

Danielius 4



1 Karalius Nebukadnecaras sakė visų kalbų tautoms ir giminėms, kurios gyvena visoje žemėje: “ amybė tepadaugėja jums.

2 Manau, gerai yra paskelbti ženklus ir stebuklus, kuriuos aukščiausiasis Dievas man padarė.

3 Jo ženklai­didingi! Jo stebuklai­galingi! Jo karalystė­amžina ir Jo valdžia­nesibaigianti!

4 Aš, Nebukadnecaras, gyvenau ramiai ir laimingai savo rūmuose.

5 Aš sapnavau sapną, kuris nugąsdino mane, o mintys bei regėjimai, gulint lovoje, baugino mane.

6 Tad įsakiau atvesti pas mane visus Babilono išminčius, kad jie man tą sapną išaiškintų.

7 Atėjo ženklų aiškintojai, žyniai, chaldėjai ir astrologai. Aš pasakiau jiems sapną, tačiau jie negalėjo man jo išaiškinti.

8 Pagaliau atėjo Danielius, kuris pagal mano dievo vardą vadinamas Beltšacaru, turįs šventųjų dievų dvasią. Aš pasakiau jam sapną:

9 ‘Beltšacarai, vyriausias išminčiau! Aš žinau, kad tavyje yra šventųjų dievų dvasia ir jokia paslaptis tau nėra per sunki. Pasiklausyk mano sapno, kurį sapnavau, ir išaiškink jį!

10 Savo lovoje gulėdamas, sapnavau labai aukštą medį žemės viduryje.

11 Tas medis išaugo stiprus ir toks didelis, kad jo viršūnė siekė dangų ir jis buvo matomas visoje žemėje.

12 Jo lapai buvo gražūs ir vaisių taip gausu, kad maisto ant jo užteko visiems. Jo pavėsyje ilsėjosi laukiniai žvėrys, šakose gyveno padangės paukščiai, jo vaisiais maitinosi visi kūnai.

13 Man lovoje gulint, štai šventas sargas nusileido iš dangaus.

14 Jis garsiai šaukė: ‘Nukirskite medį, nukapokite jo šakas! Nukratykite lapus ir išbarstykite vaisius! Žvėrys tebėga iš jo pavėsio ir paukščiai iš jo šakų!

15 Tačiau kelmą palikite žemėje, surakintą geležimi ir variu. Jis tebūna dangaus rasa vilgomas, jo dalis tebūna su žvėrimis lauko žolėje.

16 Tebūna pakeista jo žmogiška širdis, ir tebus jam duota žvėries širdis. Taip praeis septyni laikai!

17 Sargų nutarimu taip nuspręsta, šventųjų įsakymu patvarkyta, kad gyvieji žinotų, jog Aukščiausiasis viešpatauja žmonių karalystėje ir duoda ją tam, kam Jis nori, patį žemiausią tarp žmonių paskirdamas valdovu’.

18 Tai sapnas, kurį aš, karalius Nebukadnecaras, sapnavau. O tu, Beltšacarai, paskelbk išaiškinimą, nes visi mano karalystės išminčiai nepajėgia jo išaiškinti. Bet tu gali, nes šventųjų dievų dvasia yra tavyje!’

19 Danielius, vadinamas Beltšacaru, kurį laiką stovėjo apstulbęs, ir jo mintys jaudino jį. Karalius tarė jam: ‘Beltšacarai, sapnas ir jo aiškinimas tenesukelia tau nerimo’. Beltšacaras atsakė: ‘Mano valdove! Sapnas tebūna tiems, kurie tavęs nekenčia, ir jo aiškinimas tavo priešams!

20 Medis, kurį regėjai, kuris išaugo toks didelis ir stiprus, kad jo viršūnė siekė dangų ir buvo matomas visoje žemėje,

21 kurio lapai buvo gražūs ir vaisių taip gausu, kad jų užteko visiems, kurio pavėsyje gyveno laukų žvėrys, o šakose­padangių paukščiai,

22 esi tu, karaliau. Tu išaugai ir sustiprėjai, tavo didybė pasiekė dangų ir valdžia žemės pakraščius.

23 Kadangi, karaliau, matei šventą sargą, nusileidžiantį iš dangaus ir sakantį: ‘Nukirskite medį ir sunaikinkite jį, bet kelmą, surakintą geležimi ir variu, palikite žemėje, tarp lauko žolės. Jis tebūna dangaus rasa vilgomas ir su lauko žvėrimis tebūna jo dalis, kol praeis septyni laikai’,

24 tai toks aiškinimas, karaliau, ir toks Aukščiausiojo nutarimas, kuris ištiks mano valdovą karalių.

25 Tave pašalins iš žmonių, su lauko žvėrimis tu gyvensi, tave maitins žole kaip jautį ir dangaus rasa vilgys tave. Taip septyni laikai praeis, kol pažinsi, kad Aukščiausiasis viešpatauja žmonių karalystėje ir duoda ją, kam Jis nori.

26 Paliktas medžio kelmas reiškia, kad karalystė bus tau grąžinta, kai pažinsi, kad viešpatauja dangus.

27 Tad, karaliau, priimk mano patarimą, pakeisk savo nuodėmes teisumu ir savo nusikaltimus pasigailėjimu beturčiams. Taip elgdamasis, gal savo gyvenimą pratęsi’.

28 Visa tai atsitiko karaliui Nebukadnecarui.

29 Praėjus dvylikai mėnesių, vaikščiodamas karaliaus rūmuose Babilone,

30 karalius kalbėjo: ‘Ar tai nėra didysis Babilonas, kurį aš pastačiau savo didžia galia ir padariau jį karaliaus būstine savo didybės garbei?’

31 Karaliui dar tebekalbant, pasigirdo balsas iš dangaus: ‘Tau, karaliau Nebukadnecarai, sakoma: karalystė ir valdžia iš tavęs atimta.

32 Iš žmonių tave pašalins, su lauko žvėrimis gyvensi, ėsi žolę kaip jautis, kol septyni laikai praeis, kol pažinsi, kad Aukščiausiasis viešpatauja žmonių karalystėje ir duoda ją tam, kam Jis nori!’

33 Tą pačią valandą žodis išsipildė: Nebukadnecaras buvo pašalintas iš žmonių, jis ėdė žolę kaip jautis, jo kūną vilgė rasa, jo plaukai užaugo kaip erelių plunksnos ir nagai­kaip paukščių.

34 Paskirtam laikui praėjus, aš, Nebukadnecaras, pakėliau akis į dangų, ir mano protas sugrįžo. Aš šlovinau Aukščiausiąjį, gyriau ir garbinau Tą, kuris amžinai gyvena, nes Jo valdžia yra amžina ir Jo karalystė nesibaigia.

35 Visi žemės gyventojai yra niekas. Kaip Jis nori, taip Jis elgiasi su dangaus pulkais ir žemės gyventojais. Nėra nė vieno, kuris galėtų sulaikyti Jo ranką ir Jam sakyti: ‘Ką darai?’

36 Tuo pačiu metu man sugrįžo protas. Savo karalystės šlovei atgavau garbę ir spindesį. Mano patarėjai bei kunigaikščiai ieškojo manęs, ir aš vėl įsitvirtinau savo karalystėje, ir man buvo suteikta dar didesnė garbė.

37 Dabar aš, Nebukadnecaras, giriu, aukštinu ir šlovinu dangaus Dievą, nes visi Jo darbai yra tiesa ir Jo keliai teisingi. Tuos, kurie elgiasi išdidžiai, Jis gali pažeminti”.




Nebuchadnezzar's Second Dream

Napsal(a) Andy Dibb

Floor mosaic of a the Tree of Life (as a pomegranite) from the Big Basilica at Heraclea Lyncestis. Bitola, Macedonia.

In the Book of Daniel, Chapter Four is narrated, after the events of the chapter, by a much-changed Nebuchadnezzar. In the internal sense, the story shows both the Lord's mercy in leading us, and also the depths of despair to which we sink before we willingly open our minds to the Lord and pray for His leadership.

At the beginning of the story, Nebuchadnezzar's idleness imitates the sense of complacency when things seem to be going right, when no temptations darken our skies, and essential selfishness asserts itself once again. Our mind is its house, its palace. We come into this state after a temptation or battle against our sense of selfishness, when we put the struggle aside and rest on our laurels. We are oblivious to the fact that regeneration is an ongoing state, that one temptation succeeds another, and that once conscience has been established in our thought processes, it will not be too long before the lethargy of selfishness is challenged.

While Nebuchadnezzar was at rest in his house, he had a disturbing dream, one unknown to him. As before when he did not understand his dreams, he called the magicians, the astrologers, the Chaldeans and the soothsayers, who, once again, could not interpret the dream.

Often we feel that we face the same temptations over and over again. We might wonder if we will ever regenerate. This is because we fall into a state of selfishness, represented by the king at rest. But when we encounter resistance to that selfishness, we turn back to all our old thought patterns to help us.

Eventually, Nebuchadnezzar called Daniel to tell him his dream. As he recounts the story after the seven years of illness, he uses the words he had spoken before. He addresses Daniel as Belteshazzar, because that is how he saw him before the temptation. Even so, he recognized the presence of the Spirit of the Holy God within him, acknowledging Daniel's power to explain dreams and give interpretations.

The king's second dream took the image of a great tree, planted in the earth, so high it could be seen from the ends of the earth. This parallels the image of the great statue, whose head was gold. As we saw earlier, this image represents the initial state of perfection, followed by a decline as a person turns away from this ideal. The statue shows how self love takes dominance in our lives if unchecked, and brings us into a final state of spiritual destruction.

In this new dream, the tree in the midst of the earth is a reference to the Tree of Life in the midst of the Garden of Eden. Both trees symbolize wisdom. The Tree of Life represented the perception the Most Ancient people had from love (Arcana Coelestia 103), but Nebuchadnezzar's tree is from the love of self and the different perceptions people have when motivated by that love (Apocalypse Explained 1029:6).

But when Nebuchadnezzar saw the tree in his dream, it was lovely. Everything in the dream which normally has a good and beautiful significance, instead takes on a negative meaning. The leaves and flowers, which should have been a picture of guiding truths (Arcana Coelestia 9553), represent the opposite, as the falsities which mislead us. We saw how the king called his false guides: the magicians, soothsayers, astrologers, and Chaldeans.

The birds represent the false thoughts from selfishness (Arcana Coelestia 5149). These give credence to selfishness, to justify it and find new ways to express it. So the tree takes on an intellectual picture of the selfish mind. But the mind is made up of both intellect and emotion. There were also beasts sheltering under the tree representing the things we care about.

When selfishness rules in us, just as Nebuchadnezzar ruled Babylon, all the lesser loves take their cue from this leading love. Thus the beasts of the field, were drawn to the tree for food and shelter.

After this scene is set, Nebuchadnezzar sees "a watcher, a holy one, coming down from heaven." The introduction of the indescribable watcher is the turning point in the dream, marking the beginning of the end for this marvel reaching up to heaven.

In a state of selfishness, we are spiritually asleep, just as Nebuchadnezzar was asleep when he dreamed. But the Lord never sleeps. Truth in our minds is always vigilant, looking for ways of bringing itself to our consciousness to lead us out of our selfish state. Just as everything seemed right in Nebuchadnezzar's world, he became aware of a watcher—the truth.

In an instant, the king's serenity was changed: a force greater than himself commanded the destruction of the tree, and there was nothing he could do about it. These words make it clear just how vulnerable our selfish states are. At their height, they seem so powerful, but in the face of truth they are shown for the sordid little nothings they are. Truth has the power to expose evil, and we should not be afraid to allow it to do so in our own lives. To stand indicted of selfishness is not the end of life, as it may feel, but the beginning of a new life of liberation.

But we still need some sense of self. There is nothing wrong with being concerned with our own well-being; it is vital to our lives. Selfishness is a part of us, but it needs to be kept under control, subordinated to the higher loves of serving the Lord and our neighbor.

This is why the watcher did not order the complete destruction of the tree: the stump is all that is left of a rampant selfishness, the bands of iron and brass represent thoughts and feelings which originate in selfishness, which can be used to keep it under control (Apocalypse Explained 650:32).

Finally, with the tree destroyed, Nebuchadnezzar himself had to be changed. The watcher commanded that the king is given the heart of an animal for seven years. In substance abuse recovery programs, it is said that an addict cannot change until they hit rock-bottom—when they realize the full necessity of change. In spiritual life, this rock bottom is a point at which we almost lose our humanity, we are so dominated by selfishness, greed and the lust of dominion that we lose our ability to think rationally. We become animals. The difference between humans and animals is our ability to think and act in freedom. Self-love destroys that freedom, thus destroying all humanity within us.

In this prophesy, we see a descent: from man, to beast, to ox. People are human because they are created in the image and likeness of the Lord. Thus human beings have the ability to think and act according to reason. This is the essence of our humanity (Arcana Coelestia 477, 2305, 4051, 585, 1555). When these are in tune with truth and goodness from the Lord, then we are truly human, because the image of the Lord is in us.

So again, we see this slide from an ideal to a lesser state: from man, the king became a beast. From rationality and freedom, he entered slavery. This fall appears earlier in the Word: when Adam and Eve sinned in the Garden of Eden, they were cast out.

Finally he was told that he would eat grass like oxen. In a positive sense, oxen represent our affections (Arcana Coelestia 5198, 5642, 6357), or our love of the things of this world. But the opposite meaning of 'ox' is the perversion of goodness (Arcana Coelestia 9083), and the affection for injuring others (Arcana Coelestia 9094).

This humbling of the king represents the proper use of the love of self, and shows that the Lord does not eradicate it, because it is the foundation of true relationships with other people and the Lord Himself. But before it can become useful, selfishness needs to be converted into a humbled love of self, and we must return from the ox state.

As Daniel explained the meaning of the dream, he offered the king counsel: 'break off your sins by being righteous, and your iniquities by showing mercy to the poor.' This is the next step in spiritual awareness. Seeing our selfishness, coupled with an increased awareness of the Lord, we reach the point where thoughts must become actions. At first glance, the concept of 'sins and iniquities' may seem redundant. But in the Word, pairs of synonymous words reflect two internal senses: the celestial and the spiritual (Doctrine of the Sacred Scripture 80). The celestial relates broadly to goodness, and the spiritual to truth. Together they make one.

Daniel's advice to Nebuchadnezzar is to repent. Repentance is the only way out of the quicksand of selfishness. The Lord taught that we should love one another as He loves us (John 13:34, John 15:12). To love ourselves alone, and to wish to control others is not in keeping with the Lord's teachings. The only solution is to listen to the voice of our conscience and allow ourselves to be guided by the truth.

In spite of everything, Nebuchadnezzar's pride was not reduced. As he walked around his palace, his heart was filled with pride: 'is not this great Babylon, that I have built for a royal dwelling by my mighty power and for the honor of my majesty?'

A selfish person believes that everything they own or have accomplished is by their own power. There is no place for God or anyone else. When people do not listen to the Lord's teachings and reject His counsel, there is nothing the Lord can do but allow the person to reap the consequences of their choice.

The king remained in this ox-state until seven times passed over him, which illustrates that the Lord leaves us in this state until it runs its course. Sometimes it takes us a lifetime to see how our selfishness hurts others, and ourselves. Yet the Lord never leaves us. The promise of the root of the tree, bound with bands of iron and bronze is always there. The Lord works unceasingly to bring our selfishness under control until it can serve the higher loves of our neighbor and the Lord Himself.

Forgiveness begins in the recognition that we are in sin. In his ox-like state, Nebuchadnezzar lifted his eyes to heaven. Eyes represent understanding (Arcana Coelestia 2975, 3863), and to lift them to heaven is to lift our understanding to the truths the Lord has given us. The king had been given some truths in his dreams and in the interpretation of them. He knew from Daniel's advice that he needed to repent and change his ways. As he did so, his understanding and appreciation of the Lord grew. He realized how small he was in the grand scheme of things. The inflated ego of selfishness was deflated by the recognition that all things had been given to him by the Lord.

His story is our story. We each build our empires in one way or another. We hold the power of life and death over others in a figurative sense—do we not decide who we like and dislike, who is admitted out our 'inner circle' and who is beyond the pale? The warnings the Lord gave to Nebuchadnezzar apply to us, and like the king, we can also ignore them. The consequences in our lives are the same, as we are reduced to a merely animal-being, wet with the dew of heaven.

Yet can we hear the Lord's voice calling, for unless we do, we will remain in that state. Can we lift our eyes to heaven and search for the truth leading to the greatest declaration one can make, provided it is done with the heart and not with the lips:

Now I … praise and extol and honor the king of heaven, all of whose works are truth, and his ways justice. And those who walk in pride He is able to abase.

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Arcana Coelestia # 2701

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2701. 'God opened her eyes' means intelligence. This is clear from the meaning of 'opening' - and that it is God who did so - and also from [the meaning] of 'the eyes', as conferring intelligence; for 'the eyes' means the understanding, see 212, as also does 'sight' or 'seeing', 2150, 2325. The expression 'God opens the eyes' is used when He opens interior sight or the understanding, which opening is accomplished by means of an influx into the rational part of the person's mind, or rather into the spiritual part of his rational. The route taken by this influx is the soul, that is, the internal route, of which the person himself is not aware. This influx is his state of enlightenment in which the truths he hears or reads about are confirmed for him by a kind of perception existing within, in the understanding part of his mind. The person himself believes that this enlightenment is innate within himself and that it springs from his own power of understanding; but in this he is very much mistaken. This enlightenment consists in an influx from the Lord by way of heaven into that person's dim, mistaken, and specious sight of things, and by means of the good there causes the things which he believes to become imitations of truth. Only those who are spiritual however are blessed with enlightenment in spiritual matters of faith; and this is the meaning of the expression 'God opens the eyes'.

[2] The reason why 'the eye' means the understanding is that the sight belonging to the body corresponds to that belonging to its spirit, which is the understanding. And because it has this correspondence 'the eye' in the Word, in almost every place where it is mentioned, means the understanding, even where people believe something other is meant, as where the Lord says in Matthew,

The lamp of the body is the eye. If the eye is sound, the whole body is full of light. If the eye has been evil the whole body has been made full of darkness. If therefore the light is darkness, how great is the darkness! Matthew 6:22-23; Luke 11:34.

Here 'the eye' is the understanding, the spiritual constituent of which is faith, as also is shown by the explanation added here - 'if therefore the light is darkness, how great is the darkness!' Similarly in the same gospel,

If your right eye causes you to stumble, pluck it out and throw it away from you. Matthew 5:29; 18:9.

'The left eye' is the understanding part of the mind, whereas 'the right eye' is its affection. The command to pluck out the right eye means that if it causes one to stumble one's affection must be disciplined.

[3] In the same gospel,

Blessed are your eyes, for they see, and your ears, for they hear. Matthew 13:16.

And in Luke, Jesus said to the disciples, Blessed are the eyes which see what you see. Luke 10:23.

Here 'the eyes which see' means intelligence and faith, for it was not the mere fact that they saw the Lord and also His miracles and works that caused any one of the disciples to be blessed but the fact that they could grasp things with their understandings and had faith, meant by 'seeing with the eyes', and that they were obedient, meant by 'hearing with the ears'. As regards 'seeing with the eyes' meaning to see with the understanding and also to have faith, see 897, 2325. For the understanding is the spiritual complement of sight, and faith the spiritual complement of the understanding. The sight of the eye is received from the light of the world, the sight of the understanding from the light of heaven flowing into things which belong to the light of the world; but the sight of faith is received from the light of heaven. This is the origin of such phrases as seeing with the understanding and seeing with faith. 'Hearing with the ear' means being obedient, see 2542.

[4] In Mark,

Jesus said to the disciples, Do you not yet know nor understand? Do you still have your heart hardened? Having eyes do you not see, and having ears do you not hear? Mark 8:17-18.

Here it is evident that 'having eyes but not seeing' means not wishing to understand and not believing. In Luke,

Jesus said of the city, Would that you knew the things that make for your peace! But such is hidden from your eyes. Luke 19:41-42.

And in Mark,

By the Lord has this been done, and it is marvellous in our eyes. Mark 12:11.

Here 'hidden from the eyes' and 'marvellous in the eyes' mean to be so to the understanding, as is well known to everyone from the meaning of 'the eyes' even in everyday speech.

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Thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.