

Joshua 4



1 Da nu hele Folket havde tilendebragt Overgangen over Jordan, sagde HE EN til Josua:

2 "Vælg eder tolv Mænd af Folket, een Mand af hver Stamme,

3 og byd dem: Tag eder tolv Sten her, midt i Jordan, hvor Præsterne stod stille, bring dem med over og stil dem på den Plads, hvor I holder ast i Nat!"

4 Så lod Josua de tolv Mænd kalde, som han havde til ede af Israeliterne, een Mand af hver Stamme;

5 og Josua sagde til dem: "Gå foran HE EN eders Guds Ark midt ud i Jordan, og tag så hver EN Sten på Skulderen, svarende til Tallet på Israeliternes Stammer,

6 for at det kan tjene til Tegn iblandt eder. Når eders Børn i Fremtiden spørger: Hvad Betydning har disse Sten for eder?

7 så skal I sige til dem: De betyder, at Jordans Vand standsede foran HE ENs Pagts Ark; da den drog over Jordan, standsede Jordans Vand. Og disse Sten skal være Israeliterne et Mindetegn til evig Tid!"

8 Da gjorde Israeliterne, som Josua bød, og tog tolv Sten midt i Jordan, som HE EN havde sagt til Josua, svarende til Tallet på Israeliternes Stammer, og de bragte dem med over til det Sted, hvor de holdt ast, og stillede dem der.

9 Og tolv Sten rejste Josua midt i Jordan på det Sted, hvor Præsterne, som bar Pagtens Ark, stod stille, og der står de den Dag i Dag.

10 Men Præsterne, som bar Arken, blev stående midt i Jordan, indtil alt, hvad HE EN havde pålagt Josua at sige til Folket, var udført, i Overensstemmelse med alt, hvad Moses havde pålagt Josua; og Folket gik skyndsomt over.

11 Da hele Folket så havde tilendebragt Overgangen, gik HE ENs Ark og Præsterne over og stillede sig foran Folket.

12 Og ubeniterne, Gaditerne og Manasses halve Stamme drog væbnet over i Spidsen for Israeliterne, som Moses havde sagt til dem;

13 henved 40000 Mand i Tal, rustede til Strid, drog de foran HE EN over til Jerikos Sletter til Hamp.

14 På den Dag gjorde HE EN Josua stor i hele Israels Øjne, og de frygtede ham alle hans Livs Dage, som de havde frygtet Moses.

15 Da sagde HE EN til Josua:

16 "Byd Præsterne, som bærer Vidnesbyrdets Ark, at stige op fra Jordan!"

17 Og Josua bød Præsterne: "Stig op fra Jordan!"

18 Så steg Præsterne, som bar HE ENs Pagts Ark, op fra Jordan, og næppe havde deres Fødder betrådt det tørre Land, før Jordans Vand vendte tilbage til sit Leje og overalt gik over sine Bredder som før.

19 Og Folket steg op fra Jordan den tiende Dag i den første Måned og slog Lejr i Gilgal ved Østenden af Jerikolandet.

20 Men de tolv Sten, som de havde taget op fra Jordan, rejste Josua i Gilgal,

21 og han sagde til Israeliterne: "Når eders Børn i Fremtiden spørger deres Fædre: Hvad betyder disse Sten?

22 så skal I fortælle eders Børn det og sige: På tør Bund gik Israel over Jordan derhenne;

23 thi HE EN eders Gud lod Jordans Vand tørre bort foran eder, indtil I var kommet over, ligesom HE EN eders Gud gjorde med det røde Hav, som han lod tørre bort foran os, indtil vi var kommet over,

24 for at alle Jordens Folk skal kende, at HE ENs Arm er stærk, at de må frygte HE EN eders Gud alle Dage."


The Project Gutenberg Association at Carnegie Mellon University




Depiction of Noah sending off a dove from the ark by DREUX, Jean;   MASTER of Margaret of York;   HENNECART, Jean

The third ark represents the third or inmost heaven where the angels are closest to the Lord, and the Lord Himself is represented by the two tables of stone which had on them His law, written by His finger. For this reason it was the most holy possession that the children of Israel had and it had power to affect the Jordan river and to discomfit Israel's enemies. It was kept in the closed part of the tabernacle where only Moses and Aaron could go. From the ark in its chamber the holiness rested in a lower degree in the outer room of the tabernacle, which represented the second or middle heaven, and in an even lower degree in the courtyard, inside the curtain fence, which represented the first or outer heaven.The ark for Moses, made of rushes was also sealed inside and out. Moses represents the Lord's Word, and because he was then an infant, our first ideas about the holiness of the Word when we are very young. So it isn't a solid and lasting structure, but a crude one because our young ideas are so unformed as yet. It also represents the first ideas of the Word in the mind of JesusAt the time of Noah the very first church, represented by Adam, had come to its end, and a new one had to be opened by the Lord. The minds of the people that were in that church are represented by the ark, and all the animals represented loves and affections, both good and bad, that those people had. The minds of these people were not the same as those of the people of the former church. The old selfish will inherited from their ancestors is represented by the gopher wood from which the basic ark was built, but which was sealed off inside and out by the bitumin. Their ancestors, the Adamites, didn't have this "sealing off" and so couldn't divide what they knew from what they desired. Noah and his family represent the ruling loves and the wish to follow the Lord. The ark keeps the flood of falsities from drowning those minds, and the door and window represent the hearing and seeing of truth from the doctrines that remained from the Adamic church. And so, held safe, they could use those principles, learned from doctrine, to form a conscience, which if followed would allow the Lord to build a new will for good in the mind. This separation of the will and understanding that can be made in the mind still reflects today the way we are, and still allows us to build a conscience, despite our own selfish will.There are three arks mentioned in the Word, the ark of Noah, the ark of bulrushes for the baby Moses, and the ark of the covenant in the tabernacle. All three of these represent the human mind at some point in its development