

約珥書 3



1 到那日,我使猶大耶路撒冷被擄之人歸回的時候,

2 我要聚集萬民,帶他們約沙法,在那裡施行審判;因為他們將我的百姓,就是我的產業以色列,分散在列國中,又分取我的土,

3 且為我的百姓拈鬮,將童子換妓女童女買酒

4 推羅、西頓,和非利士四境的人哪,你們與我何干?你們要報復我麼?若報復我,我必使報應速速歸到你們的上。

5 你們既然奪取我的,又將我可愛的寶物帶入你們宮殿(或譯:廟中),

6 並將猶大人和耶路撒冷給希利尼人(原文是雅完人),使他們遠離自己的境界。

7 我必激動他們離開你們所到之地,又必使報應歸到你們的上。

8 我必將你們的兒女猶大人的中,他們必給遠方示巴國的人。這是耶和華的。

9 當在萬民中宣告說:要預備打仗;激動勇士,使一切戰士上前來。

10 要將犁頭打成刀,將鐮刀打成戈矛;軟弱的要:我有勇力。

11 四圍的列國啊,你們要速速地,一同聚集。耶和華啊,求你使你的大能者降臨。

12 萬民都當興起,上到約沙法;因為我必在那裡,審判四圍的列國。

13 開鐮罷!因為莊稼熟了;踐踏罷!因為酒醡滿了。酒池盈溢;他們的罪惡甚大。

14 許多許多的人在斷定,因為耶和華的日子臨近斷定

15 日月昏暗,宿無光。

16 耶和華必從錫安吼叫,從耶路撒冷發聲,就震動。耶和華卻要作他百姓的避難所,作以色列人的保障。

17 你們就知道我是耶和華─你們的,且又住在錫安─我的。那時,耶路撒冷必成為;外邦人不再從其中經過。

18 到那日,大要滴甜酒;小奶子;猶大都有。必有泉源從耶和華的殿中出來,滋潤什亭谷。

19 埃及必然荒涼,以東變為悽涼的曠野,都因向猶大人所行的強暴,又因在本流無辜人的血。

20 猶大必存到永遠耶路撒冷必存到萬

21 我未曾報復(或譯:洗除;下同)流血的罪,現在我要報復,因為耶和華住在錫安。


Ze Swedenborgových děl


属天的奥秘 # 9857

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9857. “你要做一个决断的胸牌” 表与从神性良善闪耀出来的神性真理有关的. 这从 “胸牌” 的含义清楚可知,

“胸牌” 是指在最后和最低事物里面从主的神性良善闪耀出来的神性真理 (参看9823节). 它之所以被称为 “一个决断的胸牌”, 是因为它给出答复, 通过这些答复揭示神性真理. 此外, 在圣言中,

“决断 (或审判, 判断)” 表示神性真理, 因而表示符合教义的教义教导和生活. 这就是为何这胸牌被称为 “一个决断的胸牌”, 在本章下文还被称为 “决断牌”, 即:

“亚伦要带着以色列人的决断牌, 在耶和华面前常放在心上” (28:30). 当约书亚被选中作百姓的领袖时, 经上说:

“他要站在祭司以利亚撒面前, 以利亚撒要凭乌陵的判断, 在耶和华面前为他求问” (民数记 27:21).

“决断 (judgement, 经上或译为审判, 判断, 公平, 公理, 典章)” 表示神性真理和源于它的聪明, 因此表示符合教义的教义教导和生活, 这一点从圣言中的许多经文明显看出来, 如以下经文:

万军之耶和华的葡萄园, 就是以色列家. 祂指望的是公平, 看哪, 却有溃烂; 指望的是公义, 看哪, 却有哀叫声.(以赛亚书 5:7)

“指望公平” 表示源于神性真理的聪明和遵照诫命的生活. 以赛亚书:

祂凭信实坐在宝座上, 在大卫帐幕中施行审判, 寻求公平.(以赛亚书 16:5)


“祂要坐的宝座” 表示从祂发出的神性真理, 因而表示属灵国度 (参看2129, 5313, 6397, 8625, 9039节);

“施行审判” 表示教导神性真理,

“寻求公平” 表示人们对它的接受.


到那日, 耶和华必作祂余剩之民的华美冠冕, 也作在位审判者的公平之灵.(以赛亚书 28:5, 6)

“华美冠冕” 当论及耶和华, 也就是主时, 是指神性聪明 (参看9828节);

“公平之灵” 表示源于神性真理的智慧 (9818节);

“在位审判者” 表示告知或教导神性真理的人. 又:

耶和华以公平公义充满锡安.(以赛亚书 33:5)

“锡安” 表示属天教会;

“以公平充满” 表示源于神性真理的聪明,

“以公义充满” 表示来自神性良善的智慧.


谁曾指挥耶和华的灵呢? 祂与谁商议, 叫祂变得聪明, 将公平的路告知祂, 又将知识教授祂, 将聪明的道指示祂呢? (以赛亚书 40:13, 14)

“耶和华的灵” 表示神性真理 (9818节);

“将公平的路告知祂” 表示使祂有知识, 聪明和智慧, 这是显而易见的. 耶利米书:

空中的鹳鸟知道她的定期, 耶和华的百姓却不知道耶和华的典章. 你们怎么说: 我们有智慧, 耶和华的律法在我们这里? (耶利米书 8:7, 8)

“不知道耶和华的典章” 表示不知道神性真理, 智慧的源头; 这就是为何经上说:

“你们怎么说: 我们有智慧?”


祸哉! 那以不公义盖房, 以不公平建内室的.(耶利米书 22:13)

“以不公平建内室” 表示吸收不真实的观念. 何西阿书:

我必以公义, 公平聘你永远归我, 也以真理聘你归我.(何西阿书 2:19-20)

“以公义聘” 表示通过神性真理, 因而通过信和信之生活而结合. 阿摩司书:

惟愿公平如水流动, 公义如洪流滔滔! (阿摩司书 5:24)


你们却使公平变为苦胆, 使公义的果子变为茵陈.(阿摩司书 6:12)

此处 “公平” 也表示源于神性真理的聪明, 以及基于此的生活.


耶和华每早晨显明祂的公平.(西番雅书 3:5)

“显明公平” 表示揭示神性真理. 摩西五经:

耶和华的一切道路都是公平.(申命记 32:4)


耶和华啊, 你的真理上及诸天; 你的公义好像神的大山; 你的判断如同大深渊.(诗篇 36:5, 6)


耶和华要使你的公义如光发出, 使你的公平明如正午.(诗篇 37:6)


求你照你的怜悯听我的声音. 耶和华啊, 求你照你的典章将我救活.(诗篇 119:149)


“公平” 和 “典章或判断” 表示神性真理.


你们法利赛人有祸了! 你们疏忽了神的公平和爱. 这些原是你们当行的.(路加福音 11:42)

“疏忽了神的公平” 表示回避或忽略神性真理;

“疏忽了神的爱” 表示回避或忽略神性良善和这二者所激发的生活. 由于所表示的也是这种生活, 所以经上说 “这些原是你们当行的”. 以赛亚书:

惟有万军之耶和华因公平而崇高; 神因公义显为圣.(以赛亚书 5:16)


祂必在大卫的宝座上以公平公义使国坚定稳固, 从今直到永远.(以赛亚书 9:7)


求你赐谋略, 行公平, 使你的影子在日中如黑夜.(以赛亚书 16:3)

“行公平” 表示照神之真理行动.


我要给大卫兴起一个公义的枝条; 祂在地上施行公平和公义.(耶利米书 23:5; 33:15)


人若是公义, 且行公平和公义, 行在我的律例中, 谨守我的典章, 实行真理, 这人是公义的, 必定存活.(以西结书 18:5, 9)


地上所有遵行耶和华典章的谦卑人哪, 你们都当寻求耶和华.(西番雅书 2:3)

“遵行神的典章” 表示实行神性真理, 也就是照神性真理行事. 以赛亚书:

我已使我的灵临到祂; 祂必将公理传给列族. 祂必不扑灭, 也不折断, 直到祂在地上设立公理.(以赛亚书 42:1, 4)


“将公理传给列族” 和 “在地上设立公理” 表示教导神性真理并在教会中确立它.


律法必从我而出, 我必兴起我的公理为万民之光.(以赛亚书 51:4)

“公理” 表示神性真理,

“为万民之光” 表示带来启示. 约翰福音:

我为审判到这世上来, 叫不能看见的, 可以看见; 能看见的, 反瞎了眼.(约翰福音 9:39)

“为审判到这世上来” 表示来揭示神性真理, 神性真理使那些从主拥有智慧的人看见, 使那些从自己拥有智慧, 并由此而被视为有学问的人瞎眼.


你必凭真理, 公平, 公义, 指着永生的耶和华起誓.(耶利米书 4:2)


无人为康健施行判断; 你没有得以痊愈的良药.(耶利米书 30:13)


公义和公平是你宝座的支撑; 怜悯和真理要在你脸前坚立.(诗篇 89:14)

“公义” 表示属于怜悯的良善;

“公平” 表示属于信的真理; 这就是为何经上说 “怜悯和真理”. 以西结书:

耶路撒冷改变我的典章, 成为邪恶, 过于列族; 改变我的律例, 过于各地. 所以我必在列族的眼前施行审判, 我必分散你所剩下的.(以西结书 5:6-8, 10, 15)

“改变典章” 表示改变诸如存在于市民国家中的那种真理, 当经上也提及 “律例” 时,

“典章” 就表示这些真理 (参看8972节).

“施行审判” 表示作出要么指向死亡, 即诅咒, 要么指向生命, 即拯救的判决. 拯救或诅咒也由提到 “审判之日” 或 “审判之时” 的地方中 “审判” 来表示 (如马太福音 11:22, 24; 12:36, 41, 42; 路加福音 10:14; 11:31, 32; 约翰福音 5:28-29; 启示录 14:7, 18:10). 拯救或诅咒还由提到作出审判或论断的地方中的 “审判或论断” 来表示 (如马太福音 5:21, 22; 7:1, 2; 23:14, 33; 约翰福音 5:24, 26, 27; 7:24; 8:15, 16; 12:31, 47, 48; 路加福音 6:37; 12:13, 14, 56, 57; 19:21, 22, 27; 20:47; 22:30; 马可福音 12:40; 以赛亚书 41:1; 3:14; 耶利米书 25:31; 48:21; Joel 3:12; 诗篇 7:8, 9; 9:4, 7, 8; 利未记 19:15; 申命记 1:16, 17; 25:1; 启示录 17:1; 18:10; 20:12, 13).

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Thanks to our friends at for their permission to use this translation on the New Christian Bible Study site. ( 衷心感谢”史威登堡著作中文网”许可我们使用该中文译文)

Ze Swedenborgových děl


Apocalypse Explained # 8

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8. And signified, sending by His angel, to His servant John, signifies which are revealed out of heaven to those who are in the good of love. This is evident from the signification of "signified," as being the things in the sense of the letter that contain and thus signify those that are in the internal sense; for it is said, "the revelation which God gave to show, and signified;" and by the things that He signified are meant those that are in the sense of the letter, because all these signify, while the things that are signified are those that are contained in the internal sense. For all things in the Word are significative of spiritual things, which are in the internal sense. This is also evident from the signification of "sending by His angel," as meaning, which are revealed out of heaven; for "to send" is to reveal, and "by an angel" is out of heaven. "To send" is to reveal, because everything that is sent out of heaven is revelation; for that which is there is what is revealed; and this is the spiritual which relates to the church and its state; but with man this is changed into the natural, such as is expressed in the sense of the letter in Revelation and elsewhere in the Word. That which comes out of heaven can be presented to man in no other way; for the spiritual falls into its corresponding natural when it descends out of the spiritual world into the natural. This is why the prophetic Word in the sense of the letter is such as it is, and being such, is in its bosom spiritual and is Divine. By "angel" is meant "out of heaven," because that which an angel speaks is out of heaven; for when an angel communicates to man such things as pertain to heaven and the church, he does not speak as man speaks with man, who brings forth out of his memory what another has told him; but that which an angel speaks flows in continuously, not into his memory, but immediately into his understanding, and from that into words. From this it is that all things that the angels spoke to the prophets are Divine, and nothing at all from the angels. Whether it be said, that these revelations are out of heaven, or are from the Lord, it is the same; because the Divine of the Lord with the angels constitutes heaven, and nothing whatever from the angels' proprium [selfhood, or what is their own]. (But this may be better understood from what is said and shown in Heaven and Hell 2-12, 254).

[2] The things revealed out of heaven are said to be for those who are in the good of love, because it is said, "sending by His angel to His servant John," and by "John" those who are in the good of love are represented and meant. For by the twelve apostles are represented and signified all in the church who are in truths from good; consequently, all truths from good, from which is the church; and by each of the apostles in particular something special; thus by "Peter" faith; by "James" charity; and by "John" the good of charity or the good of love. Because John represented this good, the revelation was made to him; for revelation out of heaven, such as this, can be made only to those who are in the good of charity or of love. Others, indeed, can hear the things that are from heaven, but they cannot perceive them. Only those who are in the good of love have spiritual perception. This is because they receive heavenly things not only with the hearing, but also with the love; and to receive with the love is to receive fully, since the things so received are loved; moreover, those who thus receive, see these things in their understanding, where the sensation of their internal sight is. That this is so has been proven to me by much experience. It might also be elucidated by much rational argument; but the subject cannot just now be amplified so far.

It is here only necessary to say, that all names mentioned in the Word signify not persons but things; that "John," for instance, signifies such as are in the good of love, thus in the abstract the good of love itself. (That all names in the Word signify things may be seen in the Arcana Coelestia 768, 1888, 4310, 4442, 10329.

That the names of persons and places in the Word cannot enter heaven, but that they are changed into the things that they signify, n. 1876, 5225, 6516, 10216, 10282, 10432.

How exquisite the internal sense of the Word is, even where mere names are mentioned, illustrated by examples, n. 1224, 1264, 1888.

That the twelve disciples of the Lord represented, and thence signified, all things of faith and love in the complex, in like manner as the twelve tribes of Israel, n. 2129, 3354, 3488, 3858, 6397.

That "Peter," "James," and "John" represented, and thence signified, faith, charity, and the good of charity, in their order, see preface to Genesis 18 [in n. 2135] Genesis 22, in n. 2760, and in 3934, 8581, 10087)

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Thanks to the Swedenborg Foundation for their permission to use this translation.