

利未記 5



1 若有人見發誓的聲音(或作:若有人見叫人發誓的聲音),他本是見證,卻不把所見的、所知道的說出來,這就是罪;他要擔當他的罪孽。

2 或是有人摸了不潔的物,無論是不潔的死,是不潔的死畜,是不潔的死蟲,他卻不知道,因此成了不潔,就有了罪。

3 或是他摸了別人的污穢,無論是染了甚麼污穢,他卻不知道,一知道了就有了罪。

4 或是有人嘴裡冒失發誓,要行惡,要行善,無論人在甚麼事上冒失發誓,他卻不知道知道了就要在這其中的件上有了罪。

5 他有了罪的時候,就要承認所犯的罪,

6 並要因所犯的,把他的贖愆祭牲─就是羊群中的母,或是一隻羔,或是一隻山羊─牽到耶和華面前為贖祭。至於他的,祭司要為他贖了。

7 他的力量若不夠獻隻羊羔,就要因所犯的,把兩隻斑鳩或是兩隻雛鴿耶和華面前為贖愆祭:隻作贖祭,隻作燔祭。

8 把這些到祭司那裡,祭司就要先把那贖祭獻上,從鳥的頸項上揪下來,只是不可把鳥撕斷,

9 也把些贖祭牲的血彈在的旁邊,剩下的血要流在的腳那裡;這是贖祭。

10 他要照例獻第二隻為燔祭。至於他所犯的,祭司要為他贖了,他必蒙赦免。

11 他的力量若不夠獻兩隻斑鳩或是兩隻雛鴿,就要因所犯的供物來,就是細麵伊法十分之一為贖祭;不可加上,也不可加上乳香,因為是贖祭。

12 他要把供物到祭司那裡,祭司要取出自己的一把作為紀念,按獻給耶和華火祭的條例燒在上;這是贖祭。

13 至於他在這幾件事中所犯的祭司要為他贖了,他必蒙赦免。剩下的麵都歸與祭司,和素祭樣。

14 耶和華曉諭摩西

15 人若在耶和華的物上誤犯了罪,有了過犯,就要照你所估的,按所的舍客勒子,將贖愆祭牲─就是羊群中一隻沒有殘疾的公綿─牽到耶和華面前為贖愆祭;

16 並且他因在物上的差錯要償還,另外加五分之一,都祭司。祭司要用贖愆祭的公綿為他贖罪,他必蒙赦免。

17 若有人犯罪,行了耶和華所吩咐不可行的甚麼事,他雖然不知道,還是有了罪,就要擔當他的罪孽;

18 也要照你所估定的價,從羊群中牽一隻沒有殘疾的公綿,給祭司作贖愆祭。至於他誤行的那錯事,祭司要為他贖罪,他必蒙赦免。

19 這是贖愆祭,因他在耶和華面前實在有了罪。






Like so many common verbs, the meaning of "know" in the Bible is varied and dependent on context. And in some cases -- when it is connected to ideas or objects -- its spiritual meaning and natural meaning are essentially the same. When the Bible talks about people knowing each other and especially when it talks about the Lord knowing people, the meaning has more to do with the states of love within people than it does with any factual knowledge. This makes sense if you think about it. When we really "know" somebody, what we mean is that we know what kind of person they are, what their motivations are, what they love, what they hate, what makes them tick. Those things are far more important than knowing their parents' names, where they were born or what year they graduated from school. Most often then, especially applied to people, "knowing" has to do with the perceptions we have about other people's loves and the conjunction that can exist between those with similar loves, not just a collection of facts.