

撒母耳記下 1


1 掃羅大衛擊殺亞瑪力人回來,在洗革拉了兩

2 第三,有一掃羅的裡出衣服撕裂蒙灰塵,到大衛面前伏叩拜。

3 大衛問他:你從哪裡?他:我從以色列的裡逃

4 大衛又問他:事情怎樣?請你告訴我。他回答:百姓從陣上逃跑,也有許多人仆倒亡;掃羅和他兒子約拿單也死了

5 大衛問報信的少年人:你怎麼知道掃羅和他兒子約拿單死了呢?

6 報信的少年人:我偶然到基利波,看見掃羅伏在自己槍上,有戰車、馬兵緊緊地追他。

7 他回頭見我,就呼叫我。我:我在這裡。

8 他問我:你是甚麼人?我:我是亞瑪力人。

9 :請你來,將我殺死;因為痛苦抓住我,我的生命尚存。

10 我準知他仆倒必不能活,就去將他殺死,把他上的冠冕、上的鐲子拿到我這裡。

11 大衛就撕裂衣服,跟隨他的人也是如此,

12 而且悲哀哭號,禁食到晚上,是因掃羅和他兒子約拿單,並耶和華的以色列家的人,倒在刀下。

13 大衛問報信的少年:你是哪裡的?他:我是亞瑪力客兒子

14 大衛:你伸殺害耶和華的受膏者,怎麼不畏懼呢?

15 大衛個少年人來,:你去殺他罷!

16 大衛對他:你流人血的罪歸到自己的上,因為你親作見證:我殺了耶和華的受膏者。少年人就把他殺了。

17 大衛哀歌,弔掃羅和他兒子約拿單,

18 且吩咐將這歌教導猶大人。這歌名叫歌,在雅煞珥上。

19 歌中說:以色列啊,你尊榮者在山上被殺!大英雄何竟亡!

20 不要在迦特報告;不要在亞實基倫街上傳揚;免得非利士的女子歡樂;免得未受割禮之人的女子矜誇。

21 基利波哪,願你那裡沒有!願你田地無土產可作供物!因為英雄的盾牌在那裡被污丟棄;掃羅的盾牌彷彿未曾抹

22 約拿單的弓箭非流敵人的血不退縮;掃羅的非剖勇士的油不收回。

23 掃羅和約拿單─活時相悅相,死時也不分離─他們比更快,比獅子還強。

24 以色列的女子啊,當為掃羅哭號!他曾使你們穿朱紅色的美衣,使你們衣服有黃的妝飾。

25 英雄何竟在陣上仆倒!約拿單何竟在山上被殺

26 我兄約拿單哪,我為你悲傷!我甚喜悅你!你向我發的愛情奇妙非常,過於婦女的愛情。

27 英雄何竟仆倒!戰具何竟滅沒!




"Hunting Camp on the Plains" by Henry Farny

To “dwell” somewhere, then, is significant – it’s much more than just visiting – but is less permanent than living there. And indeed, to dwell somewhere in the Bible represents entering that spiritual state and engaging it, but not necessary permanently. A “dwelling,” meanwhile, represents the various loves that inspire the person who inhabits it, from the most evil – “those dwelling in the shadow of death” in Isaiah 9, for example – to the exalted state of the tabernacle itself, which was built as a dwelling-place for the Lord and represents heaven in all its details. Many people were nomadic in Biblical times, especially the times of the Old Testament, and lived in tents that could be struck, moved and raised quickly. Others, of course, lived in houses, generally made of stone and wood and quite permanent. In between the two were larger, more elaborate tent-style structures called tabernacles or dwellings; the tabernacle Moses built for the Ark of the Covenant is on this model.