

Amos 5



1 Hør dette Ord, en klagesang, som jeg istemmer over eder, Israels Hus:

2 Hun er faldet og rejser sig ikke, Israels Jomfru, henstrakt på sin Jord, og ingen rejser hende op.

3 Thi så siger den Herre HE EN: Den By, som går i Leding med tusind, får hundred tilbage, og den som går i Leding med hundred, får ti tilbage i Israels Hus.

4 Thi så siger HE EN til Israels Hus: Søg mig, så skal I leve!

5 Søg ikke til Betel, gå ikke til Gilgal, drag ikke til Beersjeba! Thi Gilgal skal blive landflygtig, og Betel skal blive til intet.

6 Søg HE EN, så skal I leve, at ikke en Lue slår ud, en ædende Ild mod Josefs Hus, og Betel har ingen, som slukker.

7 Ve dem, som gør et til Malurt og kaster etfærd i Støvet!

8 Syvstjernens og Orions Skaber, han, som vender Mulm til Morgen og gør Dag til Nattemørke, som kalder ad Havets Vande og gyder dem ud over Jorden, HE EN er hans Navn!

9 Han lader Ødelæggelse bryde ind over Borge, Ødelæggelse komme over Fæstninger.

10 De hader ettens Talsmand i Porten og afskyr den, som taler sandt.

11 Derfor, da I træder på den ringe og tager Afgift af hans Korn, skal I vel bygge Kvaderstenshuse, men ikke bo den; I skal vel plante yndige Vingårde, men Vinen skal I ikke drikke.

12 Jeg ved, eders Overtrædelser er mange og uden Tal eders Synder, I ettens Fjender, som tager mod Bøde og bortviser fattige i Porten.

13 Derfor tier den kloge i denne Tid, thi det er onde Tider.

14 Søg det gode, ej det onde, for at I må leve og Hærskarers Gud, må være med eder, som I siger, han er.

15 Had det onde og elsk det gode, hold etten i Hævd i Porten! Måske vil da HE EN, Hærskarers Gud, være nådig mod Josefs est.

16 Derfor, så siger HE EN, Herren, Hærskarers Gud: På alle Torve skal klages, i alle Gader råbes: "Ve! Ve!" Bonden kalder til Sorg, til Ligklage Klagemænd;

17 i hver en Vingård skal klages, når jeg drager igennem din Midte, siger HE EN.

18 Ve eder, som længes efter HE ENs Dag,! Hvad vil I med HE ENs Dag? Mørke er den, ej Lys.

19 Da går det, som når en Mand flyr for en Løve og møder en Bjørn og, når han tyr ind i Huset og støtter sin Hånd til Væggen, bides af en Slange.

20 Ja, HE ENs Dag er Mørke, ej Lys, Bælgmørke uden Solskin.

21 Jeg hader, forsmår eders Fester, er led ved eders festlige Samlinger,

22 om også I bringer mig Brændofre. Eders Afgrødeofre behager mig ej, eders Fedekvægs-Takofre ser jeg ej til.

23 Spar mig dog for eders larmende Sang, eders Harpeklang hører jeg ikke.

24 Nej, et skal vælde frem som Vand og etfærd som svulmende Bæk.

25 Bragte I mig Slagtoffer og Afgrødeoffer de fyrretyve Ørkenår, Israels Hus?

26 Så skal I da bære Sakkut, eders Konge, og Kevan, eders Gudestjerne, Billeder, som I har lavet eder.

27 I Landflygtighed jager jeg eder hinsides Damaskus, siger HE EN; Hærskarers Gud er hans Navn.


The Project Gutenberg Association at Carnegie Mellon University



Exploring the Meaning of Amos 5

Napsal(a) New Christian Bible Study Staff

In this fifth chapter of the Book of Amos, the first three verses (Amos 5:1-3) state the Lord's sorrow that the church - the truth from the Divine flowing into the world - has successively been devastated. (That was seen in Amos 4). When, in verse 3, it says, “The city that goes out by a thousand shall have a hundred left,” it means that very little truth is left to nourish the people. This bad state is their own doing.

In Amos 5:4-9, amid this dying out, the Lord entreats, almost anxiously, “Seek Me and live,” and then names traps, or spiritual states, that will turn people away from Him: Bethel, Gilgal, and Beersheba.

- The first, Bethel, here stands for falsifying knowledges.

- The second, Gilgal, signifies sensuous or external pleasures.

- The third, Beersheba, symbolized the last negative attitudes towards everything that constitutes faith and its doctrine. (See Arcana Coelestia 3923).

The next warning is to those “who turn justice into wormwood,” in Amos 5:7, i.e. they turn good into evil. (Arcana Coelestia 1488)

The Lord wants the people to return to Him, and explains clearly that He is the source of power, the one who, “made the Pleiades and Orion,” and the one who “rains ruin upon the strong”.

In Amos 5:10-13, in their love of their own intelligence, people continue to reject the Lord, to “tread down the poor,” rejecting even the little bits of truth coming to them. The people are warned, “Though you have built houses of hewn stone, yet you shall not dwell in them."

Stone meaning truths in our natural minds. (Apocalypse Explained 745). The dictionary meaning of “hewn” means a workman making something, so it can be seen as coming from ourselves, or our own intelligence. Anything like that is “devoid of life from the Divine” (Arcana Coelestia 9852).

In Amos 5:14-15, the path is shown for the way the Lord can be with us: “Seek good and not evil, that you may live.” It can’t be any plainer. In that way the Lord can reach out with His mercy, and “be gracious to the remnant of Joseph”. That remnant is a small amount of truth, and Joseph is the spiritual part of us. (Arcana Coelestia 3921).

In Amos 5:16-20, people are warned of how bad it will be for them when the day of the Lord comes. “Is not the day of the Lord darkness?”, for those who are in evil, “with no brightness in it?” A person’s suffering will be painful, “as though he went into the house, leaned his hand on the wall, and a serpent bit him,” and terrorizing, “As though a man fled from a lion and a bear met him.”

In Amos 5:21-22, God warns that people's fear-spurred worship won’t be accepted. He says, “I hate, I despise your feast days”. The strong language of the Lord is the mirror opposite of the depth of the evil the people are in.

In verses 23-25, "Take away your noisy songs and melodies," the Lord says, i.e. take away what sounds beautiful to you but is hurtful to the Divine because it lacks internal goodness and truth. In its place, in one of the Bible's memorable images, Jehovah says, "Let justice run down like water, and righteousness like a mightly stream”.

Then, at the end, in verses 26-27, the warning is clear: if the people don’t return to the Lord, everything good will be taken from them, as shown in verse 27:

“Therefore I will send you into captivity beyond Damascus”.

Damascus was the furthest boundary of Canaan, or beyond where spiritual things reside. The “boundary of Damascus” is also referred to in Ezekiel 47:16-18. See also Apocalypse Explained 1088.



Amos 5:1-3



1 Hear ye this word which I take up against you, even a lamentation, O house of Israel.

2 The virgin of Israel is fallen; she shall no more rise: she is forsaken upon her land; there is none to raise her up.

3 For thus saith the Lord GOD; The city that went out by a thousand shall leave an hundred, and that which went forth by an hundred shall leave ten, to the house of Israel.