

Joel 3



1 "Poslije ovoga izlit ću Duha svoga na svako tijelo, i proricat će vaši sinovi i kćeri, vaši će starci sanjati sne, a vaši mladići gledati viđenja.

2 Čak ću i na sluge i sluškinje izliti Duha svojeg u dane one.

3 Pokazat ću znamenja na nebu i zemlji, krv i oganj i stupove dima."

4 Sunce će se prometnut' u tminu a mjesec u krv, prije nego svane Jahvin dan, velik i strašan.

5 Svi što prizivaju ime Jahvino spašeni će biti, jer će na brdu Sionu i u Jeruzalemu biti spasenje, kao što Jahve reče, a među preživjelima oni koje Jahve pozove.






According to Swedenborg, a person's name in the Bible represents his or her entire spiritual nature, their whole state of love (good or evil) and thought (from heavenly wisdom to infernal insanity). This is why the name of the Lord is so important; it represents and embodies His perfect love and perfect wisdom, which is everything that we should worship and follow. It's easy to see that names are important in the Bible. Jehovah changed Abram and Sarai to Abraham and Sarah, changed Jacob to Israel and included in the Ten Commandments the order that believers "shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain." In the New Testament, Zacharias was told to name John the Baptist "John," and both Joseph (Matthew 1:21) and Mary (Luke 1:31) were told to name Jesus "Jesus." Jesus himself renamed Simon as Peter, and included the phrase "hallowed be thy name" in the Lord's prayer.

(Odkazy: Luke 1)



Psalms 72



1 God, give the king your justice; your righteousness to the royal son.

2 He will judge your people with righteousness, and your poor with justice.

3 The mountains shall bring prosperity to the people. The hills bring the fruit of righteousness.

4 He will judge the poor of the people. He will save the children of the needy, and will break the oppressor in pieces.

5 They shall fear you while the sun endures; and as long as the moon, throughout all generations.

6 He will come down like rain on the mown grass, as showers that water the earth.

7 In his days, the righteous shall flourish, and abundance of peace, until the moon is no more.

8 He shall have dominion also from sea to sea, from the River to the ends of the earth.

9 Those who dwell in the wilderness shall bow before him. His enemies shall lick the dust.

10 The kings of Tarshish and of the islands will bring tribute. The kings of Sheba and Seba shall offer gifts.

11 Yes, all kings shall fall down before him. All nations shall serve him.

12 For he will deliver the needy when he cries; the poor, who has no helper.

13 He will have pity on the poor and needy. He will save the souls of the needy.

14 He will redeem their soul from oppression and violence. Their blood will be precious in his sight.

15 They shall live, and to him shall be given of the gold of Sheba. Men shall pray for him continually. They shall bless him all day long.

16 Abundance of grain shall be throughout the land. Its fruit sways like Lebanon. Let it flourish, thriving like the grass of the field.

17 His name endures forever. His name continues as long as the sun. Men shall be blessed by him. All nations will call him blessed.

18 Praise be to Yahweh God, the God of Israel, who alone does marvelous deeds.

19 Blessed be his glorious name forever! Let the whole earth be filled with his glory! Amen and amen.

20 This ends the prayers by David, the son of Jesse. BOOK III A Psalm by Asaph.