

에스겔 16



1 여호와의 말씀이 또 내게 임하여 가라사대

2 인자야 예루살렘으로 그 가증한 일을 알게 하여

3 이르기를 주 여호와께서 예루살렘에 대하여 말씀하시되 네 근본과 난 땅은 가나안이요 네 아비는 아모리 사람이요 네 어미는 헷 사람이라

4 너의 난 것을 말하건대 네가 날 때에 네 배꼽줄을 자르지 아니하였고 너를 물로 씻어 정결케 하지 아니하였고 네게 소금을 뿌리지 아니하였고 너를 강보에 싸지도 아니하였나니

5 너를 돌아 보아 이 중에 한 가지라도 네게 행하여 너를 긍휼히 여긴 자가 없었으므로 네가 나던 날에 네 몸이 꺼린바 되어 네가 들에 버리웠었느니라

6 내가 네 곁으로 지나 갈 때에 네가 피투성이가 되어 발짓하는 것을 보고 네게 이르기를 너는 피투성이라도 살라 다시 이르기를 너는 피투성이라도 살라 하고

7 내가 너로 들의 풀 같이 많게 하였더니 네가 크게 자라고 심히 아름다우며 유방이 뚜렷하고 네 머리털이 자랐으나 네가 오히려 벌거벗은 적신이더라

8 내가 네 곁으로 지나며 보니 네 때가 사랑스러운 때라 내 옷으로 너를 덮어 벌거벗은 것을 가리우고 네게 맹세하고 언약하여 너로 내게 속하게 하였었느니라 나 주 여호와의 말이니라

9 내가 물로 너를 씻겨서 네 피를 없이 하며 네게 기름을 바르고

10 수 놓은 옷을 입히고 물돼지 가죽신을 신기고 가는 베로 띠우고 명주로 덧입히고

11 패물을 채우고 팔고리를 손목에 끼우고 사슬을 목에 드리우고

12 코고리를 코에 달고 귀고리를 귀에 달고 화려한 면류관을 머리에 씌웠나니

13 이와 같이 네가 금 은으로 장식하고 가는 베와 명주와 수놓은 것을 입으며 또 고운 밀가루와 꿀과 기름을 먹음으로 극히 곱고 형통하여 왕후의 지위에 나아갔느니라

14 네 화려함을 인하여 네 명성이 이방인 중에 퍼졌음은 내가 네게 입힌 영화로 네 화려함이 온전함이니라 나 주 여호와의 말이니라

15 그러나 네가 네 화려함을 믿고 네 명성을 인하여 행음하되 무릇 지나가는 자면 더불어 음란을 많이 행하므로 네 몸이 그들의 것이 되도다

16 네가 네 의복을 취하여 색스러운 산당을 너를 위하여 만들고 거기서 행음하였나니 이런 일은 전무후무하니라

17 네가 또 나의 준 금,은 장식품으로 너를 위하여 남자 우상을 만들어 행음하며

18 또 네 수 놓은 옷으로 그 우상에게 입히고 나의 기름과 향으로 그 앞에 베풀며

19 또 내가 네게 주어 먹게 한 내 식물 곧 고운 밀가루와 기름과 꿀을 네가 그 앞에 베풀어 향기를 삼았나니 과연 그렇게 하였느니라 나 주 여호와의 말이니라

20 또 네가 나를 위하여 낳은 네 자녀를 가져 그들에게 드려 제물을 삼아 불살랐느니라 네가 너의 음행을 작은 일로 여겨서

21 나의 자녀들을 죽여 우상에게 붙여 불 가운데로 지나가게 하였느냐 ?

22 네 어렸을 때에 벌거벗어 적신이었으며 피투성이가 되어서 발짓하던 것을 기억지 아니하고 네가 모든 가증한 일과 음란을 행하였느니라

23 나 주 여호와가 말하노라 너는 화 있을진저 화 있을진저 네가 모든 악을 행한 후에

24 너를 위하여 누를 건축하며 모든 거리에 높은 대를 쌓았도다

25 네가 높은 대를 모든 길 머리에 쌓고 네 아름다움을 가증하게 하여 모든 지나가는 자에게 다리를 벌려 심히 행음하고

26 하체가 큰 네 이웃나라 애굽 사람과도 행음하되 심히 음란히 하여 내 노를 격동하였도다

27 그러므로 내가 내 손을 네 위에 펴서 네 일용 양식을 감하고 너를 미워하는 블레셋 여자 곧 네 더러운 행실을 부끄러워하는 자에게 너를 붙여 임의로 하게 하였거늘

28 네가 음욕이 차지 아니하여 또 앗수르 사람과 행음하고 그들과 행음하고도 오히려 부족히 여겨

29 장사하는 땅 갈대아에까지 심히 행음하되 오히려 족한 줄을 알지못하였느니라

30 나 주 여호와가 말하노라 네가 이 모든 일을 행하니 이는 방자한 음부의 행위라 네 마음이 어찌 그리 약한지

31 네가 누를 모든 길 머리에 건축하며 높은 대를 모든 거리에 쌓고도 값을 싫어하니 창기 같지도 않도다

32 그 지아비 대신에 외인과 사통하여 간음하는 아내로다

33 사람들은 모든 창기에게 선물을 주거늘 오직 너는 네 모든 정든 자에게 선물을 주며 값을 주어서 사방에서 와서 너와 행음하게 하니

34 사람들은 모든 창기에게 선물을 주거늘 오직 너는 네 모든 정든 자에게 선물을 주며 값을 주어서 사방에서 와서 너와 행음하게 하니

35 너의 음란함이 다른 여인과 같지 아니함은 행음하려고 너를 따르는 자가 없음이며 또 네가 값을 받지 아니하고 도리어 줌이라 그런즉 다른 여인과 같지 아니하니라

36 그러므로 너 음부야 여호와의 말을 들을지어다

37 나 주 여호와가 말하노라 네가 네 누추한 것을 쏟으며 네 정든 자와 행음함으로 벗은 몸을 드러내며 또 가증한 우상을 위하여 네 자녀의 피를 그 우상에게 드렸은즉

38 내가 저의 즐거워하는 정든 자와 사랑하던 모든 자와 미워하던 모든 자를 모으되 사방에서 모아 너를 대적하게 할 것이요 또 네 벗은 몸을 그 앞에 드러내어 그들로 그것을 다 보게 할 것이며

39 내가 또 간음하고 사람의 피를 흘리는 여인을 국문함 같이 너를 국문하여 진노의 피와 투기의 피를 네게 돌리고

40 내가 또 너를 그들의 손에 붙이리니 그들이 네 누를 헐며 네 높은 대를 훼파하며 네 의복을 벗기고 네 장식품을 빼앗고 네 몸을 벌거벗겨 버려두며

41 무리를 데리고 와서 너를 돌로 치며 칼로 찌르며

42 불로 너의 집들을 사르고 여러 여인의 목전에서 너를 벌할지라 내가 너로 곧 음행을 그치게 하리니 네가 다시는 값을 주지 아니하리라

43 그리한즉 내가 네게 대한 내 분노가 그치며 내 투기가 네게서 떠나고 마음이 평안하여 다시는 노하지 아니하리라

44 네가 어렸을 때를 기억지 아니하고 이 모든 일로 나를 격노케 하였은즉 내가 네 행위대로 네 머리에 보응하리니 네가 이 음란과 네 모든 가증한 일을 다시는 행하지 아니하리라 나 주 여호와의 말이니라

45 무릇 속담하는 자가 네게 대하여 속담하기를 어미가 어떠하면 딸도 그렇다 하리라

46 너는 그 남편과 자녀를 싫어한 어미의 딸이요 너는 그 남편과 자녀를 싫어한 형의 동생이로다 네 어미는 헷 사람이요 네 아비는 아모리 사람이며

47 네 형은 그 딸들과 함께 네 좌편에 거하는 사마리아요 네 아우는 그 딸들과 함께 네 우편에 거하는 소돔이라

48 네가 그들의 행위대로만 행치 아니하며 그 가증한대로만 행치 아니하고 그것을 적게 여겨서 네 모든 행위가 그보다 더욱 부패하였도다

49 나 주 여호와가 말하노라 내가 나의 삶을 두고 맹세하노니 네 아우 소돔 곧 그와 그 딸들은 너와 네 딸들의 행위 같이 행치 아니하였느니라

50 네 아우 소돔의 죄악은 이러하니 그와 그 딸들에게 교만함과 식물의 풍족함과 태평함이 있음이며 또 그가 가난하고 궁핍한 자를 도와주지 아니하며

51 거만하여 가증한 일을 내 앞에서 행하였음이라 그러므로 내가 보고 곧 그들을 없이 하였느니라

52 사마리아는 네 죄의 절반도 범치 아니하였느니라 네가 그들보다 가증한 일을 심히 행한고로 너의 가증한 행위로 네 형과 아우를 의롭게 하였느니라

53 네가 네 형과 아우를 논단하였은즉 너도 네 수치를 담당할찌니라 네가 그들보다 더욱 가증한 죄를 범하므로 그들이 너보다 의롭게 되었나니 네가 네 형과 아우를 의롭게 하였은즉 너는 놀라며 네 수치를 담당할지니라

54 내가 그들의 사로잡힘 곧 소돔과 그 딸들의 사로잡힘과 사마리아와 그 딸들의 사로잡힘과 그들 중에 너의 사로잡힌 자의 사로잡힘을 돌이켜서

55 너로 네 수욕을 담당하고 너의 행한 모든 일을 인하여 부끄럽게 하리니 이는 네가 그들에게 위로가 됨이라

56 네 아우 소돔과 그 딸들이 옛 지위를 회복할 것이요 사마리아와 그 딸들도 그 옛 지위를 회복할 것이며 너와 네 딸들도 너희 옛 지위를 회복할 것이니라

57 네가 교만하던 때에 네 아우 소돔을 네 입으로 말하지도 아니하였나니

58 곧 네 악이 드러나기 전에며 아람 딸들이 너를 능욕하기 전에며 너의 사방에 둘러 있는 블레셋 딸들이 너를 멸시하기 전에니라

59 네 음란과 네 가증한 일을 네가 담당하였느니라 나 여호와의 말이니라

60 나 주 여호와가 말하노라 네가 맹세를 멸시하여 언약을 배반하였은즉 내가 네 행한대로 네게 행하리라

61 그러나 내가 너의 어렸을 때에 너와 세운 언약을 기억하고 너와 영원한 언약을 세우리라

62 네가 네 형과 아우를 접대할 때에 네 행위를 기억하고 부끄러워할 것이라 내가 그들을 네게 딸로 주려니와 네 언약으로 말미암음이 아니니라

63 내가 네게 내 언약을 세워서 너로 나를 여호와인 줄 알게 하리니 [ (Ezekiel 16:64) 이는 내가 네 모든 행한 일을 용서한 후에 너로 기억하고 놀라고 부끄러워서 다시는 입을 열지 못하게 하려 함이니라 나 주 여호와의 말이니라 하셨다 하라 ]


Ze Swedenborgových děl


Arcana Coelestia # 6729

Prostudujte si tuto pasáž

/ 10837  

6729. 'And the daughter of Pharaoh went down' means the kind of religion practised there. This is clear from the meaning of 'the daughter' as an affection for truth and good, and from this as the Church, dealt with in 2362, 3963, and in the contrary sense as an affection for falsity and evil, and from this as the kind of religion that springs from them, 3024. Here the kind of religion that springs from false factual knowledge is meant because the daughter is Pharaoh's; for 'Pharaoh' here represents false factual knowledge, 6651, 6679, 6683, 6692. In the Word Churches are meant by 'daughters', as may be recognized from the very many places in which the Church is called the daughter of Zion, and the daughter of Jerusalem. The false religions of quite a number of nations are also meant by 'daughters', as is evident from the places where those religions are called daughters, for example, the daughter of Tyre, Psalms 45:12; the daughter of Edom, Lamentations 4:22; the daughter of the Chaldeans and of Babel, Isaiah 47:1, 5; Jeremiah 50:41-42; Jeremiah 51:33; Zechariah 2:7, Psalms 137:8; the daughter of the Philistines, Ezekiel 16:27, 57; the daughter of Tarshish, Isaiah 23:10. 'The daughter of Egypt' is spoken of in Jeremiah,

Go up to Gilead and take balm, O virgin daughter of Egypt! Make for yourself vessels of migration, O inhabitant daughter of Egypt! The daughter of Egypt has been put to shame; she has been delivered into the hand of the people from the north. Jeremiah 46:11, 19, 24.

'The daughter of Egypt' stands for an affection for reasoning that relies, since a negative attitude of mind reigns, on factual knowledge - reasoning whether the truths of faith are indeed true. Thus she stands for the kind of religion which springs from that reasoning, a religion in which there is no belief in anything except what is false.

/ 10837  

Thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.

Ze Swedenborgových děl


Arcana Coelestia # 3869

Prostudujte si tuto pasáž

/ 10837  

3869. 'For Jehovah has heard' means in the highest sense providence, in the internal sense the will of faith, in the interior sense obedience, in the external sense the sense of hearing - faith in the will which is received from the Lord alone being meant here. This is clear from the meaning of 'hearing'. As regards 'hearing' meaning the sense of hearing, this needs no explanation; but that 'hearing' in the interior sense means obedience and in the internal sense faith in the will, this is clear from the many places in the Word that are referred to below. The same is clear also from the nature of the sense of hearing when compared with that of sight. Sight in the interior sense means the understanding and in the internal sense faith in the understanding, see 3863; and the reason why it has these meanings is that the essential nature of things comes to be seen by means of one's internal sight and with the aid of this comes to be grasped by a kind of faith, though such as exists only in the understanding. When however things that are heard penetrate to the interior parts they too are converted into something similar to sight, for things that are heard are then seen interiorly. Consequently that which is meant by the sense of sight is also meant by the sense of hearing; that is to say, that which is of the understanding and also that which is of faith is meant. But the sense of hearing at the same time convinces a person that the thing is true, for it has an influence not only on the understanding part of a person's mind but also on the will part, and so reaches more interiorly. That is to say, it reaches the will and causes that person to will that which he sees. This is why 'hearing' means the understanding of a thing and at the same time obedience, and why in the spiritual sense it means faith in the will.

[2] It is because these two - obedience, and faith in the will - lie thus within 'hearing' that these attributes are also meant in everyday speech by the phrases hearing, listening to, and paying attention to; for a person who 'hears' is one who is obedient, and 'listening to' somebody also means obeying him. For those entities which exist interiorly within something are sometimes included within the actual expressions a person uses when he speaks. These occur there because it is a person's spirit which thinks and which grasps the meaning of the expressions used by others when they speak; and his spirit is in a way in contact with spirits and angels among whom the first beginnings of verbal expressions exist. What is more, the whole range of man's experience is such that whatever enters in through the ear and eye, or hearing and sight, passes into his understanding, through the understanding into the will, and from the will into deed. So it is with the truth of faith. This first becomes the truth of faith present within knowledge, then the truth of faith within the will, and finally the truth of faith in deed, and so finally charity. Faith within knowledge or the understanding is meant by 'Reuben', as has been shown; faith in the will by 'Simeon'; and faith in the will when it becomes charity by 'Levi'.

[3] As regards 'hearing' in the highest sense meaning providence, this may become clear from what has been stated above in 3863 about 'seeing' in the highest sense meaning foresight, for the Lord's foresight is a seeing from eternity to eternity that a thing is so, whereas His providence is a governing that that thing should be so and a bending of a person's freedom towards good insofar as He foresees that that person is going to allow himself in freedom to be bent towards it, see 3854.

[4] That 'Jehovah heard', the phrase from which Simeon received his name, in the interior sense means obedience, and in the internal sense faith in the will acquired from the Lord alone, is evident from very many places in the Word, such as the following: In Matthew,

Behold, a voice from the cloud, saying, This is My beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased; hear Him. Matthew 17:5.

'Hearing Him' stands for possessing faith in Him, and obeying His commandments, and so possessing faith in the will. In John,

Truly, truly, I say to you, that the hour will come when the dead will hear the voice of the Son of God, and those who hear will live. Do not marvel at this, for the hour is coming in which all who are in the tombs will hear His voice. John 5:25, 28.

'Hearing the voice of the Son of God' stands for possessing faith in the Lord's words, and willing them. People who possess faith that is part of the will receive life, and that is why the words 'those who hear will live' are used.

[5] In the same gospel,

The one entering by the door is the shepherd of the sheep; to him the gate-keeper opens, and the sheep hear his voice. And other sheep I have which are not of this fold; I must bring them also, and they will hear My voice, and there will be one flock and one shepherd. My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me. John 10:2-3, 16, 27.

'Hearing the voice' plainly stands for obedience resulting from faith that is part of the will. In the same gospel,

Everyone who is of the truth hears My voice. John 18:37.

Here the meaning is similar. In Luke,

Abraham said to him, They have Moses and the Prophets; let them hear them. If they do not hear Moses and the Prophets neither will they be persuaded if someone rose from the dead. Luke 16:29, 31.

'Hearing Moses and the Prophets' stands for knowing things contained in the Word and possessing faith in it, and so also willing those things. For possessing faith without willing is seeing but not hearing, whereas possessing faith together with willing is seeing and hearing. This is why both - seeing and hearing - are mentioned together in various places throughout the Word, seeing meaning that which is portrayed through 'Reuben' and hearing that which is portrayed through 'Simeon', since the two are joined together like brother to brother.

[6] The fact that seeing and hearing are referred to jointly is clear from the following places: In Matthew,

Therefore I speak to them in parables, because those who see do not see, and those who hear do not hear, nor do they understand. And in them is fulfilled the prophecy of Isaiah which says, By hearing you will hear and not understand, and seeing you will see and not discern. This people's heart has become gross, and with ears they have heard in a dull manner, and their eyes they have closed, lest perhaps they see with their eyes and hear with their ears, and with their heart understand. But blessed are your eyes, for they see, and your ears, for they hear. Truly I say to you, that many prophets and righteous men desired to see what you see, but did not see it, and to hear what you hear, but did not hear it. Matthew 13:13-17; John 12:40; Isaiah 6:9.

In Mark,

Jesus said to the disciples, Why do you discuss the fact that you have no loaves? Are you still without understanding and do not understand? Do you still have your heart hardened? Having eyes do you not see, and having ears do you not hear? Mark 8:17-18.

[7] In Luke,

To you it has been given to know the mysteries of the kingdom of God, but for everyone else in parables, that seeing they may not see, and hearing they may not hear. Luke 8:10.

In Isaiah,

The eyes of the blind will be opened, and the ears of the deaf will be opened. Isaiah 35:5.

In the same prophet,

Then on that day the deaf will hear the words of the book, and out of thick darkness and out of darkness the eyes of the blind will see. Isaiah 29:18.

In the same prophet,

Hear, you deaf, and look and see, you blind. Isaiah 42:18.

In the same prophet, Bring forth the blind people, who will have eyes, and the deaf, who will have ears. Isaiah 43:8.

In the same prophet,

The eyes of those who see will not be closed, and the ears of those who hear will listen. Isaiah 32:3.

In the same prophet, Let your eyes be looking at your teachers, and let your ears hear the word. Isaiah 30:20-21.

In the same prophet,

He who stops his ear lest it hears of blood, and shuts his eyes lest they see evil, will dwell on the heights. Isaiah 33:15-16.

In Ezekiel,

Son of man, you are dwelling in the midst of a rebellious house, who have eyes to see but they do not see, who have ears to hear but they do not hear. Ezekiel 12:2.

In these places both seeing and hearing are mentioned because one follows the other. That is to say, faith in the understanding, meant by 'seeing', is followed by faith in the will, meant by 'hearing'. Otherwise it would have been sufficient to mention only one. From this it is also evident why one son of Jacob was named from the expression 'seeing' and the other from 'hearing'.

[8] The origin of 'seeing' meaning faith within knowledge or the understanding, and 'hearing' faith within obedience or the will rests in correspondences in the next life and in meaningful signs based on these. People who have understanding and faith resulting from that understanding belong to the province of the eye, and those who are obedient and have faith resulting from that obedience belong to the province of the ear. The truth of this will be seen from what, in the Lord's Divine mercy, is going to be shown at the ends of chapters concerning the Grand Man and the correspondence with it of everything in the human body.

[9] So it is then that 'the eye' in the internal sense means the understanding, see 2701, and 'the ear' obedience. And in the spiritual sense 'the ear' means faith resulting from obedience, or faith in the will, as is also clear from the following places: In Isaiah,

Even so, you have not heard, even so, you have not known; even so, from that time your ear has not opened itself. Isaiah 48:8.

In the same prophet,

The Lord Jehovih will arouse my ear to hear like those who are being taught. The Lord Jehovih opened my ear, and I was not rebellious. Isaiah 50:4-5.

In the same prophet,

Attend diligently to Me, and eat what is good, that your soul may delight in fatness; incline your ear and come to Me; hear, that your soul may live. Isaiah 55:2-3.

In Jeremiah,

To whom am I to speak and testify, that they may hear? behold, their ear is uncircumcised, and they cannot listen. Jeremiah 6:10.

In the same prophet,

This I commanded them, saying, Hear My voice, and I will be your God, and you will be My people. But they did not hear, nor did they incline their ear. Jeremiah 7:23-24, 26

In the same prophet,

Hear, O women, the word of Jehovah, and let your ear receive the word of His mouth. Jeremiah 9:20.

In the same prophet,

You did not incline your ear, and you did not obey Me. Jeremiah 35:15.

In Ezekiel,

Son of man, all My words that I have spoken to you, receive in your heart, and hear with your ears. Ezekiel 3:10.

In the same prophet,

I will bring My zeal against you, and they will deal with you in fury. Your nose and your ears they will remove Ezekiel 23:25.

'Removing nose and ears' stands for removing the perception of truth and good, and the obedience that goes with faith. In Zechariah,

They refused to pay attention, and fumed a stubborn shoulder, and made their ears heavy so that they might not hear, and set their heart adamant, so that they might not hear the law. Zechariah 7:11-12.

[10] In Amos,

Thus said Jehovah, As the shepherd rescues from the mouth of the lion two legs or a piece of an ear, so will the children of Israel in Samaria be rescued, on the corner of a bed and on the end of a couch. Amos 3:12.

'Rescuing two legs' stands for rescuing the will for good, 'a piece of an ear' for rescuing the will for truth. It may be seen that 'a piece of an ear' has this meaning, as has been stated, solely from correspondences in the next life and from the meaningful signs based on these, with which the internal sense of the Word and also the ritual observances in the Israelitish and Jewish Church are in accordance. This explains why, when Aaron and his sons were to be consecrated for their specific function, Moses was commanded among other things to take some of the ram's blood and to put it on the tip of Aaron's ear and on the tips of the ears of his sons, and on the thumbs of their right hands and on the large toes of their right feet, Exodus 29:20. This ritual act represented the will anointed by faith, into which also as priest he was to be initiated. Anyone can recognize that this ritual act was holy since it was Jehovah who commanded Moses to perform it, and so also that putting blood on the tip of the ear was holy. But what holy thing was meant cannot be known except from the internal sense of the things in the Word, which at this point is that the holiness of faith when applied to the will must be preserved.

[11] The meaning of 'the ear' as obedience, and in the internal sense as faith resulting from that obedience, is even more plainly evident from the ritual that was to be observed when a slave did not wish to go free, described in Moses as follows: If a slave or servant-girl did not wish to go free,

His master shall bring him to God, and shall bring him to the door or to the doorpost; and his master shall pierce his ear with an awl, and he shall serve him for ever. Exodus 21:6; Deuteronomy 15:17.

'Piercing his ear with an awl at the doorpost' stands for serving and obeying for ever. In the spiritual sense it stands for having no wish to understand what is true, only a wish to be obedient to it. This, compared with an understanding of what is true, is not freedom.

[12] Since the obedience of faith is meant in the internal sense by 'the ears', and being obedient by 'hearing', one may see what is meant by the following words spoken by the Lord many times, He who has an ear to hear, let him hear, Matthew 13:9, 43; Mark 4:9, 23; 7:16; Luke 8:8; 14:35; Revelation 2:7, 11, 29; 3:13, 22.

[13] As regards 'hearing' in the highest sense meaning providence and 'seeing' foresight, this is clear from the following places in the Word in which eyes and also ears are attributed to Jehovah or the Lord; as in Isaiah,

Incline Your ear, O Jehovah, and hear; open Your eyes, O Jehovah, and see. Isaiah 37:17.

In Daniel,

Incline Your ear, O my God, and hear; open Your eyes 1 and see our devastations. Daniel 9:18.

In David,

O God, incline Your ear to me, and hear my speech. Psalms 17:6.

In the same author,

Incline to me Your ear, and save me. Psalms 71:2.

In the same author,

Turn an ear to my prayers, on account of Your truthfulness; answer me, on account of Your righteousness. Psalms 143:1.

In Jeremiah,

O Jehovah, You heard my voice; do not hide Your ear at my sighing, at my cry. Lamentations 3:56.

In David,

O Jehovah, do not hide Your face from me in the day of my distress; incline to me Your ear; in the day I cry answer me. Psalms 102:2.

[14] It is well known that Jehovah does not have ears or eyes as man does but that some attribute which may be ascribed to the Divine is meant by the ear and the eye, namely infinite will and infinite understanding. Infinite will is providence, and infinite understanding foresight; and it is these that are meant in the highest sense by ear and eye when these are attributed to Jehovah. These considerations now show what is meant in each sense [of the Word] by 'Jehovah heard', the phrase from which 'Simeon' received his name.

Poznámky pod čarou:

1. The Latin adds O Jehovah but this does not appear in the Hebrew or in Sw's rough draft.

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Thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.