the following places:

Peter denied Jesus three times. Matthew 26:34, 69 and following verses.

The Lord said to Peter three times, Do you love Me? John 21:17.

Also, in the parable about the man who planted a vineyard, he sent servants three times, and at length his own son. Luke 20:12; Mark 12:2, 4-6.

The labourers in the vineyard were hired at the third hour, the sixth hour, the ninth hour, and the eleventh hour. Matthew 20:1-17.

And concerning the fig tree which, because it bore no fruit for three years, was to be cut down. Luke 13:6-7.

[11] Just as a group of three and a third one were representative, so also was a third part, as in the following:

Minchahs consisted of two tenths of fine flour mixed with a third part of a hin of oil, and the wine for the drink-offering was a third of a hin. Numbers 15:6-7; Ezekiel 46:14.

In Ezekiel it is said that he was to run a razor over his head and over his beard, and then to divide his hair, burning a third part in the fire, striking a third around the city with his sword, and scattering a third to the wind. Ezekiel 5:1-2, 11.

In Zechariah it is said that in the whole land, two parts were to be cut off, and the third would be left. Yet this third would be led through fire and tested. Zechariah 13:8-9.

[12] In John it is said that when the first angel sounded there came hail, and fire mixed with blood; and it fell on to the earth so that a third part of the trees were burned. The second angel sounded and so to speak a great mountain burning with fire was cast into the sea. And a third part of the sea became blood resulting in the death of a third part of the creatures who had their being in the sea. And a third part of the ships was destroyed. The third angel sounded and there fell from the sky a great star burning like a torch and it fell upon a third part of the rivers. The name of the star is Wormwood. The fourth angel sounded and a third part of the sun was struck, and a third part of the moon, and a third part of the stars, so that a third part of these was blacked out, and the day had no light for a third part of it, nor likewise the night. Revelation 8:7-12.

[13] The four angels were released to kill a third part of mankind. Revelation 9:15.

A third part of mankind was killed by these three, fire, smoke, and brimstone, which went forth out of the mouths of the horses. Revelation 9:18.

The dragon drew with his tail a third part of the stars of heaven and cast them down to the earth. Revelation 12:4.

'A third part' however means something which is not yet finished, whereas 'a third' and 'a group of three' mean that which has been finished - evil in the case of the evil, good in the case of the good.

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1. or over the whole earth

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Thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.