

以西結書 46



1 耶和華如此:內院朝東的,在辦理事務的日內必須關閉;惟有安息日和朔必須敞開。

2 王要從這的廊進入,站在框旁邊。祭司要為他預備燔祭和平安祭,他就要在檻那裡敬拜,然後出去。這直到晚上不可關閉

3 在安息日和朔,國內的居民要在這門口耶和華面前敬拜。

4 安息日,王所獻與耶和華的燔祭要用無殘疾的隻,無殘疾的公綿一隻;

5 同獻的素祭要為公綿獻一伊法細麵,為羔照他的力量而獻,一伊法細麵加

6 朔,要獻無殘疾的公牛犢一隻,隻,公綿一隻,都要無殘疾的。

7 他也要預備素祭,為公牛獻一伊法細麵,為公綿獻一伊法細麵,為羔照他的力量而獻,一伊法細麵加

8 進入的時候必由這的廊而入,也必由此而出。

9 在各節期,國內居民朝見耶和華的時候,從進入敬拜的,必由而出;從進入的,必由而出。不可從所入的而出,必要直往前行,由對而出。

10 民進入,王也要在民中進入;民出去,王也要一同出去。

11 在節期和聖會的日子同獻的素祭,要為一隻公牛獻一伊法細麵,為一隻公綿獻一伊法細麵,為羔照他的力量而獻,一伊法細麵加

12 王預備甘心獻的燔祭或平安祭,就是向耶和華甘心獻的,當有人為他開朝東的。他就預備燔祭和平安祭,與安息日預備的一樣,獻畢就出去。他出去之,當有人將關閉

13 每日,你要預備無殘疾一歲的羊羔一隻,獻與耶和華為燔祭;要每早晨預備。

14 早晨也要預備同獻的素祭,細麵一伊法分之一,並分之一,調和細麵。這素祭要常獻與耶和華永遠的定例。

15 早晨要這樣預備羊羔、素祭,並為常獻的燔祭。

16 耶和華如此:王若將產業賜他的兒子,就成了他兒子的產業,那是他們承受為業的。

17 倘若王將分產業賜他的臣僕,就成了他臣僕的產業;到自由之年仍要歸與王。至於王的產業,必歸與他的兒子。

18 王不可奪取民的產業,以致驅逐他們離開所承受的;他要從自己的地業中,將產業賜給他兒子,免得我的民分散,各離開所承受的。

19 我的,將我從進入之處、領進為祭司預備的屋,是朝的,見後頭西邊有一塊地。

20 他對我:這是祭司贖愆祭、贖祭,素祭之地,免得帶到外院,使民成聖

21 他又帶我到外院,使我經過院子的拐角,見每拐角各有一個院子。

22 院子拐角的院子,周圍有牆,每院長四十肘,寬三十肘。拐角院子的尺寸都是樣,

23 其中周圍有一排房子,房子內有煮肉的地方。

24 他對我:這都是肉的房子,殿內的僕役要在這裡民的祭物。






The number "two" has two different meanings in the Bible. In most cases "two" indicates a joining together or unification. This is easy to see if we consider the conflicts we tend to have between our "hearts" and our "heads" -- between what we want and what we know. Our "hearts" tell us that we want pie with ice cream for dinner; our "heads" tell us we should have grilled chicken and salad. If we can bring those two together and actually want what's good for us, we'll be pretty happy. We're built that way -- with our emotions balanced against our intellect -- because the Lord is built that way. His essence is love itself, or Divine Love, the source of all caring, emotion and energy. It is expressed as Divine Wisdom, which gives form to that love and puts it to work, and is the source of all knowledge and reasoning. In His case the two aspects are always in conjunction, always in harmony. It's easy also to see how that duality is reflected throughout creation: plants and animals, food and drink, silver and gold. Most importantly, it's reflected in the two genders, with women representing love and men representing wisdom. That's the underlying reason why conjunction in marriage is such a holy thing. So when "two" is used in the Bible to indicate some sort of pairing or unity, it means a joining together. In rare cases, however, "two" is used more purely as a number. In these cases it stands for a profane or unholy state that comes before a holy one. This is because "three" represents a state of holiness and completion (Jesus, for instance, rose from the tomb on the third day), and "two" represents the state just before it.