

创世记 11



1 那时,天下人的口音、言语都是样。

2 他们往东边迁移的时候,在示拿遇见一片平原,就在那里。

3 他们彼此商量:来罢!我们要作砖,把砖烧透了。他们就拿砖当石头,又拿漆当灰泥。

4 他们:来罢!我们建造一座城和一座顶通,为要传扬我们的名,免得我们分散在全上。

5 耶和华降临,要世人所建造的城和

6 耶和华:看哪,他们成为样的人民,都是样的言语,如今既作起这事来,以後他们所要作的事就没有不成就的了。

7 我们去,在那里变乱他们的口音,使他们的言语彼此不通。

8 於是耶和华使他们从那里分散在全上;他们就停工,不造那城了。

9 因为耶和华在那里变乱天下人的言语,使众人分散在全上,所以那城名巴别(就是变乱的意思)。

10 代记在下面。洪水以二年,岁生了亚法撒。

11 生亚法撒之又活了五年,并且生儿养女。

12 亚法撒活到三十五岁,生了沙拉。

13 亚法撒生沙拉之又活了年,并且生儿养女。

14 沙拉活到三十岁,生了希伯。

15 沙拉生希伯之又活了年,并且生儿养女。

16 希伯活到三十岁,生了法勒。

17 希伯生法勒之又活了三十年,并且生儿养女。

18 法勒活到三十岁,生了拉吴。

19 法勒生拉吴之又活了二年,并且生儿养女。

20 拉吴活到三十岁,生了西鹿。

21 拉吴生西鹿之又活了二年,并且生儿养女。

22 西鹿活到三十岁,生了拿鹤。

23 西鹿生拿鹤之又活了二年,并且生儿养女。

24 拿鹤活到二十岁,生了他拉。

25 拿鹤生他拉之又活了一一十九年,并且生儿养女。

26 他拉活到七十岁,生了亚伯兰、拿鹤、哈兰。

27 他拉的後代记在下面。他拉生亚伯兰、拿鹤、哈兰;哈兰生罗得。

28 哈兰在他的本迦勒底的吾珥,在他父亲他拉之先。

29 亚伯兰、拿鹤各娶了妻:亚伯兰的妻子名叫撒莱;拿鹤的妻子名叫密迦,是哈兰的女儿;哈兰是密迦和亦迦的父亲

30 撒莱不生育,没有孩子。

31 他拉带着他儿子亚伯兰和他孙子哈兰儿子罗得,并他儿妇亚伯兰的妻子撒莱,出了迦勒底的吾珥,要往迦南去;他们走到哈兰,就在那里。

32 他拉共活了二零五岁,就哈兰





Rudolf von Arthaber with his Children, by Friedrich von Amerling

Father in the Word means what is most interior, and in those things that are following the Lord's order, it means what is good. In the highest sense Father means the Lord Himself, the creator. In the generation of natural children it is the father who provides the soul or the most interior receptacle of life, and an internal heredity, and the mother who provides all of the substance that the soul uses to form its body, plus an external heredity. In this process the soul comes from the Lord through the father, and not from the father, since all life is from the Lord. The wise person calls the Lord his father and the church his mother because his interior loves come from the Lord, but are given form and actuality through the truths taught by the church. Those things thus brought forth are a person's spiritual "children". In the New Testament, when speaking of Jesus and the Father, what is meant is the outward manifestation with the divine itself as the soul inside. Because Jesus was born from a natural mother, He had a natural body and a natural Jewish heredity. Throughout his life as He was tempted by the hells, He slowly put off all he had from His mother and replaced it with what He had from Himself inside, the Father. In doing this he made himself one with the Father that was His inmost so He could truly say, "I and my Father are one".