

Postanak 2



1 Tako bude dovršeno nebo i zemlja sa svom svojom vojskom.

2 I sedmoga dana Bog dovrši svoje djelo koje učini. I počinu u sedmi dan od svega djela koje učini.

3 I blagoslovi Bog sedmi dan i posveti, jer u taj dan počinu od svega djela svoga koje učini.

4 To je postanak neba i zemlje, tako su stvarani. Kad je Jahve, Bog, sazdao nebo i zemlju,

5 još nije bilo nikakva poljskoga grmlja po zemlji, još ne bijaše niklo nikakvo poljsko bilje, jer Jahve, Bog, još ne pusti dažda na zemlju i nije bilo čovjeka da zemlju obrađuje.

6 Ipak, voda je izvirala iz zemlje i natapala svu površinu zemaljsku.

7 Jahve, Bog, napravi čovjeka od praha zemaljskog i u nosnice mu udahne dah života. Tako postane čovjek živa duša.

8 I Jahve, Bog, zasadi vrt na istoku, u Edenu, i u nj smjesti čovjeka koga je napravio.

9 Tada Jahve, Bog, učini te iz zemlje nikoše svakovrsna stabla - pogledu zamamljiva a dobra za hranu - i stablo života, nasred vrta, i stablo spoznaje dobra i zla.

10 Rijeka je izvirala iz Edena da bi natapala vrt; odatle se granala u četiri kraka.

11 Prvom je ime Pišon, a optječe svom zemljom havilskom, u kojoj ima zlata.

12 Zlato je te zemlje dobro, a ima ondje i bdelija i oniksa.

13 Drugoj je rijeci ime Gihon, a optječe svu zemlju Kuš.

14 Treća je rijeka Tigris, a teče na istok od Ašura; četvrta je Eufrat.

15 Jahve, Bog, uzme čovjeka i postavi ga u edenski vrt da ga obrađuje i čuva.

16 Jahve, Bog, zapovjedi čovjeku: "Sa svakoga stabla u vrtu slobodno jedi,

17 ali sa stabla spoznaje dobra i zla da nisi jeo! U onaj dan u koji s njega okusiš, zacijelo ćeš umrijeti!"

18 I reče Jahve, Bog: "Nije dobro da čovjek bude sam: načinit ću mu pomoć kao što je on."

19 Tada Jahve, Bog, načini od zemlje sve životinje u polju i sve ptice u zraku i predvede ih čovjeku da vidi kako će koju nazvati, pa kako koje stvorenje čovjek prozove, da mu tako bude ime.

20 Čovjek nadjene imena svoj stoci, svim pticama u zraku i životinjama u polju. No čovjeku se ne nađe pomoć kao što je on.

21 Tada Jahve, Bog, pusti tvrd san na čovjeka te on zaspa, pa mu izvadi jedno rebro, a mjesto zatvori mesom.

22 Od rebra što ga je uzeo čovjeku napravi Jahve, Bog, ženu pa je dovede čovjeku.

23 Nato čovjek reče: "Gle, evo kosti od mojih kostiju, mesa od mesa mojega! Ženom neka se zove, od čovjeka kad je uzeta!"

24 Stoga će čovjek ostaviti oca i majku da prione uza svoju ženu i bit će njih dvoje jedno tijelo.

25 A bijahu oboje goli - čovjek i njegova žena - ali ne osjećahu stida.




Genesis 2 - Synopsis

Napsal(a) Bradley Sheahan, New Christian Bible Study Staff

Genesis 2 tells the story of God’s creation of Adam from the dust of the earth, and the forming of the Garden of Eden at the headwaters of four rivers. In it there are many trees, with the tree of the knowledge of good and evil in the midst of them. Then God seeks a helpmeet for Adam, and creates Eve from Adam’s rib while he is sleeping.

Here’s a brief outline:

  • God rests on the seventh day, blesses it, and makes it holy. (Verses 1-4)
  • God creates man, Adam, from the dust of the earth (Verses 5-7)
  • God plants a garden in Eden (Verses 8-14)
  • Adam is placed in the Garden of Eden, and warned not to eat of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. (Verses 15-17)
  • God seeks a helpmeet for Adam, and creates Eve from one of Adam’s ribs, and they are married, conjoined. (Verses 18-25)

In its inner spiritual sense, this chapter continues the story of the regeneration, or rebirth, of a human being. The early verses describe a person reaching the seventh stage of rebirth, represented by the Sabbath. It’s the celestial or heavenly state, in which a person has become remade, internally, in the image and likeness of God. Then, God shines through in all that a celestial person does and speaks.

Also, on another level, this chapter begins the story of the most ancient church on earth, sometimes called the Adamic church. “Adam” in Hebrew means “man”, so this is the church of mankind, i.e. a beginning stage of spiritual development in early human beings.

The prior chapter ended with the sixth day, the spiritual stage when a person has been transformed by God into a spiritual person, after the lifelong series of battles that a person encounters in this process. In the opening of Genesis 1, a person is pictured as spiritually dead, void and empty, blind to the love and truth of God, and living his or her life in pursuit of worldly ambitions and sensual pleasures. The evil and falsities that permeate that kind of existence enslave us, and, on our own, we are fighting a losing battle. The bonds that restrain us from evil are fear of the law, fear of the loss of life or loss of wealth, and fear of damage to our reputations. This state is a “natural” one, i.e. not one with much spiritual depth or activity.

If we turn to the Lord for help, though, we can be reformed, and develop a spiritual life, and be reborn. A spiritual person is also in combat with temptations towards evil and falsity, but is victorious. The bonds that restrain such a person are internal – the bonds of conscience. The celestial person, who will be discussed in this chapter of Genesis, is no longer in such combat, because evil and falsities no longer hold any interest.

For this summary, here’s some important insight: In our life in this world, we are very much aware of our physical, natural existence, and largely unaware of our concurrent spiritual one. On the spiritual level, we are continually interacting with people who are already in heaven or hell – spirits, both good (angels) and bad (evil spirits). The classic cartoon image with the little angel on one shoulder and the little devil on the other, both trying to influence us, isn't that far from the truth.

In ancient times, people had a more direct ability to communicate with the spiritual world, but we’ve lost that ability as we’ve become more enmeshed in worldly affairs. In the spiritual battles we need to go through as we’re being reformed, as we become more in tune with God’s love and truth, angels are helping us on our path to reach heaven, both here, as we live out our lives, and then further in the next life.

Spiritual lessons from this chapter:

As we continue in our path to enlightenment, it is God who is still leading us and teaching us about his way. He will continue to feed us the spiritual food that will bring us wisdom and understanding. When we reach the final stage of rebirth, we fulfill the potential He hopes for when he creates us, being made in God's image and likeness -- still uniquely ourselves, but loving and wise, useful and active but internally at peace.