

Micah 3



1 Da sagde jeg: Hør dog, I Jakobs Høvdinger, I Dommere af Israels Hus!. Kan Kendskab til et ej ventes af eder,

2 I, som hader det gode og elsker. det onde, I, som flår Huden af Folk. og Kødet af deres Ben,

3 æder mit Folks Kød og flænger dem Huden af Kroppen, sønderbryder deres Ben. og breder dem som Kød i en Gryde, som Suppekød i en Kedel?

4 Engang skal de råbe til HE EN, han lader dem uden Svar;. da skjuler han sit Åsyn for. dem, fordi deres Gerninger er onde.

5 siger HE EN om Profeterne, de, som vildleder mit Folk, de, som råber om Fred, når kun de får noget at tygge, men ypper Krig med den, der intet giver dem i Munden:

6 Derfor skal I opleve Nat uden. Syner, Mørke, som ej bringer Spådom; Solen skal gå ned for Profeterne, Dagen skal sortne for dem.

7 Til Skamme skal Seeren blive, blues skal de, som spår; alle skal tilhylle Skægget, thi Svar er der ikke fra Gud.

8 Jeg derimod er ved HE ENs Ånd fuld af Styrke, af et og af Kraft til at forkynde Jakob dets Brøde, Israel, hvad det har syndet.

9 Hør det, I Jakobs Huses Høvdinger, I Dommere af Israels Hus, I, som afskyr et og gør alt, som er lige, kroget,

10 som bygger Zion med Blod. og Jerusalem med Uret.

11 Dets Høvdinger dømmer for Gave, dets Præster kender et for Løn; dets Profeter spår for Sølv og støtter sig dog til HE EN: "Er HE EN ej i vor Midte? Over os kommer intet ondt."

12 For eders, Skyld skal derfor Zion pløjes som en Mark, Jerusalem blive til Grushobe, Tempelbjerget til Krathøj.


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Jerusalem, on Mount Zion, signifies the doctrine of love to the Lord, and how it governs your life. Jerusalem first comes to our attention in 2 Samuel 5, when King David takes the city from the Jebusites and makes it his capital. In the next chapter he brings the Ark of the Covenant there, and later it is where Solomon builds the temple, and his own palace. From then on Jerusalem is the center of worship of the Israelitish church. It is the place where the Lord was presented in the temple as a baby, where He tarried to talk to the priests at age twelve, where He cleansed the temple, had the last supper, was crucified and then rose. It is a central place in both the old and new Testaments. The city was built on Mount Zion, the highest point of the mountains of Judea. A city, in the Word, represents doctrine, the organized knowledge of the truths of the church. Mountains represent love of the Lord and the consequent worship. If you put those things together, Jerusalem on Mount Zion signifies the doctrine of love to the Lord, and how it governs your life. This is why David was led to make Jerusalem the most important city of the land, and why all worship was conducted there. And this is also why Jeroboam was condemned for introducing idol worship in Samaria. In the Book of Revelation, John's vision of the city New Jerusalem descending from God is a prophecy of a new dispensation of doctrine coming from the Lord.

(Odkazy: Arcana Coelestia 4539, 8938; The Apocalypse Explained 365 [35-38])