

利未记 5



1 若有人见发誓的声音(或作:若有人见叫人发誓的声音),他本是见证,却不把所见的、所知道的说出来,这就是罪;他要担当他的罪孽。

2 或是有人摸了不洁的物,无论是不洁的死,是不洁的死畜,是不洁的死虫,他却不知道,因此成了不洁,就有了罪。

3 或是他摸了别人的污秽,无论是染了甚麽污秽,他却不知道,一知道了就有了罪。

4 或是有人嘴里冒失发誓,要行恶,要行善,无论人在甚麽事上冒失发誓,他却不知道知道了就要在这其中的件上有了罪。

5 他有了罪的时候,就要承认所犯的罪,

6 并要因所犯的,把他的赎愆祭牲─就是羊群中的母,或是一只羔,或是一只山羊─牵到耶和华面前为赎祭。至於他的,祭司要为他赎了。

7 他的力量若不够献只羊羔,就要因所犯的,把两只斑鸠或是两只雏鸽耶和华面前为赎愆祭:只作赎祭,只作燔祭。

8 把这些到祭司那里,祭司就要先把那赎祭献上,从鸟的颈项上揪下来,只是不可把鸟撕断,

9 也把些赎祭牲的血弹在的旁边,剩下的血要流在的脚那里;这是赎祭。

10 他要照例献第二只为燔祭。至於他所犯的,祭司要为他赎了,他必蒙赦免。

11 他的力量若不够献两只斑鸠或是两只雏鸽,就要因所犯的供物来,就是细面伊法十分之一为赎祭;不可加上,也不可加上乳香,因为是赎祭。

12 他要把供物到祭司那里,祭司要取出自己的一把作为纪念,按献给耶和华火祭的条例烧在上;这是赎祭。

13 至於他在这几件事中所犯的祭司要为他赎了,他必蒙赦免。剩下的面都归与祭司,和素祭样。

14 耶和华晓谕摩西

15 人若在耶和华的物上误犯了罪,有了过犯,就要照你所估的,按所的舍客勒子,将赎愆祭牲─就是羊群中一只没有残疾的公绵─牵到耶和华面前为赎愆祭;

16 并且他因在物上的差错要偿还,另外加五分之一,都祭司。祭司要用赎愆祭的公绵为他赎罪,他必蒙赦免。

17 若有人犯罪,行了耶和华所吩咐不可行的甚麽事,他虽然不知道,还是有了罪,就要担当他的罪孽;

18 也要照你所估定的价,从羊群中牵一只没有残疾的公绵,给祭司作赎愆祭。至於他误行的那错事,祭司要为他赎罪,他必蒙赦免。

19 这是赎愆祭,因他在耶和华面前实在有了罪。




Leviticus 16:2-20



2 and Yahweh said to Moses, "Tell Aaron your brother, not to come at all times into the Most Holy Place within the veil, before the mercy seat which is on the ark; lest he die: for I will appear in the cloud on the mercy seat.

3 "Herewith shall Aaron come into the sanctuary: with a young bull for a sin offering, and a ram for a burnt offering.

4 He shall put on the holy linen coat, and he shall have the linen breeches on his body, and shall put on the linen sash, and he shall be clothed with the linen turban. They are the holy garments. He shall bathe his body in water, and put them on.

5 He shall take from the congregation of the children of Israel two male goats for a sin offering, and one ram for a burnt offering.

6 "Aaron shall offer the bull of the sin offering, which is for himself, and make atonement for himself and for his house.

7 He shall take the two goats, and set them before Yahweh at the door of the Tent of Meeting.

8 Aaron shall cast lots for the two goats; one lot for Yahweh, and the other lot for the scapegoat.

9 Aaron shall present the goat on which the lot fell for Yahweh, and offer him for a sin offering.

10 But the goat, on which the lot fell for the scapegoat, shall be presented alive before Yahweh, to make atonement for him, to send him away for the scapegoat into the wilderness.

11 "Aaron shall present the bull of the sin offering, which is for himself, and shall make atonement for himself and for his house, and shall kill the bull of the sin offering which is for himself.

12 He shall take a censer full of coals of fire from off the altar before Yahweh, and two handfuls of sweet incense beaten small, and bring it within the veil:

13 and he shall put the incense on the fire before Yahweh, that the cloud of the incense may cover the mercy seat that is on the testimony, so that he will not die.

14 He shall take some of the blood of the bull, and sprinkle it with his finger on the mercy seat on the east; and before the mercy seat he shall sprinkle some of the blood with his finger seven times.

15 "Then he shall kill the goat of the sin offering, that is for the people, and bring his blood within the veil, and do with his blood as he did with the blood of the bull, and sprinkle it on the mercy seat, and before the mercy seat:

16 and he shall make atonement for the Holy Place, because of the uncleanness of the children of Israel, and because of their transgressions, even all their sins; and so he shall do for the Tent of Meeting, that dwells with them in the midst of their uncleanness.

17 No one shall be in the Tent of Meeting when he enters to make atonement in the Holy Place, until he comes out, and has made atonement for himself and for his household, and for all the assembly of Israel.

18 "He shall go out to the altar that is before Yahweh and make atonement for it, and shall take some of the bull's blood, and some of the goat's blood, and put it around on the horns of the altar.

19 He shall sprinkle some of the blood on it with his finger seven times, and cleanse it, and make it holy from the uncleanness of the children of Israel.

20 "When he has made an end of atoning for the Holy Place, the Tent of Meeting, and the altar, he shall present the live goat.