

Mihej 3



1 Potom rekoh: "Čujte sada, glavari kuće Jakovljeve, suci doma Izraelova! Nije li na vama da znate što je pravo? Ali vi mrzite dobro, a ljubite zlo!

2 Vi ljudima derete kožu s tijela i meso s kosti njihovih.

3 Oni proždiru tijelo moga naroda i deru mu kožu, lome kosti. Oni ih komadaju kao u loncu, kao meso u punom kotlu!

4 Zato, oni će Jahvu zazivati, a on im neće odgovoriti. Sakrit će, u ono vrijeme, lice od njih zbog zločina koje su počinili."

5 Ovako govori Jahve protiv prorokÄa koji moj narod zavode: "Ako imaju zalogaj u zubima, proglašuju: 'Mir!' Ali protiv onoga koji im ništa ne stavlja u usta naviještaju sveti rat.

6 Zato ćete imati noć mjesto vaših viđenja i tminu mjesto proricanja. Zaći će sunce tim prorocima i dan će za njih pomrčati.

7 Tada će se posramiti vidovnjaci i zblaniti vračari. Svi će oni pokriti gubice, jer odgovora Božjeg neće biti.

8 Ali ja sam pun snage i duha Jahvina, pun pravde i jakosti da objavim Jakovu opačinu njegovu, Izraelu njegov grijeh.

9 Čujte dakle ovo, glavari kuće Jakovljeve, suci doma Izraelova, vi kojima se pravda gadi te izvrćete sve što je ispravno!

10 Vi koji gradite Sion u krvi i Jeruzalem u zločinu!

11 Glavari njegovi sude prema mitu, svećenici njegovi poučavaju radi zarade, proroci njegovi bale za novac. A na Jahvu se oni pozivaju i govore: 'Nije li Jahve u našoj sredini? Neće na nas zlo navaliti.'

12 Poradi vas i vaše krivnje Sion će biti polje preorano, Jeruzalem ruševina, a Goru Doma prekrit će šuma."





The Sower, by Vincent van Gogh

A "field" in the Bible usually represents the Lord's church, and more specifically the desire for good within the church. It's where good things start, take root, and grow. When you have a desire to be a good person and to do good things, the natural first questions are "What does that mean?", "What should I do?", "What can I do?". You look for ideas, concepts, direction. Once you figure out something you want to do or a change you want to make in yourself, you seek specific knowledge. If you want to volunteer at a food pantry, say, you'd need to know whom to call, when they need help, where to go, what to bring. Armed with that knowhow, you're ready to get to work. That process could be compared to food production. You start with a field -- which is that desire to be good. Then you plant seeds -- those ideas and concepts. Those seeds sprout into plants -- the specific facts and knowledge needed for the task (easily seen in the food pantry example, but also true with deeper tasks like "being more tolerant of my co-workers" or "taking more time for prayer," or "consciously being a more loving spouse"). Finally, those plants produce food -- the actual good thing that you go and do. The Writings also say that in a number of cases a "field" represents the doctrine, or teachings, of the church. This sounds markedly different. The desire for good is emotional, a drive, a wanting; doctrine is a set of ideas. But for a church to be true, its doctrine must be centered on a desire for good, and must lead people toward doing what is good. So sound doctrine is actually closely bound up with the desire for good.