

利未記 6



1 耶和華曉諭摩西

2 若有人犯罪,干犯耶和華,在鄰舍交付他的物上,或是在交易上行了詭詐,或是搶奪人的財物,或是欺壓鄰舍,

3 或是在撿了遺失的物上行了詭詐,說謊起誓,在這切的事上犯了甚麼罪;

4 他既犯了罪,有了過犯,就要歸還他所搶奪的,或是因欺壓所得的,或是人交付他的,或是人遺失他所撿的物,

5 或是他因甚麼物起了假誓,就要如數歸還,另外加上五分之一,在查出他有罪的日子要交還本主。

6 也要照你所估定的價,把贖愆祭牲─就是羊群中一隻沒有殘疾的公綿─牽到耶和華面前,給祭司為贖愆祭。

7 祭司要在耶和華面前為他贖罪;他無論行了甚麼事,使他有了罪,都必蒙赦免。

8 耶和華曉諭摩西

9 你要吩咐亞倫和他的子孫說,燔祭的條例乃是這樣:燔祭要放在的柴上,從晚上到天亮,上的要常常燒著。

10 祭司要穿上細麻布衣服,又要把細麻布褲子穿在身上,把上所燒的燔祭灰收起來,倒在的旁邊;

11 隨後要脫去這衣服,穿上別的衣服,把灰拿到外潔淨之處。

12 上的要在其上常常燒著,不可熄滅。祭司要每日早晨在上面燒柴,並要把燔祭擺在上,在其上燒平安祭牲的脂油。

13 上必有常常燒著的,不可熄滅。

14 素祭的條例乃是這樣:亞倫的子孫要在前把這祭獻在耶和華面前。

15 祭司要從其中─就是從素祭的細麵中─取出自己的一把,又要取些和素祭上所有的乳,燒在上,奉給耶和華為馨素祭的紀念。

16 下的,亞倫和他子孫要,必在聖處不帶酵而,要在會幕的院子裡

17 烤的時候不可攙。這是從所獻我的火祭中賜他們的分,是至的,和贖祭並贖愆祭一樣。

18 凡獻給耶和華的火祭,亞倫子孫中的男丁都要這一分,直到萬,作他們永得的分。摸這些祭物的,都要成為

19 耶和華曉諭摩西

20 亞倫的日子,他和他子孫所要獻給耶和華的供物,就是細麵伊法十分之一,為常獻的素祭:早晨一半,晚上一半。

21 要在鐵鏊上用調和做成,調勻了,你就拿進來;烤好了分成塊子,獻給耶和華為馨的素祭。

22 亞倫的子孫中,接續他為受膏的祭司,要把這素祭獻上,要全燒給耶和華。這是永遠的定例。

23 祭司的素祭都要燒了,卻不可

24 耶和華曉諭摩西

25 你對亞倫和他的子孫,贖祭的條例乃是這樣:要在耶和華面前、宰燔祭牲的地方宰贖祭牲;這是至的。

26 為贖罪獻這祭的祭司要,要在聖處,就是在會幕的院子裡

27 凡摸這祭的要成為;這祭牲的血若彈在甚麼衣服上,所彈的那一件要在處洗淨。

28 惟有祭物的瓦器要打碎;若是在銅器裡,這銅器要擦磨,在中涮淨。

29 祭司中的男丁都可以;這是至的。

30 凡贖祭,若將血帶進會幕所贖,那肉都不可,必用焚燒。






Water is the basis of life, the essential ingredient in all drinks, and in the form of rivers, lakes and oceans supports life in myriad ways. The spiritual meaning of water is similarly basic: It represents truth in general, the ideas and concepts that guide us to do good things in our lives. In a more specific sense, it represents truth at its simplest level: the ideas we learn from the Bible and simply believe. Swedenborg refers to this as “natural” truth or “truths of faith.” They are not things we have explored, figured out or confirmed through life; rather they are things that we accept to be true because we’ve been told they are true. Like water, these ideas flow to us from other sources. And like water, they are ever-changing; to build something permanent we might look to the more permanent ideas represented by stones. But water is crucial to life, and so are these accepted ideas. Water can also, of course, be threatening. Rivers, lakes and oceans are inherently dangerous, and flooding was an ever greater threat in Biblical times than it is now. These aspects represent the opposite meaning – water as falsity, twisted ideas which support evil and can overwhelm and destroy us if we’re not careful.

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