

以西結書 44



1 他又帶我回到聖地朝東的外;那關閉了。

2 耶和華對我:這必須關閉,不可敞開,誰也不可由其中進入;因為耶和華以色列的已經由其中進入,所以必須關閉

3 至於王,他必按王的位分,在其內,在耶和華面前餅。他必由這的廊而入,也必由此而出。

4 他又我由來到殿前。我觀,見耶和華的榮光充滿耶和華的殿,我就俯伏在地。

5 耶和華對我:人子啊,我對你所耶和華殿中的一切典章則,你要放在上,用眼,用耳,並要留殿宇和聖地一切出入之處。

6 你要對那悖逆的以色列耶和華如此以色列家啊,你們行一切可憎的事,當夠了罷!

7 你們把我的食物,就是脂油和血獻上的時候,將身未受割禮的外邦人領進我的聖地,玷污了我的殿;又背了我的約,在你們一切可憎的事上,加上這一層。

8 你們也沒有看守我的物,卻派別人在地替你們看守我所吩咐你們的。

9 耶和華如此以色列中的外邦人,就是身未受割禮的,都不可入我的聖地。

10 以色列人走迷的時候,有利未人遠離我,就是走迷離開我、隨從他們的偶像,他們必擔當自己的罪孽。

11 然而他們必在我的聖地當僕役,照管殿,在殿中供職;必為民宰殺燔祭牲和平安祭牲,必站在民前伺候他們。

12 因為這些利未人曾在偶像前伺候這民,成了以色列家罪孽的絆腳石,所以我向他們起誓:他們必擔當自己的罪孽。這是耶和華的。

13 他們不可親我,給我供祭司的職分,也不可挨我的一件物,就是至的物;他們卻要擔當自己的羞辱和所行可憎之事的報應。

14 然而我要使他們看守殿宇,辦理其中的一切事,並做其內一切當做之工。

15 以色列人走迷離開我的時候,祭司利未人撒督的子孫仍看守我的聖所。他們必親近我,事奉我,並且侍立在我面前,將脂油與血獻給我。這是耶和華的。

16 他們必進入我的聖所,就近我的桌前事奉我,守我所吩咐的。

17 他們進內院必穿細麻衣。在內院和殿內供職的時候不可穿羊毛衣服

18 他們上要戴細麻布頭巾,腰穿細麻布褲子;不可穿使身體出汗的衣服。

19 他們出到外院的民那裡,當脫下供職的衣服,放在屋內,穿上別的衣服,免得因衣使民成聖

20 不可剃,也不可容髮綹長長,只可剪髮。

21 祭司進內院的時候都不可喝酒

22 不可娶寡婦和被休的婦人為妻,只可娶以色列後裔中的處女,或是祭司遺留的寡婦。

23 他們要使我的民知道俗的分別,又使他們分辨潔淨的和不潔淨的。

24 有爭訟的事,他們應當站立判斷,要按我的典章判斷。在我一切的節期必守我的律條例,也必以我的安息日為日。

25 他們不可挨近屍沾染自己,只可為父親母親兒子、女兒、弟兄,和未嫁的姊妹沾染自己。

26 祭司潔淨之,必再計算日。

27 當他進內院,進所,在所中事奉的日子,要為自己獻贖祭。這是耶和華的。

28 祭司必有產業,我是他們的產業。不可在以色列他們基業;我是他們的基業。

29 素祭、贖祭,和贖愆祭他們都可以以色列中一切永獻的物都要歸他們。

30 首先初熟之物和一切所獻的供物都要歸祭司。你們也要用初熟的麥子磨麵祭司;這樣,福氣就必臨到你們的家了。

31 無論是,凡自死的,或是撕裂的,祭司都不可


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属天的奥秘 # 3301

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3301. “毛衣” 表属世人的真理. 这从 “衣” 和 “毛” 的含义清楚可知: “衣” 是指包裹另一事物的某种事物, 故在此是指真理, 因为它用来包裹良善, 真理如同一件衣裳 (1073, 2576节), 或几乎可以说, 真理就是接受良善的容器 (1469, 1496, 1832, 1900, 2063, 2261, 2269节); “毛” 是指属世人的真理. “毛” 或 “头发” 在圣言中经常被提及, 在那里表示属世之物. 原因在于, 毛发是人最表层的生长物, 就像相对于理性和理性内层部分的属世人. 在人看来, 当他活在肉身时, 属世人就是他的全部, 但这绝不是真的. 属世人是来自其内在部分的生长物, 就像毛发来自身体的各个部位一样. 这二者以几乎同样的方式从内在部分发出. 正因如此, 在来世, 活在肉身时完全属世之人当照着这种状态呈于眼见时, 整张脸几乎完全被毛发覆盖. 而且, 人的属世人由头发来代表. 当这属世人来自良善时, 它由仔细梳理的漂亮秀发来代表; 但当这属世人并非来自良善时, 它由难看的乱发来代表.

正是由于这种代表, 所以在圣言中, “头发” 表属世人, 尤表属世人的真理. 如撒迦利亚书:

到那日, 凡作先知说预言的, 必因他所论的异象羞愧, 不再穿毛衣哄骗人. (撒迦利亚书 13:4)

“先知” 表那些教导真理的人, 在此表那些教导虚假的人 (2534节). “异象” 表真理, 在此表虚假; “毛衣” 表属世人的真理. 由于这不是真理, 而是虚假, 故经上说 “哄骗人”. 先知穿这样的衣服是为了代表真理, 因为真理是外在的. 故提斯比人以利亚因穿这样的衣服还被称为 “毛人” (列王纪下 1:8); 最后一位先知施洗约翰身穿 “骆驼毛的衣服” (马太福音 3:4). “骆驼” 是指属世人中的记忆知识 (参看3048, 3071, 3143, 3145节), 而记忆知识是属世人的真理 (3293节).

“头发” 表属世人的真理. 这从拿细耳人很明显地看出来. 拿细耳人被要求在一切许愿离俗的日子, 不可用剃头刀剃头, 直到离俗归耶和华的日子满了. 那时, 他们要放下头发, 在会幕门口剃离俗的头, 把头发放在平安祭下的火上 (民数记 6:5, 18). 拿细耳人代表主的神性人, 并由此代表属天教会的人, 属天教会的人是主的样式 (51节); 而此人的属世人则由头发来代表. 因此, 当拿细耳人成圣时, 他们要脱去其生来所进入的旧的或以前的属世人, 披上一个新人. 这一过程由以下条例来表示: 当离俗归耶和华的日子满了后, 要放下头发, 将它放在平安祭下的火上. 因为属天之人的状态是这样: 他处于良善, 并通过良善认识一切真理, 从来不通过真理思想和谈论良善, 更不会通过记忆知识思想和谈论良善 (参看202, 337, 2715, 2718, 3246节). 此外, 属天之人具有这样的性质: 在他们脱去生来所进入的状态之前, 其属世人因装备了真理而变得如此强大, 以致他们能与地狱争战; 因为进行争战的是真理, 从来不是良善. 地狱甚至无法从最远处接近良善. 这就是真理与良善的情形 (1950, 1951节).

由此明显可知, 参孙的力量来自他的头发是怎么回事. 经上论到他说:

耶和华的使者向那妇人显现说, 看哪, 你必怀孕, 生一个儿子, 剃头刀都不可上他的头; 因为这孩子一出胎就归神作拿细耳人. (士师记 13:3, 5)

后来, 他向大利拉透露说, 若剃了他的头发, 他的力气就离开他, 他会变得软弱无力. 后来, 他的头发一被剃除, 他的力气就离开了, 非利士人便抓住他. 再后来, 剃头后他的头发又开始渐渐长起来, 他的力气就恢复了, 于是他便推倒了那房的柱子 (士师记 16). 谁看不出这些事蕴含天上的奥秘, 人若不接受有关代表的教导, 就不会知道这奥秘是什么; 也就是说, 拿细耳人代表属天之人, 并且只要有头发, 他就代表这属天之人的属世人. 如前所述, 这属世人具有强而有力的真理. 参孙有这样的力气, 是因为那时主所吩咐的一切代表都具有这样的力量和效果. 但参孙不像上面所提到的那些人一样是一个神圣化的拿细耳人, 也就是说, 不是具有取代真理的良善状态的某个人. 他的力气之所以最终存在于他的头发中, 主要是为了他能代表主, 主通过属世人的真理与地狱争战并制服它们. 主在披上属世人的神圣良善与真理之前做这一切的.

由此也明显可知, 为何要求作大祭司, 头上倒了膏油, 又承接圣职, 穿了圣衣的, 不可剃头, 也不可撕裂衣服 (利未记 21:10). 同样, 在论述新圣殿的地方, 要求祭司利未人不可剃头, 也不可容发绺长长 (以西结书 44:20); 也就是说, 是为了他们可以代表主的神圣属世人那源于良善, 被称为良善真理的真理. “毛发” 或 “头发” 表属世人的真理, 这也可从圣言的预言部分明显看出来. 如以西结书:

我使你生长好像田间所长的, 你就渐渐长大, 以至极其俊美, 两乳成形, 头发长成. (以西结书 16:7)

这论述的是耶路撒冷, 耶路撒冷在此表古教会; 随着时间推移, 古教会逐渐败坏了. “两乳成形” 表属世良善, “头发长成” 表属世真理.


我观看, 有宝座设立, 上头坐着亘古常在者. 他的衣服洁白如雪, 头发如纯净的羊毛, 宝座乃火焰. (但以理书 7:9)


灯台中间有一位好像人子, 身穿长衣, 直垂到脚, 胸间束着金带. 他的头与发皆白, 如纯羊毛, 如雪, 眼目如同火焰. (启示录 1:13-14)

“发白如纯羊毛” 表神圣属世人的真理. 在圣言和犹太教会的仪式中, 真理本身由 “白” 来代表, 并且真理因源于良善而被称为 “纯羊毛”. 之所以 “真理” 由 “白” 来代表, 良善由 “红” 来代表, 是因为真理类似于光, 良善类似于火, 是光的源头.

和圣言中的其它事物一样, “头发” 也具有反面意义, 表示属世人歪曲的真理. 如以赛亚书:

到那日, 主必用大河那边赁来的剃头刀, 就是亚述王, 剃去头发和脚上的毛, 并要剃净胡须. (以赛亚书 7:20)


人子啊! 你要拿一把利剑, 给你作剃头刀, 用这刀剃你的头发和你的胡须, 拿天平称, 将须发平分. 你要将三分之一在城中用火焚烧, 将三分之一在城的四围用刀剑砍碎, 将三分之一任风吹散; 你要从其中拿出小数来, 包在衣襟里; 再从这些之中取些扔在火中, 在火中焚烧; 从里面必有火出来烧入以色列全家. (以西结书 5:1-4)

上述经文通过使用代表, 描述了 “头发” 和 “须发” 所表示的内层和外层属世真理不复存在. 它被 “用火焚烧” 表示情欲毁了它; “在城的四围用刀剑砍碎” 表示推理毁了它; “任风吹散” 表示虚假原则毁了它. 这段经文与主在马太福音中的教导很相似, 即: 种子, 也就是真理, 有的落在荆棘里, 有的落在岩石上, 有的落在路旁 (马太福音 13:1-9).

“头发” 表不洁净的真理和属于属世人的虚假. 这一点也由以下条例来代表, 即: 当与从敌人那里掳来的妇人结婚时, 她要被领到家里, 剃头发, 修指甲, 脱去被掳时所穿的衣服 (申命记 21:12-13); 还有, 当利未人被圣化时, 要用除罪水弹在他们身上, 又叫他们用剃头刀刮全身, 洗衣服, 从而洁净自己 (民数记 8:7); 以及尼布甲尼撒被赶出离开世人, 吃草如牛, 身被天露滴湿, 头发长长, 好像鹰毛, 指甲长长, 如同鸟爪 (但以理书 4:33). 关于大麻风的条例: 他们要注意毛发和胡须的颜色, 它们是变白, 变红, 变黄还是变黑; 他们还要查看衣服上的物件; 长大麻风得洁净的人要把所有的头发, 胡须, 眉毛都剃了 (利未记 13, 14:8-9), 这表示由于亵渎而产生的不洁虚假, 也就是内义上的 “大麻风”.

然而, “光秃” 表示丝毫没有真理的属世人. 如以赛亚书:

他上巴益, 又往底本, 到高处因尼波去哭泣. 摩押人因米底巴哀号, 各人头上光秃, 胡须剃净. (以赛亚书 15:2)


必有光秃代替美发, 烙伤代替美容. (以赛亚书 3:24)

对以利沙说 “秃头的上去吧, 秃头的上去吧”, 于是被两只从林中出来的母熊撕成碎片的童子 (列王纪下 2:23-24) 代表那些亵渎圣言, 声称其中似乎没有真理的人; 因为以利沙代表主的圣言 (2762节). 由此明显可知那时代表们具有多么大的权柄.

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Apocalypse Explained # 146

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146. To him that overcometh, to him will I give to eat of the hidden manna, signifies that those who conquer in temptations will have the delight of heavenly love from the Lord's Divine Human. This is evident from the signification of "overcoming," as being those who conquer in temptations (for it is these that are treated of in what is written to the angel of this church, see above, n. 130; from the signification of "giving to eat," as being to be appropriated and to be conjoined by love and charity (See Arcana Coelestia 2187, 2343, 3168, 3513, 5643) and as it is said "of the hidden manna," which means the Lord in respect to His Divine Human, the "eating" of this here signifies the delight of heavenly love, for this is appropriated by the Lord's Divine Human to those who receive Him in love and faith; also from the signification of the "hidden manna," as being the Lord in respect to His Divine Human. That this is "manna" is manifest from the Lord's own words in John:

Our fathers ate the manna in the wilderness, as it is written, He gave them bread out of heaven to eat. The bread of God is He who cometh down out of heaven, and giveth life unto the world. I am the bread of life. Your fathers did eat the manna in the wilderness, and they are dead. This is the bread which cometh down out of heaven, that a man may eat thereof and not die. I am the living bread which came down out of heaven; if any man eat of this bread he shall live forever. The bread that I will give is My flesh (John 6:31-58).

That it is the Lord Himself who is meant by "manna" and by "bread," He plainly teaches, for He says, "I am the bread of life which came down out of heaven." That it is the Lord in respect to the Divine Human, He also teaches when He says, "The bread that I will give is My flesh."

[2] The Lord taught the same when He instituted the Holy Supper:

Jesus took bread and blessed it, and gave to the disciples, and said, Take, eat, this is My body (Matthew 26:26; Mark 14:22; Luke 22:19).

"To eat of this bread" is to be conjoined to the Lord by love, for "to eat" signifies to be appropriated and to be conjoined (as above), and love is spiritual conjunction. The same is signified by "eating in the kingdom of God," in Luke:

Blessed is he that eateth bread in the kingdom of God (Luke 14:15).

Ye shall eat and drink at My table in My kingdom (Luke 22:30).

In Matthew:

Many shall come from the east and the west, and shall recline to eat with Abraham, and Isaac, and Jacob in the kingdom of God (Matthew 8:11).

(That by "Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob," the Lord is meant, see Arcana Coelestia 1893, 4615, 6098, 6185, 6276, 6804, 6847) In John:

Work not for the food which perisheth; but for the food which abideth, which the Son of man shall give unto you (John 6:27).

That the "Son of man" is the Lord in respect to the Divine Human, see above, n. 63.

[3] It is called "hidden manna," because the delight of heavenly love, which those receive who are conjoined to the Lord through love, is wholly unknown to those that are in a love not heavenly; and this delight no one is able to receive except he that acknowledges the Lord's Divine Human; for from this the delight proceeds. Because this delight was unknown to the children of Israel in the wilderness, they called it "manna," as appears in Moses:

Jehovah said unto Moses, Behold, I will cause bread to rain from heaven itself for you. And in the morning the dew lay round about the camp. And when the dew that lay was gone up, behold upon the face of the wilderness a small round thing; and when they saw it, they said, This is manna? (what is this)? Moses said unto them, this is the bread which Jehovah giveth you to eat. And the house of Israel called the name thereof manna (Exodus 16:3-36).

In the same:

Jehovah fed thee with manna which thou knewest not, neither did thy fathers know; that He might make thee know that man doth not live by bread only, but by all that is uttered by the mouth of Jehovah doth man live (Deuteronomy 8:3).

This delight, which is meant by "manna," was unknown to the sons of Israel, because they were in corporeal delight more than other nations, and those who are in that delight are altogether incapable of knowing anything of heavenly delight. (That the sons of Israel were such, see The Doctrine of the New Jerusalem 248.) The term "delight" is used, and the delight of love is meant, for every delight of life is of love.

[4] As it is the delight of heavenly love that is signified by "eating of the hidden manna," therefore it is called "the bread of the heavens" in David:

Jehovah commanded the skies from above, and opened the doors of the heavens; and He rained down upon them manna for food, and gave them corn of the heavens (Psalms 78:23, 24).

In another place:

Jehovah satisfied them with the bread of the heavens (Psalms 105:40).

It is called the "bread of the heavens," because it rained down from heaven with the dew, but in the spiritual sense it is called the "bread of the heavens" because it flows down from the Lord through the angelic heaven. In that case no other heaven is meant, and no other bread than that which nourishes the soul of man. That it is in this sense that "bread" is to be understood here is evident from the words of the Lord Himself in John:

That He is the manna, or bread, that came down out of heaven (John 6:31-58).

And in Moses:

That Jehovah fed them with manna, that He might make them to know that man doth not live by bread only, but by all that is uttered by the mouth of Jehovah (Deuteronomy 8:3).

"What is uttered by the mouth of Jehovah" is everything that proceeds from the Lord, and this, in a special sense, is Divine truth united with Divine good (See the work on Heaven and Hell 13, 133, 139, 140, 284-290).

[5] This delight is also described by the correspondences in Moses:

The manna appeared like coriander seed, white, and the taste of it was like cakes made with honey (Exodus 16:31).

And in another place in the same:

They made cakes of it; and the taste of it was as the taste of the juice of oil (Numbers 11:7, 8).

The appearance and taste of the manna was such because "coriander seed, white," signifies truth from a heavenly origin; "cake," the good of heavenly love; "honey" its external delight; "oil" that love itself; and its "juice," from which was the taste, its internal delight: and the "rain with dew," in which the manna was, the influx of Divine truth in which that delight is. (That "seed" signifies truth from a heavenly origin, seeArcana Coelestia 3038, 3373, 10248, 10249; that "white" is predicated of that truth, n. 3301, 3993, 4007, 5319; that "cake" signifies the good of heavenly love, n. 7978, 9992, 9993; that "oil" signifies that love itself, n. 886, 3728, 9780, 9954, 10261, 10269; its "juice," therefore, signifies the delight of that love, because the taste is therefrom, and the taste is the delight and pleasantness, see n. 3502, 4791-4805. But more about these matters may be seen in the explanation of chapter 16 of Exodus in The Arcana Coelestia.)

[6] The delight of heavenly love is signified by "eating of the hidden manna," when yet by "the hidden manna" the Lord in respect to the Divine Human is signified, because it is the same whether you say the Lord's Divine Human, or the Divine Love, for the Lord is Divine Love itself, and what proceeds from Him is Divine good united to Divine truth; both are of love, and are also the Lord in heaven; consequently "to eat of Him" is to be conjoined to Him, and this by love from Him. (But these things may be better understood from what is said and shown in the work on Heaven and Hell 13-19, 116-125, 126-140; also in The Doctrine of the New Jerusalem 210-222, 307)

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Thanks to the Swedenborg Foundation for their permission to use this translation.