

何西阿书 8



1 你用口吹角罢!敌人如来攻打耶和华的家;因为这民违背我的约,干犯我的律法。

2 他们必呼叫我说:我的啊,我们以色列认识你了。

3 以色列丢弃良善(或译:福分);仇敌必追逼他。

4 他们立君王,却不由我;他们立首领,我却不认。他们用为自己制造偶像,以致被剪除。

5 撒玛利亚啊,耶和华已经丢弃你的犊;我的怒气向拜犊的人发作。他们到几时方能无罪呢?

6 犊出於以色列,是匠人所造的,并不是撒玛利亚犊必被打碎。

7 他们所种的是,所收的是暴;所种的不成禾稼,就是发苗也不结实;即便结实,外邦人必吃。

8 以色列吃;现今在列国中,好像人不喜悦的器皿。

9 他们投奔亚述,如同独行的野驴;以法莲贿买朋党。

10 他们虽在列邦中贿买人,现在我却要聚集惩罚他们;他们因君王和首领所加的重担日渐衰微。

11 以法莲增添祭坛取罪;因此,祭坛使他犯罪。

12 我为他了律万条,他却以为与他毫无关涉。

13 至於献给我的祭物,他们自食其耶和华却不悦纳他们。现在必记念他们的孽,追讨他们的罪恶;他们必归回埃及

14 以色列忘记造他的主,建造宫殿犹大多造坚固城,我却要降焚烧他的城邑,烧灭其中的宫殿





Still Life with Ham by Ferenc Ujházy

Flesh has several meanings just in its most obvious form. It can mean all living creatures as when the Lord talks about the flood "destroying all flesh"(Genesis 7:21), or it can mean all of mankind (Genesis 6:3), or it can mean something soft and yielding such as the heart of flesh to replace the stony heart (Ezekiel 11:19) But spiritually it means the loves that dwell in the will of a person, and seem to belong to that person, to be that person. This person may be one who has not started to regenerate (or never will), or one who is in the middle of the process, or one who is near the end. In the highest sense flesh means the loves that are in the Lord's will, which are divine. This meaning is clear in the Lord's words in the gospel of John (John 6:53-56).