

约书亚记 11



1 夏琐王耶宾见这事,就打发人去见玛顿王约巴、伸仑王、押煞王,

2 北方地、基尼烈边的亚拉巴高原,并西边多珥冈的诸

3 又去见东方和西方的迦南人,与的亚摩利人、赫人、比利洗人、耶布斯人,并黑门根米斯巴的希未人。

4 这些王和他们的众军都出来,人数多如边的沙,并有许多马匹车辆。

5 这诸会合,到米伦水边,一同安营,要与以色列人争战。

6 耶和华对约书亚:你不要因他们惧。明日这时,我必将他们交付以色列人全然杀了。你要砍断他们的蹄筋,用焚烧他们的车辆。

7 於是约书亚率领一切兵丁,在米伦水边突然向前攻打他们。

8 耶和华将他们交在以色列人里,以色列人就击杀他们,追赶他们到西顿大城,到米斯利弗玛音,直到东边米斯巴的平原,将他们击杀,没有留下一个。

9 约书亚就照耶和华所吩咐他的去行,砍断他们的蹄筋,用焚烧他们的车辆。

10 当时,约书亚回夺了夏琐,用刀击杀夏琐王。(素来夏琐在这诸国中是为首的。)

11 以色列人用刀击杀城中的人,将他们尽行杀灭;凡有气息的没有留下一个。约书亚又用焚烧夏琐。

12 约书亚夺了这些的一切城邑,擒获其中的诸,用刀击杀他们,将他们尽行杀灭,正如耶和华仆人摩西所吩咐的。

13 至於造在山冈上的城,除了夏琐以外,以色列人都没有焚烧。约书亚只将夏琐焚烧了。

14 那些城邑所有的财物和牲畜以色列人都取为自己的掠物;惟有一切人都用刀击杀,直到杀尽;凡有气息的没有留下一个。

15 耶和华怎样吩咐他仆人摩西摩西就照样吩咐约书亚,约书亚也照样行。凡耶和华所吩咐摩西的,约书亚没有一件懈怠不行的。

16 约书亚夺了那全,就是、一带歌珊、高原、亚拉巴、以色列的,和下的高原。

17 从上西珥的哈拉,直到黑门利巴嫩平原的巴力迦得,并且擒获那些地的诸,将他们杀死。

18 约书亚和这诸争战了许多年日。

19 除了基遍的希未人之外,没有一城与以色列人讲和的,都是以色列人争战夺来的。

20 因为耶和华的意思是要使他们里刚硬,来与以色列人争战,好叫他们尽被杀灭,不蒙怜悯,正如耶和华所吩咐摩西的

21 当时约书亚到,将住地、希伯仑、底璧、亚拿伯、犹大地、以色列地所有的亚衲族人剪除了。约书亚将他们和他们的城邑尽都毁灭。

22 以色列人没有留下一个亚衲族人,只在迦萨、迦特,和亚实突有留下的。

23 这样,约书亚照着耶和华所吩咐摩西的一切话夺了那全,就按着以色列支派的宗族将他们为业。於是国中太平,没有争战了。






These days we tend to think of "roads" as smooth swaths of pavement and judge them by how fast we can drive cars on them. A "path" is something different, suitable only for walking or maybe bicycles, and a "way" has more to do with giving directions than any physical reality. When we get "lost" it usually means we're in a car on an unfamiliar road -- a far cry from being in the middle of a trackless wilderness with no idea which direction to go. The ancient world was very different, with isolated towns and endless square miles of trackless wilderness. Then a "way" was a set of landmarks to follow to get from one place to another through the wilderness. A "path" was a way used enough to leave a visible trace on the ground, and a "road" was a heavily used path, easily followed and walkable. So it makes sense that when used in the Bible, all three terms represent guiding truth, ideas that lead us where we want to go. This is pictured in the modern use of "way" -- when we talk about the "way" to do something or the "way" to get somewhere. We're talking about the correct, best, most efficient method of doing something or getting somewhere. And it's good information -- truth -- that helps us find that best way.