

1. Samuelova 6



1 Byla pak truhla Hospodinova v krajině Filistinské za sedm měsíců.

2 Tedy Filistinští povolavše kněží a hadačů, řekli: Co učiníme s truhlou Hospodinovou? Oznamte nám, kterak bychom ji odeslali na místo její?

3 Kteříž odpověděli: Jestliže odešlete truhlu Boha Izraelského, neodsílejte jí prázdné, ale všelijak dejte jí obět za provinění; tehdy uzdraveni budete, a poznáte, proč ruka jeho neodešla od vás.

4 I řekli: Jakáž jest to obět za hřích, kterouž jí dáti máme? Odpověděli: Vedlé počtu knížat Filistinských pět zadků zlatých a pět myší zlatých; nebo rána jednostejná jest na všechněch, i na knížatech vašich.

5 Uděláte tedy podobenství zadků svých a podobenství myší svých, kteréž pokazily zemi, i dáte slávu Bohu Izraelskému; snad pozlehčí ruky své nad vámi, i nad bohy vašimi a nad zemí vaší.

6 A proč obtěžujete srdce svá, jako jsou obtížili Egyptští a Farao srdce své? Zdaliž, když divné věci prokázal při nich, nepropustili jich, a oni odešli?

7 A protož udělejte vůz nový jeden a vezměte dvě krávy otelené, na kteréž jha nebylo vzkládáno, a zapřáhněte ty krávy do vozu, a zavřete telata jejich doma, aby za nimi nešla.

8 A vezmouce truhlu Hospodinovu, vstavte ji na vůz; nádoby pak zlaté, kteréž jste dali jí za provinění, položte v škřiňce po boku jejím, a propusťte ji, ať odejde.

9 A šetřte: Jestližeť cestou k cíli svému půjde do Betsemes, onť jest nám způsobil všecko toto zlé přenáramné; pakli nic, poznáme, že ne ruka jeho dotkla se nás, ale náhodou nám to přišlo.

10 Učinili tedy ti muži tak, a vzavše dvě krávy otelené, zapřáhli je do toho vozu, a telata jejich zavřeli doma.

11 A vstavili truhlu Hospodinovu na vůz, i škřiňku i myši zlaté, a podobizny zadků svých.

12 I šly upřímo krávy cestou, kteráž vede do Betsemes, silnicí jednou předce jdouce a řičíce, aniž se uchýlily na pravo aneb na levo. Knížata také Filistinská šla za nimi až ku pomezí Betsemes.

13 Betsemští pak žali tehdáž pšenici v údolí, a pozdvihše očí svých, uzřeli truhlu; i veselili se, vidouce ji.

14 A když přijel vůz na pole Jozue Betsemského, tu se zastavil. I byl tu kámen veliký. Tedy zsekavše dříví vozu toho i ty krávy, obětovali je v obět zápalnou Hospodinu.

15 Levítové pak složili truhlu Hospodinovu i škřiňku, kteráž byla při ní, v níž byly nádoby zlaté, a postavili na ten kámen veliký. Muži pak Betsemští dodávali obětí zápalných, a obětovali oběti v ten den Hospodinu.

16 Což viděvše knížata Filistinská, navrátili se do Akaron téhož dne.

17 Tito jsou pak zadkové zlatí, kteréž dali Filistinští za své provinění Hospodinu, za Azot jeden, za Gázu jeden, za Aškalon jeden, za Gát jeden, za Akaron jeden.

18 Myši také zlaté, vedlé počtu všech měst Filistinských, za patero knížetství, od města hrazeného až do vsi nehrazené, a až k kameni tomu velikému, na němž postavili truhlu Hospodinovu, kterýž jest až do tohoto dne na poli Jozue Betsemského.

19 Pobil pak Hospodin z mužů Betsemských, kteříž hleděli do truhly Hospodinovy, pobil, pravím, z lidu padesát tisíců a sedmdesáte mužů. I kvílil lid, proto že učinil Hospodin v lidu porážku velikou.

20 Protož řekli muži Betsemští: Kdož bude moci ostáti před Hospodinem Bohem svatým tímto? A k komu odejde od nás?

21 I poslali posly k obyvatelům Kariatjeharim, řkouce: Vrátili zase Filistinští truhlu Hospodinovu; přiďte, vezměte ji k sobě.




Exploring the Meaning of 1 Samuel 6

Napsal(a) Garry Walsh

The Philistines stole the Ark of the Covenant but now they were desperate to get rid of it. The statue of their god, Dagon, had fallen and broken, and they had suffered plagues. Seven months after they had taken the Ark, they asked the priests and diviners of the Philistines what to do. The priests and diviners said they should return the Ark, as well as a “trespass offering,” to the Lord “Jehovah” in Israel’s territory. The trespass offering was to be five gold tumors, and five gold mice, to represent the two plagues that had struck the five cities of the Philistines.

So, the Philistines built a special cart to carry the Ark and the trespass offering, and two young milk cows pulled it. The cows were set free to find their own route, and they headed straight for Israelite territory.

In Divine Providence 326[11-13], we get an explanation of the meaning of the symbols in this. The hemorrhoids that plagued the Philistines in 1 Samuel 5 represent earthly loves separated from spiritual ones. The golden hemorrhoids of the trespass offering represent earthly loves that have been purified, and made good.

The mice represent distortions of the truth which destroy the church. The golden mice represent the repair of this destruction by good loves and actions.

The cart that carried the ark and the trespass offerings symbolizes a new teaching, and the cows that pulled it symbolize “good earthly feelings.”

The cows lowed as they drew the cart away from the Philistines back to Israel. This represents how difficult it is to turn away from our obsessions with evil, and turn towards good.

The end of the chapter tells that the Israelite people in the border town of Beth Shemesh saw the cart coming, and rejoiced. They used a large stone as an altar, split up the wood of the cart and offered the two cows as a sacrifice. The golden objects were then distributed through the land.

These symbols reveal something about our relationship with God, and the importance of uniting faith and charity, good and truth, within ourselves. The Philistines represent a spiritual state with faith that is separate from charity. This chapter tells us that in order to reunite our faith with charity we must turn our loves of evil into the desire to do good with our knowledge.

But the people of Beth Shemesh, who received the Ark of the Covenant, made a fatal mistake: some of them looked into the Ark. As a consequence, 50,070 of their people died. So they sent a message to the people of Kirjath Jearim, asking them to come down and take the Ark from them.

The primary message here is the power of the Lord’s Ten Commandments. In the book "True Christian Religion", we are taught that there was tremendous holiness and power in the law written on the stone tablets, because it was a “summary of the whole of religion.” (See True Christian Religion 285, 286.) The two engraved tablets represent the link between us and God. One of them contains a synopsis of all things related to God, and the other, a synopsis of all things related to us.

If we ever disobey the commandments or treat them as less than holy, harm will surely come. Therefore, we must work with the Lord in order to learn to love His commandments. This needs to go together with an active and sincere effort to obey them to the best of our frail and limited human ability.



1 Samuel 6



1 And the ark of the LORD was in the country of the Philistines seven months.

2 And the Philistines called for the priests and the diviners, saying, What shall we do to the ark of the LORD? tell us wherewith we shall send it to his place.

3 And they said, If ye send away the ark of the God of Israel, send it not empty; but in any wise return him a trespass offering: then ye shall be healed, and it shall be known to you why his hand is not removed from you.

4 Then said they, What shall be the trespass offering which we shall return to him? They answered, Five golden emerods, and five golden mice, according to the number of the lords of the Philistines: for one plague was on you all, and on your lords.

5 Wherefore ye shall make images of your emerods, and images of your mice that mar the land; and ye shall give glory unto the God of Israel: peradventure he will lighten his hand from off you, and from off your gods, and from off your land.

6 Wherefore then do ye harden your hearts, as the Egyptians and Pharoah hardened their hearts? when he had wrought wonderfully among them, did they not let the people go, and they departed?

7 Now therefore make a new cart, and take two milch kine, on which there hath come no yoke, and tie the kine to the cart, and bring their calves home from them:

8 And take the ark of the LORD, and lay it upon the cart; and put the jewels of gold, which ye return him for a trespass offering, in a coffer by the side thereof; and send it away, that it may go.

9 And see, if it goeth up by the way of his own coast to Beth-shemesh, then he hath done us this great evil: but if not, then we shall know that is not his hand that smote us; it was a chance that happened to us.

10 And the men did so; and took two milch kine, and tied them to the cart, and shut up their calves at home:

11 And they laid the ark of the LORD upon the cart, and the coffer with the mice of gold and the images of their emerods.

12 And the kine took the straight way to the way of Beth-shemesh, and went along the highway, lowing as they went, and turned not aside to the right hand or to the left; and the lords of the Philistines went after them unto the border of Beth-shemesh.

13 And they of Beth-shemesh were reaping their wheat harvest in the valley: and they lifted up their eyes, and saw the ark, and rejoiced to see it.

14 And the cart came into the field of Joshua, a Beth-shemite, and stood there, where there was a great stone: and they clave the wood of the cart, and offered the kine a burnt offering unto the LORD.

15 And the Levites took down the ark of the LORD, and the coffer that was with it, wherein the jewels of gold were, and put them on the great stone: and the men of Beth-shemesh offered burnt offerings and sacrificed sacrifices the same day unto the LORD.

16 And when the five lords of the Philistines had seen it, they returned to Ekron the same day.

17 And these are the golden emerods which the Philistines returned for a trespass offering unto the LORD; for Ashdod one, for Gaza one, for Askelon one, for Gath one, for Ekron one;

18 And the golden mice, according to the number of all the cities of the Philistines belonging to the five lords, both of fenced cities, and of country villages, even unto the great stone of Abel, whereon they set down the ark of the LORD: which stone remaineth unto this day in the field of Joshua, the Beth-shemite.

19 And he smote the men of Beth-shemesh, because they had looked into the ark of the LORD, even he smote of the people fifty thousand and threescore and ten men: and the people lamented, because the LORD had smitten many of the people with a great slaughter.

20 And the men of Beth-shemesh said, Who is able to stand before this holy LORD God? and to whom shall he go up from us?

21 And they sent messengers to the inhabitants of Kirjath-jearim, saying, The Philistines have brought again the ark of the LORD; come ye down, and fetch it up to you.