

出埃及記 31



1 耶和華曉諭摩西

2 哪,猶大支派中,戶珥的孫子、烏利的兒子比撒列,我已經題他的名召他。

3 我也以我的靈充滿了他,使他有智慧,有聰明,有知識,能做各樣的工,

4 能想出巧工,用、銅製造各物,

5 又能刻寶,可以鑲嵌,能雕刻頭,能做各樣的工。

6 我分派但支派中、亞希撒抹的兒子亞何利亞伯與他同工。凡裡有智慧的,我更使他們有智慧,能做我一切所吩咐的,

7 就是會幕和法櫃,並其上的施恩座,與會幕中一切的器具,

8 桌子桌子的器具,精金的臺和臺的一切器具並香

9 祭壇的一切器具,並洗濯盆與盆座,

10 精工做的禮服,和祭司亞倫並他兒子用以供祭司職分的衣,

11 和為所用馨料。他們都要照我一切所吩咐的去做。

12 耶和華曉諭摩西

13 你要吩咐以色列人:你們務要守我的安息日;因為這是你我之間世世代的證據,使你們知道我─耶和華是叫你們成為的。

14 所以你們要守安息日,以為日。凡干犯這日的,必要把他治;凡在這日做工的,必從民中剪除。

15 日要做工,但第七日是安息日,是向耶和華守為的。凡在安息日做工的,必要把他治

16 故此,以色列人要世世代守安息日為永遠的約。

17 這是我和以色列人永遠的證據;因為日之內耶和華,第七日便安息舒暢。

18 耶和華在西乃摩西說完了話,就把兩塊法版交他,是用指頭版。






Generally, in the Word, writing signifies making something permanent or serious.

If knowing what’s right were the same as doing what’s right, we would all be thin, healthy, hard-working, law-abiding, faithful to our spouses and free of addiction, and the idea of a New Year’s resolution would not exist. Unfortunately, it’s all too easy to know what’s right, say what’s right, even believe what’s right and still do what’s wrong. If we don’t internalize it, make it a part of us, commit to it it doesn’t mean anything. That is essentially what “writing” means in the Bible – when something was written down, that meant it was permanent, taken to heart, impressed or inscribed on someone’s life – much more meaningful than what was simply said. Such a meaning is still reflected in modern language. If we’re serious about what we’re saying, we might tell someone to “write it down.” Things that are sure might be “written in stone,” harking back to ancient times. Police still want written confessions, and those in love still treasure hand-written notes. All that, of course, is in an age where everyone’s literate and writing is mostly electronic. Writing had far more significance in Biblical times, when few could write and writing materials were clumsy and expensive. For something to be written was significant.