

以西結書 44



1 他又帶我回到聖地朝東的外;那關閉了。

2 耶和華對我:這必須關閉,不可敞開,誰也不可由其中進入;因為耶和華以色列的已經由其中進入,所以必須關閉

3 至於王,他必按王的位分,在其內,在耶和華面前餅。他必由這的廊而入,也必由此而出。

4 他又我由來到殿前。我觀,見耶和華的榮光充滿耶和華的殿,我就俯伏在地。

5 耶和華對我:人子啊,我對你所耶和華殿中的一切典章則,你要放在上,用眼,用耳,並要留殿宇和聖地一切出入之處。

6 你要對那悖逆的以色列耶和華如此以色列家啊,你們行一切可憎的事,當夠了罷!

7 你們把我的食物,就是脂油和血獻上的時候,將身未受割禮的外邦人領進我的聖地,玷污了我的殿;又背了我的約,在你們一切可憎的事上,加上這一層。

8 你們也沒有看守我的物,卻派別人在地替你們看守我所吩咐你們的。

9 耶和華如此以色列中的外邦人,就是身未受割禮的,都不可入我的聖地。

10 以色列人走迷的時候,有利未人遠離我,就是走迷離開我、隨從他們的偶像,他們必擔當自己的罪孽。

11 然而他們必在我的聖地當僕役,照管殿,在殿中供職;必為民宰殺燔祭牲和平安祭牲,必站在民前伺候他們。

12 因為這些利未人曾在偶像前伺候這民,成了以色列家罪孽的絆腳石,所以我向他們起誓:他們必擔當自己的罪孽。這是耶和華的。

13 他們不可親我,給我供祭司的職分,也不可挨我的一件物,就是至的物;他們卻要擔當自己的羞辱和所行可憎之事的報應。

14 然而我要使他們看守殿宇,辦理其中的一切事,並做其內一切當做之工。

15 以色列人走迷離開我的時候,祭司利未人撒督的子孫仍看守我的聖所。他們必親近我,事奉我,並且侍立在我面前,將脂油與血獻給我。這是耶和華的。

16 他們必進入我的聖所,就近我的桌前事奉我,守我所吩咐的。

17 他們進內院必穿細麻衣。在內院和殿內供職的時候不可穿羊毛衣服

18 他們上要戴細麻布頭巾,腰穿細麻布褲子;不可穿使身體出汗的衣服。

19 他們出到外院的民那裡,當脫下供職的衣服,放在屋內,穿上別的衣服,免得因衣使民成聖

20 不可剃,也不可容髮綹長長,只可剪髮。

21 祭司進內院的時候都不可喝酒

22 不可娶寡婦和被休的婦人為妻,只可娶以色列後裔中的處女,或是祭司遺留的寡婦。

23 他們要使我的民知道俗的分別,又使他們分辨潔淨的和不潔淨的。

24 有爭訟的事,他們應當站立判斷,要按我的典章判斷。在我一切的節期必守我的律條例,也必以我的安息日為日。

25 他們不可挨近屍沾染自己,只可為父親母親兒子、女兒、弟兄,和未嫁的姊妹沾染自己。

26 祭司潔淨之,必再計算日。

27 當他進內院,進所,在所中事奉的日子,要為自己獻贖祭。這是耶和華的。

28 祭司必有產業,我是他們的產業。不可在以色列他們基業;我是他們的基業。

29 素祭、贖祭,和贖愆祭他們都可以以色列中一切永獻的物都要歸他們。

30 首先初熟之物和一切所獻的供物都要歸祭司。你們也要用初熟的麥子磨麵祭司;這樣,福氣就必臨到你們的家了。

31 無論是,凡自死的,或是撕裂的,祭司都不可


Ze Swedenborgových děl


属天的奥秘 # 2049

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2049. “不属于你种的一切外人” 表那些教会外的人. 这从 “外人” 的含义清楚可知, “外人” 是指那些并非生在教会内, 因而并非由信之善与真所主导的人, 因为他们不知道信之善与真. “外人” 也表示那些具有外在敬拜的人, 如前所述 (参看1097节), 尽管那里论述的主题是教会内的人. 然而, 此处的主题就广泛意义而言, 是主的教会, 故 “外人” 表那些并非生在教会内的人, 如外邦人. 教会外的外邦人可能拥有真理, 但没有信之真理. 他们的真理类似十诫, 如当孝敬父母, 不可杀人, 不可偷盗, 不可奸淫, 不可贪恋他人财物, 以及要敬拜神. 然而, 信之真理是关乎永生, 主的国度和主自己的一切教导. 外邦人不可能知道这类教导, 因为他们没有圣言.

这些人就是 “不属你种的外人” 所表示的人, 然而他们也要受割礼, 即被洁净. 由此明显可知, 他们和教会中人一样, 也能被洁净, 这种洁净由他们受割礼来代表. 当他们抛弃污秽的爱, 彼此生活在仁爱中时, 他们就被洁净. 因为那时, 真理会在他们的生活中发挥一定作用, 因为所有真理都属于仁爱, 但这类真理属于上述两种类型中的第一种. 当这些真理在他们的生活中发挥一定作用时, 他们很容易吸收信之真理, 即便活在肉身时没能吸收, 在来世也能吸收, 因为信之真理是仁爱的内在真理. 事实上, 那时他们只渴望被引入仁爱的内在真理. 构成主国度的, 就是仁爱的内在真理 (参看932, 1032, 1059, 1327, 1328, 1366节).

在来世, 仅有信之认知的知识毫无用处, 因为最坏的人, 甚至地狱里的人也能拥有这类知识, 有时知道的比其他人还要多. 照着这些认知所过的生活才是有用的, 因为一切认知都以生活为目的. 学习知识若不是为了生活, 那么这些知识毫无用处, 仅仅能使人们谈论它们, 由此被视为世间有学问的人, 被授予各种荣誉, 赚取名利. 由此明显可知, 与信之认知一致的生活无非是仁爱的生活. 事实上, 爱主爱邻构成律法和先知, 即信的全部教义, 连同信的一切认知. 谁都能从主的话 (马太福音 22:34-39 ; 马可福音 12:28-35) 清楚看出这一点.

然而, 教义, 或信之认知对于仁爱生命的形成是至关重要的. 没有它们, 仁爱的生命无法形成. 这是死后救人的生命. 没有仁爱生命的信之生命从来就不存在, 因为没有仁爱, 信的生命是不可能的. 爱与仁居于其中的人有主的生命在里面. 没人能凭其它生命与主结合. 由此也明显可知, 信之真理若不被植入在仁爱中, 绝无法被视为真理; 也就是说, 承认它们是不可能的, 除非表面上或口头上, 因为它们从内在或从内心被否认. 如前所述, 一切信之真理都以仁爱为目的, 若仁爱不存在于它们里面, 那么它们会从内在被拒绝. 外在之物被拿走 (如来世的情形) 后, 内在事物的性质就会显明; 也就是说, 它们与一切信之真理完全相反. 人在世时若没有接受仁爱的生命, 那么在来世接受它是根本不可能的, 因为他们厌恶并憎恨它. 死后, 诸如在世时与他们同在的生命会归于他们. 事实上, 他们厌恶并憎恨相爱. 这种人仅仅靠近具有相爱生活的社群就会颤抖, 战栗, 感到痛苦.

这种人虽然生在教会内, 但仍被称为 “身心未受割礼的外邦人”, 他们不会被允许进入圣所, 即进入主的国度. 以西结书所指的也是他们:

身心未受割礼的外邦人不可入圣所. (以西结书 44:7, 9)


在这样荣耀威势上, 在伊甸园诸树中, 谁能与你相比呢? 然而你要与伊甸的诸树一同下到阴府, 在未受割礼的人中与被刀杀的人一同躺卧. (以西结书 31:18)

这论及法老, 法老表示总体上的记忆知识 (1164, 1165, 1186, 1462节). 他们要与之一同下到阴府的 “伊甸诸树” 也表记忆知识, 不过是指那些信之认知的知识. 由此明显可知, 就内义而言, “未受割礼的” 表示什么, 即, 是指处于污秽的爱欲和属于这些爱欲的生命之人.

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Thanks to our friends at for their permission to use this translation on the New Christian Bible Study site. ( 衷心感谢”史威登堡著作中文网”许可我们使用该中文译文)

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The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Doctrine # 121

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121. Faith separate from love or charity is like the light of winter, in which all things on earth are torpid, and no harvests, fruits, or flowers, are produced; but faith with love or charity is like the light of spring and summer, in which all things flourish and are produced (n. 2231, 3146, 3412-3413). The wintry light of faith separate from charity is changed into dense darkness when light from heaven flows in; and they who are in that faith then come into blindness and stupidity (n. 3412-3413).

They who separate faith from charity, in doctrine and life, are in darkness, thus in ignorance of truth, and in falsities, for these are darkness (n. 9186). They cast themselves into falsities, and into evils thence (n. 3325, 8094). The errors and falsities into which they cast themselves (n. 4721, 4730, 4776, 4783, 4925, 7779, 8313, 8765, 9224). The Word is shut to them (n. 3773, 4783, 8780). They do not see or attend to all those things which the Lord so often spoke concerning love and charity, and concerning their fruits, or goods in act, concerning which (n. 1017, 3416). Neither do they know what good is, nor thus what celestial love is, nor what charity is (n. 2517, 3603, 4136, 9995).

Faith separate from charity is no faith (n. 654, 724, 1162, 1176, 2049, 2116, 2343, 2349, 2417, 3849, 3868, 6348, 7039, 7342, 9783). Such a faith perishes in the other life (n. 2228, 5820). When faith alone is assumed as a principle, truths are contaminated by the falsity of the principle (n. 2335). Such persons do not suffer themselves to be persuaded, because it is against their principle (n. 2385). Doctrinals concerning faith alone destroy charity (n. 6353, 8094). They who separate faith from charity were represented by Cain, by Ham, by Reuben, by the firstborn of the Egyptians, and by the Philistines (n. 3325, 7097, 7317, 8093).

They who make faith alone saving, excuse a life of evil, and they who are in a life of evil have no faith, because they have no charity (n. 3865, 7766, 7778, 7790, 7950, 8094). They are inwardly in the falsities of their own evil, although they do not know it (n. 7790, 7950). Therefore good cannot be conjoined with them (n. 8981, 8983). In the other life they are against good, and against those who are in good (n. 7097, 7127, 7317, 7502, 7545, 8096, 8313). Those who are simple in heart and yet wise, know what the good of life is, thus what charity is, but not what faith separate is (n. 4741, 4754).

All things of the church have relation to good and truth, consequently to charity and faith (n. 7752-7754). The church is not with man before truths are implanted in his life, and thus become the good of charity (n. 3310). Charity constitutes the church, and not faith separate from charity (n. 809, 916, 1798-1799, 1834, 1844). The internal of the church is charity (n. 1799, 7755). Hence there is no church where there is no charity (n. 4766, 5826). The church would be one if all were regarded from charity, although men might differ as to the doctrinals of faith and the rituals of worship (n. 1285[1-3], 1316, 1798-1799, 1834, 1844, 2385, 2982, 3267, 3451). How much of good would be in the church if charity were regarded in the first place, and faith in the second (n. 6269, 6272). Every church begins from charity, but in process of time turns aside to faith, and at length to faith alone (n. 1834-1835, 2231, 4683, 8094). There is no faith at the last time of the church, because there is no charity (n. 1843). The worship of the Lord consists in a life of charity (n. 8254, 8256) The quality of the worship is according to the quality of the charity (n. 2190). The men of the external church have an internal if they are in charity (n. 1100, 1102, 1151, 1153). The doctrine of the ancient churches was the doctrine of life, which is the doctrine of charity, and not the doctrine of faith separate (n. 2385, 2417, 3419-3420, 4844, 6628, 7259-7262).

The Lord inseminates and implants truth in the good of charity when he regenerates man (n. 2063, 2189, 3310). Otherwise the seed, which is the truth of faith, cannot take root (n. 880). Then goods and truths increase, according to the quality and quantity of the charity received (n. 1016). The light of a regenerate person is not from faith, but from charity by faith (n. 854). The truths of faith, when man is regenerated, enter with the delight of affection, because he loves to do them, and they are reproduced with the same affection, because they cohere (n. 2484, 2487, 3040, 3066, 3074, 3336, 4018, 5893).

They who live in love to the Lord, and in charity towards the neighbor, lose nothing to eternity, because they are conjoined to the Lord; but it is otherwise with those who are in separate faith (n. 7506-7507). Man remains such as is his life of charity, not such as his faith separate (n. 8256). All the states of delight of those who have lived in charity, return in the other life, and are increased immensely (n. 823). Heavenly blessedness flows from the Lord into charity, because into the very life of man; but not into faith without charity (n. 2363). In heaven all are regarded from charity, and none from faith separate (n. 1258, 1394). All are associated in the heavens according to their loves (n. 7085). No one is admitted into heaven by thinking, but by willing good (n. 2401, 3459). Unless doing good is conjoined with willing good and with thinking good, there is no salvation, neither any conjunction of the internal man with the external (n. 3987). The Lord, and faith in Him, are received by no others in the other life, than those who are in charity (n. 2343).

Good is in the perpetual desire and consequent endeavor of conjoining itself with truths, and charity with faith (n. 9206-9207, 9495). The good of charity acknowledges its own truth of faith, and the truth of faith its own good of charity (n. 2429, 3101-3102, 3161, 3179-3180, 4358, 5807, 5835, 9637). Hence there is a conjunction of the truth of faith and the good of charity, concerning which (n. 3834, 4096-4097, 4301, 4345, 4353, 4364, 4368, 5365, 7623-7627, 7752-7762, 8530, 9258, 10555). Their conjunction is like a marriage (n. 1904, 2173, 2508). The law of marriage is that two be one, according to the Word of the Lord (n. 10130, 10168-10169). So also faith and charity (n. 1094, 2173, 2503). Therefore faith which is faith, is, as to its essence, charity (n. 2228, 2839, 3180, 9783). As good is the esse of a thing, and truth the existere thence, so also is charity the esse of the church, and faith the existere thence (n. 3409, 3180, 4574, 5002, 9145). The truth of faith lives from the good of charity, thus a life according to the truths of faith is charity (n. 1589, 1947, 2571, 4070, 4096-4097, 4736, 4757, 4884, 5147, 5928, 9154, 9667, 9841, 10729). Faith cannot be given but in charity, and if not in charity, there is not good in faith (n. 2261, 4368). Faith does not live with man when he only knows and thinks the things of faith, but when he wills them, and from will does them (n. 9224).

There is no salvation by faith, but by a life according to the truths of faith, which life is charity (n. 379, 389, 2228, 4663, 4721). They are saved who think from the doctrine of the church that faith alone saves, if they do what is just for the sake of justice, and good for the sake of good, for thus they are still in charity (n. 2442, 3242, 3459, 3463, 7506-7507). If a mere cogitative faith could save, all would be saved (n. 2361, 10659). Charity constitutes heaven with man, and not faith without it (n. 3513, 3584, 3815, 9832, 10714-10715, 10721, 10724). In heaven all are regarded from charity, and not from faith (n. 1258, 1394, 2361, 4802). The conjunction of the Lord with man is not by faith, but by a life according to the truths of faith (n. 9380, 10143, 10153, 10310, 10578, 10645, 10648). The Lord is the tree of life, the goods of charity the fruits, and faith the leaves (n. 3427, 9337). Faith is the "lesser luminary," and good the "larger luminary" (n. 30-38).

The angels of the Lord's celestial kingdom do not know what faith is, so that they do not even name it, but the angels of the Lord's spiritual kingdom speak of faith, because they reason concerning truths (n. 202-203, 337, 2715, 3246, 4448, 9166, 10786). The angels of the Lord's celestial kingdom say only yea, yea or nay, nay, but the angels of the Lord's spiritual kingdom reason whether it be so or not so, when there is discourse concerning spiritual truths, which are of faith (n. 2715, 3246, 4448, 9166, 10786), where the Lord's words are explained:

Let your discourse be yea, yea, nay, nay; what is beyond these is from evil (Matt. 5:37).

The reason why the celestial angels are such, is, because they admit the truths of faith immediately into their lives, and do not deposit them first in the memory, as the spiritual angels do; and hence the celestial angels are in the perception of all things of faith (n. 202, 585, 597, 607, 784 1 121, 1387, 1398, 1442, 1919, 5113, 5897, 6367, 7680, 7877, 8521, 8780, 9936, 9995, 10124).

Trust or confidence, which in an eminent sense is called saving faith, is given with those only who are in good as to life, consequently with those who are in charity (n. 2982, 4352, 4683, 4689, 7762, 8240, 9239-9245). Few know what that confidence is (n. 3868, 4352).

What difference there is between believing those things which are from God, and believing in God (n. 9239, 9243). It is one thing to know, another to acknowledge, and another to have faith (n. 896, 4319, 5664). There are scientifics of faith, rationals of faith and spirituals of faith (n. 2504, 8078). The first thing is the acknowledgment of the Lord (n. 10083). All that flows in with man from the Lord is good (n. 1614, 2016, 2751, 2882-2883, 2891-2892,2904, 6193, 7643, 9128).

There is a persuasive faith, which nevertheless is not faith (n. 2343, 2682, 2689, 3427, 3865, 8148).

It appears from various reasonings as though faith were prior to charity, but this is a fallacy (n. 3324). It may be known from the light of reason, that good, consequently charity, is in the first place, and truth, consequently faith, in the second (n. 3324-6273). Good, or charity, is actually in the first place, or is the first of the church, and truth, or faith, is in the second place, or is the second of the church, although it appears otherwise (n. 3324-3325, 3330, 3336, 3494, 3539, 3548, 3556, 3570, 3576, 3603, 3701, 3995, 4337, 4601, 4925-4926, 4928, 4930, 5351, 6256, 6269, 6272-6273, 8042, 8080, 10110). The ancients disputed concerning the first or primogeniture of the church, whether it be faith or whether it be charity (n. 367[1-2], 2435, 3324).

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Thanks to the Swedenborg Foundation for their permission to use this translation.