

Levitska 14



1 Jahve reče Mojsiju:

2 "Neka ovo bude obred za gubavca na dan njegova čišćenja: neka se dovede svećeniku;

3 neka svećenik iziđe iz tabora i obavi pregled. Ako ustanovi da je gubavac od gube ozdravio,

4 neka naredi da se za čovjeka koji se ima čistiti uzmu dvije ptice, čiste i žive, cedrovine, grimiznog prediva i izopa.

5 Neka zatim svećenik naredi da se jedna ptica zakolje nad živom vodom u zemljanoj posudi.

6 Potom neka uzme živu pticu, a onda zajedno živu pticu, cedrovinu, grimizno predivo i izop zamoči u krv ptice što je bila zaklana povrh žive vode.

7 Sada neka sedam puta poškropi onoga koji se od gube čisti, a onda ga čistim proglasi. Poslije toga neka pusti živu pticu na otvorenu polju.

8 Onaj koji se čisti neka opere svoju odjeću, obrije sve svoje dlake i u vodi se okupa. Tako neka je čist. Poslije toga neka uđe u tabor, ali sedam dana neka stanuje izvan svoga šatora.

9 Sedmi dan neka obrije sve svoje dlake: kosu, bradu i obrve; neka obrije sve ostale svoje dlake. Pošto u vodi opere svoju odjeću i okupa se, neka je čist.

10 Osmoga dana neka uzme muško janje bez mane, jedno žensko janje od godine dana, također bez mane, tri desetine efe najboljeg brašna zamiješena u ulju za žrtvu prinosnicu i jedan log ulja.

11 Svećenik koji vrši čišćenje neka ih stavi pred Jahvu na ulazu u Šator sastanka s čovjekom koji se ima čistiti.

12 Neka zatim svećenik uzme jedno muško janje pa ga s ono ulja u logu prinese kao žrtvu naknadnicu. Neka ih prinese pred Jahvom kao žrtvu prikaznicu.

13 Neka janje zakolje ondje gdje se kolju žrtve okajnice i žrtve paljenice - na svetome mjestu, jer žrtva naknadnica kao i okajnica pripada svećeniku: vrlo je sveta!

14 Potom neka svećenik uzme krvi od žrtve naknadnice, pa neka njome namaže resicu desnoga uha, palac desne ruke i palac desne noge onoga koji se čisti.

15 Poslije toga neka uzme log s uljem i izlije na dlan svoje lijeve ruke.

16 Zamočivši svećenik svoj desni prst u ulje na svojoj lijevoj ruci, neka uljem sa svoga prsta obavi škropljenje pred Jahvom sedam puta.

17 Od ulja što mu preostane u ruci neka svećenik, po krvi od žrtve naknadnice, pomaže resicu desnoga uha, palac desne ruke i palac desne noge onoga koji se čisti.

18 Ostatak ulja sa svoje ruke neka svećenik metne na glavu onoga koji se čisti. Tako će svećenik nad njim izvršiti obred pomirenja pred Jahvom.

19 Neka svećenik poslije toga prinese žrtvu okajnicu i nad onim koji se čisti neka obavi obred pomirenja za njegovu nečistoću. Napokon neka zakolje žrtvu paljenicu,

20 a onda neka svećenik žrtvu paljenicu i žrtvu prinosnicu podigne na žrtvenik. Kad tako svećenik nad njim obavi obred pomirenja, neka je čist.

21 Ako bude siromašan te ne mogne to priskrbiti, neka uzme samo jedno muško janje za žrtvu naknadnicu i neka se ono prinese kao žrtva prinosnica da se nad tim čovjekom izvrši obred pomirenja. I neka uzme samo desetinu efe najboljeg brašna zamiješena u ulju za žrtvu prinosnicu, jedan log ulja,

22 k tome dvije grlice ili dva golubića - prema svojim mogućnostima - jedno za žrtvu okajnicu, a drugo za žrtvu paljenicu.

23 Osam dana nakon svoga očišćenja neka ih donese svećeniku na ulaz u Šator sastanka pred Jahvu.

24 Neka svećenik uzme janje za žrtvu naknadnicu i log s uljem pa ih prinese pred Jahvom kao žrtvu prikaznicu.

25 Neka se onda zakolje janje žrtve naknadnice, a svećenik neka uzme njegove krvi i neka njome namaže resicu desnoga uha, palac desne ruke i palac desne noge onoga koji se čisti.

26 Poslije toga neka svećenik izlije ulje na dlan svoje lijeve ruke.

27 A onda neka od ulja što mu je na dlanu lijeve ruke obavi škropljenje sedam puta prstom svoje desne ruke pred Jahvom.

28 Od ulja iz svoje ruke neka svećenik, po krvi žrtve naknadnice, namaže resicu desnog uha, palac desne ruke i palac desne noge onoga koji se čisti.

29 Ostatak ulja što bude na dlanu neka svećenik stavi na glavu onoga koji se čisti, vršeći nad njim obred pomirenja pred Jahvom.

30 Neka zatim prinese jednu od dviju grlica ili jednoga od dvaju golubića - što je već mogao pribaviti -

31 kao žrtvu okajnicu, a drugu kao žrtvu paljenicu zajedno sa žrtvom prinosnicom. Neka tako svećenik izvrši obred pomirenja pred Jahvom nad onim koji se čisti."

32 To je propis za onoga koji je gubom zaražen a ne može priskrbiti sve za svoje očišćenje.

33 Jahve reče Mojsiju i Aronu:

34 "Kad uđete u kanaansku zemlju koju ću vam dati u posjed, a ja pustim gubu na koju kuću u zemlji što je budete zaposjeli,

35 onda onaj čija je kuća neka dođe svećeniku i kaže: 'Čini mi se da je moja kuća zaražena gubom.'

36 Neka svećenik naredi da se kuća isprazni prije nego on dođe da bolest pregleda, da ne bi sve što je u kući bilo proglašeno nečistim; poslije toga neka svećenik uđe da kuću pregleda.

37 Ako nakon pregleda zapazi da je bolest na kućnim zidovima od zelenkastih ili crvenkastih udubina i pričini mu se da idu dublje od površine zida,

38 neka svećenik iziđe iz kuće na kućna vrata i neka kuću zatvori sedam dana.

39 Sedmi dan neka svećenik opet dođe i pregleda: ako se bolest bude proširila po zidovima kuće,

40 neka svećenik naredi da se povadi zaraženo kamenje i baci na koje nečisto mjesto izvan grada.

41 Zatim neka zapovjedi da se svi unutarnji zidovi kuće ostružu i da se sastrugani prah baci na koje nečisto mjesto izvan grada.

42 Onda neka se uzme drugo kamenje i umetne namjesto onoga kamenja. Potom neka se uzme druga žbuka i kuća ponovo ožbuka.

43 Ako se pošast na kući opet pojavi pošto je kamenje bilo povađeno i kuća ostrugana i opet ožbukana,

44 neka svećenik ode da pregleda: bude li se bolest po kući proširila, to je onda u kući zarazna guba; kuća je nečista.

45 Neka se kuća poruši, a njezino kamenje, njezina drvena građa i sva žbuka s kuće neka se odnese izvan grada na koje nečisto mjesto.

46 Tko uđe u kuću dok je zatvorena, neka je nečist do večeri.

47 Tko u kući legne, mora oprati svoju odjeću. I tko u kući objeduje, mora svoju odjeću oprati.

48 Ako li svećenik dođe i vidi da se bolest po kući nije proširila pošto je kuća opet bila ožbukana, neka svećenik kuću proglasi čistom, jer se bolest izliječila.

49 A za očišćenje kuće neka uzme: dvije ptice, cedrovine, grimizna prediva i izopa.

50 Jednu od ptica neka zakolje nad živom vodom u zemljanoj posudi.

51 Potom neka uzme: cedrovinu, izop, grimizno predivo i pticu živu te ih zamoči u krv ptice zaklane i u živu vodu pa kuću poškropi sedam puta.

52 Očistivši tako od grijeha kuću krvlju ptice, živom vodom, živom pticom, cedrovinom, izopom i grimiznim predivom,

53 neka pticu živu pusti izvan grada na otvorenu polju. Kad tako obavi obred pomirenja nad kućom, bit će čista."

54 To je propis za svaku vrst gube i šuge,

55 za gubu odjeće ili kuće,

56 za otekline, lišaje ili pjege.

57 On određuje vrijeme nečistoće i čistoće. To je zakon o gubi.


Ze Swedenborgových děl


True Christian Religion # 506

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506. The fourth experience. 1

I saw in the spiritual world two flocks, one of goats, the other of sheep. I wondered who they were, since I knew that when animals are seen in the spiritual world, they are not animals, but correspondences of the affections and from these the thoughts of those who are there. So I went nearer, and as I approached, the likenesses of animals disappeared, and I saw human beings in their place. It became clear that those who made up the flock of goats were those who had convinced themselves of the doctrine of justification by faith alone, and those who made up the flock of sheep were those who believed that charity and faith are one, just as good and truth are one.

[2] Then I spoke with those who had appeared like goats and said: 'Why have you met together?' Most were clergy who had prided themselves on their reputation for learning, because they knew the secrets of justification by faith alone.

They said that they had met together to hold a council, because they had heard that Paul's statement that man is justified by faith without the deeds prescribed by the law (Romans 3:28) had not been properly understood. For by faith there Paul did not mean the faith of the present-day church, in three Divine persons from eternity, but faith in the Lord God, the Saviour Jesus Christ. By the deeds prescribed by the law he did not mean the deeds prescribed by the law of the Ten Commandments, but those prescribed for the Jews by the law of Moses. Thus from those few words people had come to two monstrously false conclusions by incorrect interpretation: that faith meant the faith of the present-day church, and the deeds meant those prescribed by the Ten Commandments. 'Paul did not mean these,' they said, 'but those prescribed by the law of Moses which were intended for the Jews; and this is clearly established from his saying to Peter, whom he criticised for following Jewish practices, although he knew that no one is justified by the deeds prescribed by the law, but by the faith of Jesus Christ (Galatians 2:14-16).' The faith of Jesus Christ is faith in Him and from Him, see above 338. Because by the deeds prescribed by the law Paul understood the deeds prescribed by the law of Moses, he made a distinction between the law of faith and the law of deeds, and between Jews and gentiles, or between circumcision and lack of circumcision. Circumcision means the Jews, as everywhere else. And he ends with these words:

Are we then abolishing the law by faith? By no means, we are reinforcing the law, Romans 3:27-31.

(He says all this in a single passage.) He also says in the preceding chapter:

It is not those who hear the law who will be justified by God, but those who keep it, Romans 2:13.

He says elsewhere that God will repay each according to his deeds (Romans 2:6), and:

We must all be put on show before the tribunal of Christ, so that each may be rewarded for his bodily acts, whether good or ill. 2 Corinthians 5:10.

There are many more passages showing that Paul rejected faith without good deeds, just as much as James did (James 2:17-26).

[3] Further evidence that Paul meant the deeds prescribed by the law of Moses for the Jews can be drawn from the fact that all the statutes for the Jews are called in the writings of Moses the law, and so these are the deeds prescribed by the law; e.g.:

This is the law of the grain offering, Leviticus 6:14, 18ff.

This is the law of the burnt-offering, the grain-offering, the sin-sacrifice, the guilt-sacrifice and the consecration, Leviticus 7:37, This is the law of beast and bird, Leviticus 11:46ff.

This is the law for one who bears a child, a son or a daughter, Leviticus 12:7.

This is the law for a leprous disease, Leviticus 13:59; 14:2, 32, 54, 57 This is the law of the person with a discharge, Leviticus 15:32.

This is the law in cases of jealousy, Numbers 5:29-30.

This is the law for the Nazirite, Numbers 6:13, 21.

This is the law of cleansing, Numbers 19:14.

This is the law concerning the red cow, Numbers 19:2.

The law for the king, Deuteronomy 17:15-19.

In fact, the whole book of Moses is called 'the Book of the Law' (Deuteronomy 31:9, 11-12, 26; also Luke 2:22; 24:44; John 1:45; 7:22-23; 8:5). They went on to say that they had seen in the writings of Paul that the Law of the Ten Commandments was to be observed in living and to be fulfilled by charity (Romans 13:8-11). He also says that there are three things, faith, hope and charity, and that the greatest of these is charity (1 Corinthians 13:13). So it is clear he did not put faith first. They said that these subjects were what they had been summoned to debate.

[4] However, not to disturb them, I went away; and then again they looked at a distance like goats, sometimes lying down and sometimes standing. But they turned their backs on the flock of sheep. When they were debating, they seemed to be lying down, but standing up when they reached a conclusion. But I kept my gaze fixed on their horns, and was surprised to notice that at one time the horns on their foreheads appeared to point forwards and upwards, at another time curving away towards their backs and eventually pointing completely the other way. Then they suddenly turned to face the flock of sheep, but they still looked like goats. So I went up to them again and asked: 'What are you doing now?' They replied that they had reached the conclusion that faith alone produces the good deeds of charity, as a tree produces fruit.

Then a clap of thunder was heard, and a flash of lightning was seen coming from above. Following this an angel appeared, standing between the two flocks, who shouted to the flock of sheep: 'Do not listen to them. They have not abandoned their former faith, which is that faith alone brings justification and salvation, and the practice of charity plays no part. Neither is faith a tree; it is man who is the tree. Repent and look to the Lord, and you will have faith; before doing that, the faith you have is not a faith with any life in it.'

Then the goats whose horns were curved backwards wanted to join the sheep. But the angel who stood between them divided the sheep into two flocks. He told those on the left: 'Go and join the goats; but I warn you, the wolf will come and seize them, and you with them.'

[5] After the two flocks of sheep had been separated, and those on the left had heard the angel's threatening words, they looked at one another and said: 'Let us talk with our former companions.' Then the left-hand flock spoke to the right-hand one and said: 'Why have you abandoned our shepherds 2 ? Are not faith and charity one, as a tree and its fruit are one? The tree extends through its branches into the fruit; if you break a piece off a branch which forms the connection between the tree and its fruit, the fruit will be lost, won't it, and together with the fruit all the seed which might grow into a new tree? Ask our priests if that isn't so.'

So they asked the priests, and they looked around at the rest, who were winking at them to get them to say that they had made a good point. After this they replied: 'You have made a good point, but as regards the extension of faith into good deeds, like that of a tree into its fruit, we know many secrets, but this is not the occasion to divulge them. The chain or thread which links faith and charity has many knots on it, and only we, the priests, are able to undo them.'

[6] Then one of the priests, who belonged to the right-hand flock of sheep, got up and said: 'Their answer to you was Yes, but to their own party No, for they do not think as they speak.' 'How then do they think?' the others asked; 'Don't they think as they teach?'

'No,' he replied, 'they think that every good of charity, what is called a good deed, which a person does for the sake of salvation and everlasting life, is not in the least good, because by doing the deed himself the person wants to save himself, claiming for himself the righteousness and merit of the one Saviour. They think that this is true of every good deed in which a person is aware of his volition. They hold therefore that there is no link at all between faith and charity, not even that faith is retained and preserved by good deeds.'

[7] But those who belonged to the left-hand flock said: 'You are telling lies to accuse them. Don't they preach charity and its deeds, what they call the deeds of faith, openly in our hearing?'

'You do not understand their sermons,' he replied; only a clergyman who is present can grasp and understand them. What they have in mind is merely moral charity, and its social and political good deeds.

They call these the good deeds of faith, but they are certainly not. For an atheist can do them just as well and in the same guise. They say therefore with one voice that no one is saved by any deeds, but by faith alone. Let us take a comparison to illustrate this. They say that an apple-tree produces apples, but that if a person does good for the sake of salvation, just as the tree by a continuous extension of itself produces apples, then the apples are rotten inside and full of maggots. They say too that a vine produces grapes, but if a person were to do spiritual good deeds as a vine makes grapes, he would make bitter grapes.'

[8] Then they asked: 'What for them are the good deeds of charity, those that are the fruits of faith?'

He replied that perhaps they lurk out of sight somewhere near faith, but are not attached to it. 'They are,' he said, 'like a person's shadow, which follows behind him when he is looking towards the sun, and which he cannot see unless he turns around. Or rather I might say that they are like horses' tails, which in many places are docked nowadays, because people say: "What use are they? They serve no purpose, and if they remain attached to the horse, they easily get dirty."'

On hearing this someone in the left-hand flock of sheep became indignant and said: 'There certainly must be some link, else how could they be called the deeds of faith? Possibly the good deeds of charity are introduced by God into what a person does of his own will by some influence; let us say, by some affection, some afflatus, inspiration, urging and excitation of the will, some silent perception in thought, leading to exhortation, contrition and so to conscience, and thus leading to compulsion, obedience to the Ten Commandments and the Word, either like a child or like a wise man, or by some other means resembling these. How else could they call them the fruits of faith?'

To this the priest replied that they could not. 'And,' he said, 'if they do say that something like this happens, they still stuff their sermons full of words which prove that it is not from faith. There are still others who teach that such things occur but only as signs of faith, not as bonds linking it with charity. There are some, however, who have devised a theory of linking by means of the Word.'

Then they said, 'Isn't this how a link is made?' But he answered, 'That is not what they think, but they imagine it happens just by listening to the Word. For they claim that man's whole rational and voluntary faculty is in matters to do with faith impure and merit-seeking, since in spiritual matters a person cannot understand or will anything, work or co-operate, any more than a stick.'

[9] However one, on hearing that man was believed to be like this in all matters to do with faith and salvation, said: 'I heard someone saying: "I have planted a vineyard. Now I shall drink wine until I am drunk." But another man asked: "Surely you will drink wine out of your goblet by the use of your right hand?" "No," he said, "I shall drink out of an invisible goblet by means of an invisible hand." "Then," said the other man, "you certainly won't get drunk."'

A little later the same man said: 'Please listen to me. I tell you, drink the wine which comes from understanding the Word. Don't you know that the Lord is the Word? Is not the Word from the Lord? Is He not thus in it? If therefore you do good from the Word, are you not doing it from the Lord, in accordance with His words and His will? If you then look to the Lord, He will also guide and teach you, and you will do it of yourselves from the Lord. Can anyone who does something at a king's behest, in accordance with his words and his instructions, say: "I am doing this in accordance with my own words or instructions, and of my own will."'

[10] After this he turned to the clergy and said: 'You ministers of God, do not lead the flock astray.' On hearing this the majority of the left-hand flock went away and joined the right-hand flock.

Then some of the clergy began saying: 'We have heard things we never heard before. But we are shepherds, and we shall not abandon the sheep.' So they went away with them, saying: 'This man has uttered a true saying. How can anyone say "I do this of myself" when he does it in accordance with the Word, so at the Lord's behest, in accordance with His words and His will? Can anyone who does something at a king's behest, in accordance with his words and his will, say: "I am doing this of myself"? We now see it was by Divine providence that the link between faith and good deeds, which is recognised by the members of the church, was not discovered. It could not be, because it could not exist; for there was no faith in the Lord, who is the Word, and so there was not either any faith coming from the Word.'

But the rest of the priests, who belonged to the flock of goats, went off waving their hats and shouting: 'Faith alone, faith alone, long live faith alone.'

Poznámky pod čarou:

1. This passage is repeated with modifications from Apocalypse Revealed 417.

2. The Latin word means both shepherd and pastor.

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Thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.