

民数记 31



1 耶和华吩咐摩西

2 你要在米甸人身上报以色列人的仇,来要归到你列祖(原文作本民)那里。

3 摩西吩咐百姓:要从你们中间叫人带兵器出去攻击米甸,好在米甸人身上为耶和华报仇。

4 以色列众支派中,每支派要打发一人去打仗。

5 於是从以色列万人中,每支派交出一人,共一万二人,带着兵器预备打仗。

6 摩西就打发每支派的一人去打仗,并打发祭司以利亚撒的儿子非尼哈同去;非尼哈里拿着所的器皿和吹大声的号筒。

7 他们就照耶和华所吩咐摩西的,与米甸人打仗,杀了所有的男丁。

8 在所杀的人中,杀了米甸的五,就是以未、利金、苏珥、户珥、利巴,又用刀杀了比珥的儿子巴兰

9 以色列人掳了米甸人的妇女孩子,并将他们的牲畜、羊群,和所有的财物都夺了来,当作掳物,

10 又用焚烧他们所住的城邑和所有的营寨,

11 把一切所夺的、所掳的,连人带牲畜都带了去,

12 将所掳的人,所夺的牲畜、财物,都摩押平原,在约但河边与耶利哥相对的盘,交给摩西和祭司以利亚撒,并以色列的会众。

13 摩西和祭司以利亚撒,并会众一切的首领,都出到外迎接他们。

14 摩西向打仗回的军长,就是夫长、夫长,发怒,

15 对他们:你们要存留这一切妇的活命麽?

16 这些妇女,因巴兰的计谋,叫以色列人在毗珥的事上得罪耶和华

17 所以,你们要把一切的孩和所有已嫁的女子都杀了。

18 但女孩子中,凡没有出嫁的,你们都可以存留他的活命。

19 你们要在外驻扎日;凡杀了人的,和一切摸了被杀的,并你们所掳来的人口,第三日,第七日,都要洁净自己,

20 也要因一切的衣服物、山羊毛织的物,和各样的器,洁净自己。

21 祭司以利亚撒对打仗回的兵丁耶和华所吩咐摩西律法中的条例乃是这样:

22 、铜、、铅,

23 凡能见的,你们要叫他经就为洁净,然而还要用除污秽的洁净他;凡不能见的,你们要叫他过

24 第七日,你们要洗衣服,就为洁净,然可以进

25 耶和华晓谕摩西

26 祭司以利亚撒,并会众的各族长,要计算所掳来的人口牲畜的总数。

27 把所掳来的分作两半:一半归与出去打仗的精兵,一半归与全会众。

28 又要从出去打仗所得的人口、牛、羊群中,每五,作为贡物奉给耶和华

29 从他们一半之中,要取出来交祭司以利亚撒,作为耶和华的举祭。

30 以色列人半之中,就是从人口、牛、羊群、各样牲畜中,每五十,交看守耶和华帐幕的利未人。

31 於是摩西和祭司以利亚撒照耶和华所吩咐摩西的行了。

32 除了兵丁所夺的财物以外,所掳来的:十七万五只;

33 牛七万只;

34 六万匹;

35 女人共三万口,是没有出嫁的。

36 出去打仗之人的分,就是他们所得的那一半,共计三十只,

37 从其中归耶和华为贡物的,有十五只;

38 牛三万六只,从其中归耶和华为贡物的,有七十只;

39 三万零五匹,从其中归耶和华为贡物的,有六十匹;

40 人一万六口,从其中归耶和华的,有三十口。

41 摩西把贡物,就是归与耶和华的举祭,交祭司以利亚撒,是照耶和华所吩咐摩西的

42 以色列人所得的那一半,就是摩西从打仗的人取来分给他们的。

43 (会众的那一半有:三十只;

44 牛三万六只;

45 三万零五匹;

46 人一万六口。)

47 无论是人口是牲畜摩西五十,交看守耶和华帐幕的利未人,是照耶和华所吩咐摩西的

48 带领军的各军长,就是夫长、夫长,都近前来见摩西

49 对他仆人的兵已经计算总数,并不短少一

50 如今我们将各所得的器,就是脚炼子、镯子、打印的戒指耳环、手钏,都送来为耶和华的供物,好在耶和华面前为我们的生命赎罪。

51 摩西和祭司以利亚撒就收了他们的子,都是打成的器皿。

52 夫长、夫长所献给耶和华为举祭的子共有一万六五十舍客勒

53 各兵丁都为自己夺了财物。

54 摩西和祭司以利亚撒收了夫长、夫长的子,就会幕,在耶和华面前作为以色列人纪念





Napsal(a) Henry MacLagan (strojově přeloženo do 中文)





Ze Swedenborgových děl


Heaven and Hell # 510

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/ 603  

510. Everyone comes to his own society in which his spirit was in the world; for every man, as regards his spirit, is conjoined to some society, either infernal or heavenly, the evil man to an infernal society and the good man to a heavenly society, and to that society he is brought after death (see 438). The spirit is led to his society gradually, and at length enters it. When an evil spirit is in the state of his interiors he is turned by degrees towards his own society, and at length, before that state is ended, directly to it; and when that state is ended he himself casts himself into the hell where those are who are like himself. This act of casting down appears to the sight like one falling headlong with the head downwards and the feet upwards. The cause of this appearance is that the spirit himself is in an inverted order, having loved infernal things and rejected heavenly things. In this second state some evil spirits enter the hells and come out again by turns; but these do not appear to fall headlong as those do who are fully vastated. Moreover, the society itself in which they were as regards their spirit while in the world is shown to them when they are in the state of their exteriors, that they may thus learn that even while in the life of the body they were in hell, although not in the same state as those who are in hell itself; but in the same state as those who are in the world of spirits. Of this state, as compared with those who are in hell, more will be said in following sections.

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Thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.