

撒母耳記上 18



1 大衛掃羅說完了話,約拿單的心與大衛的心深相契合。約拿單大衛,如同自己的性命。

2 那日掃羅留住大衛,不容他再回父家。

3 約拿單愛大衛如同愛自己的性命,就與他結盟。

4 約拿單從身上脫下外袍,大衛,又將戰衣、刀、腰帶了他。

5 掃羅無論差遣大衛往何處去,他都做事精明。掃羅就立他作戰士長,眾百姓和掃羅的臣僕無不喜悅。

6 大衛打死了那非利士人,同眾人回來的時候,婦女們從以色列各城裡出,歡歡喜喜,打擊磬,歌跳舞,迎接掃羅王。

7 眾婦女舞蹈唱和,掃羅殺死大衛殺死萬萬。

8 掃羅甚發怒,不喜悅這,就:將萬萬歸大衛歸我,只剩下王位沒有他了。

9 從這日起,掃羅就怒視大衛

10 次日,從那裡來的惡魔大大降在掃羅身上,他就在家中胡言亂語。大衛照常彈琴,掃羅裡拿著槍。

11 掃羅把槍一掄,心裡,我要將大衛刺透,釘在上。大衛躲避他兩次。

12 掃羅大衛;因為耶和華離開自己,與大衛同在。

13 所以掃羅使大衛離開自己,立他為夫長,他就領兵出入。

14 大衛做事無不精明,耶和華也與他同在。

15 掃羅見大衛做事精明,就甚怕他。

16 以色列猶大眾人都大衛,因為他領他們出入。

17 掃羅大衛:我將大女兒米拉你為妻,只要你為我奮勇,為耶和華爭戰。掃羅心裡:我不好親害他,要藉非利士人害他。

18 大衛掃羅:我是誰,我是甚麼出身,我父家在以色列中是何等的家,豈敢作王的女婿呢?

19 掃羅的女兒米拉到了當大衛的時候,掃羅了米何拉人亞得列為妻。

20 掃羅的次女米甲大衛。有人告訴掃羅掃羅就喜悅。

21 掃羅心裡:我將這女兒大衛,作他的網羅,好藉非利士人害他。所以掃羅大衛:你今日可以第二次作我的女婿。

22 掃羅吩咐臣僕:你們暗中對大衛:王喜悅你,王的臣僕也都喜你,所以你當作王的女婿。

23 掃羅的臣僕就照這大衛聽。大衛:你們以為作王的女婿是一件小事麼?我是貧窮卑微的

24 掃羅的臣僕回奏大衛的如此如此。

25 掃羅:你們要對大衛這樣:王不要甚麼聘禮,只要一非利士人的陽皮,好在王的仇敵身上報仇掃羅的意思要使大衛喪在非利士人裡。

26 掃羅的臣僕將這告訴大衛大衛就歡喜作王的女婿。日期還沒有到,

27 大衛和跟隨他的起身前往,殺了二非利士人,將陽皮滿數交王,為要作王的女婿。於是掃羅將女兒米甲大衛為妻。

28 掃羅耶和華大衛同在,又知道女兒米甲大衛

29 就更大衛,常作大衛的仇敵。

30 每逢非利士軍長出來打仗,大衛掃羅的臣僕做事精明,因此他的名被人尊重。




Man (male)

by Claude Lefebvre

The relationship between men and women is deep and nuanced, and one entire book of the Writings -- Conjugial Love -- is devoted to the subject. So we can hardly offer a full explanation here. In a very general sense, though, the Writings say that men are creatures of intellect, driven by the love of growing wise; women, meanwhile are creations of affection, driven by the love of wisdom and the good that wisdom can do. They are formed this way to reflect the Lord's Divine Love and Divine Wisdom, and so that they can form marriages that reflect the unity of Divine Love and Divine Wisdom. Marking differences between men and women can be a touchy thing, but realistically it's easy to see that men tend to love acquiring knowledge whether it has any practical application or not. Many of them can spout out sports statistics or hold court on the workings of the internal combustion engine, even though it is knowledge they are not likely to ever use. They find such knowledge interesting for its own sake. It follows, then, that when the Bible speaks of men, the men represent facts, ideas, knowledge, truth, intellect and wisdom -- or in the negative sense falsity, twisted logic, and reasoning that is devoid of concern for others.