

예레미야서 50



1 여호와께서 선지자 예레미야로 바벨론과 갈대아인의 땅에 대하여 하신 말씀이라

2 너희는 열방 중에 광고하라 ! 공포하라 ! 기를 세우라 ! 숨김이 없이 공포하여 이르라 바벨론이 함락되고 벨이 수치를 당하며 므로닥이 부스러지며 그 신상들은 수치를 당하며 우상들은 부스러진다 하라

3 이는 한 나라가 북방에서 나와서 그를 쳐서 그 땅으로 황폐케 하여 그 중에 거하는 자가 없게 함이라 사람이나 짐승이 다 도망하여 가느니라

4 나 여호와가 말하노라 그 날 그 때에 이스라엘 자손이 돌아오며 그와 함께 유다 자손이 돌아오되 그들이 울며 그 길을 행하며 그 하나님 여호와께 구할 것이며

5 그들이 그 얼굴을 시온으로 향하여 그 길을 물으며 말하기를 너희는 오라 ! 잊어버리지 아니할 영영한 언약으로 여호와와 연합하자 하리라

6 내 백성은 잃어버린 양떼로다 그 목자들이 그들을 곁길로 가게 하여 산으로 돌이키게 하였으므로 그들이 산에서 작은 산으로 돌아다니며 쉴 곳을 잊었도다

7 그들을 만나는 자들은 그들을 삼키며 그 대적은 말하기를 그들은 여호와 곧 의로운 처소시며 그 열조의 소망이신 여호와께 범죄하였음인즉 우리는 무죄하다 하였느니라

8 너희는 바벨론 가운데서 도망하라 갈대아인의 땅에서 나오라 떼에 앞서가는 수염소같이 하라

9 보라, 내가 큰 연합국으로 북방에서 일어나 나와서 바벨론을 치게 하리니 그들이 항오를 벌이고 쳐서 취할 것이라 그들의 화살은 연숙한 용사의 화살 같아서 헛되이 돌아오지 아니하리로다

10 갈대아가 약탈을 당할 것이라 그를 약탈하는 자마다 만족하리라 여호와의 말이니라

11 나의 산업을 노략하는 자여, 너희가 즐거워하며 기뻐하며 곡식을 가는 송아지같이 뛰며 힘센 말같이 울도다

12 그러므로 너희의 어미가 온전히 수치를 당하리라 너희를 낳은 자가 치욕을 당하리라 보라, 그가 열방의 말째와 광야와 마른 땅과 사막이 될 것이며

13 여호와의 진노로 인하여 거민이 없는 온전한 황무지가 될 것이라 바벨론으로 지나는 자마다 그 모든 재앙을 놀라며 비웃으리로다

14 바벨론을 둘러 항오를 벌이고 활을 당기는 모든 자여, 화살을 아끼지 말고 쏘라 그가 여호와께 범죄하였음이니라

15 그 사면에서 소리질러 칠지어다 그가 항복하였고 그 보장은 무너졌고 그 성벽은 훼파되었으니 이는 여호와의 보수하시는 것이라 그의 행한대로 그에게 행하여 보수하라

16 파종하는 자와 추수 때에 낫을 잡은 자를 바벨론에서 끊어버리라 사람들이 그 압박하는 칼을 두려워하여 각기 동족에게로 돌아가며 고향으로 도망하리라

17 이스라엘은 흩어진 양이라 사자들이 그를 따르도다 처음에는 앗수르 왕이 먹었고 다음에는 바벨론 왕 느부갓네살이 그 뼈를 꺽도다

18 그러므로 나 만군의 여호와 이스라엘의 하나님이 이같이 말하노라 보라, 내가 앗수르 왕을 벌한 것같이 바벨론 왕과 그 땅을 벌하고

19 이스라엘을 다시 그 목장으로 돌아오게 하리니 그가 갈멜과 바산에서 먹을 것이며 그 마음이 에브라임과 길르앗산에서 만족하리라

20 나 여호와가 말하노라 그 날 그 때에는 이스라엘의 죄악을 찾을지라도 없겠고 유다의 죄를 찾을지라도 발견치 못하리니 이는 내가 나의 남긴 자를 사할 것임이니라

21 나 여호와가 말하노라 너희는 올라가서 므라다임의 땅을 치며 브곳의 거민을 쳐서 진멸하되 내가 너희에게 명한대로 다하라

22 그 땅에 싸움의 소리와 큰 파멸의 소리가 있으리라

23 온 세계의 방망이가 어찌 그리 꺽여 부숴졌는고 바벨론이 어찌 그리 열방 중에 황무지가 되었는고

24 바벨론아 내가 너를 잡으려고 올무를 놓았더니 네가 깨닫지 못하고 걸렷고 네가 나 여호와와 다투었으므로 만난 바 되어 잡혔도다

25 나 여호와가 그 병고를 열고 분노의 병기를 냄은 주 만군의 여호와 내가 갈대아인의 땅에 행할 일이 있음이라

26 먼데 있는 너희는 와서 그를 치고 그 곳간을 열고 그것을 쌓아 무더기 같게 하라 그를 진멸하고 남기지 말라

27 그 황소를 다 죽이라 도수장으로 내려가게 하라 그들에게 화 있도다 ! 그들의 날, 그 벌 받는 때가 이르렀음이로다

28 바벨론 땅에서 도피한 자의 소리여, 시온에서 우리 하나님 여호와의 보수하시는 것, 그 성전의 보수하시는 것을 선포하는 소리로다

29 활 쏘는 자를 바벨론에 소집하라 무릇 활을 당기는 자여, 그 사면으로 진을 치고 쳐서 피하는 자가 없게 하라 그 일한대로 갚고 그 행한대로 그에게 행하라 그가 이스라엘의 거룩한 자 여호와를 향하여 교만하였음이니라

30 그러므로 그 날에 청년들이 그 거리에 엎드러지겠고 군사들이 멸절되리라 여호와의 말이니라

31 주 만군의 여호와가 말하노라 교만한 자여, 보라, 내가 너를 대적하나니 네 날 곧 너를 벌할 때가 이르렀음이라

32 교만한 자가 걸려 넘어지겠고 그를 일으킬 자가 없을 것이며 내가 그 성읍들에 불을 놓으리니 그 사면에 있는 것이 다 살라지리라

33 나 만군의 여호와가 이같이 말하노라 이스라엘 자손과 유다 자손이 함께 학대를 받는도다 그들을 사로 잡는 자는 다 그들을 엄히 지켜 놓아주지 아니하거니와

34 그들의 구속자는 강하니 그 이름은 만군의 여호와라 결코 그들의 원을 펴서 그 땅에 평안함을 주고 바벨론 거민으로 불안케 하리라

35 나 여호와가 말하노라 칼이 갈대아인의 위에와 바벨론 거민의 위에와 그 방백들과 지혜로운 자의 위에 임하며

36 칼이 자긍하는 자의 위에 임하리니 그들이 어리석게 될 것이며 칼이 용사의 위에 임하리니 그들이 놀랄 것이며

37 칼이 그들의 말들과 병거들과 그들 중에 있는 잡족의 위에 임하리니 그들이 부녀같이 될 것이며 칼이 보물 위에 임하리니 그것이 노략될 것이요

38 가뭄이 물 위에 임하여 그것을 말리우리니 이는 그 땅이 조각한 신상의 땅이요 그들은 우상에 미쳤음이니라

39 그러므로 사막의 들짐승이 시랑과 함께 거기 거하겠고 타조도 그 중에 깃들일 것이요 영영히 거민이 없으며 대대에 거할 자가 없으리라

40 나 여호와가 말하노라 나 하나님이 소돔과 고모라와 그 이웃 성읍들을 무너지게 한 것같이 거기 거하는 사람이 없게 하며 그 중에 우거하는 아무 인자가 없게 하리라

41 보라, 한 족속이 북방에서 오고 큰 나라와 여러 왕이 격동을 받아 땅 끝에서 오나니

42 그들은 활과 창을 가진 자라 잔인하여 긍휼히 여기지 아니하며 그 목소리는 파도가 흉용함 같도다 딸 바벨론아 ! 그들이 말을 타고 무사같이 각기 항오를 벌여 너를 칠 것이라

43 바벨론 왕이 그 소문을 듣고 손이 약하여지며 고통에 잡혀 해산하는 여인의 구로함 같도다

44 보라, 사자가 요단의 수풀에서 올라오는 것같이 그가 와서 견고한 처소를 칠 것이라 내가 즉시 그들을 거기서 쫓아내고 택한 자를 내가 그 위에 세우리니 나와 같은 자 누구며 나로 더불어 다툴 자 누구며 내 앞에 설 목자가 누구뇨

45 그런즉 바벨론에 대한 나 여호와의 도모와 갈대아인의 땅에 대하여 경영한 나 여호와의 뜻을 들으라 양떼의 어린 것들을 그들이 반드시 끌어가고 그 처소로 황무케 하리니

46 바벨론의 함락하는 소리에 땅이 진동하며 그 부르짖음이 열방 중에 들리리라 하시도다


Ze Swedenborgových děl


Apocalypse Explained # 275

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275. Verse 6. And in sight of the throne a glassy sea like crystal, signifies the appearance of [Divine] truth in ultimates where its generals are, and its pellucidity by virtue of the influx of Divine truth united to Divine good in firsts. This is evident from the signification of "in sight of the throne," as being appearance; also from the signification of "glassy," as being pellucid. It is also said "like crystal," that pellucidity from the influx of Divine truth united to Divine good in firsts may be described; this is signified by "the seven lamps of fire burning before the throne" (as shown just above, n. 274. In this and what precedes, the state of the whole heaven arranged in order for judgment is described, and its ultimate is meant by "the glassy sea like crystal." The truth of the ultimate heaven is signified by "a glassy sea" because "sea" signifies the generals of truth, such truth as exists in the ultimates of heaven, and with man in the natural man, which truth is called knowledge [scientificum]. The "sea" signifies such truths because in the sea is the gathering together of waters, and "waters" signify truths (See above, n. 71).

[2] That this is the signification of "sea" is evident from many passages in the Word, a number of which I will cite here. In Isaiah:

I will shut up the Egyptians into the land of a hard lord; and a fierce king shall rule over them. Then the waters shall fail from the sea, and the river shall dry up and become dry (Isaiah 19:4, 6).

By "the Egyptians" knowledges [scientiae] that are of the natural man are meant; "the hard lord into whose hands they should be shut up" signifies the evil of self-love; "a fierce king" signifies falsity therefrom; "the waters shall fail from the sea" signifies that with all the abundance of knowledges [scientiarum] there still are no truths; and "the river shall dry up and become dry" signifies that there is no doctrine of truth and no intelligence therefrom.

[3] In the same:

Jehovah will visit with His sword, hard, great, and strong, upon leviathan the stretched out serpent, and leviathan the crooked serpent, and will slay the whales that are in the sea (Isaiah 27:1).

This is also said of "Egypt," by which knowledges [scientiae] that are of the natural man are signified; "leviathan the stretched out serpent" signifies those who reject all things which they do not see with the eyes, thus the merely sensual, who are without faith, because they do not comprehend. "Leviathan the crooked serpent" signifies those who, for the same reason, do not believe, and yet say that they believe. "The sword, hard, and great, and strong, with which they shall be visited," signifies the extinction of all truth, for "sword" signifies falsity destroying truth. "The whales in the sea," that shall be slain, signify knowledges [scientifica] in general. (That these are signified by "whales," see Arcana Coelestia 7293.)

[4] In the same:

Let the inhabitants of the isle be still; thou merchant of Zidon passing over the sea, they have filled thee. Blush, O Zidon, for the sea hath said, the stronghold of the sea, saying, I have not travailed, and I have not brought forth, and I have not brought up young men, and have not raised up virgins; when the report comes to Egypt they shall be seized with grief, as by the report respecting Tyre (Isaiah 23:2-5).

"Zidon" and "Tyre" signify the knowledges of good and truth; therefore it is said "the merchant of Zidon passing over the sea," "merchant" meaning one who acquires these knowledges for himself and communicates them. That they acquired for themselves thereby nothing of good and truth is signified by "the sea said, I have not travailed and I have not brought forth, I have not brought up young men, and have not raised up virgins;" "to travail and bring forth" is to produce something from knowledges; "young men" mean truths, and "virgins" goods. That the use of cognitions and knowledges (cognitionum et scientiarum) would therefore perish, is signified by "when the report comes to Egypt they shall be seized with grief, as by the report respecting Tyre."

[5] In Ezekiel:

All the princes of the sea shall come down from their thrones, and cast away their robes, and strip off their broidered garments, they shall be clothed with terrors. They shall take up a lamentation over thee, and shall say, How hast thou perished, thou that dwelt by the seas, the renowned city which was strong in the sea; therefore the islands in the sea shall be dismayed at thy outcome (Ezekiel 26:15-18).

These things are said of "Tyre," which signifies the cognitions of truth, the neglect and loss of which are thus described; the "princes of the sea that shall come down from their thrones" signify primary cognitions; that these together with knowledges [scientificis] shall be abandoned is signified by "they shall cast away their robes, and strip off their broidered garments;" "broidered work," is knowledges [scientificum]; "the city that dwelt by the seas and was strong in the sea" signifies the power of knowing in all abundance ("seas" signify collections); "the islands in the sea" signify nations more remote from truths that long for cognitions, of which it is said "therefore the islands in the sea shall be dismayed at thy outcome."

[6] In Isaiah:

They shall not do evil nor corrupt themselves in all the mountain of My holiness; for the earth shall be full of the knowledge [scientifia] of Jehovah, as the waters cover the sea (Isaiah 11:9).

This treats of a new heaven and a new church, which are meant by "mountain of holiness," in which "they shall not do evil nor corrupt themselves;" their understanding of truth from the Lord is described by "the earth shall be full of the knowledge [scientia] of Jehovah; "and as waters" signify truths, and the "sea" the fullness of them, it is said, "as the waters cover the sea."

[7] In the same:

By My rebuke I dry up the sea, I make the rivers a wilderness; their fish shall become putrid because there is no water, and shall die of thirst (Isaiah 50:2).

"To dry up the sea" signifies an entire lack of the general knowledges of truth; "to make the rivers a wilderness" signifies the deprivation of all truth and of intelligence therefrom; "the fish shall become putrid" signifies that the knowledges [scientifica] pertaining to the natural man shall be without any spiritual life; this takes place when they are applied to confirm falsities in opposition to the truths of the church; "by cause there is no water" signifies because there is no truth; "to die of thirst" signifies the extinction of truth. (That "rivers" signify the things of intelligence, see Arcana Coelestia 108, 2702[1-17], Arcana Coelestia 2702[1-17], 3051; that "wilderness" signifies where there is no good because there is no truth, n. 2708, 4736, 7055; that "fish" signifies the knowledge [scientificum] pertaining to the natural man, n. 40, 991; that "water" signifies truth, n. 2702, 3058, 3424, 5668, 8568; and that "to die of thirst" signifies the absence of spiritual life from lack of truth, n. Arcana Coelestia 8568[1-10].

[8] In David:

O Jehovah, Thou rulest in the uprising of the sea; when it raiseth up its waves (Psalms 89:9).

The "sea" here signifies the natural man, because in the natural man are the generals of truth; "the uprising of the sea" signifies its exalting itself against the Divine, denying the things that are of the church; the "waves" which it raiseth up signify falsities.

[9] In the same:

Jehovah hath founded the world upon the seas, and established it upon the rivers (Psalms 24:2).

The "world" signifies the church; the "seas" knowledges in general which are in the natural man; and "rivers" the truths of faith; upon these two the church has its foundation.

[10] In Amos:

Jehovah, who buildeth His steps in the heavens, and calleth the waters of the sea, and poureth them out upon the faces of the earth (Amos 9:6).

"The steps that Jehovah buildeth in the heavens" signify interior truths which are called spiritual; "the waters of the sea" signify exterior truths, which are natural because they are in the natural man; "to pour them out upon the faces of the earth" signifies upon the men of the church, for the "earth" is the church.

[11] In David:

By the word of Jehovah were the heavens made; and all the hosts of them by the breath of His mouth. He gathereth the waters of the sea together as an heap; He giveth the deeps in treasuries (Psalms 33:6-7).

"The word of Jehovah by which the heavens were made," and "the breath of His mouth by which all the hosts of them were made," signify Divine truth proceeding from the Lord; "the hosts of the heavens" are all things of love and faith; "the waters of the sea that He gathereth together as an heap" signify the knowledges of truth, and truths in general, which are together in the natural man; "the deeps that He gives in treasuries" signify sensual knowledges [scientifica sensualia], which are the most general and ultimate things of the natural man, and in which at the same time are interior or higher truths, therefore they are called "treasures."

[12] In the same:

Jehovah hath founded the earth upon its bases, that it be not removed for ever and ever. Thou hast covered it with the deep as with a vesture (Psalms 104:5-6).

The "earth" signifies the church; "the bases on which Jehovah hath founded it for ever" are the knowledges of truth and good; "the deep with which He hath covered it as with a vesture" signifies sensual knowledge [scientificum sensuale], which is the ultimate of the natural man, and being the ultimate, it is said that "He covered it as with a vesture."

[13] In the same:

Jehovah, Thy way is in the sea, and Thy path in many waters, yet Thy footsteps have not been known (Psalms 77:19).

In Isaiah:

Thus saith Jehovah, I who have given a way in the sea, and a path in the mighty waters (Isaiah 43:16).

That "sea" here does not mean the sea, nor "waters" the waters, is clear, since it is said that therein "are the way and the path of Jehovah;" therefore by "sea" and by "waters" are meant such things as Jehovah or the Lord is in, which are the knowledges of truth in general from the Word, and the truths therein; "the sea" being such knowledges, and "waters" truths. Knowledges and truths differ in this, that knowledges are of the natural man, and truths of the spiritual man.

[14] In Jeremiah:

Behold, I will plead thy cause, and will revenge thy revenging; that I may dry up the sea of Babylon, and make dry her fountain. The sea shall come up upon Babylon, she shall be covered with the multitude of its waves (Jeremiah 51:36, 42).

By "Babylon" those who profane goods are meant; "the sea of Babylon" means their traditions, which are the adulterations of good from the Word; "the waves" are the falsities from these; their destruction at the Last Judgment is hereby described.

[15] In the same:

A people coming from the north, and a great nation and many kings shall be stirred up from the sides of the earth. Their voice maketh a tumult like the sea, and they ride upon horses (Jeremiah 50:41, 42).

"A people coming from the north" are those who are in falsities from evil; "the great nation" means evils; and "many kings" falsities; "the sides of the earth" are the things outside of the church, and those that are not of the church, for the "earth" means the church; "their voice maketh a tumult like the sea" means falsity from the natural man exalting itself against the truth of the church; "the horses upon which they ride" are reasonings from the fallacies of the senses.

[16] In the same:

Jehovah giveth the sun for light by day, the statutes of the moon and stars for light by night, stirring up the sea so that the waves thereof roar (Jeremiah 31:35).

"The sun from which is the light of day" signifies the good of celestial love, from which is the perception of truth; "the statutes of the moon and stars, from which is the light of night," signify truths from spiritual good and from knowledges, by which there is intelligence; "the sea that is stirred up, and the waves that roar," signify the generals of truth in the natural man, and knowledges [scientifica].

[17] In Isaiah:

The wicked are like the troubled sea when it cannot be quiet, but its waters cast up filth and mire (Isaiah 57:20).

"The troubled sea which is like the wicked," signifies reasonings from falsities; "the waters that cast up filth and mire," signify the falsities themselves, from which come evils of life and falsities of doctrine.

[18] In Ezekiel:

I will stretch out Mine hand upon the Philistines, and I will cut off the Cherethites, and destroy the remnant of the sea coast (Ezekiel 25:16).

"The Philistines" signify those who are in the doctrine of faith alone, and "the remnant of the sea coast that shall be destroyed," signifies all things of truth.

[19] In Hosea:

I will not return to destroy Ephraim. They shall go after Jehovah; and the sons from the sea shall draw near with honor, with honor shall they come as a bird out of Egypt, and as a dove out of the land of Assyria (Hosea 11:9-11).

"Ephraim" signifies the church in respect to the understanding of truth; "the sons from the sea, who shall draw near," signify truths from a common fountain, which is the Word; "a bird out of Egypt" signifies knowledge [scientificum] agreeing; and "a dove out of the land of Assyria" signifies the rational.

[20] In Zechariah:

In that day living waters shall go out from Jerusalem; part of them to the eastern sea, and part of them to the hinder sea (Zechariah 14:8).

"Living waters from Jerusalem" signify truths from a spiritual origin in the church, which are the truths that are received by man when he is illustrated by the Lord while he is reading the Word. "Jerusalem" is the church in respect to doctrine, the "sea" signifies the natural man, into which those things that are in the spiritual man descend; the "eastern sea" signifies the natural man in respect to good; and the "hinder sea" the natural man in respect to truth; and as the natural man is in the generals of truth, "sea" also signifies the general of truth.

[21] He who knows nothing about the spiritual man, and the truths and goods that are therein, may suppose that the truths that are in the natural man, and are called cognitions and knowledges [scientifica] are not merely the generals of truth, but are all there is of truth with man. But let him know that the truths in the spiritual man, from which those are that are in the natural, are incomparably more numerous; but these truths in the spiritual man do not come to the perception of the natural man until he enters the spiritual world, which is after death; for then man puts off the natural and puts on the spiritual. That this is so can be seen from this fact alone, that angels are in intelligence and wisdom ineffable as compared with man, and yet they are from the human race. (That angels are from the human race, see in the small work onThe Last Judgment 14-22 and 23-27)

[22] As the "sea" signifies the generals of truth, therefore the great vessel, which was for general washing, was called "the brazen sea" (1 Kings 7:23-26); for the "washings" represented purifications from falsities and evils, and "waters" signify truths, by which purifications are effected; and as all truths are from good, the containing vessel was made of brass, and was therefore called "the barren sea," for brass signifies good. Spiritual purification, which is called purification from falsities and evils, is there fully described by the measurements of that vessel, and by the bases thereof, understood in a spiritual sense. From what has been brought forward it can be seen that "sea" signifies the generals of truth or the knowledges of truth together and collectively. But what further is signified by "sea" will be shown in the explanation of what follows, for "sea" is used in various senses (as in Revelation 5:13; 7:1-3; 8:8, 9; 10:2, 8; 12:12; 13:1; 14:7; 15:2; 16:3; 18:17, 19, 21; 20:13; 21:1).

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Thanks to the Swedenborg Foundation for their permission to use this translation.