

创世记 2



1 万物都造齐了。

2 第七日,造物的工已经完毕,就在第七日歇了他一切的工,安息了。

3 赐福给第七日,定为日;因为在这日,歇了他一切创造的工,就安息了。

4 创造的来历,在耶和华的日子,乃是这样,

5 还没有木,田间的菜蔬还没有长起来;因为耶和华还没有降上,也没有人耕

6 但有雾气从上腾,滋润遍

7 耶和华用地上的尘土造人,将生气吹在他鼻孔里,他就成了有灵的活人,名叫亚当。

8 耶和华在东方的伊甸立了一个园子,把所造的人安置在那里。

9 耶和华使各样的从地里长出来,可以悦人的眼目,其上的果子作食物。园子当中又有生命和分别善恶的

10 从伊甸流出来,滋润那园子,从那里分为道:

11 道名叫比逊,就是环绕哈腓拉全的。在那里有子,

12 并且那子是的;在那里又有珍珠和红玛瑙。

13 第二道名叫基训,就是环绕古实全的。

14 第三名叫底格里斯,流在亚述的东边。第四就是伯拉

15 耶和华将那人安置在伊甸园,使他修理,看守。

16 耶和华吩咐他说:园中各样上的果子,你可以随意

17 只是分别善恶上的果子,你不可,因为你的日子必定

18 耶和华:那人独居不,我要为他造一个配偶帮助他。

19 耶和华用土所造成的野地各样走兽和空中各样飞到那人面前,甚麽。那人怎样各样的活物,那就是他的名字

20 那人便给一切牲畜和空中飞、野地走都起了名;只是那人没有遇见配偶帮助他。

21 耶和华使他沉睡,他就睡了;於是取下他的肋骨,又把合起来。

22 耶和华就用那人身上所取的肋骨造成一个女人,领他到那人跟前。

23 :这是我中的中的,可以称他为女人,因为他是从男人身上取出来的。

24 因此,要离开父母,与妻子连合,二成为体。

25 当时夫妻人赤身露体,并不羞耻。






The most famous rib in the Bible is, of course, the one taken from Man (or Adam) and formed into Woman (or Eve) in the Garden of Eden. This event illustrates a key moment in the spiritual history of humanity, one that still drives our lives today. The first Man formed in Genesis represents the earliest church on earth. The Lord raised early humans to a state in which they lived in love to the Lord and love for each other in communication with heaven, and knew from their affections what was true and good. They were also different from us in a couple of key ways. First, they had no sense that life was their own -- they felt all life, thought and emotion flowing to them from God. Second, they lacked the capacity to separate their hearts and their minds. They could not want one thing and use their minds to choose another; their minds followed their hearts. But in the Garden of Eden, the Man was lonely -- which represents the fact that people started to want their lives to be their own. So God gave them what they wanted by taking a rib from the man and forming it into Woman. The rib and the woman both represent the "proprium," which is sometimes translated as the "own" or the "as of self." It is a complex idea, but in a nutshell it is this: The proprium is the part of us that feels our life as our own, our thoughts as our own, our feelings as our own. This is ultimately false and evil and belongs in hell, because all life in fact comes from the Lord. But the Lord allows it so that we can be happy and can act in freedom. To create it for us, He had to take the lowest, least-alive aspects of us -- represented by a bone -- and build it into a part of us that does not feel the Lord but can still be kept alive. In particular, the rib represents the nearly-dead proprium, with barely any love or thought. The woman represents that proprium clothed with living flesh, or loves from the Lord felt as our own.