

士師記 17



1 以法蓮地有一個名叫米迦。

2 他對母親:你那一舍客勒子被人拿去,你因此咒詛,並且告訴了我。看哪,這子在我這裡,是我拿去了。他母親:我兒啊,願耶和華賜福與你!

3 米迦就把這一舍客勒子還他母親。他母親:我分出這子來為你獻給耶和華,好雕刻一個像,鑄成一個像。現在我還是交給你。

4 米迦將子還他母親,他母親將二舍客勒子交匠,雕刻一個像,鑄成一個像,安置在米迦的內。

5 這米迦有了堂,又製造以弗得和家中的像,分派他個兒子作祭司

6 那時以色列中沒有王,各任意而行。

7 猶大伯利恆有一個少年人,是猶大族的利未人,他在那裡寄居。

8 離開猶大伯利恆城,要一個可住的地方。行的時候,到了以法蓮地,走到米迦的家。

9 米迦問他:你從哪裡?他回答:從猶大伯利恆。我是利未人,要一個可住的地方。

10 米迦:你可以在我這裡,我以你為父、為祭司。我每年舍客勒子,一套衣服和度日的食物。利未人就進了他的

11 利未情願與那;那看這少年如自己的兒子樣。

12 米迦分派這少年的利未人作祭司,他就住在米迦的家裡。

13 米迦:現在我知道耶和華必賜福與我,因我有一個利未人作祭司。






These days we tend to think of "roads" as smooth swaths of pavement and judge them by how fast we can drive cars on them. A "path" is something different, suitable only for walking or maybe bicycles, and a "way" has more to do with giving directions than any physical reality. When we get "lost" it usually means we're in a car on an unfamiliar road -- a far cry from being in the middle of a trackless wilderness with no idea which direction to go. The ancient world was very different, with isolated towns and endless square miles of trackless wilderness. Then a "way" was a set of landmarks to follow to get from one place to another through the wilderness. A "path" was a way used enough to leave a visible trace on the ground, and a "road" was a heavily used path, easily followed and walkable. So it makes sense that when used in the Bible, all three terms represent guiding truth, ideas that lead us where we want to go. This is pictured in the modern use of "way" -- when we talk about the "way" to do something or the "way" to get somewhere. We're talking about the correct, best, most efficient method of doing something or getting somewhere. And it's good information -- truth -- that helps us find that best way.