

エレミヤ書 31



1 は言われる、その時わたしはイスラエルの全部族のとなり、彼らはわたしの民となる」。

2 はこう言われる、「つるぎをのがれて生き残った民は、荒野で恵みを得た。イスラエルが安息を求めた時、

3 は遠くから彼に現れた。わたしは限りなきをもってあなたをしている。それゆえ、わたしは絶えずあなたに真実をつくしてきた。

4 イスラエルのおとめよ、再びわたしはあなたを建てる、あなたは建てられる。あなたは再び鼓をもって身を飾り、出て行って、喜び楽しむ者と共に踊る。

5 またあなたはぶどうの木をサマリヤのに植える。植える者は、植えてその実を食べることができる。

6 見守る者がエフライムのの上に立って呼ばわるが来る。『立って、シオンに上り、われわれのに、もうでよう』と」。

7 はこう仰せられる、「ヤコブのために喜んで声高く歌い、万のかしらのために叫び声をあげよ。告げ示し、ほめたたえて言え、『はその民イスラエルの残りの者を救われた』と。

8 見よ、わたしは彼らをから連れ帰り、彼らを地の果から集める。彼らのうちには、盲人やあしなえ、妊婦、産婦も共にいる。彼らは大きな群れとなって、ここに帰ってくる。

9 彼らは泣き悲しんで帰ってくる。わたしは慰めながら彼らを導き帰る。彼らがつまずかないように、まっすぐな道により、の流れのそばを通らせる。それは、わたしがイスラエルの父であり、エフライムはわたしの長子だからである。

10 の民よ、あなたがたは主の言葉を聞き、これを遠い、海沿いの地に示して言いなさい、『イスラエルを散らした者がこれを集められる。牧者がその群れを守るようにこれを守られる』と。

11 すなわちはヤコブをあがない、彼らよりも強い者のから彼を救いだされた。

12 彼らは来てシオンの山で声高くい、から賜わった良い物のために、穀物と酒と油および若きと牛のために、喜びに輝く。そのは潤う園のようになり、彼らは重ねて憂えることがない。

13 その時おとめたちは舞って楽しみ、若い者も老いた者も共に楽しむ。わたしは彼らの悲しみ喜びにかえ、彼らを慰め、憂いの代りに喜びを与える。

14 わたしは多くのささげ物で、祭司の心を飽かせ、わたしの良き物で、わたしの民を満ち足らせるとは言われる」。

15 はこう仰せられる、「嘆き悲しみ、いたく泣く声がラマで聞える。ラケルがそのらのために嘆くのである。らがもはやいないので、彼女はそのらのことで慰められるのを願わない」。

16 はこう仰せられる、「あなたは泣く声をとどめ、から涙をながすことをやめよ。あなたのわざに報いがある。彼らはの地から帰ってくるとは言われる。

17 あなたの将来には希望があり、あなたの供たちは自分の国に帰ってくるとは言われる。

18 わたしは確かに、エフライムがこう言って嘆くの聞いた、『あなたはわたしを懲しめられた、わたしはくびきに慣れない子牛のように懲しめをうけた。よ、あなたはわたしのでいらせられる、わたしを連れ帰って、もとにかえしてください。

19 わたしはそむき去った、悔い、教をうけた、ももを打った。若い時のはずかしめが身にあるので、わたしはじ、うろたえた』。

20 は言われる、エフライムはわたしの愛する、わたしの喜ぶであろうか。わたしは彼について語るごとに、なお彼を忘れることができない。それゆえ、わたしの心は彼をしたっている。わたしは必ず彼をあわれむ。

21 みずからのために道しるべを置き、みずからのために標柱を立てよ。大路に、あなたの通って行った道にを留めよ。イスラエルのおとめよ、帰れ、これらの、あなたの々に帰れ。

22 不信の娘よ、いつまでさまようのか。は地の上に新しい事を創造されたのだ、女が男を保護する事である」。

23 イスラエルのはこう言われる、「わたしが彼らを再び栄えさせる時、人々はまたユダの地とその々でこの言葉言う、『正義のすみかよ、聖なるよ、どうかがおまえを祝福してくださるように』。

24 ユダとそのすべてのの人、および農夫と群れを飼って歩き回る者は共にそこに住む

25 わたしが疲れを飽き足らせ、すべて悩んでいるを慰めるからである」。

26 ここでわたしは目をさましたが、わたしの眠りは、ここちよかった。

27 は言われる、見よ、わたしが人の種との種とをイスラエルのユダとにまく来る

28 わたしは彼らを抜き、砕き、倒し、滅ぼし、悩まそうと待ちかまえていたように、また彼らを建て、植えようと待ちかまえているとは言われる。

29 その時、彼らはもはや、『父がすっぱいぶどうを食べたので、どものがうく』とは言わない。

30 人はめいめい自分のによって死ぬ。すっぱいぶどうを食べる人はみな、そのがうく。

31 は言われる、見よ、わたしがイスラエルのユダとに新しい契約を立てる来る

32 この契約はわたしが彼らの先祖をそのをとってエジプトの地から導き出したに立てたようなものではない。わたしは彼らの夫であったのだが、彼らはそのわたしの契約を破ったとは言われる。

33 しかし、それらのにわたしがイスラエルのに立てる契約はこれである。すなわちわたしは、わたしの律法を彼らのうちに置き、そのにしるす。わたしは彼らのとなり、彼らはわたしの民となるとは言われる。

34 人はもはや、おのおのその隣とその兄弟に教えて、『あなたはを知りなさい』とは言わない。それは、彼らが小より大に至るまで皆、わたしを知るようになるからであるとは言われる。わたしは彼らの不義をゆるし、もはやそのを思わない」。

35 はこう言われる、すなわち太陽を与えて昼のとし、とを定めてとし、をかき立てて、その波を鳴りとどろかせる者――その名は万いう

36 は言われる、「もしこの定めがわたしのですたれてしまうなら、イスラエルの子孫もすたって、永久にわたしので民であることはできない」。

37 はこう言われる、「もし上の天を量ることができ、の地の基を探ることができるなら、そのとき、わたしはイスラエルのすべての子孫をそのもろもろの行いのために捨て去るとは言われる」。

38 は言われる、「見よ、このが、ハナネルのから隅のまで、主のために再建される時が来る

39 測りなわはそれよりも遠くまっすぐに延びて、ガレブの丘に達し、ゴアのほうに向かう。

40 死体と灰とのの全部、またキデロンのに行くまでと、東のほうののすみに行くまでとのすべての畑はみな主の聖なる所となり、永遠にわたって、ふたたび抜かれ、また倒されることはない」。




The New Truth of the New Church

Napsal(a) Bill Woofenden

"And he carried me away in the spirit to a great and high mountain, and shewed me that great city, the holy Jerusalem descending out of heaven from God, having the glory of God: and her light was like unto a stone most precious, even like a jasper stone, clear as crystal.... And the city had no need of the sun, neither if the moon to shine in it: for the glory of God did lighten it, and the Lamb is the light thereof. And the nations of them which are saved shall walk in the light of it: and the kings of the earth do bring their glory and honor into it. And the gates of it shall not be shut at all by day: for there shall be no night there. " Revelation 21:10-11, 23-25

Additional readings: Zechariah 8:1-15, Psalm 119:89-112

The picture given in our text is that of the Holy City, the Church glorious in truth and in love to the Lord from the Lord. The striking feature of this picture is its brightness, which comes from the Lord as its light.

The glory of this natural world is from its sun, from which heat and light go forth and cause everything to live and grow. Although the sun is so necessary to our life and comfort, there are many who think little about its use to them. Yet if it should cease to rise in the morning, they would soon feel the loss of it, for it makes possible bodily life in this world.

But there is another sun, the sun of the spiritual world. This sun is the Lord, and from it comes the heat which warms our hearts and the light which enlightens our minds. Without it we could not love our parents or friends, neither could we understand anything. This sun has shone upon us ever since we were born; yet there are many who know nothing about it. All love, all goodness, all truth and enlightenment come from this sun.

The light from the spiritual sun is a real light, which illumines the understanding, and it is quite distinct from the light which illumines the sight of the body in this world. Trees and plants when they are deprived of light are pale and sickly. They grow in ugly and misshapen forms and will not produce fruits. It is love from the Lord that gives us life, and truth from Him that gives form, beauty, and glory. In heaven the angels are very beautiful, much more beautiful than any men or women in this world. It is their love of truth that gives them their beauty and their grace. But the evil in the other life have ugly and hideous faces and misshapen bodies. This is because they hate the truth. They love darkness rather than light, and are like those deformed plants on which the light does not shine.

The glory of a Church is its wisdom. In Haggai we read, "The glory of the latter house shall be greater than of the former, saith the Lord of hosts; and in this place will I give peace" (Haggai 2:9). This is a prophecy concerning the New Jerusalem, that its glory would be greater than that of the first Christian dispensation. The first Christian Church "saw through a glass darkly," and soon fell into mystery and superstition, and into the love of dominion. True knowledge of God had become lost.

The great glory of the New Church is the new truth concerning the Lord and His Word. The chief glory of any man is his idea concerning God. It determines his inmost thoughts and his ideals. Without knowledge of God the light of life goes out of the soul and men walk in darkness.

In the revelation given to the New Church the "mystery of God is finished." "We worship the one God, the Lord, the Savior, Jesus Christ," reads the creed of the New Church. This teaching is clear. God in our flesh came into the world to redeem and to save mankind. He is the First and the Last, the Almighty. All power is given unto Him in heaven and on earth. He is the Good Shepherd, a God whom we can love and trust. And the Word is equally glorious in the light of the New Jerusalem. It is a book "written within and on the back side" (Revelation 5:1). It has a spiritual as well as a literal meaning.

We are living in an "age of reason," and many believe that the Bible does not meet the demands of reason, although those who read it in a childlike state of mind, in simple belief, still get help from it as of old and feel the Lord's presence in it. Down through the ages the Bible has been regarded as the Word of God, and a large group of people has been taught in childhood to read their Bibles and thus have formed the habit of reading the Word of God. But they have outgrown childhood states and share in the rational development and intellectual freedom of this new age. One of the characteristics of this questioning age is that it is full of doubts. "All truth is relative," they say. "What is true today will be shown to be false tomorrow. There are no fixed standards."

The Word was opened and its spiritual meaning made available in order that these doubts might be met, that the light of Divine truth might illumine the mind, and that the deep secrets concerning God and the human soul might be made known. To many, for want of knowledge of the inner meaning of the Bible, it is but a dead record, and large parts of it are unintelligible. But we can now see that the Word is the fountain of intelligence and wisdom accommodated to the requirements of men and angels, and that, as the Psalmist declares, "Thy Word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path" (Psalm 119:105).

And the Church has new truths concerning life. The life that leads to heaven is a happy life, a life of activity, usefulness, and service. The life of heaven can be in its measure received by us now if we live according to the Divine precepts. A religion that leads to a sad and restricted life is not a true religion. All our daily tasks can be done joyously in love to the Lord and to the neighbor. In fact they are the means by which this love is developed in us.

And the nature of the life after death has been revealed, that there may be no more fear of death either for ourselves or for our loved ones. Through death the goal of life is attained and the crown of life received. By these truths glory is added to this life and to the life to come.

The Holy City that John saw in vision is not a material city descending out of heaven, but a city of truth in the light of which men may walk in safety and in peace. "And the nations of them that are saved shall walk in the light of it, and the kings of the earth do bring their glory and honor into it."

It is for all people, for this is the covenant: "I will put my law in their inward parts, and write it in their hearts; and will be their God, and they shall be my people. And they shall teach no more every man his neighbor, and every man his brother, saying, Know the Lord: for they shall all know me, from the least of them unto the greatest of them, saith the Lord" (Jeremiah 31:33). This promise includes all people. Then love to the Lord will reign. The principles of natural life—the kings of the earth—will serve the spiritual man and contribute to his welfare.

And "there shall be no night there." No longer will the mind be in darkness. There will be no contention about what is right and what is wrong. This is the effect of genuine knowledge of spiritual truth. Men never contend about any truth—either natural or spiritual—when they know and understand it. Knowledge settles all questions, for then there is no ground for contention.

All happiness depends upon goodness, and all goodness depends upon truth. It is written that Jerusalem will be a quiet habitation. It was the purpose of the Second Coming that truth and goodness might increase and spread to all people, bringing power to see and to overcome all those things that stand in the way of peace. By these truths the Lord is brought nearer to us and men are brought nearer to each other, for the Lord is the source of all power, of all wisdom, and of all life and blessing.

That men might not forever be blind and brutish, that they might rise to new life, new power, and new glory, that the beauty of the Lord might rest upon them, that the Divine truth might be the light and glory of their minds and the Divine love be in their hearts, the Lord opened the Scriptures.