

以西結書 16



1 耶和華的又臨到我說:

2 人子啊,你要使耶路撒冷知道他那些可憎的事,

3 耶和華耶路撒冷如此:你根本,你出世,是在迦南;你父親是亞摩利人,你母親是赫人。

4 論到你出世的景況,在你初生的日子沒有為你斷臍帶,也沒有用你,使你潔淨,絲毫沒有撒鹽在你身上,也沒有用布裹你。

5 誰的眼也不可憐你,為你做件這樣的事憐恤你;但你初生的日子扔在田野,是因你被厭惡。

6 我從你旁邊經過,見你滾在血中,就對你:你雖在血中,仍可存活;你雖在血中,仍可存活。

7 我使你生長好像田間所長的,你就漸漸長大,以致極其俊美,兩乳成形,頭髮長成,你卻仍然赤身露體。

8 我從你旁邊經過,見你的時候正動愛情,便用衣襟搭在你身上,遮蓋你的赤體;又向你起誓,與你結盟,你就歸於我。這是耶和華的。

9 那時我用你,洗淨你身上的血,又用抹你。

10 我也使你身穿繡花衣服,腳穿海狗皮鞋,並用細麻布給你束腰,用綢為衣披在你身上,

11 又用妝飾打扮你,將鐲子戴在你上,將金鍊戴在你項上。

12 我也將環子戴在你鼻子上,將耳環戴在你耳朵上,將華冠戴在你上。

13 這樣,你就有的妝飾,穿的是細麻衣和綢,並繡花衣;的是細麵、蜂蜜,並。你也極其美貌,發達到王后的尊榮。

14 你美貌的名聲傳在列邦中,你十分美貌,是因我加在你身上的威榮。這是耶和華的。

15 只是你仗著自己的美貌,又因你的名聲就行邪淫。你縱情淫亂,使過路的任意而行。

16 你用衣服為自己在處結彩,在其上行邪淫。這樣的事將必沒有,也必不再行了。

17 你又將我所你那華美的、寶器為自己製造人像,與他行邪淫;

18 又用你的繡花衣服給他披上,並將我的膏和香料擺在他跟前;

19 又將我賜你的食物,就是我賜的細麵、,和蜂蜜,都擺在他跟前為馨的供物。這是耶和華的。

20 並且你將給我所生的兒女焚獻給他。

21 你行淫亂豈是小事,竟將我的兒女殺了,使他們經火歸與他麼?

22 你行這一切可憎和淫亂的事,並未追念你幼年赤身露體滾在血中的日子。

23 你行這一切惡事之耶和華:你有禍了!有禍了!)

24 又為自己建造圓頂花樓,在各街上做了臺。

25 你在一切市口上建造臺,使你的美貌變為可憎的,又與一切過的多行淫亂。

26 你也和你鄰邦放縱情慾的埃及人行淫,加增你的淫亂,惹我發怒。

27 因此我伸攻擊你,減少你應用的糧食,又將你交恨你的非利士眾女(眾女是城邑的意思;本章下同),使他們任意待你。他們見你的淫行,為你羞恥。

28 你因貪色無厭,又與亞述人行淫,與他們行淫之後,仍不滿意

29 並且多行淫亂,直到那貿易之,就是迦勒底,你仍不滿意

30 耶和華:你行這一切事,都是不知羞恥妓女所行的,可見你的心是何等懦弱!

31 因你在一切市口上建造圓頂花樓,在各街上做了臺,你卻藐視賞賜,不像妓女

32 哎!你這行淫的妻啊,寧肯接外人,不接丈夫

33 妓女是得人贈送,你反倒贈送你所的人,賄賂他們從四圍與你行淫。

34 你行淫與別的婦女相反,因為不是人從你行淫;你既贈送人,人並不贈送你;所以你與別的婦女相反。

35 你這妓女啊,要耶和華的

36 耶和華如此:因你的污穢傾洩了,你與你所的行淫露出下體,又因你拜一切可憎的偶像,流兒女的血獻他,

37 我就要將你一切相歡相的和你一切所恨的都聚集來,從四圍攻擊你;又將你的下體露出,使他們盡了。

38 我也要審判你,好像官長審判淫婦和流人血的婦女一樣。我因忿怒忌恨,使流血的罪歸到你身上。

39 我又要將你交在他們中;他們必拆毀你的圓頂花樓,毀壞你的臺,剝去你的衣服,奪取你的華美寶器,留下你赤身露體。

40 他們也必帶多人來攻擊你,用石頭打死你,用刀刺透你,

41 焚燒你的房屋,在許多婦人眼前向你施行審判。我必使你不再行淫,也不再贈送與人。

42 這樣,我就止息向你發的忿怒,我的忌恨也要離開你,我要安靜不再惱怒。

43 因你不追念你幼年的日子,在這一切的事上向我發烈怒,所以我必照你所行的報應在你上,你就不再貪淫,行那一切可憎的事。這是耶和華的。

44 俗語的必用俗語攻擊你,母親怎樣,女兒也怎樣。

45 你正是你母親的女兒,厭棄丈夫和兒女;你正是你姊妹的姊妹,厭棄丈夫和兒女。你母親是赫人,你父親是亞摩利人。

46 你的姊姊是撒瑪利亞,他和他的眾女在你左邊;你的妹妹所多瑪,他和他的眾女在你右邊。

47 你沒有效法他們的行為,也沒有照他們可憎的事去做,你以那為小事,你一切所行的倒比他們更壞。

48 耶和華:我指著我的永生起誓,你妹妹所多瑪與他的眾女尚未行你和你眾女所行的事。

49 看哪,你妹妹所多瑪的罪孽是這樣:他和他的眾女都心驕氣傲,糧食飽足,大享安逸,並沒有扶助困苦和窮乏人的

50 他們狂傲,在我面前行可憎的事,我見便將他們除掉。

51 撒瑪利亞沒有犯你一半的,你行可憎的事比他更多,使你的姊妹因你所行一切可憎的事,倒顯為義。

52 你既斷定你姊妹為(為:或譯當受羞辱),就要擔當自己的羞辱;因你所犯的比他們更為可憎,他們就比你更顯為;你既使你的姊妹顯為,你就要抱愧擔當自己的羞辱

53 我必叫他們被擄的歸回,就是叫所多瑪和他的眾女,撒瑪利亞和他的眾女,並你們中間被擄的,都要歸回,

54 好使你擔當自己的羞辱,並因你一切所行的使他們得安慰,你就抱愧。

55 你的妹妹所多瑪和他的眾女必歸回原位;撒瑪利亞和他的眾女,你和你的眾女,也必歸回原位。

56 在你驕傲的日子,你的惡行沒有顯露以先,你的就不提你的妹妹所多瑪。那受了凌辱的亞蘭眾女和亞蘭四圍非利士的眾女都恨惡你,藐視你。

57 a

58 耶和華:你貪淫和可憎的事,你已經擔當了。

59 耶和華如此:你這輕看誓言、背棄盟約的,我必照你所行的待你。

60 然而我要追念在你幼年時與你所立的約,也要與你立定永約。

61 你接待你姊姊和你妹妹的時候,你要追念你所行的,自覺慚愧;並且我要將他們賜你為女兒,卻不是按著前約。

62 我要堅定與你所立的約(你就知道我是耶和華),

63 好使你在我赦免你一切所行的時候,心裡追念,自覺抱愧,又因你的羞辱就不再開。這是耶和華的。




路加福音 22



1 除酵節,又名逾越節,近了。

2 祭司長和文士想法子怎麼才能殺害耶穌,是因他們懼怕百姓。

3 這時,撒但入了那稱為加略人猶大的心;他本是十二門徒裡的一個。

4 他去和祭司長並守殿官商量,怎麼可以把耶穌交給他們。

5 他們歡喜,就約定給他銀子。

6 他應允了,就找機會,要趁眾人不在跟前的時候把耶穌交給他們。

7 除酵節,須宰逾越羊羔的那一天到了。

8 耶穌打發彼得、約翰,:你們去為我們預備逾越節的筵席,好叫我們吃。

9 他們問他:要我們在那裡預備?

10 耶穌:你們進了城,必有人拿著一瓶水迎面而來,你們就跟著他,到他所進的房子裡去,

11 對那家的主人:夫子:客房在那裡?我與門徒好在那裡吃逾越節的筵席。

12 他必指給你們擺設整齊的一間大樓,你們就在那裡預備。

13 他們去了,所遇見的正如耶穌所的;他們就預備了逾越節的筵席。

14 時候到了,耶穌席,使徒也和他同

15 耶穌對他們:我很願意在受害以先和你們吃這逾越節的筵席。

16 告訴你們,我不再吃這筵席,直到成就在神的國裡。

17 耶穌接過杯來,祝謝了,:你們拿這個,大家分著喝。

18 告訴你們,從今以後,我不再喝這葡萄汁,直等神的國到。

19 又拿起餅來,祝謝了,就擘開,遞給他們,說:這是我的身體,為你們捨的,你們也應當如此行,為的是記念我。

20 飯後也照樣拿起杯來,:這杯是用我血所立的新約,是為你們流出來的。

21 看哪!那賣我之人的手與我一同在桌子上。

22 人子固然要照所預定的去世,但賣人子的人有了!

23 他們就彼此對問,是那一個要做這事。

24 門徒起了爭論,他們中間那一個可算為大。

25 耶穌:外邦人有君王為主治理他們,那掌權管他們的稱為恩主。

26 但你們不可這樣;你們裡頭為大的,倒要像年幼的;為首領的,倒要像服事人的。

27 是誰為大?是席的呢?是服事人的呢?不是席的大麼?然而,我在你們中間如同服事人的。

28 我在磨煉之中,常和我同在的就是你們。

29 我將國賜給你們,正如我父賜給我一樣,

30 叫你們在我國裡,在我的席上吃喝,並且在寶座上,審判以色列十二個支派。

31 主又:西門!西門!撒但想要得著你們,好篩你們像篩麥子一樣;

32 但我已經為你祈求,叫你不至於失了信心,你回頭以後,要堅固你的弟兄。

33 彼得:主阿,我就是同你下監,同你受死,也是甘心!

34 耶穌彼得,我告訴你,今日雞還沒有叫,你要三次不認得我。

35 耶穌又對他們:我差你們出去的時候,沒有錢囊,沒有口袋,沒有鞋,你們缺少甚麼沒有?他們:沒有。

36 耶穌:但如今有錢囊的可以帶著,有口袋的也可以帶著,沒有刀的要賣衣服買刀。

37 告訴你們,經上:他被列在罪犯之中。這話必應驗在我身上;因為那關係我的事必然成就。

38 他們:主阿,請看!這裡有兩把刀。耶穌:夠了。

39 耶穌出來,照常往橄欖山去,門徒也跟隨他。

40 到了那地方,就對他們:你們要禱告,免得入了迷惑。

41 於是離開他們約有扔一塊石頭那麼遠,跪下禱告

42 說:父阿!你若願意,就把這杯撤去;然而,不要成就我的意思,只要成就你的意思。

43 有一位天使上顯現,加添他的力量。

44 耶穌極其傷痛,禱告更加懇切,汗珠如大血點滴在地上。

45 禱告完了,就起來,到門徒那裡,見他們因為憂愁都睡著了,

46 就對他們:你們為甚麼睡覺呢?起來禱告,免得入了迷惑!

47 說話之間,來了許多人。那十二個門徒裡名叫猶大的,走在前頭,就近耶穌,要與他親嘴。

48 耶穌對他:猶大!你用親嘴的暗號賣人子麼?

49 左右的人見光景不好,就:主阿﹗我們拿刀砍可以不可以?

50 內中有一個人把大祭司的僕人砍了一刀,削掉了他的右耳。

51 耶穌:到了這個地步,由他們罷!就摸那人的耳朵,把他治好了。

52 耶穌對那些來拿他的祭司長和守殿官並長老:你們帶著刀棒出來拿我,如同拿強盜麼?

53 我天天同你們在殿裡,你們不下手拿我。現在卻是你們的時候,黑暗掌權了。

54 他們拿住耶穌,把他帶到大祭司的宅裡。彼得遠遠的跟著。

55 他們在院子裡生了火,一同坐著彼得在他們中間。

56 有一個使女看見彼得在火光裡,就定睛看他,:這個人素來也是同那人一夥的。

57 彼得卻不承認,:女子,我不認得他。

58 過了不多的時候,又有一個人看見他,:你也是他們一黨的。彼得:你這個人!我不是。

59 約過了一小時,又有一個人極力的:他實在是同那人一夥的,因為他也是加利利人。

60 彼得:你這個人!我不曉得你的是甚麼!正話之間,雞就叫了。

61 過身來看彼得彼得便想起主對他所的話:今日雞叫以先,你要三次不認我。

62 他就出去痛哭。

63 看守耶穌的人戲弄他,打他,

64 又蒙著他的眼,:你是先知,告訴我們打你的是誰?

65 他們還用許多別的話辱罵他。

66 天一亮,民間的眾長老連祭司長帶文士都聚會,把耶穌帶到他們的公會裡,

67 :你若是基督,就告訴我們。耶穌:我若告訴你們,你們也不信;

68 我若問你們,你們也不回答

69 從今以後,人子要在神權能的右邊。

70 他們都:這樣,你是神的兒子麼?耶穌:你們所的是。

71 他們:何必再用見證呢?他親口所的,我們都親自見了。


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Arcana Coelestia # 9212

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9212. 'If you ever take your companion's clothing as a pledge' means if factual knowledge of truths is dispersed by illusions that are a product of sensory impressions. This is clear from the meaning of 'taking as a pledge' as receiving a token for goods that are supplied, for 'a pledge' is a token for goods that are being lent. When spiritual things are understood instead of these, supplying goods means giving instruction in truths, and the token or pledge in this instance means truth on the level of the senses. For 'the clothing' here which is given as a pledge means the lowest level of the natural, which is that of the senses. Since illusions abound on this level and illusions wipe out truths, 'taking your companion's clothing as a pledge' means the dispersing of truths by illusions that are a product of sensory impressions. The fact that these things are meant is clear from the whole train of thought in the internal sense.

[2] In general 'clothing' means everything that clothes another, and so whatever is relatively more external. Consequently the external or natural man is called the clothing in relation to the internal or spiritual man. In a similar way truth is called the clothing in relation to good, because truth clothes good; likewise factual knowledge of truth in relation to the truth of faith which belongs to the internal man. Sensory perception, which constitutes the lowest level of life with a person, is the clothing in relation to factual knowledge of truth.

'Clothes' are lower things that cover higher ones, or what amounts to the same thing, exterior things that cover interior ones, see 2576, 5248. In general they are truths, 4545, 4763, 5319, 5954, 6914, 6917, 9093, factual knowledge of truths, 6918, or truths on the level of the senses, 9158. Sensory perception constitutes the lowest level of life with a person, 4009, 5077, 5125, 5128, 5767, 5774, 6201, 6313, 7442, 7693, and sensory perception is subject to illusions, 5084, 5089, 6201, 6948, 6949, 7442.

[3] The meaning of 'clothes' as truths owes its origin to representatives in the next life. There angels and spirits appear dressed in clothes in keeping with the state of faith or truth that is theirs, and their clothes are varied in keeping with the changes which that state undergoes. Those governed by authentic truth appear dressed in white garments, and those governed by truths springing from good in shining ones. But those governed purely by good, as angels of the inmost heaven are, called celestial angels, appear naked. So it is then that clothes are truths, and that truths are meant in the Word by 'clothes', as may be seen from places referred to above. To these places let the following in the Gospels be added:

[4] In Matthew,

When Jesus was transfigured His face shone like the sun, and His garments became [white] as the light. Matthew 17:2.

'Face' in the Word means the interiors, in particular the affections, 358, 1999, 2434, 3527, 3573, 4066, 4796, 4797, 5102, 5695, 6604, 6848, 6849, and 'God's face' Goodness itself, 222, 223, 5585. 'The sun' means God's love, 2441, 2495, 3636, 3643, 4060, 4321 (end), 4696, 7083, 8644. From this it is evident what the meaning is when it says that the Lord's face shone like the Sun, namely that His interiors were the Good of Divine Love. 'His garments became [white] as the light' means Divine Truth radiating from Him, which also appears in heaven as the light, 1521, 1619-1632, 3195, 3222, 3485, 3636, 3643, 4415, 5400, 8644.

[5] In the same gospel,

When Jesus drew near to Jerusalem they brought the she-ass and the colt and laid their garments on them and set Him on them. But a very great crowd spread their garments on the road, while others were breaking off branches from trees and spreading them on the road. Matthew 21:1, 7-8.

Riding on a she-ass and her colt was a representative sign of the Supreme Judge and King, see 2781, as also is evident from what comes before in verse 5,

Tell the daughter of Zion, Behold, your King is coming to you, meek, seated on a she-ass, and on a colt, the foal of a beast of burden.

It is also evident in Mark 11:1-12; in Luke 19:28-41; in John 12:12-16; and in Zechariah 9:9-10, where it says of the Lord that He would ride on an ass, and on a young ass, a son of she-asses. There He is called a King, and in addition it says that His dominion will be from sea even to sea, and from the River even to the ends of the earth. The fact that the supreme judge rode on a she-ass, and his sons on young asses, see Judges 5:9-10; 10:3-4; 12:14; and that the king rode on a she-mule, and the king's sons on mules, 1 Kings 1:33, 38, 44-45; 2 Samuel 13:29.

[6] When the disciples laid their garments on the she-ass and her colt, it represented the recognition that truths in their entirety were the foundation on which the Lord as supreme Judge and King rested; for the disciples represented the Lord's Church in respect of truths and forms of good, see 2129, 3488, 3858 (end), 6397, and their garments truths themselves, 4545, 4763, 5319, 5954, 6914, 6917, 9093. This same recognition was likewise represented when the crowd spread their garments, also the branches of trees, on the road. Another reason why they spread them on the road was that 'the road' means the truth by means of which a member of the Church is led, see 627, 2333, 3477. And the reason why they also spread the branches of trees was that 'trees' meant perceptions and also cognitions or knowledge of truth and good, 2682, 2722, 2972, 4552, 7692, so that their branches are the truths themselves. Those actions were also performed then because it was customary for the chief persons among the people to lay their garments on supreme judges and kings' she-asses and mules when they rode in pomp on them, and for the people themselves to spread their garments on the road, or the branches of trees instead. For in heaven judgeship consists in Divine Truth derived from Good, and kingship in Divine Truth, 1728, 2015, 2069, 3009, 4581, 4966, 5044, 5068, 6148.

[7] In Luke,

No one adds a piece of a new garment onto an old garment; in doing so he splits the new, and the binding from the new is unsuitable for the old.

Luke 5:36.

The Lord used this comparison to describe the truth of the new Church and the truth of the old Church; for 'garment' means truth. Sewing on one or binding it to the other means destroying both; for the truth of the new Church is interior truth, thus truth for the internal man, whereas the truth of the old Church is exterior truth, thus truth for the external man. The latter kind of truth prevailed in the Jewish Church, for by means of external things this Church represented internal ones, whereas the Church of today has knowledge of the internal truths that were represented then, because the Lord has revealed them. The fact that these truths are not suited to external ones in such a way that they can exist together is what the words used by the Lord serve to mean. From all this also it is evident that 'garment' means the Church's truth.

[8] In John,

Jesus said to Peter, Truly, truly I say to you, When you were a boy you girded your loins and walked where you wished. But when you are old you will stretch out your hands, [and] another will gird your loins and lead you where you do not wish. John 21:18.

No one without knowledge of the internal sense can see what these words imply; plainly, they contain arcana. In the internal sense 'Peter' means the Church's faith, see the Prefaces to Genesis 18, 22, and 3750, 6000, 6073 (end), 6344 (end). Consequently Peter when he was a boy means the nature of the Church's faith as it is initially, and Peter when he would be old means the nature of the Church's faith as it is finally. From this it is evident what 'when you were a boy you girded your loins and walked where you wished' means, namely that the Church's faith as it is initially is faith composed of truth derived from good, thus faith composed of charity towards the neighbour and of love to the Lord. And at this time a member of the Church in doing what is good acts freely, because his actions spring from the Lord. For aspects of the good of love are meant by 'the loins', 3021, 3294, 4280, 4575, 5050-5062, so that 'girding the loins' means clothing good with truths; and living is meant by 'walking', 519, 1794, 8417, 8420, so that 'walking where one wishes' means leading a life that is free. Those people lead a life that is free, or act freely, whose faith springs from love to the Lord and charity towards the neighbour; for they are led by the Lord, 892, 905, 2870-2893, 6325, 9096. 'When you are old you will stretch out your hands, and another will gird your loins and lead you where you do not wish' means that the Church's faith as it is finally will be none at all, at which time falsities that arise from evil springing from self-love and love of the world will take the place of faith and enslave it. This is the arcanum which these words spoken by Lord contain and which can be seen only from their internal sense. All this shows once again the kind of way in which the Lord spoke, namely in such a way that an inner meaning might be present within every detail, to the end that heaven might be joined to the world by means of the Word. For without the Word, that is, without Divine Truth that has been revealed, they are not joined together; and if they are not so joined the human race perishes.

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Thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.