

Hoseas 12



1 Efraims Hu står til Vind, efter Østenstorm jager han stadig, af Løgn og Svig er han fuld; med Assur slutter de Pagt, til Ægypten bringer de Olie.

2 HE EN går i ette med Juda og hjemsøger Jakob, gengælder ham efter hans Veje og efter hans Id.

3 I Moders Liv overlisted han sin Broder, han stred med Gud i sin Manddom,

4 ja stred med en Engel og sejred, han bad ham med Gråd om Nåde; i Betel traf han ham og talte med ham der,

5 HE EN, Hærskarers Gud, HE EN er hans Navn:

6 "Drag du nu hjem med din Gud, tag Vare på Kærlighed og et og bi bestandig på din Gud!"

7 I Kana'ans Hånd er falske Lodder, han elsker Svig.

8 Efraim siger: "Jeg vandt dog igdom og Gods!" Al hans Vinding soner ej Brøden, han øved.

9 Men jeg, som er HE EN din Gud, fra du var i Ægypten, lader dig bo i Telt igen som i svundne Dage.

10 Jeg har talet til Profeterne og givet mange Syner, ved Profeterne talet i Lignelser.

11 Gilead er Løgn og Tomhed, i Gilgal ofrer de Tyre; som Stendynger langs med Markfurer er deres Altre.

12 Jakob flyede til Arams Slette, og Israel trællede for en kvindes Skyld, og for en Kvindes Skyld vogtede han kvæg.

13 Ved en Profet førte HE EN Israel op fra Ægypten, og det vogtedes ved en Profet.

14 Efraim vakte bitter Vrede, han bærer Blodskyld; med Skændsel dænges han til, hans Herre gør Gengæld.


The Project Gutenberg Association at Carnegie Mellon University





The first altar mentioned in the Word was the one built by Noah after he came out of the ark, after being saved from the great flood. On that altar, he sacrificed clean animals to the Lord.

Mountains represent the Lord because of their height; we need to raise our thoughts above worldly things when "talking" with the Lord. An altar is a small artificial mountain. When it's used in worship, it can call to mind this raising of thought. The fire and smoke that rise from an altar are symbolically being sent to the Lord.

Most altars were made from unhewn stones. Stones represent truths. Unhewn stones - ones that have not been shaped by men - represent truths from the Word, truths that have not been adulterated.

The clean beasts to be sacrificed represent good things, charitable acts done because they are right. The clean birds represent thoughts about doctrine and actions, and about what is right. Presenting these things is an acknowledgment that we have them from the Lord, and a giving thanks to Him for them.

In the Israelitish Tabernacle, the altar of burnt offering represented the acknowledgment of good and the altar of incense that of truth. For this reason this larger altar, which was outside by the door, was made of brass which signifies natural good, while the altar of incense was made of gold, which signifies love to the Lord from whom comes truth.