

Ezechiele 16



1 La parola dell’Eterno mi fu ancora rivolta in questi termini:

2 "Figliuol d’uomo, fa’ conoscere a Gerusalemme le sue abominazioni,

3 e di’: Così parla il Signore, l’Eterno, a Gerusalemme: Per la tua origine e per la tua nascita sei del paese del Cananeo; tuo padre era un Amoreo, tua madre una Hittea.

4 Quanto alla tua nascita, il giorno che nascesti l’ombelico non ti fu tagliato, non fosti lavata con acqua per nettarti, non fosti sfregata con sale, né fosti fasciata.

5 Nessuno ebbe sguardi di pietà per te; per farti una sola di queste cose, avendo compassione di te, ma fosti gettata nell’aperta campagna il giorno che nascesti, pel disprezzo che si aveva di te.

6 E io ti passai accanto, vidi che ti dibattevi nel sangue, e ti dissi: Vivi, tu che sei nel sangue! E ti ripetei: Vivi, tu che sei nel sangue!

7 Io ti farò moltiplicare per miriadi, come il germe dei campi. E tu ti sviluppasti, crescesti, giungesti al colmo della bellezza, il tuo seno si formò, la tua capigliatura crebbe abbondante, ma tu eri nuda e scoperta.

8 Io ti passai accanto, ti guardai, ed ecco il tuo tempo era giunto: il tempo degli amori; io stesi su di te il lembo della mia veste e copersi la tua nudità; ti feci un giuramento, fermai un patto con te, dice il Signore, l’Eterno, e tu fosti mia.

9 Ti lavai con acqua, ti ripulii del sangue che avevi addosso, e ti unsi con olio.

10 Ti misi delle vesti ricamate, de’ calzari di pelle di tasso, ti cinsi il capo di lino fino, ti ricopersi di seta.

11 Ti fornii d’ornamenti, ti misi dei braccialetti ai polsi, e una collana al collo.

12 Ti misi un anello al naso, dei pendenti agli orecchi, e una magnifica corona in capo.

13 Così fosti adorna d’oro e d’argento, e fosti vestita di lino fino, di seta e di ricami; e tu mangiasti fior di farina, miele e olio; diventasti sommamente bella, e giungesti fino a regnare.

14 E la tua fama si sparse fra le nazioni, per la tua bellezza; poich’essa era perfetta, avendoti io coperta della mia magnificenza, dice il Signore, l’Eterno.

15 Ma tu confidasti nella tua bellezza, e ti prostituisti in grazie della tua fama, e prodigasti le tue prostituzioni ad ogni passante, a chi voleva.

16 Tu prendesti delle tue vesti, ti facesti degli alti luoghi parati di vari colori, e quivi ti prostituisti: cose tali, che non ne avvennero mai, e non ne avverranno più.

17 Prendesti pure i tuoi bei gioielli fatti del mio oro e del mio argento, che io t’avevo dati, te ne facesti delle immagini d’uomo, e ad esse ti prostituisti;

18 e prendeste le tue vesti ricamate e ne ricopristi quelle immagini, dinanzi alle quali tu ponesti il mio olio e il mio profumo.

19 Parimenti il mio pane che t’avevo dato, il fior di farina, l’olio e il miele con cui ti nutrivo, tu li ponesti davanti a loro, come un profumo di soave odore. Questo si fece! dice il Signore, l’Eterno.

20 Prendesti inoltre i tuoi figliuoli e le tue figliuole che mi avevi partoriti, e li offristi loro in sacrificio, perché li divorassero. Non bastavan esse le tue prostituzioni,

21 perché tu avessi anche a scannare i miei figliuoli, e a darli loro facendoli passare per il fuoco?

22 E in mezzo a tutte le tue abominazioni e alle tue prostituzioni, non ti sei ricordata de’ giorni della tua giovinezza, quand’eri nuda, scoperta, e ti dibattevi nel sangue.

23 Ora dopo tutta la tua malvagità guai! guai a te! dice il Signore, l’Eterno,

24 ti sei costruita un bordello, e ti sei fatto un alto luogo in ogni piazza pubblica:

25 hai costruito un alto luogo a ogni capo di strada, hai reso abominevole la tua bellezza, ti sei offerta ad ogni passante, ed hai moltiplicato le tue prostituzioni.

26 Ti sei pure prostituita agli Egiziani, tuoi vicini dalle membra vigorose, e hai moltiplicato le tue prostituzioni per provocarmi ad ira.

27 Perciò, ecco, io ho steso la mia mano contro di te, ho diminuito la provvisione che ti avevo fissata, e t’ho abbandonata in balìa delle figliuole dei Filistei, che t’odiano e hanno vergogna della tua condotta scellerata.

28 Non sazia ancora, ti sei pure prostituita agli Assiri; ti sei prostituita a loro; e neppure allora sei stata sazia;

29 e hai moltiplicato le tue prostituzioni col paese di Canaan fino in Caldea, e neppure con questo sei stata sazia.

30 Com’è vile il tuo cuore, dice il Signore, l’Eterno, a ridurti a fare tutte queste cose, da sfacciata prostituta!

31 Quando ti costruivi il bordello a ogni capo di strada e ti facevi gli alti luoghi in ogni piazza pubblica, tu non eri come una prostituta, giacché sprezzavi il salario,

32 ma come una donna adultera, che riceve gli stranieri invece del suo marito.

33 A tutte le prostitute si dànno dei regali: ma tu hai fatto de’ regali a tutti i tuoi amanti, e li hai sedotti con de’ doni, perché venissero da te, da tutte le parti, per le tue prostituzioni.

34 Con te, nelle tue prostituzioni, è avvenuto il contrario delle altre donne; giacché non eri tu la sollecitata; in quanto tu pagavi, invece d’esser pagata, facevi il contrario delle altre.

35 Perciò, o prostituta, ascolta la parola dell’Eterno.

36 Così parla il Signore, l’Eterno: Poiché il tuo denaro è stato dissipato e la tua nudità è stata scoperta nelle tue prostituzioni coi tuoi amanti, e a motivi di tutti i tuoi idoli abominevoli, e a cagione del sangue dei tuoi figliuoli che hai dato loro,

37 ecco, io radunerò tutti i tuoi amanti ai quali ti sei resa gradita, e tutti quelli che hai amati insieme a quelli che hai odiati; li radunerò da tutte le parti contro di te, e scoprirò davanti a loro la tua nudità, ed essi vedranno tutta la tua nudità.

38 Io ti giudicherò alla stregua delle donne che commettono adulterio e spandono il sangue, e farò che il tuo sangue sia sparso dal furore e dalla gelosia.

39 E ti darò nelle loro mani, ed essi abbatteranno il tuo bordello, distruggeranno i tuoi alti luoghi, ti spoglieranno delle tue vesti, ti prenderanno i bei gioielli, e ti lasceranno nuda e scoperta;

40 e faranno salire contro di te una folla, e ti lapideranno e ti trafiggeranno con le loro spade;

41 daranno alle fiamme le tue case, faranno giustizia di te nel cospetto di molte donne, e io ti farò cessare dal far la prostituta, e tu non pagherai più nessuno.

42 Così io sfogherò il mio furore su di te, e la mia gelosia di stornerà da te; m’acqueterò, e non sarò più adirato.

43 Poiché tu non ti sei ricordata dei giorni della tua giovinezza e m’hai provocato ad ira con tutte queste cose, ecco, anch’io ti farò ricadere sul capo la tua condotta, dice il Signore, l’Eterno, e tu non aggiungerai altri delitti a tutte le tue abominazioni.

44 Ecco, tutti quelli che usano proverbi faranno di te un proverbio, e diranno: Quale la madre, tale la figlia.

45 Tu sei figliuola di tua madre, ch’ebbe a sdegno il suo marito e i suoi figliuoli, e sei sorella delle tue sorelle, ch’ebbero a sdegno i loro mariti e i loro figliuoli. Vostra madre era una Hittea, e vostro padre un Amoreo.

46 La tua sorella maggiore, che ti sta a sinistra, è Samaria, con le sue figliuole; e la tua sorella minore, che ti sta a destra, è Sodoma, con le sue figliuole.

47 E tu, non soltanto hai camminato nelle loro vie e commesso le stesse loro abominazioni; era troppo poco; ma in tutte le tue vie ti sei corrotta più di loro.

48 Com’è vero ch’io vivo, dice il Signore, l’Eterno, Sodoma, la tua sorella, e le sue figliuole, non hanno fatto quel che avete fatto tu e le figliuole tue.

49 Ecco, questa fu l’iniquità di Sodoma, tua sorella: lei e le sue figliuole vivevano nell’orgoglio, nell’abbondanza del pane, e nell’ozio indolente; ma non sostenevano la mano dell’afflitto e del povero.

50 Erano altezzose, e commettevano abominazioni nel mio cospetto; perciò le feci sparire, quando vidi ciò.

51 E Samaria non ha commesso la metà de’ tuoi peccati; tu hai moltiplicato le tue abominazioni più che l’una e l’altra, e hai giustificato le tue sorelle, con tutte le abominazioni che hai commesse.

52 Anche tu porta il vituperio che hai inflitto alle tue sorelle! Coi tuoi peccati tu ti sei resa più abominevole di loro, ed esse son più giuste di te; tu pure dunque, vergognati e porta il tuo vituperio, poiché tu hai giustificato le tue sorelle!

53 Io farò tornare dalla cattività quelli che là si trovano di Sodoma e delle sue figliuole, quelli di Samaria e delle sue figliuole e quelli de’ tuoi che sono in mezzo ad essi,

54 affinché tu porti il tuo vituperio, che tu senta l’onta di tutto quello che hai fatto, e sii così loro di conforto.

55 La tua sorella Sodoma e le sue figliuole torneranno nella loro condizione di prima, Samaria e le sue figliuole torneranno nella loro condizione di prima, e tu e le tue figliuole tornerete nella vostra condizione di prima.

56 Sodoma, la tua sorella, non era neppur mentovata dalla tua bocca, ne’ giorni della tua superbia,

57 prima che la tua malvagità fosse messa a nudo, come avvenne quando fosti oltraggiata dalla figliuole della Siria e da tutti i paesi circonvicini, dalle figliuole dei Filistei, che t’insultavano da tutte le parti.

58 Tu porti alla tua volta il peso della tua scelleratezza e delle tue abominazioni, dice l’Eterno.

59 Poiché, così parla il Signore, l’Eterno: Io farò a te come hai fatto tu, che hai sprezzato il giuramento, infrangendo il patto.

60 Nondimeno io mi ricorderò del patto che fermai teco nei giorni della tua giovinezza, e stabilirò per te un patto eterno.

61 E tu ti ricorderai della tua condotta, e ne avrai vergogna, quando riceverai le tue sorelle, quelle che son più grandi e quelle che son più piccole di te, e io te le darò per figliuole, ma non in virtù del tuo patto.

62 E io fermerò il mio patto con te, e tu conoscerai che io sono l’Eterno,

63 affinché tu ricordi, e tu arrossisca, e tu non possa più aprir bocca dalla vergogna, quand’io t’avrò perdonato tutto quello che hai fatto, dice il Signore, l’Eterno".


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Arcana Coelestia # 10540

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10540. 'And now, take off your finery' means the nature of their external which is such that it is without anything Divine. This is clear from the meaning of 'finery', when the Church is the subject, as holy truth or that which is Divine in external things, dealt with above in 10536; and from the meaning of 'taking it off' as shedding it, thus being without it. The fact that that which is Divine in external things or holy truth is meant by 'finery' is clear from the following places: In Ezekiel,

I clothed you with embroidered cloth, and shod you with badger; and I swathed you in fine linen and covered you with silk. And I adorned you with finery, and put bracelets onto your hands and a chain onto your neck. And I put a jewel onto your nose, and earrings on your ears, and a crown of glory onto your head. Thus were you adorned with gold and silver; and your garments were fine linen, and silk, and embroidered cloth. You ate fine flour, [honey,] and oil; therefore you became extremely beautiful, and attained to a kingdom. For this reason your fame 1 went out among the nations, regarding your beauty; for this was made perfect by My finery which I had put on you. Ezekiel 16:10-14.

[2] This refers to Jerusalem and means the Church which had been established by the Lord after the Flood and was succeeded by the Israelite and Jewish Church. The character of the latter is also described in the same chapter; but the character of that previous Ancient Church is described in the verses just quoted, its holy truths being described by the adornments spoken of there. Anyone may see that things such as have to do with the Church are meant by those specifically mentioned, and that each one means something particular. What other purpose does such a description of Jerusalem serve?

[3] Yet which aspect of the Church is meant by each one becomes clear solely from the internal sense. For this sense shows what exactly in the spiritual world corresponds to each item in the description. The following is made clear by that sense,

'Embroidered cloth' means true factual knowledge, 9688.

'Fine linen' means intellectual truth from the Divine, 5319, 9469, 9596, 9744.

'Bracelets' means the power of truths, 3103, 3105.

'A neck-chain' means the flowing in of truth derived from good, and the consequent joining together of interior things and exterior ones, 5320.

'A nose-jewel' means the perception of truth, and 'earrings' obedience to truths, 4551, 10402.

'A crown of glory' means spiritual good, or the good of truth, good being meant by 'a crown', 9930, and that which is spiritual by 'glory', 9815.

'Gold and silver' means goodness and truth in general, 113, 1551, 1552, 5658, 6914, 6917, 9874.

'Fine flour, honey, and oil' means truths and forms of good, external and internal ones, truth from good being meant by 'fine flour', 9995, external good by 'honey', 10530, and internal good by 'oil', 886, 4582, 4638, 9474, 9780, 10254, 10261.

'Beauty' means the outward form taken by truth derived from good, 3080, 3821, 4985, 5199.

And 'Jerusalem', about which those things are said, means the Church, see 402, 2117, 3654. From all this it is evident what 'finery' means, namely holy truth in its entirety.

[4] All the finery of the daughters of Zion which is itemized in Isaiah has a like meaning,

On that day the Lord will take away the finery of the anklets, and of the networks, and of the crescents, and of the perfume containers 2 , and of the chainlets, and of the bracts 3 , and the tiaras, and the garters, and the sashes, and the perfume boxes 4 , and the charms; the rings, and the nose-jewels, the changes of clothes, and the robes, and the veils, and the pin-cases, the mirrors, and the muslin, and the turbans, and the linen garments. And it will happen, that instead of fragrance there will be rottenness, and instead of a girdle, a falling apart, and instead of well-set hair 5 , baldness, and instead of a robe, a girding of sackcloth, burning instead of beauty. Your people will fall by the sword, and [so will] your strength in war. Isaiah 3:18-25.

Those who confine themselves to the literal sense inevitably think that all these items with which the daughters of Zion are said to be adorned must be understood literally, and that it was because of that finery and the pride and arrogance it would create that the people of that kingdom would perish, since it says, your people will fall by the sword, and your strength in war. But those who raise their minds to some extent above the literal statement can see that such things should not be understood literally.

[5] From various places in the Word they can see that 'the daughters of Zion' should not be taken to mean the daughters of Zion but such things as are aspects of the Church, which are also meant by the daughters of Jerusalem, the daughters of Israel, the daughters of Judah, and many other daughters. Regarding 'daughters', that they mean the Church and aspects of the Church, see 6729, 9055(end). Since therefore the Church and aspects of the Church are meant by 'the daughters of Zion' it follows that all their finery itemized in this chapter of Isaiah mean the Church's truths and forms of good, and that each item means some specific truth or form of good. For nothing that appears in the Word, not even one small expression, is devoid of meaning.

[6] And because that Church will be bereaved of its truths and forms of good, meant by all that finery, the prophecy goes on to say that instead of fragrance there will be rottenness, instead of a girdle a falling apart, instead of well-set hair baldness, instead of a robe a girding of sackcloth, burning instead of beauty, and also that the people will fall by the sword, as will [their] strength in war. For 'fragrance' or 'spice' means the perception of Divine Truth, 10199, 10291, and 'rottenness' the deprivation of it; 'a girdle' means a bond holding truths and forms of good in connection with one another, 9341(end), 9828, 9837, 'a falling apart instead of it' the disintegration and diffusion of them; 'well-set hair' means true factual knowledge, 2831 6 , 'baldness' being deprived of an intelligent understanding of truth and of a wise discernment of good, 9960; 'burning' means the destruction of these by the evils of self-love, 1297, 2446, 7852, 9055, 9141, 'beauty' the outward form that truth springing from good takes within the Church, thus the perfection of it, 3080, 3821, 4985, 5199; and 'the sword' by which the people will fall means falsity destroying truth and good, 2799, 4499, 6353, 7102, 8294. Having no 'strength in war' means having no resistance to evil and falsity, for 'war' is spiritual conflict, and temptation, 1659, 1664, 2686, 8273, 8295, 10455.

From all this it is now evident that 'finery' in general means the Divine Truth which the Church possesses.

[7] The like is meant by 'finery' in the second Book of Samuel,

O daughters of Israel, weep over Saul, who clothed you in twice-dyed pleasantly 7 , who put gold finery on your clothing. 2 Samuel 1:24.

These words appear in David's lamentation over Saul, which he entitled in verse 18 of that chapter, To teach the children of Judah the bow. 'The bow' in this verse means doctrine consisting of truth engaged in conflict against falsities of evil, 2686, 2709, 6422. This being so, 'daughters of Israel' means the Church's affections for truth, 2362, 3963, 6729, 6775, 6788, 8994; 'being clothed in twice-dyed pleasantly' means being endued with the Church's interior truths, which spring from good, 4922, 9468; 'putting gold finery on clothing' means giving truths that spring from good a beautiful appearance, good being meant by 'gold', see in the places referred to in 9874, and truth in general by 'clothing' or 'garment', in the places referred to above in 10536(end). The reason why David's lamentation over Saul has to do with doctrine consisting of truth, meant by 'the bow', engaged in conflict against falsity of evil is that 'the king' or the royal office held by Saul means Divine Truth in respect of protection and of judgement, 1672, 2015, 2069, 3009, 4575, 4581, 4966, 5044, 5068, 6148.

[8] The like is meant by 'finery' in other places: In David,

Give to Jehovah the glory of His name; bow down to Jehovah in the finery of holiness. Psalms 29:2.

'In the finery of holiness' means with the authentic truths of the Church. Similarly in Isaiah,

Your sons will make haste. Lift up your eyes round about, and see; they all gather together. I am the Living One, said Jehovah; you will put them all on as finery, and gird them round yourself like a bride. Isaiah 49:17-18.

These words too refer to Zion, by which the celestial Church is meant, 'sons' who 'will make haste' meaning this Church's truths. (For the meaning of 'sons' as truths, see 489, 491, 2623, 2803, 2813, 3373, 3704, 4257, 9807.) This explains why it says that Zion will put them all on as finery and gird them round herself like a bride; such can be said of the Church's truths, but not of the sons of Zion.

[9] Since almost everything in the Word also has a contrary meaning, so do those objects constituting finery. In the contrary sense they mean truths that have been falsified, as in Jeremiah,

You who have been laid waste, what will you do? If you clothe yourself in twice-dyed, if you adorn yourself with gold finery, if you widen your eyes with stibium 8 , in vain will you make yourself beautiful. Jeremiah 4:29, 30.

And in Hosea,

I will visit on her 9 the days of the baals to whom she burned incense, and put on her nose-jewel and her finery, and went after her lovers and forgot Me. Hosea 2:13.

And in other places.

Poznámky pod čarou:

1. literally, name

2. Probably worn around the neck

3. i.e. thin metal plates worn as jewelry

4. literally, houses of the soul

5. literally, instead of the work of plaited [hair]

6. The Latin here rendered literally the work of plaited [hair] and idiomatically well-set hair is opus implexum. In 2831 the second of these words applies to the branches of trees and is consequently rendered entangled.

7. literally, with pleasant things

8. literally, break open the eyes with stibium. Stibium was a cosmetic used for blackening the eyelids and eyebrows, thereby making the eyes look brighter or more open.

9. i.e. I will punish her for

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Thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.

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Arcana Coelestia # 1042

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1042. 'I have given My bow in the cloud' means the state of a regenerate spiritual person, who is like a rainbow. Anyone may wonder that in the Word 'the bow in the cloud', or the rainbow, is taken as a sign of the covenant, for the rainbow is nothing else than something produced by the conversion of rays of sunlight in raindrops. It is a wholly natural phenomenon, unlike other signs of the covenant in the Church mentioned just above. But the fact that 'the bow in the cloud' represents regeneration and means the state of a regenerate spiritual person, nobody is able to know unless he is allowed to see and consequently know what exactly is involved. When spiritual angels, who have all been regenerate members of the spiritual Church, are in the next life manifested visibly as such, there appears around their head a rainbow so to speak. But the rainbows which appear accord completely with their state, and from this also their characters are recognized in heaven and in the world of spirits. The reason the likeness of a rainbow appears is that their natural things corresponding to spiritual present such visible shape. It is a conversion of spiritual light from the Lord within their natural things. These angels are those said to have been 'regenerated by water and the spirit' while celestial angels are those said to have been 'regenerated with fire'.

[2] In the case of; natural things, so that colour may be produced something dark and light, or black and white, is necessary. When rays of light from the sun fall on this, depending on the varying composition of the dark and light, or black and white, colours are produced from the modification of the inflowing rays of light. Some of those colours draw more, others less, on the dark and black, and some more, or less, on the light and white; and this is what gives rise to diversity of colour. Something comparable to this exists in spiritual things. In their case the intellectual side of the proprium, or falsity, constitutes 'the dark', and the will side of the proprium, or evil, which absorbs and extinguishes rays of light constitutes 'the black'. As for the 'light and white', these are the truth or good which a person imagines he does from himself, which reflects and casts back from itself the rays of light. The rays of light which fall on those things and so to speak modify them come from the Lord as the Sun of wisdom and intelligence; for the rays of spiritual light are no other and have no other source. It is because natural things correspond to spiritual that when in the next life that which is around a regenerate spiritual person is manifested visibly, there appears that which is similar to a bow in a cloud. This bow is a representation of the spiritual things present within his natural things. With the regenerate spiritual person an intellectual side of the proprium exists into which the Lord instills innocence, charity, and mercy. As is the person's reception of these gifts so is the appearance of his rainbow when manifested visibly - the more beautiful the more that the will side of his proprium has been taken away, disciplined, and reduced to a state of obedience.

[3] When the prophets had a vision of God, a bow as if in a cloud was also seen by them, as in Ezekiel's vision,

Above the firmament that was over the heads of the cherubim, in appearance like a sapphire stone, there was the likeness of a throne, and above the likeness of a throne, there was a likeness as it were of the appearance of a Man (Homo) upon it above. And I saw as it were the shape of coal burning bright, as the appearance of fire, within it round about from the appearance of His loins upwards. And from the appearance of His loins and downwards I saw as it were the appearance of fire, whose brightness was round about it, like the appearance of the bow when it is in the cloud on the day of rain; so was the appearance of brightness round about; this was the appearance of the likeness of the Glory of Jehovah. Ezekiel 1:26-28.

It may be clear to anyone that it was the Lord who was seen in this vision, and that on that occasion He represented heaven, for He Himself is heaven, that is, the All in all of heaven. He Himself is the 'Man' mentioned here, 'the throne' is heaven, 'the coal burning bright, as the appearance of fire, from the loins upwards' is the celestial element of love, 'the brightness of fire round about from the loins downwards, like the bow in the cloud' is the celestial-spiritual. In this way the celestial heaven, or heaven of celestial angels, was represented from the loins upwards, and the spiritual heaven, or heaven of spiritual angels, from the loins downwards. In fact the things that are below, from the loins down to the soles of the feet, mean in the Grand Man natural things. From this it is also clear that, when thus enlightened by spiritual light from the Lord, the natural things in man take on the appearance of 'the bow in the cloud'. The same appeased to John as well, see Revelation 4:2-3; 10:1.

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Thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.