

Sacharia 5



1 Et conversus sum, et levavi oculos meos, et vidi, et ecce volumen volans.

2 Et dixit ad me : Quid tu vides ? Et dixi : Ego video volumen volans : longitudo ejus viginti cubitorum, et latitudo ejus decem cubitorum.

3 Et dixit ad me : Hæc est maledictio quæ egreditur super faciem omnis terræ : quia omnis fur, sicut ibi scriptum est, judicabitur, et omnis jurans ex hoc similiter judicabitur.

4 Educam illud, dicit Dominus exercituum : et veniet ad domum furis, et ad domum jurantis in nomine meo mendaciter : et commorabitur in medio domus ejus, et consumet eam, et ligna ejus, et lapides ejus.

5 Et egressus est angelus qui loquebatur in me, et dixit ad me : Leva oculos tuos, et vide quid est hoc quod egreditur.

6 Et dixi : Quidnam est ? Et ait : Hæc est amphora egrediens. Et dixit : Hæc est oculus eorum in universa terra.

7 Et ecce talentum plumbi portabatur, et ecce mulier una sedens in medio amphoræ.

8 Et dixit : Hæc est impietas. Et projecit eam in medio amphoræ, et misit massam plumbeam in os ejus.

9 Et levavi oculos meos, et vidi : et ecce duæ mulieres egredientes : et spiritus in alis earum, et habebant alas quasi alas milvi, et levaverunt amphoram inter terram et cælum.

10 Et dixi ad angelum qui loquebatur in me : Quo istæ deferunt amphoram ?

11 Et dixit ad me : Ut ædificetur ei domus in terra Sennaar, et stabiliatur, et ponatur ibi super basem suam.





by Brita Conroy

Earth" is a general word that can be thought of as a container for other more specific words, as ground, field, or garden. Each of these means a person in an ascending series as that person learns truths from the Bible, thinks about them, and tries to apply them to life. The series represents the way of becoming good and wise. "Earth" and "ground" are terms that can go either way, as in the parable of the sower (Matthew 13:4-8) there was both good ground and bad ground, but "field" and "garden" mean minds that are regenerating towards good. "Earth" in the Bible can mean a person or a group of like-minded people as in a church. But it refers specifically to the external of the person's mind, or of the general thought of the group. If heaven and earth are mentioned together, then both the internals and externals of the mind are meant – something to note when reading the creation story.

In Revelation the word "earth" is used both as a ground level as we use it in its natural sense and also as the sense of a group. The action in this book takes place in the great middle zone of the spiritual world, where people first go and where they are sorted out. There are both evil people and good there, and sometimes at the end of a church the evil can have great influence before a great judgment comes. This level of the spiritual realm is called the "earth" to which the dragon was cast down (Revelation 12:9) and to which the stars fell (Revelation 12:4). The "earth" that swallowed the dragon’s flood means those still-sincere people within the church who discounted the flood of the dragon's falsities (Revelation 12:15).