

士师记 10



1 亚比米勒以,有以萨迦朵多的孙子、普瓦的儿子陀拉兴起,拯以色列人。他以法莲地的沙密。

2 陀拉作以色列的士师二十三年,就死了,葬在沙密。

3 在他以有基列人睚珥兴起,作以色列的士师二十年。

4 他有三十个儿子,三十驹。他们有三十座城邑,作哈倭特睚珥,直到如今,都是在基列

5 睚珥死了,就葬在加们。

6 以色列人又行耶和华眼中看为恶的事,去事奉诸巴力和亚斯他录,并亚兰的、西顿的摩押、亚扪人的非利士人,离弃耶和华,不事奉他。

7 耶和华的怒气向以色列人发作,就把他们交在非利士人和亚扪人的中。

8 从那年起,他们扰害欺压约但河那边、住亚摩利人之基列以色列人,共有十八年。

9 亚扪人又渡过约但河去攻打犹大和便雅悯,并以法莲族。以色列人就甚觉窘迫。

10 以色列人哀求耶和华:我们得罪了你;因为离弃了我们,去事奉诸巴力。

11 耶和华以色列人:我岂没有过你们脱离埃及人、亚摩利人、亚扪人,和非利士人麽?

12 西顿人、亚玛力人、马云人也都欺压你们;你们哀求我,我也拯你们脱离他们的

13 你们竟离弃我,事奉别!所以我不再你们了。

14 你们去哀求所选择的;你们遭遇急难的时候,让他你们罢!

15 以色列人耶和华我们犯罪了,任凭你随意待我们罢!只求你今日拯救我们

16 以色列人就除掉他们中间的外邦,事奉耶和华耶和华以色列人受的苦难,就心中担忧。

17 当时亚扪人聚集,安营在基列。以色列人聚集,安营在米斯巴。

18 基列的民和众首领彼此商议:谁能先去攻打亚扪,谁必作基列一切居民的领袖。






To gather, as in Genesis 6:21, refers to things gathered together in the memory of man. It also implies that good things and truths should be gathered together in man before he is regenerated. To gather together in a place to battle, as in Revelation 16:1, signifies the start of combat against truths in defense of falsities. The ancients were accustomed to say that, when anyone died, that he was gathered to his fathers, or to his people, and they understood that he actually came to his parents, his relations and kinsfolk in another life. 'To be gathered to his fathers' means that a person would join the spiritual community sharing similar good loves. 'To be gathered to his people' means that a person would join the spiritual community that holds same true ideas.

(Odkazy: Apocalypse Explained 16; Arcana Coelestia 679, Genesis 10, 25, 25:10)