

Daniël 3



1 De koning Nebukadnezar maakte een beeld van goud, welks hoogte was zestig ellen, zijn breedte zes ellen; hij richtte het op in het dal Dura, in het landschap van Babel.

2 En de koning Nebukadnezar zond henen, om te verzamelen, de stadhouders, de overheden, en de landvoogden, de wethouders, de schatmeesters, de raadsheren, de ambtlieden, en al de heerschappers der landschappen, dat zij komen zouden tot de inwijding van het beeld, hetwelk de koning Nebukadnezar had opgericht.

3 Toen verzamelden zich de stadhouders, de overheden, de landvoogden, de wethouders, de schatmeesters, de raadsheren, de ambtlieden, en al de heerschappers der landschappen, tot inwijding van het beeld, hetwelk de koning Nebukadnezar had opgericht; en zij stonden voor het beeld, dat Nebukadnezar had opgericht.

4 En een heraut riep met kracht: Men zegt u aan, gij volken, gij natien, en tongen!

5 Ten tijde als gij horen zult het geluid des hoorns, der pijp, der citer, der vedel, der psalteren, des akkoordgezangs, en allerlei soorten van muziek, zo zult gijlieden nedervallen, en aanbidden het gouden beeld, hetwelk de koning Nebukadnezar heeft opgericht;

6 En wie niet nedervalt en aanbidt, die zal te dierzelfder ure in het midden van den oven des brandenden vuurs geworpen worden.

7 Daarom te dier tijd, als al die volken hoorden het geluid des hoorns, der pijp, der citer, der vedel, der psalteren, en allerlei soorten der muziek, alle volken, natien, en tongen nedervallende, aanbaden het gouden beeld, hetwelk de koning Nebukadnezar had opgericht.

8 Daarom naderden even ter zelfder tijd Chaldeeuwse mannen, die de Joden openlijk beschuldigden;

9 Zij antwoordden en zeiden tot den koning Nebukadnezar: O koning! leef in der eeuwigheid!

10 Gij, o koning! hebt een bevel gegeven, dat alle mensen, die horen zouden het geluid des hoorns, der pijp, der citer, der vedel, der psalteren, en des akkoordgezangs, en allerlei soorten van muziek, nedervallen, en het gouden beeld aanbidden zouden;

11 En wie niet nederviel, en aanbad, die zou in het midden van den oven des brandenden vuurs geworpen worden.

12 Er zijn Joodse mannen, die gij over de bediening van het landschap van Babel gesteld hebt, Sadrach, Mesach en Abed-nego; deze mannen hebben, o koning! op u geen acht gesteld; uw goden eren zij niet, en zij bidden het gouden beeld niet aan, hetwelk gij opgericht hebt.

13 Toen zeide Nebukadnezar in toorn en grimmigheid, dat men Sadrach, Mesach en Abed-nego voorbrengen zou; toen werden die mannen voor den koning gebracht.

14 Nebukadnezar antwoordde en zeide tot hen: Is het met opzet, Sadrach, Mesach en Abed-nego, dat gijlieden mijn goden niet eert, en het gouden beeld, dat ik opgericht heb, niet aanbidt?

15 Nu dan, zo gijlieden gereed zijt, dat gij ten tijde, als gij horen zult het geluid des hoorns, der pijp, der citer, der vedel, der psalteren, en des akkoordgezangs, en allerlei soort der muziek, nedervalt, en aanbidt het beeld, dat ik gemaakt heb, zo is het wel; maar zo gijlieden het niet aanbidt; ter zelfder ure zult gijlieden geworpen worden in het midden van den oven des brandenden vuurs; en wie is de God, Die ulieden uit mijn handen verlossen zou?

16 Sadrach, Mesach en Abed-nego antwoordden en zeiden tot den koning Nebukadnezar: Wij hebben niet nodig u op deze zaak te antwoorden.

17 Zal het zo zijn, onze God, Dien wij eren, is machtig ons te verlossen uit den oven des brandenden vuurs, en Hij zal ons uit uw hand, o koning! verlossen.

18 Maar zo niet, u zij bekend, o koning! dat wij uw goden niet zullen eren, noch het gouden beeld, dat gij hebt opgericht, zullen aanbidden.

19 Toen werd Nebukadnezar vol grimmigheid, en de gedaante zijns aangezichts veranderde tegen Sadrach, Mesach en Abed-nego; hij antwoordde en zeide, dat men den oven zevenmaal meer heet zou maken dan men dien pleegt heet te maken.

20 En tot de sterkste mannen van kracht, die in zijn heir waren, zeide hij, dat zij Sadrach, Mesach en Abed-nego binden zouden, om te werpen in den oven des brandenden vuurs.

21 Toen werden die mannen gebonden in hun mantels, hun broeken, en hun hoeden, en hun andere klederen, en zij wierpen hen in het midden van den oven des brandenden vuurs.

22 Daarom dan, dewijl het woord des konings aandreef, en de oven zeer heet was, zo hebben de vonken des vuurs die mannen, die Sadrach, Mesach en Abed-nego opgeheven hadden, gedood.

23 Maar als die drie mannen, Sadrach, Mesach en Abed-nego, in het midden van den oven des brandenden vuurs, gebonden zijnde, gevallen waren,

24 Toen ontzette zich de koning Nebukadnezar, en hij stond op in der haast, antwoordde en zeide tot zijn raadsheren: Hebben wij niet drie mannen in het midden des vuurs, gebonden zijnde, geworpen? Zij antwoordden en zeiden tot den koning: Het is gewis, o koning!

25 Hij antwoordde en zeide: Ziet, ik zie vier mannen, los wandelende in het midden des vuurs, en er is geen verderf aan hen; en de gedaante des vierden is gelijk eens zoons der goden.

26 Toen naderde Nebukadnezar tot de deur van den oven des brandenden vuurs, antwoordde en sprak: Gij Sadrach, Mesach en Abed-nego, gij knechten des allerhoogsten Gods! gaat uit en komt hier! Toen gingen Sadrach, Mesach en Abed-nego uit het midden des vuurs.

27 Toen vergaderden de stadhouders, de overheden, en de landvoogden, en de raadsheren des konings, deze mannen beziende, omdat het vuur over hun lichamen niet geheerst had, en dat het haar huns hoofds niet verbrand was, en hun mantels niet veranderd waren, ja, dat de reuk des vuurs daardoor niet gegaan was.

28 Nebukadnezar antwoordde en zeide: Geloofd zij de God van Sadrach, Mesach en Abed-nego, Die Zijn engel gezonden, en Zijn knechten verlost heeft, die op Hem vertrouwd hebben, en des konings woord veranderd, en hun lichamen overgegeven hebben, opdat zij geen god eerden noch aanbaden, dan hun God.

29 Daarom wordt van mij een bevel gegeven, dat alle volk, natie en tong, die lastering spreekt tegen den God van Sadrach, Mesach en Abed-nego, in stukken gehouwen worde, en zijn huis tot een drekhoop gesteld worde; want er is geen ander God, Die alzo verlossen kan.

30 Toen maakte de koning Sadrach, Mesach en Abed-nego voorspoedig in het landschap van Babel.




The Fiery Furnace

Napsal(a) Andy Dibb

The third chapter of Daniel follows the same pattern as the first two: Nebuchadnezzar begins by making threats against those who do not bow to his every whim, and ends with his humbly admitting the Lord's power.

The similarities between the dramatic vision of the statue in chapter two and actually building an image in chapter three are not, however, mere repetition. Close attention to the detail in this chapter will show how in its pursuit of domination the selfish side of human nature continues to try to dominate, even though we might consciously submit to the Lord.

This third chapter opens with a huge image created by Nebuchadnezzar. The actual dimensions are important, not because of their physical impact, but because of the spiritual concepts they contain. Similarly, the impossibility of it being made from gold should not interfere with the spiritual exposition of the verse. The literal sense of the story is important only as a means of bringing out the spiritual sense.

This entire image was made of gold. But like the head of the statue in the previous chapter, this is not the gold representing love to the Lord, but self love. Every good correspondence also has an opposite sense.

The statue is described as sixty cubits tall, and six cubits wide. The recurring number "six" takes meaning from its contrast to the number immediately following. "Seven" is a state of fullness and completeness—the Lord rested on the seventh day of creation, clean animals entered the ark in sevens, we should forgive others "up to seventy times seven." As seven contains this sense of completeness, six represents a state of incompleteness.

"Six" is often used to describe the process of regeneration, especially in the creation series, and in the Ten Commandments. In the six days of creation, people are tempted and in a state of conflict, which must be overcome for the person to regenerate (AC 8494, 8539:2, 8888). The conflict illustrated in this chapter is between our sense of selfishness and our emerging conscience.

The number sixty is the fullness of this conflict, as sixty is a six multiplied by ten. If six represents the conflicts of temptation, ten represents completeness (AC 3107, 4638, 8468, 9416), or fullness of that conflict.

Ideally, the states of goodness, truth and their mutual expression should be equal. The shape representing a regenerate person would be a perfect cube, as described by "the Holy City coming down from God out of heaven" (Revelation 21:2).

But Nebuchadnezzar's image vastly different from this ideal: it was tall and narrow — ten times taller than it was wide, and no depth is described. It comes across as one dimensional, disproportionate, its most compelling feature the gold from which it is made.

As in the second chapter, Nebuchadnezzar calls together his advisers: before, it was astrologers and wise men. In this chapter he calls together the governors of his kingdom: the satraps, administrators and so on. When the Word speaks of governors, it speaks of our loves, because we are ruled and governed by loves. The list here gives a hierarchy of loves from the top, or ruling loves, down to the lesser affections we have.

We are shown our state when that ruling love is Nebuchadnezzar: he dominates the scene, his word is law. He controls a vast empire and has absolute control over life and death. Thus Nebuchadnezzar can summon his governors and order them around with the same ease with which he called together the wise men and demanded the impossible from them.

At the sound of music, his whole empire was to fall down and worship the gold image erected by the king. Music is used as a means of summoning the rulers of the land because if those men represent our various loves and affections, so music speaks to our loves.

If Nebuchadnezzar represents our selfishness and love of control, the Chaldeans come into the picture as a confirmation of this selfishness. The essence of profanation—evil pretending to be good—is the misuse of goodness and truth for one's own ends. Any state of genuine good or truth resisting this misuse would come into conflict with it.

Thus the Chaldeans with great enthusiasm name Shadrach, Meshach and Abed-Nego who do not serve the king nor worship his golden image. By using their Babylonian names, they are refusing to recognize truth as coming from the Word. This is the very heart of profanation: to know something is from the Word, even to acknowledge it as such, and yet to deny it—just as those Chaldeans must have known that the three men were Jews, and that their Babylonian names were not truly their own. It is the ultimate denial of their identity, just as profanation is the ultimate denial of the Lord.

Nebuchadnezzar's life is first of military conquest and the expansion of his empire. This conquest comes with the dominion of religious things. Thus it was not out of character for him to command worship. As the love of self progresses, it demands greater and greater things, until it demands to be treated as the Lord Himself (AR 717).

"The evil of the love of self is not, as is generally thought, that external elation which is called pride, but it is hatred against the neighbor, and thence a burning desire for revenge, and delight in cruelty. These are the interiors of the love of self. Its exteriors are contempt for others in comparison with self, and an aversion to those who are in spiritual good, and this sometimes with manifest elation or pride, and sometimes without it. For one who holds the neighbor in such hatred, inwardly loves no one but himself and those whom he regards as making one with himself, thus he loves them in himself, and himself in them for the sole end of self" (AC 4750:5).

Each person in this world is capable of giving freedom to these feelings, and if we do, soon we find ourselves doing what Nebuchadnezzar did: demanding that people see the world through our own personal spectacles, and roundly damning them to hell if they do not.

As we saw earlier, Daniel represents the conscience developing in opposition to our selfish states. Conscience is the activity of truth leading and guiding our minds towards a life in harmony with the Lord's. The conscience, however, must be made up of individual truths, truths applicable to different parts of our lives. We have a set of truths to govern marriage, work ethic, social interaction, and so on.

These individual truths are Daniel's Hebrew companions. Each time we have seen them, they have stood on their belief in God, but each time at Daniel's leadership. This time they stand alone, willing to confront the imperial wrath and face death for their belief.

The consequences were, of course, dire. Nebuchadnezzar flew into a rage, demanding that the young men be cast into a fiery furnace, heated to seven times its normal heat. The young men were prepared to accept this punishment rather than retract their belief in the Lord.

Nebuchadnezzar tried to scare the three men by heating the furnace to hotter than normal, which well describes the actions of evil spirits in temptation who,

"act against the affections of truth that make the conscience: as soon as they perceive anything of conscience, of whatever kind, then from the falsities and failings in the man they form to themselves an affection; and by means of this they cast a shade over the light of truth, and so pervert it; or they induce anxiety and torture him" (AC 1820:4).

The time the young men spend in the furnace represents a state of temptation, which occurs for the sake of regeneration (AE 439). Most simply defined, temptation is a battle between two sides within us, where the natural, or selfish side is subdued. Up until then, selfishness is seen as simply being a part of us, the way we are (AC 1820). In temptation, this self-image is changed, and we learn to see ourselves in the light of heaven (AE 439).

The power of the evil spirits is greatly illusory. Just as Nebuchadnezzar fell back after resistance, so the spirits also withdraw when we resist them. The greatest temptation we face is believing the Lord is unable to help us in our times of great need. If we cling to the believe that He can and does give help, then facing our inner selfishness becomes less difficult. The image the men were commanded to worship was, after all, an immobile object of gold, disproportionate and one-dimensional. Our selfishness is like that: seemingly monolithic, and yet devoid of any real life. Its attractions fade when seen in the light of heaven. Spiritual resistance is not so difficult, and the results give strength:

"Victories are attended with the result that the malignant genii and spirits afterward dare not do anything; for their life consists in their being able to destroy, and when they perceive that a man is of such a character that he can resist then at the first onset they flee away, as they are wont to do when they draw near to the first entrance to heaven, for they are at once seized with horror and terror, and hurl themselves backward" AC 1820.

Nebuchadnezzar is brought to awareness and appreciation of the power of the Lord, this time, with his own senses. There is a power in his acquiescence after witnessing the four men in the fiery furnace that is far more dramatic than his incredulity after Daniel foretold the dream in chapter two. This time he actually saw the power of the furnace, so strong that those who cast the three men in were killed by its heat, yet he saw the three men walk out unscathed. This proved the power of God to him more than anything before.

We see something of this process in the final verses of Chapter three, where Nebuchadnezzar praises the Lord, showing a new humility impossible for him before. As a result, the affection of truth begins to rule in place of the former selfish loves. Thus we see Shadrach, Meshach and Abed-Nego promoted in the province of Babylon, presumably in place of the Babylonian satraps, administrators, governors, counselors, treasurers, judges, magistrates and all the officials of the province who responded to Nebuchadnezzar's call to worship the gold image.

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Arcana Coelestia # 1906

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1906. 'After Abram had been dwelling ten years in the land of Canaan' means the remnants of good and of truth deriving from that good which the Lord acquired to Himself and by means of which this rational was conceived. This is clear from the meaning of 'ten' as remnants, dealt with already in 576. What remnants are has been stated and shown in 468, 530, 560, 561, 660, 661, 798, 1050; that is to say, they are all the states of affection for good and truth conferred by the Lord on a person from earliest childhood right through to life's end. These states are stored away within him for the use of his life after death, for in the next life all the states of his life return one after another and at that time they undergo modification through the states of good and truth which the Lord has conferred on him. The more remnants he acquires therefore during his lifetime, or the more good and truth he acquires, the happier and more beautiful the rest of his states seem to be when they actually return. The truth of this may become clear to anyone if he gives the matter careful consideration. At birth no one of himself possesses any good at all, but is wholly defiled with hereditary evil. Everything good flows in, such as his love for parents, nursemaids, and playmates, this influx being from innocence. These are the gifts which flow in from the Lord through the heaven of innocence and peace, which is the inmost heaven, and this is the manner in which they are imparted to him during early childhood.

[2] Later on, when he grows up, this good, innocent, and peaceful state of early childhood departs from him little by little; and insofar as he is introduced into the world, he enters into its pleasures and delights, and so into evils, and the heavenly things or the goods of early childhood start to be dispersed. Yet they still remain, it being by means of these that the states are moderated which a person takes to himself and acquires later on. Without them he cannot possibly be truly human, for states in which evil desires or any evils occur, if not moderated by means of states in which the affection for good is present, would be more dreadful than those of any animal. Those states of good are what are called remnants, which are conferred by the Lord and implanted in a person's natural disposition, this being done when the person is not aware of it.

[3] In later life he has further new states conferred on him; but these are not so much states of good as of truth, for as he grows up he has truths bestowed on him, and these in a similar way are stored away within his interior man. By means of these remnants, which are those of truth, and which have been born from the influx of spiritual things from the Lord, a person has the ability to think, and also to understand what the good and truth of civil or public life and moral or private life are, and also to receive spiritual truth, that is, the truth of faith. Yet he has no ability to do these things except by means of the remnants of good which he received in early childhood. Of the existence of remnants, and the fact that they are stored away in man in his interior rational, man is completely unaware. That unawareness is due to thinking that nothing flows in but that everything is innate within him, and thus present within him when he is an infant, though the reality is altogether different from that. Remnants are referred to in various places in the Word, and by them are meant those states by which a person becomes human, and this from the Lord alone.

[4] The remnants which resided with the Lord however were all the Divine states which He acquired to Himself and by means of which He united the Human Essence to the Divine Essence. These are in no way comparable with the remnants that reside with man, for the latter are not Divine but human. The remnants the Lord had are what is meant by the ten years Abram dwelt in the land of Canaan. When angels hear the Word they have no knowledge of what 'ten' is; but the moment ten is mentioned by man the idea of remnants comes to them, for 'ten' and 'tenths' in the Word mean remnants, as is clear from what has been stated and shown in 576, 1738. And when they perceive that 'Abram had been dwelling ten years in the land of Canaan' the idea of the Lord comes to them, and with it simultaneously countless things meant by the remnants residing with the Lord when He was in the world.

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Thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.