

士師記 13



1 以色列人又行耶和華眼中看為惡的事,耶和華將他們交在非利士人四十年。

2 那時,有個瑣拉,是屬但族的,名叫瑪挪亞。他的妻不懷孕,不生育。

3 耶和華的使者向那婦人顯現,對他:向來你不懷孕,不生育,如今你必懷孕生一個兒子

4 所以你當謹慎,清酒濃酒都不可,一切不潔之物也不可

5 你必懷孕生一個兒子,不可用剃刀剃他的,因為這孩子一出胎就歸作拿細耳人。他必起首拯以色列人脫離非利士人

6 就回去對丈夫:有一個到我面前,他的相貌如使者的相貌,甚是可畏。我沒有問他從哪裡,他也沒有將他的名告訴我,

7 卻對我:你要懷孕生一個兒子,所以清酒濃酒都不可,一切不潔之物也不可;因為這孩子從出胎一直到死,必歸□作拿細耳人。

8 瑪挪亞就祈求耶和華啊,求你再差遣那我們這裡,好指教我們怎樣待這將要生的孩子。

9 應允瑪挪亞的話;婦人正在田間的時候,的使者又到他那裡,他丈夫瑪挪亞卻沒有同他在一處。

10 急忙跑去告訴丈夫:那日到我面前,又向我顯現。

11 瑪挪亞起來跟隨他的妻到那面前,對他:與這婦說話的就是你麼?他:是我。

12 瑪挪亞:願你的應驗!我們當怎樣待這孩子,他後當怎樣呢?

13 耶和華的使者對瑪挪亞:我告訴婦人的一切事,他都當謹慎。

14 葡萄樹所結的都不可,清酒濃酒都不可,一切不潔之物也不可。凡我所吩咐的,他都當遵守。

15 瑪挪亞對耶和華的使者:求你容我們款留你,好為你預備一隻山羊羔。

16 耶和華的使者對瑪挪亞:你雖然款留我,我卻不你的食物,你若預備燔祭就當獻與耶和華。原來瑪挪亞不知道他是耶和華的使者。

17 瑪挪亞對耶和華的使者:請將你的名告訴我,到你應驗的時候,我們好尊敬你。

18 耶和華的使者對他:你何必問我的名,我名是奇妙的。

19 瑪挪亞將一隻山羊羔和素祭在磐石上獻與耶和華,使者行奇妙的事;瑪挪亞和他的妻觀

20 見火燄從上往上升,耶和華的使者在上的火燄中也升上去了。瑪挪亞和他的妻見,就俯伏於

21 耶和華的使者不再向瑪挪亞和他的妻顯現,瑪挪亞才知道他是耶和華的使者。

22 瑪挪亞對他的妻:我們必要,因為見了

23 他的妻卻對他耶和華若要殺我們,必不從我們裡收納燔祭和素祭,並不將這一切事指示我們,今日也不將這些話告訴我們

24 後來婦人生了一個兒子,給他起名參孫。孩子長大,耶和華賜福與他。

25 在瑪哈尼但,就是瑣拉和以實陶中間,耶和華的靈才感動他。




336 - A Strange Love Letter

Napsal(a) Jonathan S. Rose

Title: A Strange Love Letter

Topic: The Word

Summary: God is love, and the Bible is a divine communication to us, so in some sense it mst be a love letter. But that's a pretty strange love letter!

2 Samuel 12:1-7
Joshua 1:1-9
Judges 13:1-3
Isaiah 63:7-10
Ezekiel 1:28; 2
Matthew 4:17
Luke 1:1-5
1 Thessalonians 1:1
2 Timothy 1:1-2
James 1:1
1Pet 1:1
Deut 4:2; 12:32
Rev 22:18-19

This video is a part of the Spirit and Life Bible Study series, whose purpose is to look at the Bible, the whole Bible, and nothing but the Bible through a Swedenborgian lens.

Přehrát video
Spirit and Life Bible Study broadcast from 4/11/2018. The complete series is available at:



2 Timothy 1


1 Paul, an apostle of Jesus Christ through the will of God, according to the promise of the life which is in Christ Jesus,

2 to Timothy, my beloved child: Grace, mercy, and peace, from God the Father and Christ Jesus our Lord.

3 I thank God, whom I serve as my forefathers did, with a pure conscience. How unceasing is my memory of you in my petitions, night and day

4 longing to see you, remembering your tears, that I may be filled with joy;

5 having been reminded of the sincere faith that is in you; which lived first in your grandmother Lois, and your mother Eunice, and, I am persuaded, in you also.

6 For this cause, I remind you that you should stir up the gift of God which is in you through the laying on of my hands.

7 For God didn't give us a spirit of fear, but of power, love, and self-control.

8 Therefore don't be ashamed of the testimony of our Lord, nor of me his prisoner; but endure hardship for the Good News according to the power of God,

9 who saved us and called us with a holy calling, not according to our works, but according to his own purpose and grace, which was given to us in Christ Jesus before times eternal,

10 but has now been revealed by the appearing of our Savior, Christ Jesus, who abolished death, and brought life and immortality to light through the Good News.

11 For this, I was appointed as a preacher, an apostle, and a teacher of the Gentiles.

12 For this cause I also suffer these things. Yet I am not ashamed, for I know him whom I have believed, and I am persuaded that he is able to guard that which I have committed to him against that day.

13 Hold the pattern of sound words which you have heard from me, in faith and love which is in Christ Jesus.

14 That good thing which was committed to you, guard through the Holy Spirit who dwells in us.

15 This you know, that all who are in Asia turned away from me; of whom are Phygelus and Hermogenes.

16 May the Lord grant mercy to the house of Onesiphorus, for he often refreshed me, and was not ashamed of my chain,

17 but when he was in Rome, he sought me diligently, and found me

18 (the Lord grant to him to find the Lord's mercy in that day); and in how many things he served at Ephesus, you know very well.