

出埃及記 32



1 百姓見摩西遲延不,就大家聚集到亞倫那裡,對他起來!為我們像,可以在我們前面引路;因為領我們埃及的那個摩西我們知道他遭了甚麼事。

2 亞倫對他們:你們去摘下你們妻子、兒女耳上的環,拿來給我。

3 百姓就都摘下他們耳上的環,拿來給亞倫

4 亞倫從他們裡接過來,鑄了一隻犢,用雕刻的器具做成。他們就以色列阿,這是領你出埃及

5 亞倫見,就在牛犢面前築,且宣告:明日要向耶和華守節。

6 次日清,百姓起來獻燔祭和平安祭,就起來玩耍。

7 耶和華吩咐摩西去罷,因為你的百姓,就是你從埃及領出來的,已經敗壞了。

8 他們快快偏離了我所吩咐的道,為自己鑄了一隻犢,向他下拜獻祭,以色列阿,這就是領你出埃及

9 耶和華摩西:我這百姓真是硬著頸項的百姓。

10 你且由著我,我要向他們發烈怒,將他們滅絕,使你的後裔成為國。

11 摩西便懇求耶和華─他的耶和華阿,你為甚麼向你的百姓發烈怒呢?這百姓是你用力和能的埃及領出來的。

12 為甚麼使埃及人議論他領他們出去,是要降禍與他們,把他們殺在中,將他們從地上除滅?求你意,不發你的烈怒,後悔,不降禍與你的百姓。

13 求你記念你的僕人亞伯拉罕以撒以色列。你曾指著自己起誓:我必使你們的後裔像上的那樣多,並且我所應許的這全,必你們的後裔,他們要永遠承受為業。

14 於是耶和華後悔,不把所的禍降與他的百姓。

15 摩西轉身裡拿著兩塊法版。這版是兩面的,這面那面有字,

16 工作,字是的,刻在版上。

17 約書亞一見百姓呼喊的聲音,就對摩西:在裡有爭戰的聲音。

18 摩西:這不是人打勝仗的聲音,也不是人打敗仗的聲音,我所見的乃是人歌唱的聲音。

19 摩西挨近前就犢,又見人跳舞,便發烈怒,把兩塊版扔在摔碎了,

20 又將他們所鑄的犢用焚燒,磨得粉,撒在面上,叫以色列人喝。

21 摩西亞倫:這百姓向你做了甚麼?你竟使他們陷在罪裡!

22 亞倫:求我不要發烈怒。這百姓專於作惡,是你知道的。

23 他們對我:你為我們像,可以在我們前面引路;因為領我們埃及的那個摩西我們知道他遭了甚麼事。

24 我對他們:凡有環的可以摘下來,他們就了我。我把環扔在中,這犢便出來了。

25 摩西見百姓放肆(亞倫縱容他們,使他們在仇敵中間被譏刺),

26 就站在中,:凡屬耶和華的,都要到我這裡來!於是利未的子孫都到他那裡聚集

27 他對他們耶和華以色列的這樣:你們各把刀跨在腰間,在中往來,從這到那,各殺他的弟兄與同伴並鄰舍。

28 利未的子孫照摩西的行了。那一天百姓中被殺的約有

29 摩西今天你們要自潔,歸耶和華為聖,各攻擊他的兒子和弟兄,使耶和華賜福與你們。

30 到了第二天,摩西對百姓:你們犯了。我如今要上耶和華那裡去,或者可以為你們贖罪

31 摩西回到耶和華那裡,:唉!這百姓犯了罪,為自己做了像。

32 倘或你肯赦免他們的……不然,求你從你所的冊上塗抹我的名。

33 耶和華摩西:誰得罪我,我就從我的冊上塗抹誰的名。

34 現在你去領這百姓,往我所告訴你的地方去,我的使者必在你前面引路;只是到我追討的日子,我必追討他們的

35 耶和華殺百姓的緣故是因他們同亞倫做了犢。


Ze Swedenborgových děl


属天的奥秘 # 9806

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9806. “你要使你的哥哥亚伦就近你” 表在主的神性人身里面, 神性真理与神性良善的结合. 这从摩西和 “亚伦” 的代表, 以及 “就近” 和 “哥哥” 的含义清楚可知: 此处使亚伦就近他自己的摩西是指神性真理方面的主 (参看6752, 6771, 7014, 9372节);

“就近” 是指结合与同在 (9378节);

“亚伦” 是指神性良善方面的主, 如下文所述;

“哥哥” 是指良善 (3303, 3803, 3815, 4121, 4191, 5686, 5692, 6756节). 由此明显可知,

“摩西使他的哥哥亚伦就近他” 表示在主里面, 神性真理与神性良善的结合, 之所以表示在祂的神性人身里面, 是因为这人身就是实现结合所在之地. 事实上, 主首先使祂的神性人身变成神性真理, 然后变成神性良善 (参看9199, 9315节所提到的地方). 之所以选亚伦供祭司职分, 是因为他是摩西的哥哥; 以这种方式同时也代表天上神性真理与神性良善的兄弟关系. 因为如前所述, 摩西代表神性真理, 亚伦代表神性良善.

宇宙中的每一个事物, 无论天上的还是世上的, 都与良善和真理有关, 好叫它可以成为某种事物. 因为良善是真理的存在, 真理是良善的显现. 因此, 没有真理的良善无法显现自身, 没有良善的真理没有真实的存在. 由此明显可知, 它们必须结合在一起. 在圣言中, 结合在一起的这二者由一对夫妻或两个兄弟来代表; 当论述的主题是天上的婚姻, 就是良善与真理的婚姻, 以及源于这婚姻的后代时, 就由一对夫妻来代表; 当论述的主题是两种供职, 就是审判和敬拜的供职时, 就由两个兄弟来代表. 那些供职审判的人被称为 “审判官”, 后来被称为 “王”; 那些供职敬拜的人被称为 “祭司”. 由于一切审判都通过真理来实现, 一切敬拜都源于良善, 所以在圣言中, 就从人抽象出来的意义而言,

“审判官” 表示基于良善的真理; 而 “王” 则表示带来良善的真理;

“祭司” 表示良善本身. 正因如此, 在圣言中, 当论述真理时, 主被称这 “审判官”, 还被称为 “先知”, 以及 “王”; 但当论述良善时, 则被称为 “祭司”. 当论述真理时, 祂同样被称为 “基督”,

“受膏者”, 或 “弥赛亚”; 但当论述良善时, 则被称为 “耶稣” 或 “救主”.

正是由于属于审判的真理和属于敬拜的良善的这种兄弟关系, 所以摩西的哥哥亚伦才被选供祭司职分. 因此,

“亚伦和他的家” 表示良善, 这一点从下列经文明显看出来:

以色列啊, 要信靠耶和华! 祂是他们的帮助和他们的盾牌. 亚伦家啊, 要信靠耶和华! 祂是他们的帮助和他们的盾牌. 耶和华记念我们, 赐福给我们, 赐福给以色列家, 祂要赐福给亚伦家.(诗篇 115:9, 10, 12)


愿以色列说, 祂的慈爱永远长存! 愿亚伦的家说, 祂的慈爱永远长存! (诗篇 118:2, 3)


以色列家啊, 你们要称颂耶和华! 亚伦家啊, 你们要称颂耶和华! (诗篇 135:19)

“以色列家” 表示那些处于真理的人;

“亚伦家” 表示那些处于良善的人; 因为在圣言中, 凡论述真理的地方, 也论述良善, 这是由于天上的婚姻 (9263, 9314节).

“以色列家” 表示那些处于真理的人 (参看5414, 5879, 5951, 7956, 8234节). 又:

耶和华打发祂的仆人摩西和祂所拣选的亚伦.(诗篇 105:26)

摩西之所以被称为 “仆人”, 是因为 “仆人” 论及真理 (3409节); 而 “拣选的” 论及良善 (3755节的末尾节). 又:

看哪, 弟兄和睦同居, 是何等的美善, 何等的喜悦! 这好比头上的美好的油, 流到胡须, 甚至流到亚伦的胡须, 又流到他衣裳的领口.(诗篇 133:1, 2)

人若不知道 “弟兄 (或兄弟)” 表示什么, 也不知道 “油”,


“胡须” 和 “衣裳” 表示什么, 同样不知道 “亚伦” 代表什么, 就不可能明白为何这些事物被比作弟兄同居, 因为从头流到亚伦的胡须, 由此流到他衣裳上的油, 与弟兄有何相似之处呢? 但这个对比的相似性从内义明显看出来, 就内义而言, 所论述的主题是良善进入真理的流注, 经上以这种方式来描述它们的兄弟关系. 因为 “油” 表示良善;

“亚伦的头” 表示良善的至内层;

“胡须” 表示它的最外层;

“衣裳” 表示真理,

“流到” 表示流注. 由此明显可知, 这些话表示良善从内层到外层进入真理的流注, 以及在那里的结合. 若没有内义, 谁能看出这些话包含天上的事物在里面?

“油” 表示爱之良善 (参看886, 4582, 4638, 9780节);

“头” 表示至内在之物 (5328, 6436, 7859, 9656节);

“胡须” 表示最外在之物, 这一点明显可见于以赛亚书 (7:20; 15:2), 耶利米书 (48:37) 和以西结书 (5:1);

“衣裳” 表示真理 (2576, 4545, 4763, 5319, 5954, 6914, 6917, 9093, 9212, 9216节);

“亚伦” 代表属天良善, 可参看前文.

从亚伦被选供祭司职分, 因而供职最神圣的事这一事实, 人们就能明白犹太教会中的代表是怎么回事, 即: 它们不关注代表的人, 而是关注这个人所代表的事物. 因此, 某种神圣事物, 甚至最神圣的事物也能由内在不洁净的人, 甚至偶像崇拜者来代表, 只要他们在进行敬拜时表面上能营造出一种神圣的氛围. 从以下摩西五经中的细节可以看出亚伦就是这样一个人:

亚伦从以色列人手里接过金子, 用凿子塑造它, 把它铸成一只牛犊. 亚伦就在牛犊面前筑坛; 亚伦宣告说, 明日要向耶和华守节.(出埃及记 32:4, 5, 25)


耶和华也向亚伦甚是发怒, 要灭绝他, 那时我又为亚伦祈祷.(申命记 9:20)

至于以色列和犹太民族当中的教会代表不关注人, 只关注所代表的事物本身, 可参看9229节所提到的地方.

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Thanks to our friends at for their permission to use this translation on the New Christian Bible Study site. ( 衷心感谢”史威登堡著作中文网”许可我们使用该中文译文)

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Arcana Coelestia # 1904

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1904. That 'Sarai, Abram's wife, took' means the affection for truth, which in the genuine sense is 'Sarai the wife', is clear from the meaning of 'Sarai' as truth allied to good, and from the meaning of 'wife' as affection, dealt with already in 915, 1468. There are two affections, distinct and separate - the affection for good and the affection for truth. While a person is being regenerated the affection for truth takes the lead, for it is an affection for truth for the sake of good that moves him; but once he has been regenerated the affection for good takes the lead, and it is now an affection for truth originating in good that moves him. The affection for good belongs to the will, the affection for truth to the understanding. The most ancient people established a marriage so to speak between these two affections. They used to refer to good (or the love of good) and truth (or the love of truth) as Man, calling the former 'the husband' and the latter 'the wife'. The comparison of good and truth to a marriage has its origins in the heavenly marriage.

[2] Regarded in themselves good and truth do not possess any life, but they derive their life from love or affection. They are merely the instruments that serve life. Consequently as is the love producing the affection for good and truth, so is the life; for the whole of life constitutes the whole of love or affection. This is why 'Sarai his wife' in the genuine sense means the affection for truth. And because the Intellectual desired the Rational as its offspring, and because what she says is an expression of that desire or affection, this verse contains the explicit wording, 'Sarai, Abram's wife, gave to Abram her husband' which would be an unnecessary repetition - for in themselves these words would be quite superfluous - if such matters were not embodied within the internal sense.

[3] Intellectual truth is distinct and separate from rational truth, and rational truth from factual truth, just as what is internal, what is intermediate, and what is external are. Intellectual truth is internal, rational truth is intermediate, while factual truth is external. These are quite distinct and separate because one is interior to another. With everyone intellectual truth, which is internal, or that present within the inmost part of him, is not his own but is the Lord's with him. From this the Lord flows into the rational, where truth first appears as if it were the person's own, and through the rational into his faculty of knowing. From these considerations it is clear that nobody can possibly think as of himself from intellectual truth, but from rational truth and factual truth because these do appear as if they were his.

[4] Only the Lord, when He lived in the world, thought from intellectual truth, for that truth was His own Divine truth joined to good, or the Divine spiritual joined to the Divine celestial. In this respect the Lord was different from all others. Man in no way possesses the ability to think from the Divine existing within himself as his essential self, nor can that ability possibly exist within man, only within Him who was conceived from Jehovah. Because He thought from intellectual truth, that is, from the love or affection for intellectual truth, from that truth also He desired the Rational. This is why it is stated here that 'Sarai, Abram's wife', by whom is meant the affection for intellectual truth, 'took Hagar the Egyptian and gave her to Abram her husband as his wife (mulier)'.

[5] No other arcana concealed here can be brought out and explained intelligibly because the human being dwells in very great obscurity regarding his own internals. Indeed he has no conception of these, for he identifies the rational and the intellectual degrees of the mind with the factual degree, not knowing that these degrees are distinct and separate, so distinct in fact that the intellectual is able to exist without the rational, as also can the rational, while subordinate to the intellectual, exist without the factual. This must inevitably seem absurd to those wholly immersed in factual knowledge, but it is nevertheless the truth. It is not possible however for anyone to have truth present in the factual degree of his mind, that is to say, to have an affection for it and a belief in it, if truth is not present in the rational, into which and through which the Lord flows in from the intellectual degree. These arcana do not lie open to man's view except in the next life.

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Thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.