

Deuteronoomia 28



1 Ja kui sa tõesti kuulad Issanda, oma Jumala häält ja pead hoolsasti kõiki tema käske, mis ma täna sulle annan, siis tõstab sind Issand, su Jumal, kõrgemaks kõigist rahvaist maa peal.

2 Ja kõik need õnnistused saavad sulle osaks ja tabavad sind, kui sa võtad kuulda Issanda, oma Jumala häält.

3 Õnnistatud oled sa linnas ja Õnnistatud oled sa väljal.

4 Õnnistatud on su ihuvili, su maapinna saak, su karja juurdekasv, su veiste vasikad ning su lammaste ja kitsede talled.

5 Õnnistatud on su korv ja su leivaküna.

6 Õnnistatud oled sa tulles ja Õnnistatud oled sa minnes.

7 Issand paneb vaenlased, kes kipuvad sulle kallale, su ette kaotust kandma: ühte teed nad tulevad su vastu, aga seitset teed nad põgenevad su eest.

8 Issand käsib seda õnnistust olla sinuga su aitades ja kõiges, mille külge sa oma käe paned, ja ta õnnistab sind maal, mille Issand, su Jumal, sulle annab.

9 Issand ülendab sind enesele pühitsetud rahvaks, nagu ta sulle on vandega tõotanud, kui sa pead Issanda, oma Jumala käske ja käid tema teedel.

10 Ja kõik maailma rahvad näevad, et sinule on pandud Issanda nimi, ja nad kardavad sind.

11 Ja Issand annab sulle külluses head su ihuvilja, karja kasvu ja maapinna saagi poolest maal, mille Issand, su Jumal, vandega su vanemaile on tõotanud sulle anda.

12 Issand avab sulle oma rikkaliku varaaida, taeva, andes su maale vihma õigel ajal ja õnnistades kõiki su kätetöid; ja sina võid laenu anda paljudele rahvastele, aga sa ise ei tarvitse laenata.

13 Ja Issand paneb sind peaks ja mitte sabaks, sa lähed ikka ülespoole, aga mitte allapoole, kui sa kuulad Issanda, oma Jumala käske, mida ma täna sind käsin pidada ja täita,

14 ja kui sa ei kaldu kõrvale kõigist sõnadest, mis ma täna teile käsuna annan, ei paremale ega vasakule, ega käi teiste jumalate järel, et neid teenida.

15 Aga kui sa ei kuula Issanda, oma Jumala häält, ei pea hoolsasti kõiki tema käske ja seadlusi, mis ma täna sulle annan, siis tulevad su peale kõik need needused ja tabavad sind.

16 Neetud oled sa linnas ja neetud oled sa väljal.

17 Neetud on su korv ja su leivaküna.

18 Neetud on su ihuvili ja su maapinna saak, su veiste vasikad ning su lammaste ja kitsede talled.

19 Neetud oled sa tulles ja neetud oled sa minnes.

20 Issand saadab sulle needuse, segaduse ja ähvarduse kõiges, mille külge sa oma käe paned, mida sa teed, kuni sa hukkud ja kuni sa äkitselt kaod oma kurjade tegude pärast, sellepärast et sa mind oled maha jätnud.

21 Issand nakatab su külge katkutõve, kuni see lõpetab sind sellelt maalt, mida sa lähed pärima.

22 Issand lööb sind kõhetustõvega, palavikuga, põletikuga, kuumtõvega, põuaga, viljakõrvetuse ja -roostega, ja need jälitavad sind, kuni sa hukkud.

23 Siis on su pea kohal olev taevas nagu vask ja su all olev maa nagu raud.

24 Issand muudab su maa vihma tolmuks ja põrmuks: see sajab taevast su peale, kuni sa kaod.

25 Issand paneb sind su vaenlaste ette kaotust kandma: ühte teed sa lähed nende vastu, aga seitset teed sa põgened nende eest, ja sa oled hirmutuseks kõigile kuningriikidele maa peal.

26 Su laibad jäävad roaks kõigile taeva lindudele ja maa loomadele ja ükski ei peleta neid.

27 Issand lööb sind Egiptuse paisetega, katkumuhkudega, kärnadega ja sügelistega, millest sa ei parane.

28 Issand lööb sind hullumeelsusega, sõgedusega ja meeltesegadusega.

29 Sa kobad päise päeva ajal nagu pime, kes kobab pimeduses, ja su teed ei õnnestu: üksnes rõhutav ja röövitav oled sa kogu aja ja ükski ei päästa sind.

30 Sa kihlud naisega, aga teine mees häbistab tema; sa ehitad koja, aga ei saa sinna asuda; sa istutad viinamäe, aga ei saa seda kasutada.

31 Su härg tapetakse su silma all, aga sa ei saa sellest süüa; su eesel röövitakse su nähes, aga sa ei saa seda tagasi; su lambad ja kitsed antakse su vaenlastele, aga ükski ei aita sind.

32 Su pojad ja su tütred antakse võõrale rahvale; su silmad näevad seda ja igatsevad neid päevast päeva, aga su käsi on jõuetu.

33 Su maa vilja ja kogu su töötulu sööb sulle tundmatu rahvas; sa oled ainult rõhutav ja tõugatav kogu aja.

34 Ja sa lähed hulluks vaate pärast, mida su silmad näevad.

35 Issand lööb sind kurjade paisetega su põlvedel ja reitel, millest sa ei parane, jalatallast pealaeni.

36 Issand viib sinu ja su kuninga, kelle sa enesele tõstad, ühe rahva juurde, keda ei ole tundnud ei sina ega su vanemad, ja seal sa teenid teisi jumalaid - puust ja kivist.

37 Ja sa saad hirmutuseks, kõnekäänuks ja pilkesõnaks kõigi rahvaste keskel, kuhu Issand sind ajab.

38 Sa viid küll palju seemet põllule, aga saad koguda pisut, sest rohutirtsud õgivad selle.

39 Sa istutad ja harid viinamägesid, aga veini sa ei saa juua ega talletada, sest ussid söövad marjad.

40 Õlipuid on sul kogu su maa-alal, aga sa ei saa ennast õliga võida, sest su õlimarjad varisevad maha.

41 Sa sünnitad poegi ja tütreid, aga need ei jää sinule, vaid nad lähevad vangi.

42 Viljakahjurid vallutavad kõik su puud ja su maa vilja.

43 Võõras, kes su keskel on, tõuseb üha kõrgemale sinust, sina aga vajud üha madalamale.

44 Tema laenab sulle, aga sina ei saa temale laenata; tema saab peaks, aga sina jääd sabaks.

45 Ja sinu peale tulevad kõik need needused, jälitavad sind ja tabavad sind, kuni sa hävid, sellepärast et sa ei ole võtnud kuulda Issanda, oma Jumala häält, et sa pead pidama tema käske ja seadlusi, mis ta sulle on andnud,

46 ja need jäävad igaveseks ajaks tunnustähtedeks ja imetegudeks sinule ja su järglastele.

47 Et sa ei ole teeninud Issandat, oma Jumalat, rõõmuga ja heast südamest kõige külluse eest,

48 siis sa pead teenima oma vaenlasi, keda Issand saadab su kallale, näljas, janus, alasti ja täielikus puuduses. Ja ta paneb su kaela peale raudikke, kuni ta sinu on hävitanud.

49 Issand toob kaugelt maailma äärest su kallale ühe rahva, kes lendab nagu kotkas, rahva, kelle keelt sa ei mõista,

50 jultunud rahva, kes ei hooli vanast ega anna armu noorele.

51 See sööb ära su karja ja su maa vilja, kuni sa oled kadunud; see ei jäta sulle midagi, ei teravilja, veinivirret ega õli, ei veiste vasikaid ega lammaste ja kitsede tallesid, kuni ta sinu on hävitanud.

52 Ja see ahistab sind kõigis su väravais, kuni varisevad su kõrged ja kindlad müürid, mille peale sa loodad kogu oma maal; see ahistab sind kõigis su väravais kogu su maal, mille Issand, su Jumal, sulle annab.

53 Ja sina sööd oma ihuvilja, oma poegade ja tütarde liha, keda Issand, su Jumal, sulle on andnud, piiramisel ja kitsikuses, millega su vaenlane sind ahistab.

54 Isegi su keskel oleva õrna ja hellitatud mehe silm vaatab kurjalt oma vennale ja naisele oma süles ja oma järelejäänud lastele, kes tal veel alles on,

55 ega anna ühelegi neist oma laste lihast, mida ta ise sööb, sest midagi muud ei ole temale jäänud piiramisel ja kitsikuses, millega su vaenlane sind ahistab kõigis su väravais.

56 Su keskel olev õrn ja hellitatud naine, kes oma õrnuses ja hellitatuses ei ole katsunud jalataldagi maha panna, vaatab kurjalt mehele oma süles ja oma pojale ja tütrele

57 oma järelsünnitiste pärast, mis tulevad välja ta jalgade vahelt, ja laste pärast, keda ta sünnitab, sest ta tahab ise neid salaja süüa täielikus puuduses piiramisel ja kitsikuses, kui su vaenlane sind ahistab su väravais.

58 Kui sa ei pea hoolsasti kõiki selle Seaduse sõnu, mis sellesse raamatusse on kirjutatud, et sa kardaksid seda aulist ja kardetavat nime, Issandat, oma Jumalat,

59 siis teeb Issand erakordseks sinu nuhtlused ja sinu järglaste nuhtlused, suured ja kestvad nuhtlused, pahad ja kestvad nuhtlused.

60 Ja ta saadab su kallale kõik Egiptuse tõved, mille ees sa tunned hirmu, ja need jäävad su külge.

61 Ka kõiki muid haigusi ja kõiksugu nuhtlusi, millest ei ole kirjutatud selles Seaduse raamatus, saadab Issand su kallale, kuni sa hävid.

62 Ja teid jääb pisut inimesi nende asemel, kes te olite rohkuse poolest nagu taevatähed, sellepärast et sa ei võtnud kuulda Issanda, oma Jumala häält.

63 Ja nagu Issand tundis teist rõõmu, tehes teile head ja sigitades teid, nõnda tunneb Issand teist rõõmu, saates teid hukka ja hävitades teid, ja teid kistakse ära sellelt maalt, mida sa lähed pärima.

64 Ja Issand pillutab sind kõigi rahvaste sekka, ühest maa äärest teise, ja sa teenid seal teisi jumalaid, keda ei ole tundnud ei sina ega su vanemad - puust ja kivist.

65 Ja nende rahvaste hulgas ei ole sul rahu, su jalatallal ei ole puhkepaika ja Issand annab sulle seal väriseva südame, kustuvad silmad ja masendatud hinge.

66 Su elu ripub nagu juuksekarva küljes, sa värised ööd ja päevad ega ole kindel oma elu pärast.

67 Sa ütled hommikul: 'Oleks juba õhtu!' Aga õhtul sa ütled: 'Oleks juba hommik!' kartuse pärast, mis täidab su südant, ja vaate pärast, mida su silmad näevad.

68 Ja Issand saadab sind laevadega tagasi Egiptusesse, teekond, mille kohta ma sulle ütlesin: 'Sa ei näe seda enam.' Ja seal te pakute endid müüa oma vaenlastele sulaseiks ja teenijaiks, aga ükski ei osta.'


Ze Swedenborgových děl


Arcana Coelestia # 3901

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3901. The reason why the final state of the Church is compared to eagles gathered together where there is a carcass or body is that 'eagles' means man's rational ideas. When used in reference to forms of good 'eagles' means true rational ideas, but when used in reference to forms of evil 'eagles' means false rational ideas, or reasonings. 'Birds' in general means a person's thoughts, and in both the genuine and the contrary senses, 40, 745, 776, 866, 991, 3219; and each species has some individual meaning, 'eagles' meaning rational ideas because they are high-flyers and sharp-sighted. This meaning may be seen from many places in the Word, from which let the following be brought forward to confirm it. First, places where true rational ideas are meant: in Moses,

Jehovah found His people [Jacob] in a wilderness land and in the emptiness, the howling, the lonely place He encompassed him, instructed him, and kept him as the pupil of His eye. As an eagle stirs up its nest, hovers over its young, spreads out its wings, takes one, carries it on its wings. Deuteronomy 32:10-11.

That which is described here and compared to the eagle is instruction in the truths and goods of faith. The actual process up to the point when a person becomes rational and spiritual is what this description and comparison contains. All comparisons in the Word are made by means of meaningful signs, in this case by 'the eagle', which means the rational.

[2] In the same author,

Jehovah said to Moses, You have seen the things which I did to the Egyptians, and I bore you on eagles' wings so that I might bring you to Myself. Exodus 19:3-4.

Here the meaning is similar. In Isaiah,

Those who await Jehovah will be renewed with strength; they will mount up with strong wings like eagles; they will run and not be weary, they will walk and not faint. Isaiah 40:31.

'Being renewed with strength' stands for growth in the willing of good, 'mounting up with strong wings like eagles' for growth in the understanding of truth, and so growth of the rational. Here, as elsewhere, dual expressions are used to present the subject, the first of a pair involving good which belongs to the will, the second truth which belongs to the understanding. 'Running and not being weary' and 'walking and not fainting' are similar dual expressions.

[3] In Ezekiel,

Speak a parable about the house of Israel, and say, Thus said the Lord Jehovih, A great eagle with long pinions, full of feathers, in its embroidery, came on Lebanon and took a twig of the cedar. He carried it into a land of trade, he placed it in a city of perfumers. It sprouted and became a spreading vine. There was another great eagle with great wings and full of feathers, towards which, behold, this vine directed its roots, and sent out its branches towards it to water it from the beds of its young plants in a good field, by many waters. But it will be laid waste. He sent his ambassadors to Egypt that they might give him horses and many people. Ezekiel 17:2-9, 15.

The eagle mentioned first stands for the rational enlightened by the Divine, the eagle mentioned second for the rational originating in the proprium, subsequently perverted by means of reasonings based on sensory evidence and factual knowledge - 'Egypt' standing for factual knowledge, 1164, 1165, 1186, 1462, and 'horses' for understanding resulting from all this, 2761, 2762, 3217.

[4] In Daniel,

A vision of Daniel. Four beasts came up out of the sea, different from one another. The first was like a lion, but had eagle's wings. I watched it until its wings were torn away and it was lifted up from the ground and made to stand on its feet like a human being; and the heart of a human being was given to it. Daniel 7:3-4.

That which is described by 'a lion which had eagle's wings' is the first state of the Church, 'eagle's wings' in this case meaning rational ideas originating in the proprium. And when these had been removed, rational ideas and desires in the will which had a Divine origin were given to it. These are meant by the lifting up of the eagle from the ground and the standing of it on its feet like a human being, and the gift to it of the heart of a human being.

[5] In Ezekiel,

As for the likeness of the faces of the four living creatures or cherubs, each of the four had the face of a human being, and the face of a lion on the right side; and each of the four the face of an ox on the left side; and each of the four had the face of an eagle. Ezekiel 1:10.

Their wheels were called Galgal; and each one had four faces - the first face was the face of a cherub, the second face the face of a human being, the third the face of a lion, and the fourth the face of an eagle. Ezekiel 10:13-14.

In John,

Around the throne were four living creatures full of eyes in front and behind. The first living creature was like a lion, the second living creature was like a calf, the third living creature had a face like a human being, the fourth living creature was like a flying eagle. Revelation 4:7.

Clearly, those living creatures that were seen mean Divine arcana, as consequently does the likeness of their faces. But exactly which arcana are meant cannot be known unless one knows what 'lion', 'calf', 'human being', and 'eagle' mean in the internal sense. It is evident that 'the face of an eagle' means vigilance and therefore providence, for the cherubs who were represented by the living creatures in Ezekiel mean the Lord's providence which guards against anyone entering the mysteries of faith from himself and his own rationality as the starting point, see 308. This also shows that when 'an eagle' is used in reference to a human being the rational is meant in the internal sense. It has this meaning because an eagle is a high-flyer and from its more exalted position has a wide view of things below.

[6] In Job,

Is it through your intelligence that the hawk flies up and spreads its wings towards the south? Is it at your command 1 that the eagle lifts itself up and makes its nest up high? Job 39:26-27.

In this verse it is evident that 'the eagle' means reason which is an attribute of intelligence. This was what 'eagle' meant in the Ancient Church, for the Book of Job is a book of the Ancient Church, 3540 (end). In fact the writing of almost all the books of that period involved the use of meaningful signs, but with the passage of time meaningful signs have been so eclipsed that it is not even known that 'birds' in general means thoughts, even though these are referred to many times in the Word and in those places quite clearly is meant something different from birds.

[7] As regards 'the eagle' in the contrary sense meaning rational ideas that are not true, and so are false, this is evident from the following places: In Moses,

Jehovah will raise up above you a nation from far away, from the end of the earth, as an eagle flies, a nation whose language you do not understand, a hard-faced nation. Deuteronomy 28:49-50.

In Jeremiah,

Behold, he comes up [like] clouds, and his chariots like a whirlwind; his horses are swifter than eagles. Woe to us, for we have been laid waste! Jeremiah 4:13.

In the same prophet,

Your bragging has deceived you, and the pride of your heart, you who dwell in the clefts of the rock, who hold the height of the hill; because, like the eagle, you have made your nest up high, I will cast you down from there. Behold, he mounts up and flies like an eagle, and spreads his wings over Bozrah; and the heart of the powerful men of Edom has become on that day like the heart of a woman in distress. Jeremiah 49:16, 22.

In the same prophet,

Our pursuers were swifter than eagles; they pursued us over the mountains, they laid in wait for us in the wilderness. Lamentations 4:19.

In Micah,

Make yourself bald, and shave your head for the children of your delight; extend your baldness like an eagle, for they have departed from you. Micah 1:16.

In Obadiah,

If you raise yourself up like the eagle, and if you place your nest among the stars, I will bring you down from there. Obad. verse 4.

In Habakkuk,

I am rousing the Chaldeans, a bitter and headlong nation, marching into the breadths of the earth, to inherit habitations that are not its own. Its horses are swifter than leopards. 2 Its horsemen will come from afar. They will fly in like an eagle hastening to devour. Habakkuk 1:6, 8.

[8] In all these places 'eagles' means falsity that has been introduced through reasonings - the delusions of the senses and external appearances being the source of that falsity. 'The Chaldeans' referred to in the last of the Prophets quoted means people who outwardly are holy but inwardly are under the influence of falsity, see 1368, and these like Babel are those who lay waste the Church, 1367. 'The breadths of the earth' means truths (the vastation of which is meant by 'marching into the breadths of the earth') see 3433, 3434, and 'horses' their intellectual concepts, which are similar, 2761, 2762, 3217. What is meant by 'an eagle hastening to devour' is clear from all this, namely a hastening to make man desolate of truths, for the desolation of the Church is the subject in these verses. Comparisons are made with eagles, but as has been stated, comparisons in the Word are made by means of meaningful signs. From all this one may now see what is meant by the comparison with the eagles which will be gathered together where the carcass is.

Poznámky pod čarou:

1. literally, mouth

2. The Latin means eagles, but the Hebrew means leopards, which Swedenborg has in other places where he quotes this verse.

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Thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.