

以西結書 29



1 第十年十十二日,耶和華的臨到我說:

2 人子啊,你要向埃及法老預言攻擊他和埃及全地,

3 耶和華如此埃及法老啊,我與你這臥在自己河中的魚為敵。你曾:這河是我的,是我為自己造的。

4 我─耶和華必用鉤子鉤住你的腮頰,又使江河中的魚貼住你的鱗甲;我必將你和所有貼住你鱗甲的魚,從江河中拉上來,

5 把你並江河中的魚都拋在曠野;你必倒在田間,不被收殮,不被掩埋。我已將你上野獸、空中飛作食物。

6 埃及一切的居民,因向以色列成了蘆葦的杖,就知道我是耶和華

7 他們用手持住你,你就斷折,傷了他們的;他們倚靠你,你就斷折,閃了他們的腰。

8 所以耶和華如此:我必使刀臨到你,從你中間將人與牲畜剪除。

9 埃及必荒廢淒涼,他們就知道我是耶和華。因為法老:這河是我的,是我所造的,

10 所以我必與你並你的江河為敵,使埃及,從色弗尼塔直到古實境界,全然荒廢淒涼。

11 人的的蹄都不經過,四十年之久並無人居住

12 我必使埃及在荒涼的國中成為荒涼,使埃及城在荒廢的城中變為荒廢,共有四十年。我必將埃及人分散在列國,四散在列邦。

13 耶和華如此:滿了四十年,我必招聚分散在各國民中的埃及人

14 我必叫埃及被擄的人回來,使他們歸回本巴忒羅。在那裡必成為低微的國,

15 必為列國中最低微的,也不再自高於列國之上。我必減少他們,以致不再轄制列國。

16 埃及必不再作以色列家所倚靠的;以色列家仰望埃及人的時候,便思念罪孽。他們就知道我是耶和華

17 二十年正初一日,耶和華的臨到我說:

18 人子啊,巴比倫王尼布甲尼撒使他的軍兵效勞,攻打推羅,以致都光禿,都磨破;然而他和他的軍兵攻打推羅,並沒有從那裡得甚麼酬勞。

19 所以耶和華如此:我必將埃及巴比倫王尼布甲尼撒;他必擄掠埃及群眾,搶其中的財為擄物,奪其中的貨為掠物,這就可以作他軍兵的酬勞。

20 我將埃及他,酬他所效的勞,因王與軍兵是為我勤勞。這是耶和華的。

21 當那日,我必使以色列家的角發生,又必使你─以西結在他們中間得以開;他們就知道我是耶和華


Ze Swedenborgových děl


属天的奥秘 # 9836

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9836. “以弗得当有连在两端的两条肩带, 让它相连接” 表用一切努力和能力通过一种完全的结合而在各个方面对良善和真理的永久保存. 这从 “肩”,

“连接” 和 “两端” 的含义清楚可知:

“肩” 是指一切力量和能力 (参看1085, 4931-4937节), 不过 “放在肩上” 和 “扛在肩上” (这话论及下文刻有以色列人名字的两块红玛瑙石) 表示对良善和真理的永久保存 (因为 “以色列人的名字” 表示整体上的一切良善和真理, 这个主题可参看下文);

“连接” 是指一个完全的结合;

“两端”, 或右边和左边, 是指在各个方面 (8613节).

此处的情形是这样: 如前所示, 以弗得代表主的属灵国度的最外在部分. 因此, 刻着以色列人名字的两块红玛瑙石所安放的肩带代表对良善和真理的永久保存; 以弗得连在肩带上, 以及在胸前和背后代表一个完全的结合. 由此可见下文关于肩带和它们上面的雕刻物所阐述的细节表示什么, 即表示用一切努力和能力对良善和真理的永久保存, 因而对天堂的保存. 刻有以色列人名字的这些石头安在以弗得的肩带上, 以此代表属灵国度的最外在部分, 因为一切保存取决于最后和最低层的状况. 事实上, 一切内层事物都在那里终止, 为自己形成一个基础层面, 以便止于其上, 并在上面持续存在. 最后和最低层就像整个身体站立的脚底和双脚, 也像手和臂, 身体通过手和臂行使力量. 此外, 身体的力气都集中在那里. 这也解释了为何手和臂, 以及脚底和脚对应于天堂的最后和最低部分. 能力和力量就存在于最后和最低的事物中, 这一事实在古教会由拿细耳人和他们的头发来代表, 因为他们的力量就存在于头发中, 这从参孙 ( 14:0-16:0), 以及他们的神圣 (3301节) 明显看出来. 他们的头发是他们的离俗, 头发对应于良善和真理的最低层, 或最低层的良善和真理 (参看3301, 5247, 6437节).

能力存在于最后和最低事物中, 以及内层在其适当状况下的保存, 能被那些了解自然界中连续和同步事物是怎么回事的人理解; 即: 连续事物最终都聚集到最后和最低层, 在那里按同样的次序并排存在. 因此, 最后和最低的同步事物服务于在先的连续事物, 如同它们可以倚靠并由此得以保存的相应支撑.

“肩或肩膀, 肩头” 表示在抵抗, 破坏, 或迫使时所用的一切力量和能力. 这一点明显可见于这些经文:

你们用胁边用肩膀拥挤, 又用角骶触一切瘦弱的羊, 以致使它们四散在外.(以西结书 34:21)


埃及向以色列家成了芦苇的杖. 他们用手持住你, 你就断折, 刺开他们整个肩.(以西结书 29:6, 7)

“刺开整个肩” 表示剥夺领悟真理的一切能力;

“埃及” 是指造成这种剥夺的扭曲的记忆知识.


他们却不肯听从, 扭转顽梗的肩头.(撒迦利亚书 7:11)

“扭转顽梗” 表示抵抗. 诗篇:

他们想出恶计, 却不得逞; 因为你必用肩膀对抗他们.(诗篇 21:11, 12)

“用肩膀对抗他们” 也表示抵抗, 因而表示能力.

“肩或肩膀, 肩头” 表示能力, 这一点从来世的代表明显看出来, 在那里, 那些抵抗的人看似用肩膀对抗.

放在肩膀上并用肩膀扛表示用一切努力和能力在良善和真理的状态下永久保存. 这一点清楚可见于以赛亚书:

列族必将你的众子怀中抱来, 将你的众女肩上扛来.(以赛亚书 49:22)


“众子” 表示真理,

“众女” 表示良善;

“肩上扛来” 表示保存他们. 在其适当状况下保存良善也由在从埃及出来, 将抟面盆扛在肩头上时的以色列人来代表 (出埃及记 12:34), 又由在肩头上抬圣物的歌辖子孙来代表 (民数记 7:9). 这解释了为何通过对应说话的主论到找到的那失去的羊说,

“就欢欢喜喜地把它扛在肩上” (路加福音 15:5);

“失去又找着的羊” 是指与悔改, 清醒过来的人同住的良善.

由于 “扛在肩上” 具有这种含义, 故经上也论到那些喜爱并保存金银的人说,

“他们将它们扛在肩上” (以赛亚书 46:7).

“扛” 也表示将某物保持在它的适当状态或状况中 (参看9500节). 由此明显可知刻在以弗得的肩带上所安的两块红玛瑙石上的以色列人的名字表示什么, 以及亚伦要把它们担在两肩上, 作为纪念 (28:12) 表示什么.

“担在肩上” 当论及臣服时, 表示奴役 (参看创世记 49:15; 诗篇 81:6; 以赛亚书 9:4; 10:27; 马太福音 23:4; 西番雅书 3:9); 但当论及统治权时, 表示至高无上的权柄 (以赛亚书 9:6; 22:22).

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Thanks to our friends at for their permission to use this translation on the New Christian Bible Study site. ( 衷心感谢”史威登堡著作中文网”许可我们使用该中文译文)

Ze Swedenborgových děl


Arcana Coelestia # 1288

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1288. That 'words were one' means that they held to the same doctrine in its particular details is clear from what has been stated already, for 'lip' means doctrine in general, as has been shown, while 'words' means doctrine in detail, that is, particular details of doctrine. These, as has been stated make no difference provided they have the same end in view, which is to love the Lord above all things and the neighbour as oneself. When they do so they are the details that contribute to the general whole.

[2] That 'the Word' means all doctrine concerning charity and faith derived from it and that 'words' means the details that constitute doctrine is clear in David,

I will confess You with uprightness of heart, when I learn Your righteous judgements I will keep Your statutes. How will a young man make pure his path? By observing Your Word. With my whole heart I have sought You; cause me not to wander from Your commandments I have laid up Your Word in my heart that I might not sin against You. Blessed are You, O Jehovah; teach me Your statutes! With my lips I have declared all the judgements of Your mouth. I have rejoiced in the way of Your testimonies. I meditate on Your commands and look to Your ways. I delight in Your statutes, I do not forget Your Word. Psalms 119:7-16.

'The Word' stands for doctrine in general. The fact that here commandments, judgements, testimonies, commands, statutes, way, and lips, are distinguished shows plainly that they are all features of the Word, that is, of doctrine. The same applies wherever else in the Word these terms are used with different meanings.

[3] In the same author,

A love song. My heart is pondering 1 a goodly theme. 2 My tongue is the pen of a ready scribe You are the fairest of the sons of man. Grace has poured out from your lips. Ride on the word of truth, and of the meekness of righteousness Your right hand will teach you marvellous things. Psalms 45:1-2, 4.

'Riding on the word of truth, and of the meekness of righteousness' is teaching the doctrine of truth and good. Here, as elsewhere in the Word, word, mouth, lip, and tongue mean differing things. The fact that they all have to do with doctrine concerning charity is clear because it is called 'a love song', and it is to this doctrine that 'the fairest of the sons of man', 'grace on the lips', and 'a right hand that teaches marvellous things' have reference.

[4] In Isaiah,

The Lord 3 has sent a word into Jacob, and it has fallen on Israel. Isaiah 9:8.

'A word' stands for the doctrine of internal and external worship. Here 'Jacob' stands for external worship, 'Israel' for internal. In Matthew,

Jesus said, Man does not live by bread alone, but by every word that goes out of the mouth of God. Matthew 4:4.

In the same gospel,

When anyone hears the word of the kingdom and does not give heed to it, the evil one comes and snatches away what has been sown in his heart. Matthew 13:19

'The word' is again referred to in verses 20-23 of that chapter. In the same gospel,

Heaven and earth will pass away, but My words will not pass away. Matthew 24:35.

Here 'word' stands for the Lord's doctrine and 'words' for the things that constitute His doctrine.

[5] Since the term 'words' stands for everything that constitutes doctrine the Ten Commandments are therefore called 'words' in Moses,

Jehovah. wrote on the tables the words of the covenant, the ten words. Exodus 34:28.

In the same author,

He declared to you His covenant which He commanded you to perform, the ten words, and He wrote them on two tables of stone. Deuteronomy 4:13; 10:4.

In the same author,

Take heed, and guard your soul diligently, lest perhaps you forget the things 4 which your eyes have seen. Deuteronomy 4:9.

And there are further examples besides these.

Poznámky pod čarou:

1. The first Latin edition reads voluit (has willed) but comparison with the original Hebrew shows that volvit (is turning over or is pondering) is intended.

2. literally, a good word

3. The Latin has Jehovah but the Hebrew has the name meaning Lord, which Swedenborg has in another place where he quotes this verse.

4. literally, the words

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Thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.