

撒母耳記上 8



1 撒母耳年紀老邁,就立他兒子作以色列的士師。

2 長子名叫約珥,次子名叫亞比亞;他們在別是巴作士師。

3 他兒子不行他的道,貪圖財利,收受賄賂,屈枉正直。

4 以色列的長老都聚集,拉瑪見撒母耳,

5 對他:你年紀老邁了,你兒子不行你的道。現在求你為我們立一個王治理我們,像列國一樣。

6 撒母耳不喜悅他們立一個王治理我們,他就禱告耶和華

7 耶和華對撒母耳:百姓向你的一切話,你只管依從;因為他們不是厭棄你,乃是厭棄我,不要我作他們的王。

8 自從我領他們出埃及到如今,他們常常離棄我,事奉別。現在他們向你所行的,是照他們素來所行的。

9 故此你要依從他們的話,只是當警戒他們,告訴他們將來那王怎樣管轄他們。

10 撒母耳將耶和華的都傳給求他立王的百姓,

11 管轄你們的王必這樣行:他必派你們的兒子為他趕車、跟馬,奔走在車前;

12 又派他們作夫長、五十夫長,為他耕種田地,收割莊稼,打造軍器和車上的器械;

13 必取你們的女兒為他製造香膏,做飯餅;

14 也必取你們最好的田地、葡萄園橄欖園賜他的臣僕。

15 你們的糧食和葡萄園所出的,他必取十分之一他的太監和臣僕;

16 又必取你們的僕人婢女,健壯的少年人和你們的,供他的差役。

17 你們的羊群,他必取十分之一,你們也必作他的僕人

18 那時你們必因所選的王哀求耶和華耶和華卻不應允你們。

19 百姓竟不肯撒母耳的話,:不然!我們定要一個王治理我們

20 使我們像列國一樣,有王治理我們,統領我們,為我們爭戰。

21 撒母耳見百姓這一切,就將這陳明在耶和華面前。

22 耶和華對撒母耳:你只管依從他們的話,為他們立王。撒母耳對以色列人:你們各歸各城去罷!






These days we tend to think of "roads" as smooth swaths of pavement and judge them by how fast we can drive cars on them. A "path" is something different, suitable only for walking or maybe bicycles, and a "way" has more to do with giving directions than any physical reality. When we get "lost" it usually means we're in a car on an unfamiliar road -- a far cry from being in the middle of a trackless wilderness with no idea which direction to go. The ancient world was very different, with isolated towns and endless square miles of trackless wilderness. Then a "way" was a set of landmarks to follow to get from one place to another through the wilderness. A "path" was a way used enough to leave a visible trace on the ground, and a "road" was a heavily used path, easily followed and walkable. So it makes sense that when used in the Bible, all three terms represent guiding truth, ideas that lead us where we want to go. This is pictured in the modern use of "way" -- when we talk about the "way" to do something or the "way" to get somewhere. We're talking about the correct, best, most efficient method of doing something or getting somewhere. And it's good information -- truth -- that helps us find that best way.