

民数记 17



1 耶和华摩西

2 你晓谕以色列人,从他们手下取杖,每支派一根;从他们所有的首领,按着支派,共取十二根。你要将各名字在各的杖上,

3 并要将亚伦的名字在利未的杖上,因为各族长必有根杖。

4 你要把这些杖存在会幕内法柜前,就是我与你们相会之处。

5 後来我所拣选的那,他的杖必发芽。这样,我必使以色列人向你们所发的怨言止息,不再达到我耳中。

6 於是摩西晓谕以色列人,他们的首领就把杖交他,按着支派,每首领根,共有十二根;亚伦的杖也在其中。

7 摩西就把杖存在法柜的帐幕内,在耶和华面前。

8 第二天,摩西进法柜的帐幕去。谁知利未族亚伦的杖已经发了芽,生了苞,开了,结了熟杏。

9 摩西就把所有的杖从耶和华面前拿出来,给以色列;他们见了,各首领就把自己的杖拿去。

10 耶和华吩咐摩西:把亚伦的杖还放在法柜前,给这些背叛之子留作记号。这样,你就使他们向我发的怨言止息,免得他们亡。

11 摩西就这样行。耶和华怎样吩咐他,他就怎样行了。

12 以色列人摩西我们死喇!我们灭亡喇!都灭亡喇!

13 凡挨近耶和华帐幕的是必的。我们都要亡麽?





by Caleb Kerr

The heart means love. A good heart means love to the Lord and to the neighbor, while a hard or stony heart means the love of self or the world -- riches and things. When the psalmist asks the Lord to search his heart, he wants the Lord to see what it is that he loves. And we are what we love. What we eat may form our earthly body, but it's only temporary, what we love forms our spiritual body, beautiful or ugly as we have chosen. It's interesting to note that the first multi-cellular motion of our embryo is the pulsating that starts in a twist of blood vessel that is to become our heart, and the last motion of our natural body is our heartbeat. It is there for all of our natural life. And of course there is a beating heart in our spiritual bodies when we come to put them on.