

Ezechiele 16



1 LA parola del Signore mi fu ancora indirizzata, dicendo:

2 Figliuol d’uomo, dichiara a Gerusalemme le sue abbominazioni, e di’:

3 Così ha detto il Signore Iddio a Gerusalemme: La tua origine, e la tua nazione è dal paese de’ Cananei; tuo padre era Amorreo, e tua madre Hittea.

4 E quant’è al tuo nascimento, nel giorno che tu nascesti, il bellico non ti fu tagliato, e non fosti lavata con acqua, per esser nettata; non fosti punto fregata con sale, nè fasciata di fasce.

5 L’occhio d’alcuno non ebbe pietà di te, per farti alcuna di queste cose, avendo compassione di te; anzi tu fosti gettata sopra la faccia della campagna, per lo sdegno in che altri avea la tua persona, nel giorno che tu nascesti.

6 Ed io passai presso di te, e ti vidi che tu giacevi nel tuo sangue; e ti dissi: Vivi nel tuo sangue; e da capo ti dissi: Vivi nel tuo sangue.

7 Io ti feci crescere a decine di migliaia, come i germogli della campagna; e tu moltiplicasti, e divenisti grande, e pervenisti a somma bellezza; le poppe ti si formarono, e i capelli ti crebbero; ma tu eri ignuda, e scoperta.

8 Ed io passai presso di te, e ti vidi; ed ecco, la tua età era età di amori; ed io stesi il lembo della mia vesta sopra te, e ricopersi la tua nudità; e ti giurai, ed entrai teco in patto, dice il Signore Iddio; e tu divenisti mia.

9 Ed io ti lavai con acqua, e tuffandoti nell’acqua, ti tolsi il tuo sangue d’addosso, e ti unsi con olio.

10 E ti vestii di ricami, e ti calzai di pelle di tasso, e ti cinsi di fin lino, e ti copersi di seta;

11 e ti adornai di ornamenti, e ti misi delle maniglie nelle mani, ed un collare al collo.

12 Ti misi eziandio un monile in sul naso, e degli orecchini agli orecchi, ed una corona di gloria in capo.

13 Così fosti adorna d’oro e d’argento; e il tuo vestire fu fin lino, e seta, e ricami; tu mangiasti fior di farina, e miele, ed olio; e divenisti sommamente bella, e prosperasti fino a regnare.

14 E la fama di te si sparse fra le genti, per la tua bellezza; perciocchè era compiuta, per la mia gloria, che io avea messa in te, dice il Signore Iddio.

15 Ma tu ti sei confidata nella tua bellezza, ed hai fornicato per la tua fama; ed hai sparse le tue fornicazioni ad ogni passante; in lui era di far ciò che gli piaceva.

16 Ed hai presi de’ tuoi vestimenti, e te ne hai fatti degli alti luoghi variati, ed hai fornicato sopra essi; cose le cui simili non avverranno, e non saranno giammai più.

17 Ed hai presi gli ornamenti della tua gloria, fatti del mio oro, e del mio argento, che io ti avea dato, e te ne hai fatte delle immagini di maschi, ed hai fornicato con esse.

18 Tu hai eziandio presi i vestimenti de’ tuoi ricami, ed hai coperte quelle con essi; ed hai loro presentato il mio olio, ed il mio profumo.

19 Parimente hai loro presentato, in odor soave, il mio pane, che io ti avea dato; e il fior della farina, e l’olio, e il miele, con che io ti cibava; e ciò è stato, dice il Signore Iddio.

20 Oltre a ciò, tu hai presi i tuoi figliuoli, e le tue figliuole, che tu mi avevi partoriti, e li hai sacrificati a quelle per essere consumati. Era egli poca cosa delle tue fornicazioni,

21 che tu abbi ancora scannati i miei figliuoli, e li abbi dati a quelle, facendoli passare per lo fuoco?

22 E con tutte le tue abbominazioni e fornicazioni, tu non ti sei ricordata del tempo della tua fanciullezza, quando eri ignuda, e scoperta, e giacevi nel tuo sangue.

23 Ora, dopo tutta la tua malvagità guai, guai a te! dice il Signore Iddio,

24 tu hai eziandio edificato un bordello, e ti hai fatto un alto luogo in ogni piazza publica.

25 In ogni capo di strada, tu hai edificato un tuo alto luogo, ed hai renduta abbominevole la tua bellezza, ed hai allargate le gambe ad ogni passante, ed hai moltiplicate le tue fornicazioni.

26 Ed hai fornicato co’ figliuoli di Egitto, tuoi vicini, molto membruti; ed hai moltiplicate le tue fornicazioni, per dispettarmi.

27 Laonde, ecco, io ho stesa la mia mano sopra te, ed ho diminuita la tua provvisione ordinaria, e ti ho abbandonata alla voglia delle figliuole dei Filistei, che ti hanno in odio, ed hanno vergogna del tuo scellerato procedere.

28 Tu hai eziandio fornicato co’ figliuoli di Assur; perciocchè non eri ancor sazia; tu hai fornicato con loro, e pure ancora non ti sei saziata.

29 Ed hai moltiplicate le tue fornicazioni nel paese di Canaan, fino in Caldea; e pure ancora, con tutto ciò, non ti sei saziata.

30 Quant’è stato il tuo cuor fiacco, dice il Signore Iddio, facendo tutte queste cose, che sono opere d’una baldanzosa meretrice!

31 edificando il tuo bordello in capo d’ogni strada, e facendo i tuoi alti luoghi in ogni piazza pubblica. Or tu non sei stata come le altre meretrici, in quanto tu hai sprezzato il guadagno,

32 o donna adultera, che ricevi gli stranieri in luogo del tuo marito!

33 Ei si premio a tutte le altre meretrici; ma tu hai dati i premii a tutti i tuoi amanti, ed hai loro fatti de’ presenti; acciocchè venissero a te d’ogn’intorno, per le tue fornicazioni.

34 Ed è avvenuto in te, nelle tue fornicazioni, tutto il contrario delle altre donne; in quanto niuno ti è stato dietro, per fornicare; ed anche in quanto tu hai dato premio, e premio non è stato dato a te; e così sei stata al contrario delle altre.

35 Perciò, o meretrice, ascolta la parola del Signore.

36 Così ha detto il Signore Iddio: Perciocchè le tue lordure sono state sparse; e che, nelle tue fornicazioni, la tua nudità è stata scoperta a’ tuoi amanti, e a tutti gl’idoli delle tue abbominazioni; ed anche, per cagion del sangue de’ tuoi figliuoli, che tu hai dati a quelli;

37 perciò, ecco, io adunerò tutti i tuoi amanti, co’ quali hai presi i tuoi diletti; e tutti quelli che tu hai amati, insieme con tutti quelli che hai avuti in odio; e li raccoglierò d’ogn’intorno contro a te, e scoprirò loro la tua nudità, ed essi vedranno tutte le tue vergogne.

38 E ti giudicherò de’ giudicii delle adultere, e di quelle che spandono il sangue, e ti punirò di pena capitale, in ira, e in gelosia.

39 E ti darò nelle lor mani, ed essi disfaranno il tuo bordello, e distruggeranno i tuoi alti luoghi, e ti spoglieranno de’ tuoi vestimenti, e ne porteranno via gli ornamenti della tua gloria, e ti lasceranno ignuda e scoperta;

40 e faranno venir contro a te una gran raunanza di gente, e ti lapideranno con pietre, e ti trafiggeranno con le loro spade;

41 ed arderanno le tue case col fuoco, ed eseguiranno giudicii sopra te, nel cospetto di molte donne; ed io ti farò rimanere di fornicare, ed anche non darai più premii di fornicazione.

42 Ed io acqueterò la mia ira sopra te, e la mia gelosia si rimoverà da te, ed io mi poserò, e non mi adirerò più.

43 Perciocchè tu non ti sei ricordata dei giorni della tua fanciullezza, e mi hai provocato ad ira con tutte queste cose; ecco, io altresì ti renderò il tuo procedere in sul capo, dice il Signore Iddio. Ed anche, con tutte queste abbominazioni, tu non hai commessa scelleratezza.

44 Ecco, tutti quelli che usano di proverbiare proverbieranno di te, dicendo: Qual fu la madre, tale è la sua figliuola.

45 Tu sei figliuola di tua madre, che ebbe a sdegno il suo marito, ed i suoi figliuoli; e sei sorella delle tue sorelle, che hanno avuti a sdegno i lor mariti, e i lor figliuoli; la madre vostra fu Hittea, e il vostro padre Amorreo.

46 Or la tua sorella maggiore è Samaria, con le sue terre, la quale è posta alla tua man sinistra; e la tua sorella minore, che è posta alla tua destra, è Sodoma, con le sue terra.

47 Ed anche non sei camminata nelle lor vie, e non hai fatto secondo le loro abbominazioni, come se ciò fosse stata piccola e leggier cosa; anzi ti sei corrotta in tutte le tue vie, più che esse.

48 Come io vivo, dice il Signore Iddio, Sodoma, tua sorella, con le sue terre, non fecero quanto hai fatto tu, e le tue terre.

49 Ecco, questa fu l’iniquità di Sodoma, tua sorella, con le sue terre: ella ebbe gran gloria, ed abbondanza di pane, ed agio di riposo; ed ella non diede alcun conforto al povero, ed al bisognoso.

50 Ed esse superbirono, e commisero abbominazione nel mio cospetto; laonde io le tolsi via, come vidi che dovea farsi.

51 E quant’è a Samaria, ella non ha peccato a metà quanto tu; e tu hai moltiplicate le tue abbominazioni, più che l’una e l’altra; ed hai giustificate le tue sorelle con tutte le abbominazioni che hai commesse.

52 Tu, che hai giudicate amendue le tue sorelle, porta anche tu il tuo vituperio, per il tuoi peccati, per li quali ti sei renduta più abbominevole di loro; elleno son più giuste di te; ed anche tu sii svergognata, e porta il tuo vituperio, poichè tu giustifichi le tue sorelle.

53 Se mai il le ritiro di cattività, cioè Sodoma e le sue terre, e Samaria e le sue terre, ritrarrò te altresì fra loro dalla cattività delle tue cattività.

54 Acciocchè, consolandole, tu porti il tuo vituperio, e sii svergognata per tutto ciò che hai fatto.

55 E quando le tue sorelle, Sodoma e le sue terre, e Samaria e le sue terre ritorneranno al lor primiero stato, allora eziandio tu e le tue terre, ritornerete al vostro primiero stato.

56 Or Sodoma, tua sorella, non è stata mentovata dalla bocca tua, nel giorno delle tue magnificenze;

57 avanti che la tua malvagità fosse palesata, come fu nel tempo del vituperio che ti fu fatto dalle figliuole di Siria, e di tutti i suoi luoghi circonvicini; e dalle figliuole de’ Filistei, che ti predarono d’ogn’intorno.

58 Tu porti addosso la tua scelleratezza, e le tue abbominazioni, dice il Signore.

59 Perciocchè, così ha detto il Signore Iddio: Io altresì farò inverso te, come tu hai fatto; conciossiachè tu abbi sprezzato il giuramento, per rompere il patto.

60 Ma pure, io mi ricorderò del mio patto, che io feci teco ne’ giorni della tua fanciullezza; e ti fermerò un patto eterno.

61 Allor tu ti ricorderai delle tue vie, e sarai confusa, quando riceverai le tue sorelle maggiori, insieme con le minori di te, le quali io ti darò per figliuole; ma non già secondo il tuo patto.

62 Ed io fermerò il mio patto teco, e tu conoscerai che io sono il Signore;

63 (H16-62) acciocchè tu ti ricordi di queste cose, ed abbi vergogna, e non apra più la bocca, per lo tuo vituperio, dopo che io mi sarà placato inverso te, di tutto ciò che tu avrai fatto, dice il Signore Iddio.


To many Protestant and Evangelical Italians, the Bibles translated by Giovanni Diodati are an important part of their history. Diodati’s first Italian Bible edition was printed in 1607, and his second in 1641. He died in 1649. Throughout the 1800s two editions of Diodati’s text were printed by the British Foreign Bible Society. This is the more recent 1894 edition, translated by Claudiana.

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Apocalypse Explained # 619

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619. But in thy mouth it shall be sweet as honey, signifies outwardly delightful. This is evident from the signification of "mouth," as being what is exterior; for this treats of the little book and eating it up, and "the little book" signifies the Word, and "eating it up" signifies perception and exploration; thence "the mouth," which first receives, means the external of the Word. It is evident also from the signification of "sweet as honey," as being the delight of natural good. The external of the Word was "sweet as honey," that is, thus delightful, because the external of the Word is such that it can be applied to any love whatever, or to any principle derived therefrom; and these can be confirmed by it. The external of the Word, which is the sense of its letter, is such because many things in it are written in accordance with the appearances presented to the natural man, and many appearances, when not interiorly understood, are fallacies, like the fallacies of the senses. Those, therefore, who love to live for the body and for the world, by means of these appearances draw over the external of the Word to confirm evils of life and falsities of faith.

[2] This was done especially by the sons of Jacob, who applied all things of the Word to themselves, and from the sense of the letter they held the belief, and also maintain it to this day, that they were chosen in preference to others, and therefore were a holy nation; that their Jerusalem, the temple there, the ark, the altar, the sacrifices, with innumerable other things, were holy of themselves; they did not know, and did not wish to know, that the holiness of all those things proceeded solely from this, that they represented things Divine proceeding from the Lord that are called celestial and spiritual, and are the holy things of heaven and the church, and that to think that these are holy of themselves, and not because of the Divine things they represent, would be to falsify and adulterate the Word by applying it to themselves and to their own loves. It was similar with their belief respecting the Messiah, that he would be king of the world, and would raise them above all other nations and peoples throughout the globe; not to mention other things which they gathered from the mere sense of the letter of the Word, which to them were sweet as honey in the mouth. This is why the things in the spiritual sense of the Word are undelightful, for in that sense are the truths themselves which are not according to appearances; as that the Jewish nation itself was not holy, but worse than every other nation, consequently that it was not chosen; that the city of Jerusalem merely signifies the Lord's church and doctrine respecting Him and the holy things of heaven and the church; and that the temple, the ark, the altar, and the sacrifices represented the Lord and the holy things that proceed from Him, and that for this and no other reason were they holy. These are truths that are stored up inwardly in the sense of the letter of the Word, that is, in its internal spiritual sense; and these truths they deny, because, as was said, they have falsified and adulterated the Word in the sense of the letter; and these things therefore are undelightful to them, like foods that are bitter in the belly.

[3] It is said that the little book was "in the mouth sweet as honey," because "honey" signifies the delight of natural good; that "honey" signifies that delight can be seen from the following passages. In Ezekiel:

It was said to the prophet, Open wide thy mouth and eat that I give thee. And I saw and behold, a hand was put forth unto me, and lo, the roll of a book was therein; and when he had spread it before me it was written in front and behind, and written thereon were dirges, moaning, and woe. Then he said unto me, Son of man, eat this roll, and go speak unto the house of Israel. Then he said unto me, Feed thy belly and fill thy bowels with this roll that I give thee; and when I ate it, it was in my mouth as honey for sweetness. And he said, Go to the house of Israel and speak my words unto them (Ezekiel 2:8-10; 3:1-4).

These things involve things altogether similar to those in Revelation. The command to the prophet Ezekiel "to eat the roll of the book" involves something similar as the command to John "to eat the little book," namely, to explore how the Divine truth which is in the Word is yet received, perceived, and appropriated by those who are of the church; for the prophet Ezekiel and John represent the doctrine of truth and the Word, therefore the exploration was made with them. It was made by eating a book, because "to eat" signifies to perceive and thus to appropriate, as has been shown above; and when this has been ascertained, namely, how the Word was still perceived, it is said to the prophet Ezekiel that "he should go to the house of Israel and speak to them the words of God;" also to the prophet John that "he must prophesy," that is, still teach the Word in the church; and this because the book was perceived to be "in his mouth sweet as honey," that is, because the Word in the sense of the letter is still delightful, but for the reason that this sense can be applied to any principles of falsity and to any loves of evil, and can thus serve them in confirming the delights of the natural life separated from the delights of the spiritual life; and when these are separated they become mere delights of the loves of the body and of the world whence are principles of falsity from fallacies.

[4] In Isaiah:

A virgin shall conceive and bear a son, and shall call His name God-with-us. Butter and honey shall He eat, that He may know to reject the evil and to choose the good (Isaiah 7:14, 15).

That this was said of the Lord is proved in Matthew (Matthew 1:23). Anyone can see that "butter and honey" do not mean here butter and honey, but something Divine corresponding to them, for it is added, "that He may know to reject the evil and to choose the good," and that is not known by eating butter and honey; but "butter" signifies the delight of spiritual good, and "honey" the delight of natural good, consequently the two signify the Lord's Divine spiritual and Divine natural, and thus His Human, interior and exterior. That the Lord's Human is meant can be seen from its being said that "a virgin shall conceive and bear a son;" and that it is Divine from its being said, "and shall call His name God-with-us," "to call a name" signifying the quality of a thing, here what the Divine is, for He was to be called "God-with-us."

[5] "Butter and honey" also signify the delight of spiritual and natural good in these words in the same chapter:

Butter and honey shall everyone eat that remains in the land (verse 22).

"That remains" mean those that are inwardly and also outwardly good from the Lord, consequently who receive the good proceeding from the Lord in truths; the blessedness therefrom of the internal or spiritual man, and also of the external or natural man, is signified by "butter and honey."

[6] In Job:

He shall suck the poison of asps; the viper's tongue shall slay him. He shall not see the streams, the flowings of the brooks of honey and butter (Job 20:16, 17).

This is said of hypocrites who talk well and smoothly about God, about the neighbor, and about heaven and the church, and yet think altogether otherwise; and because they cunningly contrive by these means to captivate minds, although in heart they cherish what is infernal, it is said, "He shall suck the poison of asps, the viper's tongue shall slay him." That such have no delight in natural good or spiritual good is meant by "He shall not see the streams, the flowings of the brooks of honey and butter," "streams" meaning the things of intelligence, and "the flowings of the brooks of honey and butter," the things therefrom that are of affection and love, which are the very delights of heavenly life. Every delight of life that abides to eternity is a delight of spiritual good and truth, and from that a delight of natural good and truth; but hypocritical delight is a natural delight separate from spiritual delight, and this delight is turned in the other life into what is direfully infernal. Evidently "butter and honey" do not mean here butter and honey, for where, in the world, can there be found "flowings of brooks of honey and butter"?

[7] "Milk and honey" have a similar signification as "butter and honey;" and as "milk" signifies the delight of spiritual good, and "honey" the delight of natural good, and these delights are with those who are of the Lord's church, therefore the land of Canaan, which signifies the church, was called:

A land flowing with milk and honey (Exodus 3:8, 17; Leviticus 20:24; Numbers 13:27; 14:8; Deuteronomy 6:3; 11:9; 26:9, 15; 27:3; 31:20; Joshua 5:6; Jeremiah 11:5; 32:22; Ezekiel 20:6).

That in the Word "the land of Canaan" means the church has been shown above (n. 29, 304, 431); and the church is with those only who are in spiritual good and at the same time in natural good; in such the church is formed by the Lord; for the church is in man and not outside of him, consequently is not with those with whom these goods are not. These goods with their delights are signified by "milk and honey."

[8] There was also much honey in the land of Canaan at that time, because at that time the church of the Lord was there, as can be seen from the first book of Samuel, where it is said:

That they came into the forest, where there was honey upon the face of the ground, and there was a stream of honey, and Jonathan's eyes were opened by tasting the honey (1 Samuel 14:25-27, 29).

"Jonathan's eyes were opened by tasting the honey" because "honey" corresponds to natural good and its delight, and this good gives intelligence and enlightens, from which Jonathan knew that he had done evil; as we read in Isaiah, "He shall eat butter and honey, that he may know to reject the evil and to choose the good." For at that time correspondences exhibited their effects outwardly, since all things of the Israelitish Church consisted of correspondences, which represented and signified things celestial and spiritual.

[9] Again, "oil and honey" have a similar signification as "butter and honey" in the following passages. In Moses:

He made him to ride on the high places of the earth, and fed him with the produce of the fields; he made him to suck honey out of the cliff, and oil out of the flint of the rock (Deuteronomy 32:13).

This is in the song of Moses, which treats of the church in its beginning, and afterward in its progress, and finally in its end. Those that constituted the Ancient Church are described by these words, not those however who constituted the Israelitish Church, for these were evil from the beginning even to the end, as can be seen from their fathers in Egypt, and afterwards in the wilderness; but the Ancient Church, the men of which are meant by "their fathers," was that which the Lord "made to ride on the high places of the earth, and fed with the produce of the fields." That to these the good of natural love and the good of spiritual love with their delights were given by means of truths, from which they had their intelligence and according to which they lived, is signified by "he made him to suck honey out of the cliff, and oil out of the flint of the rock," "honey" signifying the delight of natural love, "oil," the delight of spiritual love, and "the cliff" and "the flint of the rock," truth from the Lord. (That "oil" signifies the good of love and charity, may be seen above, n. 375; and that "cliffs" and "rocks" signify truth from the Lord, n. 411, 443)

[10] In David:

I fed 1 them with the fat of wheat, and with honey out of the rock I satisfied them (Psalms 81:16).

"The fat of wheat" signifies the delight of spiritual good, and "honey out of the rock," the delight of natural good through truths from the Lord (as above). It is to be known that natural good is not good unless there is also spiritual good; for all good flows in through the spiritual man or mind into the natural man or mind, and so far as the natural man or mind receives the good of the spiritual man or mind so far man receives good; that there may be good there must be both, or the two sides, consequently natural good separated from spiritual good is in itself evil, although by man it is still perceived as good. Since there must be both, it is said in the passages cited and yet to be cited, "butter and honey," "milk and honey;" "fat and honey," as also "oil and honey;" and "butter," "milk," "fat," and "oil" signify the good of spiritual love, and "honey" the good of natural love, together with their delights.

[11] In Ezekiel:

Thus wast thou decked with gold and silver, and thy garments were fine linen and silk and broidered work; thou didst eat fine flour, honey, and oil, whence thou didst become exceeding beautiful, and didst prosper even to a kingdom. But my bread which I gave thee, and the fine flour and oil and honey with which I fed thee, thou didst set before idols as an odor of rest (Ezekiel 16:13, 19).

This is said about Jerusalem, which signifies the church, first the Ancient Church, and afterwards the Israelitish Church. Of the Ancient Church it is said "she was decked with gold and silver," which signifies the love of good and truth that the men of that Church had; "the garments of fine linen, silk, and broidered work," signify the knowledges of celestial, spiritual, and natural truth, "fine linen" signifying truth from a celestial origin, "silk" truth from a spiritual origin, and "broidered work" truth from a natural origin, which is called knowledge [scientificum]. "She ate fine flour, honey and oil," signifies the perception of natural and spiritual truth and good, and their appropriation, "to eat" signifying to be appropriated, "fine flour" truth, "honey" natural good, and "oil" spiritual good, which were appropriated to them by a life according to the truths above mentioned. "She became exceeding beautiful and prospered even to a kingdom" signifies to become intelligent and wise so as to constitute a church, "beauty" signifying intelligence and wisdom, and a "kingdom" the church. But of the Israelitish Church, which was merely in externals without internals, whence the men of that church were idolatrous, it is said that "they set the fine flour, honey, and oil before the images of a male, or idols, as an odor of rest," that is, they perverted the truths and goods of the church into falsities and evils, and thus profaned them.

[12] In the same:

Judah and the land of Israel were thy merchants in the wheats of Minnith and Pannag, and honey and oil and balsam they gave for thy merchandise (Ezekiel 27:17).

This is said of Tyre, which signifies the church in respect to the knowledges of truth and good; so, too, "Tyre" signifies the knowledges of truth and good themselves belonging to the church; "oil and honey" have a similar signification as above. What is meant here in the spiritual sense by "Judah and the land of Israel," by "the wheats of Minnith and Pannag," and by "balsam," also by "the merchandise of Tyre," may be seen explained above n. 433.

[13] In Moses:

A land of brooks of water, of fountains and depths going forth from the valley and mountain; a land of wheat and barley, and of vine and fig-tree and pomegranate; and of olive oil and honey (Deuteronomy 8:7, 8).

This is said of the land of Canaan, which means the church which is in celestial, spiritual, and natural good, and in truths therefrom; but the contents of this verse are explained above (n. 374, 403), showing that "oil and honey" here signify the good of love in the internal or spiritual man and in the external or natural man.

[14] In David:

The judgments of Jehovah are truth, they are righteous altogether; more desirable than gold and than much fine gold; and sweeter than honey and the dropping of honeycombs (Psalms 19:9, 10).

In the same:

I have not departed from Thy judgment; for Thou hast instructed me. How sweet are Thy words to my palate, more than honey to my mouth (Psalms 119:102, 103).

"Judgments" signify the truths and goods of worship, therefore it is said "the judgments of Jehovah are truth, they are righteous altogether;" "righteous" signifies the good of life and worship therefrom; and as good is also signified by "gold" and "fine gold," it is said that "they are more desirable than gold and than much fine gold," "gold" meaning celestial good, "fine gold" spiritual good, and "desirable" means what belongs to affection and love. Since the goods by which a man is affected are delightful it is said that they are "sweeter than honey and the dropping of honeycombs," and that "the words of Jehovah are sweet to the palate, more than honey to the mouth," "sweet" signifying what is delightful, "honey" natural good, and "the dropping of honeycombs" natural truth. And because "honey" means natural good, and the "mouth" signifies what is external, it is said "more than honey to my mouth," as in Revelation, that "the little book was sweet as honey in the mouth."

[15] In Luke:

Jesus said to the disciples, who believed that they saw a spirit, See My hands and My feet, that it is I Myself; feel of Me and see; for a spirit hath not flesh and bones as ye see Me having. Then He said to them, Have ye here anything to eat? And they gave Him a piece of a broiled fish and of a honeycomb. And He took it and did eat it before them (Luke 24:39, 41-43).

From the series of these words regarded in the spiritual sense it is very evident that "honeycomb" and "honey" signify natural good, for the Lord disclosed to His disciples that He had glorified or made Divine His whole Human, even to its natural and sensual; this is signified by "hands and feet" and by "flesh and bones," which they saw and felt, "hands and feet" signifying the ultimate of man which is called the natural, "flesh" its good, and "bones" its truth; for all things that are in the human body correspond to spiritual things, the "flesh" corresponding to the good of the natural man, and the "bones" to its truths. (On this correspondence, see in the work on Heaven and Hell 87-102.) And this the Lord confirmed by eating before the disciples of the broiled fish and honeycomb; "the broiled fish" signifying the truth of good of the natural and sensual man, and "the honeycomb," the good of the truth of the same. The Lord, therefore, by letting them feel of Him, showed and confirmed that His whole Human, even to its ultimates, was glorified, that is, made Divine; and this He showed, too, by the eating, in that "He ate before them a piece of broiled fish and of a honeycomb."

[16] As "honey" signifies the good of the natural man, so also:

John the Baptist had his raiment of camel's hair, and a leathern girdle about his loins; and his food was locusts and wild honey (Matthew 3:4; Mark 1:6).

For John the Baptist represented something similar as Elijah; wherefore it is also said that "Elijah should come," by whom John is meant. Elijah represented the Lord in relation to the Word, or the Word from the Lord; John had a similar representation; and as the Word teaches that the Messiah or the Lord was about to come, John was sent before to preach respecting the Lord's coming, according to the predictions in the Word. And as John represented the Word, therefore he represented the ultimates of the Word, which are natural, by his raiment and also by his food, namely, by his raiment of camel's hair and the leathern girdle about his loins; "camel's hair" signifying the ultimates of the natural man, such as are the exterior things of the Word, and "the leathern girdle about the loins," the external bond and connection of these with the interior things of the Word, which are spiritual. "Locust and wild honey" have a like signification, "locust" signifying the truth of the natural man, and "wild honey" its good. It is the same whether you say the truth and good of the natural man or natural truth and good, such as the Word is in its ultimate sense, which is called the sense of the letter or the natural sense, for this was what John represented by his raiment and food.

[17] That:

No leaven and no honey were to be offered in the offerings made by fire to Jehovah (Leviticus 2:11);

because "leaven" signifies the falsity of the natural man, and "honey" the delight of good of the natural man, and in the contrary sense the delight of its evil; this is also like leaven when it is mixed with such things as signify things interiorly holy, for natural delight draws its own from the delights of the love of self and of the world; and as the Israelitish nation was in such delights more than other nations, therefore they were forbidden to use honey in their sacrifices. (On the signification of "honey," as meaning the delight of the good of the natural man, see Arcana Coelestia 5650, 6857, 8056, 10137, 10530)

[18] That:

When Samson had rent the young lion he found in its carcass a swarm of bees and honey, when he was about to take a wife from the Philistine nation (Judges 14:8);

signified the dissipation of faith separated from charity, which the Philistine nation represented; for this reason the Philistines were called "uncircumcised," and this term signified that they were without spiritual love and charity and only in natural love, which is the love of self and of the world. Because such a faith destroys the good of charity it was represented by a young lion that attacked Samson with intent to tear him in pieces, but as Samson was a Nazirite, and by his Naziriteship represented the Lord in respect to His ultimate natural, he rent the lion, and afterwards found in its carcass "a swarm of bees and honey," and this signifies that when such faith has been dissipated, the good of charity succeeds in its place. The other things related of Samson in the book of Judges have a like signification; for there is nothing written in the Word that does not represent and signify such things as belong to heaven and the church, and these can be known only by a knowledge of correspondences, and thus from the spiritual sense of the Word.

Poznámky pod čarou:

1. Latin has "I fed," but "I would feed" is found in AC 5943; AR 314.

/ 1232  

Thanks to the Swedenborg Foundation for their permission to use this translation.

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Arcana Coelestia # 5620

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/ 10837  

5620. 'A little resin and a little honey' means the truths of exterior natural good, and the delight that goes with these. This is clear from the meaning of 'resin' as the truth of good, which is truth derived from good, dealt with in 4748. The reason 'resin' has this meaning is that it belongs among unguent like substances and also among aromatic ones. Aromatic substances mean those kinds of entities that belong to truth derived from good, the more so when those substances also resemble unguents and consequently have oil among their ingredients; for 'oil' means good, 886, 3728, 4582. Since this resin was aromatic, see Genesis 37:25, the same word in the original language also means balm; it was also, it is clear, unguent-like or thick with oil. From this one may now see that 'resin' means the truth of good present in the natural, in this case in the exterior natural since 'resin' is mentioned first, then 'honey', meaning the delight there, is added. 'Honey' means delight because it is sweet and everything sweet in the natural world corresponds to some delight or pleasure in the spiritual world. The reason for the use of the expression 'the delight that goes with this' - that is to say, with truth derived from good present in the exterior natural - is that every truth, and more so every truth of good, possesses its own delight. But that delight springs from an affection for such truths and consequently for the use they serve.

[2] The fact that 'honey' means delight may be seen also from other places in the Word, as in Isaiah,

A virgin will conceive and bear a son, and will call His name Immanuel (God with us). Butter and honey will He eat that He may know to refuse the evil and choose the good. Isaiah 7:14-15.

This refers to the Lord. 'Butter' stands for what is celestial, 'honey' for what is derived from the celestial.

[3] In the same prophet,

It will be, because of the abundance of the milk which they give, that he will eat butter; both butter and honey will everyone eat that is left in the midst of the land. Isaiah 7:22.

This refers to the Lord's kingdom. 'Milk' stands for spiritual good, 'butter' for celestial good, and 'honey' for what is derived from these, namely happiness, pleasure, and delight.

[4] In Ezekiel,

Thus were you adorned with gold and silver, and your robes were fine linen, and silk, and embroidered cloth. You ate fine flour, and honey, and oil; therefore you became extremely beautiful, and attained to a kingdom. With fine flour, oil, and honey I fed you; but you set this before them as a pacifying odour. Ezekiel 16:13, 19.

This refers to Jerusalem, by which the spiritual Church is meant; it describes what that Church was like among the Ancients, and what it came to be like after that. Its adornment with gold and silver is the furnishment of it with celestial and spiritual good and truth. Its robes of fine linen, silk, and embroidered cloth stand for truths present in the rational and in both parts of the natural. 'Fine flour' stands for what is spiritual, 'honey' for the pleasure accompanying this, and 'oil' for the good that goes with it. The fact that all these, each one, mean things of a heavenly nature may be recognized by anyone.

[5] In the same prophet,

Judah and the land of Israel were your traders in wheat of minnith and pannag, and honey, and oil, and balm. Ezekiel 27:17.

This refers to Tyre, by which is meant the spiritual Church, what it was like initially and what it came to be like subsequently so far as cognitions of good and truth were concerned, 1201. Also, 'honey' in this quotation stands for the pleasure and delight gained from affections for knowing and learning about celestial and spiritual forms of goodness and truth.

[6] In Moses,

He causes 1 him to ride over the heights of the land and He feeds [him] with the produce of the fields; he causes him to suck honey out of the crag, and oil out of the stony rock. Deuteronomy 32:13.

This too refers to the spiritual Ancient Church. 'Sucking honey from the crag' stands for the delight taken in factual knowledge that holds truths within it.

[7] In David,

I feed them with the fat of wheat, and with honey out of the rock I satisfy them. Psalms 81:16.

'Satisfying with honey out of the rock' stands for the delight gained from the truths of faith.

[8] In Deuteronomy,

Jehovah is bringing you to a good land, a land of rivers of water, springs, and depths gushing out of valleys and mountains; a land of wheat and barley, and vines, and fig trees, and pomegranates; a land of olive oil and honey. Deuteronomy 8:7-8.

This refers to the land of Canaan, in the internal sense to the Lord's kingdom in heaven. 'A land of olive oil and honey' stands for spiritual good and the pleasure that goes with it.

[9] For the same reason the land of Canaan is called 'a land flowing with milk and honey', Numbers 13:27; 14:7-8; Deuteronomy 26:9, 15; 27:3; Jeremiah 11:5; 32:22; Ezekiel 20:6. In these places 'the land of Canaan' is used, as has been stated, to mean in the internal sense the Lord's kingdom. 'Flowing with milk' stands for an abundance of celestial-spiritual things, while 'honey' stands for an abundance of forms of happiness and delight received from these.

[10] In David,

The judgements of Jehovah are truth; they are righteous altogether - more desirable than gold, and much fine gold; and sweeter than honey and what drops from honeycombs. Psalms 19:9-10.

'The judgements of Jehovah' stands for Divine truth, 'sweeter than honey and what drops from honeycombs' for the delights received from good and the pleasures received from truth. In the same author,

Sweet are Your words to my taste, 2 more than honey to my mouth. Psalms 119:103.

Here the meaning is similar.

[11] The manna which the descendants of Jacob received in the wilderness as their bread is described in Moses as follows,

The manna was like coriander seed, white, and its taste was like wafers made with honey. Exodus 16:31.

Because 'the manna' meant the Divine truth which came down from the Lord by way of heaven, it is the Lord's own Divine Human, as He Himself teaches in John 6:51, 58. For the Lord's Divine Human is the source from which every truth that is Divine springs; indeed it is what every truth that is Divine has reference to. This being so, the manna, the taste of which gave delight and pleasure, is described as being 'like wafers made with honey' - 'taste' being the delight which good provides and the pleasure that truth affords, see 3502.

[12] Because John the Baptist represented the Lord as to the Word, which is Divine Truth on the earth - in the same way as Elijah had represented Him, 2762, 5247(end), making him the Elijah who was to come ahead of the Lord, Malachi 4:5; Matthew 17:10-12; Mark 9:11-13; Luke 1:17 - his clothing and food were therefore meaningful signs. They are described in Matthew as follows,

John had a garment of camel hair and a skin girdle around his waist; his food was locusts and wild honey. Matthew 3:4; Mark 1:6.

'A garment of camel hair' was a sign of what the literal sense of the Word is like so far as truth there is concerned. That sense - the natural sense - serves as a garment for the internal sense; for 'hair' and also 'camels' mean what is natural. Food consisting of 'locusts and wild honey' was a sign of what the literal sense is like so far as good there is concerned, the delight belonging to that good being meant by 'wild honey'.

[13] In addition the delight afforded by Divine truth as this exists in the external sense is described by 'honey', in Ezekiel,

He said to me, Son of man, feed your stomach and fill your inward parts with this scroll that I am giving you. And when I ate it, it was in my mouth like honey as regards sweetness. Ezekiel 3:3.

And in John,

The angel said to me, Take the little book and eat it up; it will indeed make your stomach bitter, but in your mouth it will be sweet as honey. I therefore took the little book out of the angel's hand and ate it up, and it was in my mouth like sweet honey. But when I had eaten it, my stomach was made bitter. Then he said to me, You must prophesy again over many peoples, and nations, and tongues, and many kings. Revelation 10:9-11.

'The scroll' in Ezekiel, and 'the little book' in John, stand for Divine truth. The delight this appears to possess in the outward form it takes is meant by the taste being sweet as honey; for Divine truth, like the Word, is full of delight in the outward form it takes, which is the literal sense, because this allows everyone to interpret and explain it in whatever way it suits him. But the internal sense does not allow him to do so, and this is meant by its bitter taste; for the internal sense discloses what man is like inwardly. The external sense is full of delight for the reason just stated, that a person can explain things there in whatever way it suits him. The truths contained in the external sense are all general ones and remain such until particular truths are added to qualify them, and specific ones to qualify these. The external sense is also full of delight because it is natural, concealing what is spiritual within itself. It needs to be full of delight too if a person is to accept it, that is, to be taken into it and not left standing on the threshold.

[14] The honeycomb and the broiled fish which after His resurrection the Lord ate in the presence of the disciples was also a sign of the external sense of the Word, 'the fish' meaning the truth associated with that sense and 'the honeycomb' the pleasure attached to it, described in Luke as follows,

Jesus said, Do you have any food at all here? They gave Him part of a broiled fish and some honeycomb, which He took and ate in their presence. Luke 24:41-43.

And because the fish and the honeycomb had that meaning the Lord therefore tells them,

These are the words which I spoke to you while I was still with you, that all things must be fulfilled which were written in the law of Moses, and the Prophets, and the Psalms concerning Me. Luke 24:44.

The appearance is that nothing of the sort is meant, for it seems to have been purely by chance that they had part of a broiled fish and a honeycomb. But in fact their possession of these was providential - as is not only this but every other smallest fact mentioned in the Word. Because matters such as have been described were indeed meant, the Lord therefore referred to the Word, declaring that the things written in it had reference to Himself. But the things which have been written in the Old Testament Word regarding the Lord are but few in the sense of the letter, whereas everything contained in the internal sense has to do with Him; and it is from this that the Word gets its holiness. Everything contained in the internal sense is what is meant in the statement that 'all things must be fulfilled which were written in the law of Moses, and the Prophets, and the Psalms concerning Him'.

[15] From all this one may now see that 'honey' means the delight that is received from goodness and truth, that is, from the affection for these, and that specifically external delight and so that belonging to the exterior natural is meant. Because this delight is the kind that is gained from the world through the senses, and so contains within it much that springs from love of the world, people were forbidden to use honey in their minchahs. This is expressed in Leviticus as follows,

Every minchah which you bring to Jehovah shall be made without yeast; for no yeast nor any honey shall be used along with the fire-offering you burn to Jehovah. Leviticus 2:11.

'Honey' stands for the kind of external delight which, containing something of love of the world within it, was similar to yeast and therefore forbidden. What yeast or made with yeast implies, see 1342.

Poznámky pod čarou:

1. The Latin means You cause, but the Hebrew means He causes, which Swedenborg has in other places where he quotes this verse.

2. literally, palate

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Thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.