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1 아브라함이 나이 많아 늙었고 여호와께서 그의 범사에 복을 주셨더라

2 아브라함이 자기 집 모든 소유를 맡은 늙은 종에게 이르되 `청컨대 네 손을 내 환도뼈 밑에 넣으라

3 내가 너로 하늘의 하나님, 땅의 하나님이신 여호와를 가리켜 맹세하게 하노니 너는 나의 거하는 이 지방 가나안 족속의 딸 중에서 내 아들을 위하여 아내를 택하지 말고

4 내 고향 내 족속에게로 가서 내 아들 이삭을 위하여 아내를 택하라'

5 종이 가로되 `여자가 나를 좇아 이 땅으로 오고자 아니하거든 내가 주인의 아들을 주인의 나오신 땅으로 인도하여 돌아가리이까 ?'

6 아브라함이 그에게 이르되 `삼가 내 아들을 그리로 데리고 돌아가지 말라

7 하늘의 하나님 여호와께서 나를 내 아버지의 집과 내 본토에서 떠나게 하시고 내게 말씀하시며 내게 맹세하여 이르시기를 이 땅을 네 씨에게 주리라 하셨으니 그가 그 사자를 네 앞서 보내실지라 네가 거기서 내 아들을 위하여 아내를 택할지니라

8 만일 여자가 너를 좇아 오고자 아니하면 나의 이 맹세가 너와 상관이 없나니 오직 내 아들을 데리고 그리로 가지 말지니라'

9 종이 이에 주인 아브라함의 환도뼈 아래 손을 넣고 이 일에 대하여 그에게 맹세하였더라

10 이에 종이 그 주인의 약대 중 열 필을 취하고 떠났는데 곧 그 주인의 모든 좋은 것을 가지고 떠나 메소보다미아로 가서 나홀의 성에 이르러

11 그 약대를 성 밖 우물 곁에 꿇렸으니 저녁 때라 여인들이 물을 길러 나올 때이었더라

12 그가 가로되 `우리 주인 아브라함의 하나님 여호와여 ! 원컨대 오늘날 나로 순적히 만나게 하사 나의 주인 아브라함에게 은혜를 베푸시옵소서 !

13 성 중 사람의 딸들이 물 길러 나오겠사오니 내가 우물 곁에 섰다가

14 한 소녀에게 이르기를 청컨대 너는 물 항아리를 기울여 나로 마시게 하라 하리니 그의 대답이 마시라 내가 당신의 약대에게도 마시우리라 하면 그는 주께서 주의 종 이삭을 위하여 정하신 자라 이로 인하여 주께서 나의 주인에게 은혜 베푸심을 내가 알겠나이다'

15 말을 마치지 못하여서 리브가가 물 항아리를 어깨에 메고 나오니 그는 아브라함의 동생 나홀의 아내 밀가의 아들 브두엘의 소생이라

16 그 소녀는 보기에 심히 아리땁고 지금까지 남자가 가까이 하지 아니한 처녀더라 그가 우물에 내려가서 물을 그 물 항아리에 채워 가지고 올라오는지라

17 종이 마주 달려가서 가로되 `청컨대 네 물 항아리의 물을 내게 조금 마시우라'

18 그가 가로되 `주여, 마시소서' 하며 급히 그 물 항아리를 손에 내려 마시게 하고

19 마시우기를 다하고 가로되 `당신의 약대도 위하여 물을 길어 그것들로 배불리 마시게 하리이다' 하고

20 급히 물 항아리의 물을 구유에 붓고 다시 길으려고 우물로 달려가서 모든 약대를 위하여 긷는지라

21 그 사람이 그를 묵묵히 주목하며 여호와께서 과연 평탄한 길을 주신 여부를 알고자 하더니

22 약대가 마시기를 다하매 그가 반 세겔중 금고리 한개와, 열 세겔중 금 손목고리 한 쌍을 그에게 주며

23 가로되 `네가 뉘 딸이냐 ? 청컨대 내게 고하라 네 부친의 집에 우리 유숙할 곳이 있느냐 ?'

24 그 여자가 그에게 이르되 `나는 밀가가 나홀에게 낳은 아들 브두엘의 딸이니이다'

25 또 가로되 `우리에게 짚과 보리가 족하며 유숙할 곳도 있나이다'

26 이에 그 사람이 머리를 숙여 여호와께 경배하고

27 가로되 `나의 주인 아브라함의 하나님 여호와를 찬송하나이다 ! 나의 주인에게 주의 인자와 성실을 끊이지 아니하셨사오며 여호와께서 길에서 나를 인도하사 내 주인의 동생집에 이르게 하셨나이다' 하니라

28 소녀가 달려가서 이 일을 어미 집에 고하였더니

29 리브가에게 오라비가 있어 이름은 라반이라 그가 우물로 달려가 그 사람에게 이르니

30 그가 그 누이의 고리와 그 손의 손목고리를 보고 또 그 누이 리브가가 그 사람이 자기에게 이같이 말하더라 함을 듣고 그 사람에게로 나아감이라 때에 그가 우물가 약대 곁에 섰더라

31 라반이 가로되 `여호와께 복을 받은 자여 ! 들어오소서 어찌 밖에 섰나이까 ? 내가 방과 약대의 처소를 예비하였나이다'

32 그 사람이 집으로 들어가매 라반이 약대의 짐을 부리고 짚과 보리를 약대에게 주고 그 사람의 발과 그 종자의 발 씻을 물을 주고

33 그 앞에 식물을 베푸니 그 사람이 가로되 `내가 내 일을 진술하기 전에는 먹지 아니하겠나이다' 라반이 가로되 `말하소서'

34 그가 가로되 `나는 아브라함의 종이니이다

35 여호와께서 나의 주인에게 크게 복을 주어 창성케 하시되 우양과, 은,금과, 노비와, 약대와, 나귀를 그에게 주셨고

36 나의 주인의 부인 사라가 노년에 나의 주인에게 아들을 낳으매 주인이 그 모든 소유를 그 아들에게 주었나이다

37 나의 주인이 나로 맹세하게 하여 가로되 너는 내 아들을 위하여 나 사는 땅 가나안 족속의 딸 중에서 아내를 택하지 말고

38 내 아비 집 내 족속에게로 가서 내 아들을 위하여 아내를 택하라 하시기로

39 내가 내 주인에게 말씀하되 혹 여자가 나를 좇지 아니하면 어찌 하리이까 ? 한즉

40 주인이 내게 이르되 나의 섬기는 여호와께서 그 사자를 너와 함께 보내어 네게 평탄한 길을 주시리니 너는 내 족속 중 내 아비 집에서 내 아들을 위하여 아내를 택할 것이니라

41 네가 내 족속에게 이를 때에는 네가 내 맹세와 상관이 없으리라 설혹 그들이 네게 주지 아니할지라도 네가 내 맹세와 상관이 없으리라 하시기로

42 내가 오늘 우물에 이르러 말씀하기를 나의 주인 아브라함의 하나님 여호와여, 만일 나의 행하는 길에 형통함을 주실진대

43 내가 이 우물 곁에 섰다가 청년 여자가 물을 길러 오거든 내가 그에게 청하기를 너는 물 항아리의 물을 내게 조금 마시우라 하여

44 그의 대답이 당신은 마시라 내가 또 당신의 약대를 위하여도 길으리라 하면 그 여자는 여호와께서 나의 주인의 아들을 위하여 정하여 주신 자가 되리이다 하며

45 내가 묵도하기를 마치지 못하여 리브가가 물 항아리를 어깨에 메고 나와서 우물로 내려와 긷기로 내가 그에게 이르기를 청컨대 내게 마시우라 한즉

46 그가 급히 물 항아리를 어깨에서 내리며 가로되 마시라 내가 당신의 약대에게도 마시우리라 하기로 내가 마시매 그가 또 약대에게도 마시운지라

47 내가 그에게 묻기를 네가 뉘 딸이뇨? 한즉 가로되 밀가가 나홀에게 낳은 브두엘의 딸이라 하기로 내가 고리를 그 코에 꿰고 손목고리를 그 손에 끼우고

48 나의 주인 아브라함의 하나님 여호와께서 나를 바른 길로 인도하사 나의 주인의 동생의 딸을 그 아들을 위하여 택하게 하셨으므로 내가 머리를 숙여 그에게 경배하고 찬송하였나이다 !

49 이제 당신들이 인자와 진실로 나의 주인을 대접하려거든 내게 고하시고 그렇지 않을지라도 내게 고하여 나로 좌우간 행하게 하소서'

50 라반과 브두엘이 대답하여 가로되 `이 일이 여호와께로 말미암았으니 우리는 가부를 말할 수 없노라

51 리브가가 그대 앞에 있으니 데리고 가서 여호와의 명대로 그로 그대의 주인의 아들의 아내가 되게 하라'

52 아브라함의 종이 그들의 말을 듣고 땅에 엎드리어 여호와께 절하고

53 은,금 패물과 의복을 꺼내어 리브가에게 주고 그 오라비와 어미에게도 보물을 주니라

54 이에 그들 곧 종과 종자들이 먹고 마시고 유숙하고 아침에 일어나서 그가 가로되 `나를 보내어 내 주인에게로 돌아가게 하소서'

55 리브가의 오라비와 그 어미가 가로되 `소녀로 며칠을 적어도 열흘을 우리와 함께 있게 하라 그 후에 그가 갈 것이니라'

56 그 사람이 그들에게 이르되 `나를 만류치 마소서 여호와께서 내게 형통한 길을 주셨으니 나를 보내어 내 주인에게로 돌아가게 하소서'

57 그들이 가로되 `우리가 소녀를 불러 그에게 물으리라` 하고

58 리브가를 불러 그에게 이르되 `네가 이 사람과 함께 가려느냐 ?` 그가 대답하되 `가겠나이다'

59 그들이 그 누이 리브가와 그의 유모와 아브라함의 종과 종자들을 보내며

60 리브가에게 축복하여 가로되 `우리 누이여, 너는 천만인의 어미가 될지어다 ! 네 씨로 그 원수의 성문을 얻게 할지어다'

61 리브가가 일어나 비자와 함께 약대를 타고 그 사람을 따라가니 종이 리브가를 데리고 가니라

62 때에 이삭이 브엘 라해로이에서 왔으니 그가 남방에 거하였었음이라

63 이삭이 저물 때에 들에 나가 묵상하다가 눈을 들어 보매 약대들이 오더라

64 리브가가 눈을 들어 이삭을 바라보고 약대에서 내려

65 종에게 말하되 `들에서 배회하다가 우리에게로 마주 오는 자가 누구뇨 ?' 종이 가로되 `이는 내 주인이니이다' 리브가가 면박을 취하여 스스로 가리우더라

66 종이 그 행한 일을 다 이삭에게 고하매

67 이삭이 리브가를 인도하여 모친 사라의 장막으로 들이고 그를 취하여 아내를 삼고 사랑하였으니 이삭이 모친 상사 후에 위로를 얻었더라


Ze Swedenborgových děl


Arcana Coelestia # 4835

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/ 10837  

4835. Come to thy brother’s wife, and perform the duty of a husband’s brother unto her. That this signifies that he should continue it, namely, the representative of the church, is evident from the signification of “to come” or “enter to a brother’s wife, and perform the duty of a husband’s brother unto her,” as being to preserve and continue that which is of the church. The commandment in the Mosaic law that if any man died childless, his brother should take the widow to wife and raise up seed to his brother, and that the firstborn should be called by the name of the deceased brother, but the rest of the sons should be his own, was called “the duty of the husband’s brother.” That this statute was not a new thing originating in the Jewish Church, but had been in use before, is evident from this history, and the same is true of many other statutes that were commanded the Israelites by Moses-as that they should not take wives of the daughters of the Canaanites, and that they should marry within their families (Genesis 24:3-4; 28:1-2). From these and many other instances it is evident that there had been a church before, in which such things had been instituted as were afterwards promulgated and enjoined upon the sons of Jacob. That altars and sacrifices had been in use from ancient times is plain from Genesis 8:20-21; 22:3, 7-8, 13. From this it is clear that the Jewish Church was not a new church, but that it was a resuscitation of the Ancient Church which had perished.

[2] What the law in regard to the husband’s brother had been is evident in Moses:

If brethren dwell together, and one of them die, and have no son, the wife of the deceased shall not marry without, to a strange man; her husband’s brother shall enter to her, and take her to him to wife, and thus perform the duty of a husband’s brother unto her. Then it shall be that the first-born whom she beareth shall stand upon the name of his deceased brother, that his name be not blotted out of Israel. But if the man will not marry his brother’s wife, his brother’s wife shall go up to the gate unto the elders, and say, My husband’s brother refuses to raise up unto his brother a name in Israel; he will not perform the duty of a husband’s brother unto me. Then the elders of his city shall call him, and speak unto him; and if he stand and say, I desire not to take her; then shall his brother’s wife come near unto him in the sight of the elders, and shall draw his shoe from off his foot, and spit in his face; and she shall answer and say, So shall it be done unto the man that doth not build up his brother’s house; whence his name shall be called in Israel, The house of him that hath his shoe taken off (Deuteronomy 25:5-10).

[3] One who does not know what the duty of a husband’s brother represents, can have no other belief than that it was merely for the sake of preserving the name, and hence the inheritance; but the preservation of a name and of an inheritance was not of so much importance that for the sake of it a brother should enter into marriage with his brother’s wife; but this was enjoined that thereby might be represented the preservation and continuation of the church. For marriage represented the marriage of good and truth, that is, the heavenly marriage, and consequently the church also, for the church is a church from the marriage of good and truth; and when the church is in this marriage it makes one with heaven, which is the heavenly marriage itself. As marriage has this representation, therefore sons and daughters represented and also signified truths and goods; wherefore to be childless signified a deprivation of good and truth, thus that there was no longer any representative of the church in that house, consequently that it was out of communion. Moreover, the brother represented kindred good, with which might be conjoined the truth which was represented by the widowed wife; for in order that truth may be the truth which has life and produces fruit, and so continue that which is of the church, it cannot be conjoined with any other than its own and kindred good. This is what is perceived in heaven by the duty prescribed to the husband’s brother.

[4] That if the man would not perform the duty of a husband’s brother, his brother’s wife should take his shoe from off his foot and spit in his face, signified that, as one who was devoid of external and internal good and truth, he would destroy the things of the church; for a “shoe” is what is external (n. 1748), and the “face” is what is internal (n. 1999, 2434, 3527, 4066, 4796). From this it is evident that by the duty of the husband’s brother was represented the preservation and continuation of the church. But when the representatives of internal things ceased by the coming of the Lord, then this law was abolished. This is circumstanced as are the soul or spirit of man and his body. The soul or spirit of man is his internal, and the body is his external; or what is the same, the soul or spirit is the very form of man, but the body is his representative image; and when a man rises again, his representative image, or his external, which is the body, is put off; for he is then in his internal, or in his form itself. It is circumstanced also as is one who is in darkness, and from it sees the things which are of the light; or what is the same as is one who is in the light of the world, and from this sees the things which are of the light of heaven; for the light of the world in comparison with the light of heaven is as darkness. In darkness, or in the light of the world, the things which are of the light of heaven do not appear such as they are in themselves, but as in a representative image, as the mind of man appears in his face; and therefore when the light of heaven appears in its clearness, the darkness or representative image is dissipated. This was effected by the coming of the Lord.

4835a. And raise up seed to thy brother. That this signifies lest the church should perish, is evident from the signification of “seed,” as being truth from good, or the faith of charity (n. 1025, 1447, 1610, 1940, 2848, 3310, 3373, 3671). The like is also signified by the “firstborn who was to stand upon the name of the deceased brother” (n. 352[1], 367, 2435, 3325, 3494). To “raise up the seed to a brother” is to continue that which is of the church, according to what was said just above (see n. 4834), thus lest the church should perish.

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Thanks to the Swedenborg Foundation for the permission to use this translation.

Ze Swedenborgových děl


Arcana Coelestia # 3195

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3195. And he dwelt in the land of the south. That this signifies consequently in Divine light, is evident from the signification of “dwelling,” as being to live (see n. 1293), and as being predicated of good (n. 2268, 2451, 2712); and from the signification of the “land of the south,” as being Divine light; for the “south” signifies light, and indeed the light of intelligence, which is wisdom (n. 1458); but the “land of the south” signifies the place and state where this light is; so here, that “Isaac came from coming from Beer-lahai-roi, and he dwelt in the land of the south,” signifies that Divine good rational, because born from Divine truth, was in Divine light.

[2] In the Word frequent mention is made of “light,” and by this in the internal sense is signified the truth which is from good; but in the supreme internal sense there is signified the Lord Himself, because He is good and truth itself. Moreover there actually is light in heaven, but infinitely brighter than the light on earth (seen. 1053, 1117, 1521-1533, 1619-1632); and in this light spirits and angels see one another, and by means of it is displayed all the glory which is in heaven. In regard to its lucidity, this light does indeed appear like the light in the world; but still it is not like it, for it is not natural, but spiritual, having in it wisdom; so that it is nothing else than wisdom which so shines before the eyes of the angels; and therefore the wiser the angels are, the brighter is the light in which they are (n. 2776). Moreover this light illumines the understanding of man, especially that of a regenerate man; but it is not perceived by man so long as he is in the life of the body, because of the light of the world, which then is regnant.

Moreover the evil spirits in the other life see one another, and also see many representatives which exist in the world of spirits, and this indeed they do from the light of heaven; but their lumen is such as proceeds from a fire of coals, for the light of heaven is changed into such a lumen when it comes to them.

[3] As regards the very origin of light, this has been from eternity from the Lord alone; for Divine good itself and Divine truth, from which light comes, is the Lord. The Divine Human, which was from eternity (John 17:5), was this light itself. And whereas this light could no longer affect the human race, which had removed itself so far from good and truth, thus from light, and had cast itself into darkness, therefore the Lord willed to put on by birth the human itself; for thus He could illumine not only the rational but also the natural things of man; for He made both the rational and the natural in Himself Divine, in order that He might also be a light to those who were in such gross darkness.

[4] That the Lord is light, that is, good itself and truth itself, and that thus from Him is all intelligence and wisdom, consequently all salvation, is evident from many passages in the Word, as in John:

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and God was the Word; in Him was life, and the life was the light of men. John came to bear witness of the light; he was not that light, but came that he might bear witness of the light. That was the true light which enlighteneth every man that cometh into the world (John 1:1, 4, 7-9).

The “Word” was the Divine truth, thus the Lord Himself as to the Divine Human, concerning which it is said that “the Word was with God, and God was the Word.”

[5] In the same Evangelist:

This is the judgment, that light is come into the world, but men loved the darkness rather than the light (John 3:19); where “light” denotes the Divine truth. Again:

Jesus said, I am the light of the world; he that followeth Me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life (John 8:12).

Yet a little while is the light with you; walk while ye have the light, lest darkness seize upon you; while ye have the light, believe in the light, that ye may be sons of light (John 12:35-36).

He that seeth Me seeth Him that sent Me; I am come a light into the world, that whosoever believeth in Me may not abide in the darkness (John 12:45-46).

In Luke:

Mine eyes have seen Thy salvation, which Thou hast prepared before the face of all peoples, a light for revelation to the Gentiles, and the glory of Thy people Israel (Luke 2:30-32).

This is the prophecy of Simeon concerning the Lord when he was born.

[6] In Matthew:

The people that sat in darkness saw a great light, and to them that sat in the region and shadow of death, did light spring up (Matthew 4 Isaiah 9:2);

from which passages it is very plain that the Lord as to the Divine good and truth in the Divine Human, is called “light.” Also in the prophecies of the Old Testament, as in Isaiah:

The light of Israel shall be for a fire, and His Holy One for a flame (Isaiah 10:17).

I Jehovah have called thee in righteousness, and I will give thee for a covenant of the people, for a light of the Gentiles (Isaiah 42:6).

I have given thee for a light of the Gentiles, that thou mayest be My salvation, unto the end of the earth (Isaiah 49:6).


Arise, shine, for thy light is come, and the glory of Jehovah is risen upon thee. The gentiles shall walk to thy light, and kings to the brightness of thy rising (Isaiah 60:1, 3).

[7] That all the light of heaven, consequently wisdom and intelligence, is from the Lord, is thus taught in John:

The holy city New Jerusalem, descending from God out of heaven, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband, hath no need of the sun, neither of the moon, to shine in it; the glory of God will enlighten it, and the Lamb is the lamp thereof (Revelation 21:2, 23).

Again, speaking of the same:

There shall be no night there, and they need no lamp, neither light of the sun, for the Lord God giveth them light (Revelation 22:5).

[8] Again in Isaiah:

The sun shall be no more thy light by day, neither for brightness shall the moon give light unto thee; but Jehovah shall be unto thee an everlasting light, and thy God thy glory; thy sun shall no more go down, neither shall thy moon withdraw itself, for Jehovah shall be thine everlasting light (Isaiah 60:19-20).

“The sun shall be no more thy light by day, neither for brightness shall the moon give light unto thee” denotes that this will be the case with the things not of natural, but of spiritual light, which is signified by “Jehovah being an everlasting light.” That “Jehovah” as mentioned here and elsewhere in the Old Testament, is the Lord, may be seen above (n. 1343, 1736, 2156, 2329, 2921, 3023, 3035).

[9] And that He is the light of heaven He also manifested to the three disciples, Peter, James, and John, at his transfiguration, when:

His face did shine as the sun, and His raiment became as the light (Matthew 17:2).

His “face as the sun” was the Divine good; His “raiment as the light” was the Divine truth. Hence it may be known what is meant by the expression in the benediction:

Jehovah make His faces shine upon thee, and be merciful unto thee (Numbers 6:25).

That the “faces of Jehovah” are mercy, peace, and good, may be seen above (n. 222, 223); and that the “sun” is the Divine love; thus that it is the Divine love of the Lord which appears as a sun in the heaven of angels, may also be seen above (n. 30-38, 1053, 1521, 1529-1531, 2441, 2495).

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Thanks to the Swedenborg Foundation for the permission to use this translation.