

阿摩司書 4



1 你們住撒瑪利亞如巴珊母的啊,當我的─你們欺負貧寒的,壓碎窮乏的,對家:拿酒來,我們罷!

2 耶和華指著自己的聖潔起誓說:日子快到,人必用鉤子將你們鉤去,用魚鉤將你們餘剩的鉤去。

3 你們各人必從破口直往前行,投入哈門。這是耶和華的。

4 以色列人哪,任你們往伯特利去犯罪,到吉甲加增罪過;每日早晨獻上你們的祭物,每日奉上你們的十分之一

5 任你們獻有的感謝祭,把甘心祭宣傳報告給眾人,因為是你們所喜的。這是耶和華的。

6 我使你們在一切城中牙齒乾淨,在你們各處糧食缺乏,你們仍不歸向我。這是耶和華的。

7 在收割的前,我使停止,不降在你們那裡;我降在這城,不降在那城;這塊地有,那塊地無;無的就枯乾了。

8 這樣,兩城的人湊到城去找,卻不足;你們仍不歸向我。這是耶和華的。

9 我以旱風、霉爛攻擊你們,你們園中許多菜蔬、葡萄樹、無花果樹橄欖樹都被剪蟲所;你們仍不歸向我。這是耶和華的。

10 我降瘟疫在你們中間,像在埃及一樣;用刀殺戮你們的少年人,使你們的馬匹被擄掠,中屍首的臭氣撲鼻;你們仍不歸向我。這是耶和華的。

11 傾覆你們中間的城邑,如同我從前傾覆所多瑪、蛾摩拉一樣,使你們好像從火中抽出來的一根柴;你們仍不歸向我。這是耶和華的。

12 以色列啊,我必向你如此行;以色列啊,我既這樣行,你當預備迎見你的

13 那創、造、將心意指示人、使晨光變為幽暗、腳踏在處的,他的名是耶和華─萬軍之






Water is the basis of life, the essential ingredient in all drinks, and in the form of rivers, lakes and oceans supports life in myriad ways. The spiritual meaning of water is similarly basic: It represents truth in general, the ideas and concepts that guide us to do good things in our lives. In a more specific sense, it represents truth at its simplest level: the ideas we learn from the Bible and simply believe. Swedenborg refers to this as “natural” truth or “truths of faith.” They are not things we have explored, figured out or confirmed through life; rather they are things that we accept to be true because we’ve been told they are true. Like water, these ideas flow to us from other sources. And like water, they are ever-changing; to build something permanent we might look to the more permanent ideas represented by stones. But water is crucial to life, and so are these accepted ideas. Water can also, of course, be threatening. Rivers, lakes and oceans are inherently dangerous, and flooding was an ever greater threat in Biblical times than it is now. These aspects represent the opposite meaning – water as falsity, twisted ideas which support evil and can overwhelm and destroy us if we’re not careful.

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