

Joshua 19



1 Teine liisk langes Siimeonile, siimeonlaste suguharule nende suguvõsade kaupa; ja nende pärisosa tuli juudalaste pärisosa keskele.

2 Neile said pärisosaks: Beer-Seba, Seba, Moolada,

3 Hasar-Suual, Baala, Esem,

4 Eltolad, Betuul, Horma,

5 Siklag, Beet-Markabot, Hasar-Suusa,

6 Beet-Lebaot ja Saaruhen - kolmteist linna ja nende külad;

7 Ain, Rimmon, Eter ja Aasan - neli linna ja nende külad;

8 siis kõik need külad, mis olid nende linnade ümber kuni Baalat-Beerini, Lõunamaa Raamani. See oli siimeonlaste suguharu pärisosa nende suguvõsade kaupa.

9 Siimeonlased said pärisosa juudalastele mõõdetud osast, sest juudalaste osa oli liiga suur; nii said siimeonlased oma pärisosa nende pärisosa keskel.

10 Kolmas liisk langes sebulonlastele nende suguvõsade kaupa, ja nende pärisosa maa-ala ulatus kuni Saaridini.

11 Nende piir tõuseb lääne suunas Maralasse, riivab Dabbesetti ja jõge, mis on ida pool Jokneami.

12 Ida suunas, päikesetõusu poole, pöördub piir Saaridist Kislot-Taabori maa-alale ja jätkub Daberatti ja tõuseb Jaafiasse.

13 Sealt kulgeb see ida suunas, päikesetõusu poole, Gat-Heeferisse, Eet-Kaasinisse, ja suundudes Rimmonisse, pöördub Neasse.

14 Siis läheb piir põhja poolt Hannatoni ja ta lõpp on Jiftah-Eeli orus.

15 Kattat, Nahalal, Simron, Jidala ja Beet-Lehem - kaksteist linna ja nende külad.

16 See oli sebulonlaste pärisosa nende suguvõsade kaupa, need linnad ja nende külad.

17 Neljas liisk langes Issaskarile, issaskarlastele nende suguvõsade kaupa:

18 nende maa-alal olid: Jisreel, Kesullot, Suunem,

19 Hafaraim, Siion, Anaharat,

20 Daaberat, Kisjon, Ebes,

21 Remet, Een-Gannim, Een-Hadda ja Beet-Passes.

22 Ja piir riivab Taaborit, Sahasimat ja Beet-Semesit, ja nende maa-ala lõpp on Jordani ääres - kuusteist linna ja nende külad.

23 See oli issaskarlaste suguharu pärisosa nende suguvõsade kaupa, linnad ja nende külad.

24 Viies liisk langes aaserlaste suguharule nende suguvõsade kaupa:

25 nende maa-alal olid: Helkat, Hali, Beten, Aksaf,

26 Alammelek, Amad ja Misal; ja lääne pool riivab piir Karmelit ja Siihor-Libnatit,

27 pöördub siis päikesetõusu poole Beet-Daagonisse ja riivab Sebuloni ja Jiftah-Eeli orgu põhjas, Beet-Eemekit ja Neielit, ja jätkub Kaabulisse põhja pool;

28 Ebron, Rehob, Hammon ja Kaana kuni suure Siidonini;

29 siis kulgeb piir Raamasse ja kindlustatud Tüürose linnani; siis pöördub piir Hosasse ja selle lõpp on mere ääres, Aksiba maaribal;

30 Umma, Afek ja Rehob - kakskümmend kaks linna ja nende külad.

31 See oli aaserlaste suguharu pärisosa nende suguvõsade kaupa, need linnad ja nende külad.

32 Kuues liisk langes naftalilastele, naftalilastele nende suguvõsade kaupa:

33 nende maa-ala algab Heelefist; Saanannimi tammest üle Adami-Nekebi ja Jabneeli kuni Lakkumini, ja selle lõpp on Jordani ääres;

34 siis pöördub piir lääne poole Asnot-Taaborisse, läheb sealt Hukkokasse ja riivab lõunas Sebuloni, läänes Aaserit ja päikesetõusu pool Juudat Jordani ääres;

35 kindlustatud linnad on: Siddim, Seer, Hammat, Rakkat, Kinneret,

36 Adama, Raama, Haasor,

37 Kedes, Edrei, Een-Haasor,

38 Jireon, Migdal-Eel, Horem, Beet-Anat ja Beet-Semes - üheksateist linna ja nende külad.

39 See oli naftalilaste suguharu pärisosa nende suguvõsade kaupa, linnad ja nende külad.

40 Seitsmes liisk langes daanlaste suguharule nende suguvõsade kaupa:

41 nende pärisosa maa-alal olid: Sora, Estaol, Iir-Semes,

42 Saalabbin, Ajjalon, Jitla,

43 Eelon, Timna, Ekron,

44 Elteke, Gibbeton, Baalat,

45 Jehud, Bene-Berak, Gat-Rimmon,

46 Mee-Jarkoni veed ja Rakkon koos maa-alaga Jaafo kohal.

47 Aga kui daanlaste maa-ala läks nende käest ära, siis läksid daanlased ja sõdisid Lesemi vastu, vallutasid selle ja lõid seda mõõgateraga; ja nad pärisid selle ning elasid seal ja nimetasid Lesemi Daaniks, oma esiisa Daani nime järgi.

48 See oli daanlaste suguharu pärisosa nende suguvõsade kaupa, need linnad ja nende külad.

49 Ja kui Iisraeli lapsed olid võtnud maa selle piiride järgi täiesti oma valdusesse, siis andsid nad Joosuale, Nuuni pojale, pärisosa eneste keskel.

50 Issanda käsul andsid nad temale selle linna, mida ta oli nõudnud - Timnat-Serahi Efraimi mäestikus. Ja tema ehitas linna üles ning elas seal.

51 Need olid pärisosad, mis preester Eleasar, Joosua, Nuuni poeg, ja Iisraeli laste suguharude perekondade peamehed andsid pärisosaks liisu läbi Issanda ees Siilos, kogudusetelgi ukse ees. Nõnda lõpetati maa jaotamine.




Exploring the Meaning of Joshua 19

Napsal(a) New Christian Bible Study Staff, Julian Duckworth

Joshua 19: The last six tribes receive their territories, and Joshua his inheritance.

This chapter is the last of seven chapters detailing the division of the land of Canaan among the tribes. In this chapter, the remaining six tribes receive their portions.

Simeon received land very much in the south, below that of Judah, and Simeon’s territory was made a part of Judah. Simeon means ‘to hear’. To hear the Lord, and to hear the truth, means wanting to live in obedience with what the Lord teaches. Simeon was important in earlier biblical events, but is rarely mentioned later on; obeying the Lord can and should be a quiet affair (see Swedenborg’s work, Apocalypse Revealed 87).

The area given to Zebulun was modest and towards the north, between the Sea of Galilee and the coast. Zebulun’s name means ‘place of exaltation and honor’, and its spiritual meaning is just as glorious: it refers to honoring the Lord through the way we live our lives, both inwardly and outwardly (see Swedenborg’s Heaven and Hell 390).

Issachar’s territory was a small, fertile area in the north, next to the Jordan. The name “Issachar” means ‘a man of hire’ or ‘a hired man’. Spiritually, this is about wanting to serve the Lord, and dedicating our lives to this. Then we are ‘employed’ as servants of the Lord, and we are rewarded with spiritual strength, joy, and blessings (see Swedenborg’s Arcana Caelestia 6388).

Asher means ‘happy’ - a delightful name - and its territory was along the northern coastline, extending inland. It included Mount Carmel and the Plain of Sharon, which were both beautiful places. Spiritual happiness is quite deep, and is really a feeling of joy, contentment, and well-being. When we are spiritually happy, we feel glad to be alive, to know the Lord, and to do what is good because of God (Arcana Caelestia 6408).

Naphtali had territory going up from the Sea of Galilee to the northern border. Naphtali means ‘crafty and cunning’, which does not sound very heavenly. However, the idea is that we use our intelligence to bring heavenly results from the countless decisions we make each and every day. Earlier in the Bible, Naphtali is blessed and called ‘a deer let loose’, which would then be free to bound away (see Genesis 49:21, Arcana Caelestia 3928).

Dan had two small territories: one in the centre on the coast, and one in the far north near the source of the River Jordan. Dan means ‘to judge well’, and it stands for our need to treat people fairly because of our relationship with the Lord. Perhaps there are two territories because one is our mind (north), and the other is in life (center) (Arcana Caelestia 3923).

Finally, Joshua himself is given his inheritance, a place in Ephraim called Timnath Serah. The name means ‘an extra portion’, and this suggests that beyond everything Joshua has done, he is to be given something further. Spiritually, this could be the unexpected delight we get when we devote ourselves to serving the Lord (Arcana Caelestia 995[3]).

The spiritual meaning of receiving a portion of land is that we are able to experience blessings and goodness from the Lord, but only after we have ‘conquered the land’. This means working through our temptations and overcoming weaknesses during our natural life.

Since the land of Canaan stands for heaven – and also for the growth of heaven in us – each of the twelve tribes represent a part of heavenly life that needs to be active in us. We must learn hear the word of the Lord, judge well in our daily actions, and honor His name by the way we live.



Psalms 90



1 Lord, you have been our dwelling place for all generations.

2 Before the mountains were brought forth, before you had formed the earth and the world, even from everlasting to everlasting, you are God.

3 You turn man to destruction, saying, "Return, you children of men."

4 For a thousand years in your sight are just like yesterday when it is past, like a watch in the night.

5 You sweep them away as they sleep. In the morning they sprout like new grass.

6 In the morning it sprouts and springs up. By evening, it is withered and dry.

7 For we are consumed in your anger. We are troubled in your wrath.

8 You have set our iniquities before you, our secret sins in the light of your presence.

9 For all our days have passed away in your wrath. We bring our years to an end as a sigh.

10 The days of our years are seventy, or even by reason of strength eighty years; yet their pride is but labor and sorrow, for it passes quickly, and we fly away.

11 Who knows the power of your anger, your wrath according to the fear that is due to you?

12 So teach us to number our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom.

13 Relent, Yahweh! How long? Have compassion on your servants!

14 Satisfy us in the morning with your loving kindness, that we may rejoice and be glad all our days.

15 Make us glad for as many days as you have afflicted us, for as many years as we have seen evil.

16 Let your work appear to your servants; your glory to their children.

17 Let the favor of the Lord our God be on us; establish the work of our hands for us; yes, establish the work of our hands.