

利未記 8



1 耶和華曉諭摩西

2 你將亞倫和他兒子一同帶來,並將聖衣、膏,與贖祭的一隻公牛、兩隻公綿、一筐無酵帶來,

3 又招聚會眾會幕口。

4 摩西就照耶和華所吩咐的行了;於是會眾聚集會幕口。

5 摩西告訴會眾:這就是耶和華所吩咐當行的事。

6 摩西帶了亞倫和他兒子來,用了他們。

7 給亞倫穿上內袍,束上腰帶,穿上外袍,又加上以弗得,用其上巧工織的帶子把以弗得繫在他身上,

8 又給他戴上胸牌,把烏陵和土明放在胸牌內,

9 把冠冕戴在他上,在冠冕的前面釘上牌,就是冠,都是照耶和華所吩咐摩西的

10 摩西抹帳幕和其中所有的,使他成聖

11 又用油在上彈了次,又抹了的一切器皿,並洗濯盆和盆座,使他成聖

12 又把倒在亞倫的他,使他成聖

13 摩西帶了亞倫的兒子來,給他們穿上內袍,束上腰帶,包上裹頭巾,都是照耶和華所吩咐摩西的

14 他牽了贖祭的公牛來,亞倫和他兒子按在贖祭公牛的上,

15 就宰了公牛。摩西用指頭蘸血,抹在上四角的周圍,使潔淨,把血倒在的腳那裡,使成聖就潔淨了;

16 又取臟上所有的脂油和上的網子,並兩個腰子與腰子上的脂油,燒在上;

17 惟有公牛,連並糞,用燒在外,都是照耶和華所吩咐摩西的

18 他奉上燔祭的公綿亞倫和他兒子按上,

19 就宰了公羊。摩西把血灑在的周圍,

20 切成塊子,把和肉塊並脂油都燒了。

21 了臟腑和,就把全燒在上為馨的燔祭,是獻給耶和華的火祭,都是照耶和華所吩咐摩西的

22 他又奉上第二隻公綿,就是承接聖職之禮的亞倫和他兒子按上,

23 就宰了羊。摩西把些血抹在亞倫的右耳垂上和右的大拇指上,並右的大拇指上,

24 又帶了亞倫的兒子來,把些血抹在他們的右耳垂上和右的大拇指上,並右的大拇指上,又把血灑在的周圍。

25 取脂油和肥尾巴,並臟上一切的脂油與上的網子,兩個腰子和腰子上的脂油,並右腿,

26 再從耶和華面前、盛無酵餅的筐子裡取出無酵餅,餅,個薄餅,都放在脂和右腿上,

27 把這一切放在亞倫的手上和他兒子的手上作搖祭,在耶和華面前搖一搖。

28 摩西從他們的手上拿下來,燒在上的燔祭上,都是為承接聖職獻給耶和華的火祭。

29 摩西的胸作為搖祭,在耶和華面前搖一搖,是承接聖職之禮,歸摩西的分,都是照耶和華所吩咐摩西的

30 摩西取點膏上的血,彈在亞倫和他的衣服上,並他兒子和他兒子的衣服上,使他和他們的衣服一同成聖

31 摩西亞倫和他兒子:把會幕口,在那裡,又承接聖職筐子裡的餅,按我所吩咐的(或作:按所吩咐我的):這是亞倫和他兒子要的。

32 下的和餅,你們要用焚燒。

33 你們不可出會幕,等到你們承接聖職的日子滿了,因為主叫你們承接聖職。

34 今天所行的都是耶和華吩咐行的,為你們贖罪。

35 你們要晝夜會幕口,遵守耶和華的吩咐,免得你們亡,因為所吩咐我的就是這樣。

36 於是亞倫和他兒子行了耶和華藉著摩西所吩咐的一切事。





by Mask: anonymous, Photo: Andreas Praefcke

Gold means good, and just as gold was the most precious metal known to ancient mankind so it represents the good of the highest and wisest of the angels. These angels foremostly love the Lord, and because they do they act from that love at all times. So the things they do are from love or as the writings for the new church often say, their acts are "goods of love". This is what gold represents. As soon as God planted the garden of Eden, He created a river in it, to water it. This river went out and branched into four, the first branch mentioned, Pishon, encompassed the "…land of Havilah, where there is gold… and the gold…is good". Another mention of gold comes in Exodus where the Lord is telling Moses how to make the Tabernacle. If you pay attention you will see that inside the tabernacle the main thing you see is gold, the boards of the wall are covered with it and all the furniture is either wood covered completely with gold, or is made of solid gold. Then at the end of the Word the holy city descends from God and it is made of gold, "gold like unto clear glass" good of love that can be clearly and completely understood. And it has its river. This is a promise from the Lord that we can come into a state similar to that of the garden of Eden, if we follow Him so as to come into love for Him, and act from that love.